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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


1979 0 1 1 0 0
1980 0 5 6 0 3 0 3
1981 0 9 15 0 3 0 1
1982 0 6 21 0 4 0 1
1983 0 8 29 0 10 0 4
1984 0 11 40 0 28 0 6 9
1985 0 9 49 0 19 0 1
1986 0 8 57 0 40 0 2 6
1987 0 2 59 0 28 0
1988 0 10 69 0 23 0 2 2
1989 0 10 79 0 32 0 1 1
1990 0.5 0.17 0.33 0.36 6 85 48 28 28 20 10 39 14 0 0 0.09
1991 0.31 0.14 0.38 0.33 26 111 1719 42 70 16 5 36 12 2 4.8 12 0.46 0.1
1992 0.47 0.13 0.35 0.31 11 122 275 42 113 32 15 54 17 2 4.8 1 0.09 0.09
1993 0.73 0.17 0.45 0.52 15 137 567 61 174 37 27 63 33 7 11.5 7 0.47 0.1
1994 0.62 0.17 0.59 0.78 26 163 485 90 270 26 16 68 53 15 16.7 8 0.31 0.08
1995 1.05 0.22 1.01 1.18 22 185 484 184 457 41 43 84 99 23 12.5 10 0.45 0.13
1996 0.73 0.25 0.97 1.03 19 204 954 197 655 48 35 100 103 17 8.6 16 0.84 0.14
1997 0.85 0.28 0.92 0.77 14 218 318 196 855 41 35 93 72 2 1 5 0.36 0.15
1998 1.06 0.31 0.92 0.69 17 235 1518 216 1072 33 35 96 66 3 1.4 8 0.47 0.18
1999 1.61 0.39 1.08 0.89 12 247 1064 261 1338 31 50 98 87 4 1.5 5 0.42 0.25
2000 2.21 0.54 1.32 1.62 19 266 454 350 1689 29 64 84 136 14 4 12 0.63 0.24
2001 1.23 0.49 1.37 1.93 9 275 86 373 2067 31 38 81 156 6 1.6 8 0.89 0.27
2002 1.79 0.54 1.35 2.01 12 287 1700 386 2454 28 50 71 143 13 3.4 14 1.17 0.31
2003 2 0.53 1.8 2.59 8 295 186 531 2985 21 42 69 179 7 1.3 6 0.75 0.3
2004 4.1 0.6 2.08 2.48 8 303 197 626 3616 20 82 60 149 6 1 10 1.25 0.36
2005 3.19 0.6 2.2 2.59 16 319 977 691 4319 16 51 56 145 8 1.2 30 1.88 0.36
2006 3 0.59 2.21 3.02 14 333 922 730 5054 24 72 53 160 13 1.8 28 2 0.34
2007 3.57 0.52 2.01 3.33 12 345 454 694 5748 30 107 58 193 6 0.9 31 2.58 0.29
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11984Econometric Models for Count Data with an Application to the Patents-R&D Relationship. (1984). Hausman, Jerry ; Hall, Bronwyn ; Griliches, Zvi. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0017.

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22002Testing for Weak Instruments in Linear IV Regression. (2002). Yogo, Motohiro ; Stock, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0284.

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31991Pitfalls and Opportunities: What Macroeconomists Should Know About Unit Roots. (1991). Perron, Pierre ; Campbell, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0100.

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41999Predictive Regressions. (1999). Stambaugh, Robert. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0240.

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52005Structural Equations, Treatment Effects and Econometric Policy Evaluation. (2005). Vytlacil, Edward ; Heckman, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0306.

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61998An Analysis of Sample Attrition in Panel Data: The Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics. (1998). Moffitt, Robert ; Gottschalk, Peter ; Fitzgerald, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0220.

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71996The NBER Manufacturing Productivity Database. (1996). Gray, Wayne ; Bartelsman, Eric. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0205.

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81996Forecast Evaluation and Combination. (1996). Lopez, Jose ; Diebold, Francis. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0192.

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91998An Optimization-Based Econometric Framework for the Evaluation of Monetary Policy: Expanded Version. (1998). Woodford, Michael ; Rotemberg, Julio. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0233.

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101985Testing the Random Walk Hypothesis: Power versus Frequency of Observation. (1985). Shiller, Robert ; Perron, Pierre. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0045.

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112002Simple and Bias-Corrected Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects. (2002). Imbens, Guido ; Abadie, Alberto ; Alberto, . In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0283.

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121991A Theory of Workouts and the Effects of Reorganization Law. (1991). Scharfstein, David ; Gertner, Robert . In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0103.

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132006Robust Inference with Multi-way Clustering. (2006). Miller, Douglas ; Gelbach, Jonah ; Cameron, A.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0327.

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141986A Simple, Positive Semi-Definite, Heteroskedasticity and AutocorrelationConsistent Covariance Matrix. (1986). West, Kenneth ; Newey, Whitney. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0055.

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151982On the Estimation of Structural Hedonic Price Models. (1982). Rosen, Harvey ; Brown, James N.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0018.

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161998Much Ado About Two: Reconsidering Retransformation and the Two-Part Model in Health Economics. (1998). Mullahy, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0228.

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171995Split Sample Instrumental Variables. (1995). Krueger, Alan ; Angrist, Joshua. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0150.

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182006DSGE Models in a Data-Rich Environment. (2006). Giannoni, Marc ; Boivin, Jean. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0332.

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191994Instrumental Variables Regression with Weak Instruments. (1994). Staiger, Doug ; Stock, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0151.

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201998Regression-Based Tests of Predictive Ability. (1998). West, Kenneth ; McCracken, Michael. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0226.

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211998Net Health Benefits: A New Framework for the Analysis of Uncertainty in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. (1998). Mullahy, John ; Stinnett, Aaron A.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0227.

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222005Inference with Weak Instruments. (2005). Stock, James ; Andrews, Donald. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0313.

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231993Identification of Causal Effects Using Instrumental Variables. (1993). Imbens, Guido ; Angrist, Joshua ; Rubin, D. B.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0136.

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242007Regression Discontinuity Designs: A Guide to Practice. (2007). Lemieux, Thomas ; Imbens, Guido. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0337.

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251999A Note on Longitudinally Matching Current Population Survey (CPS) Respondents. (1999). Madrian, Brigitte ; Lefgren, Lars. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0247.

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261993Long-memory Inflation Uncertainty: Evidence from the Term Structure of Interest Rates. (1993). Zin, Stanley ; Backus, David. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0133.

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271991Confidence Intervals for the Largest Autoresgressive Root in U.S. Macroeconomic Time Series. (1991). Stock, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0105.

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281992The Influence Of Probability on Risky Choice: A parametric Examination. (1992). Witte, Dryden A. ; Lattimore, Pamela K. ; Baker, Joanna R.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0081.

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291984Saddlepoint Problems in Contifuous Time Rational Expectations Models: A General Method and Some Macroeconomic Ehamples. (1984). Buiter, Willem. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0020.

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302000Local Instrumental Variables. (2000). Vytlacil, Edward ; Heckman, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0252.

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312006On the Failure of the Bootstrap for Matching Estimators. (2006). Imbens, Guido ; Abadie, Alberto. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0325.

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321993The Cure Can Be Worse than the Disease: A Cautionary Tale Regarding Instrumental Variables. (1993). Jaeger, David ; Bound, John ; Baker, Regina. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0137.

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331992Efficient Tests for an Autoregressive Unit Root. (1992). Stock, James ; Elliott, Graham ; ROTHENBERG, Thomas J.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0130.

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34Rank-1/2: A Simple Way to Improve the OLS Estimation of Tail Exponents. (2007). Ibragimov, Rustam ; Gabaix, Xavier. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0342.

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351993Econometric Methods for Fractional Response Variables with an Application to 401(k) Plan Participation Rates. (1993). Wooldridge, Jeffrey ; Papke, Leslie. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0147.

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362006Using Randomization in Development Economics Research: A Toolkit. (2006). Kremer, Michael ; Glennerster, Rachel ; Duflo, Esther. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0333.

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371991Instrumental Variables Estimation of Average Treatment Effects in Econometrics and Epidemiology. (1991). Angrist, Joshua. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0115.

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381983Two-Step Two-Stage Least Squares Estimation in Models with Rational Expectations. (1983). Obstfeld, Maurice ; Cumby, Robert ; Huizinga, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0011.

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392004A Monte Carlo Study of Growth Regressions. (2004). Wacziarg, Romain ; Hauk, William ; Jr., . In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0296.

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401998Solutions to Linear Rational Expectations Models: A Compact Exposition. (1998). McCallum, Bennett. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0232.

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411997Solving Large Scale Rational Expectations Models. (1997). Judd, Kenneth ; GASPAR, JESS. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0207.

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421999The Role of the Propensity Score in Estimating Dose-Response Functions. (1999). Imbens, Guido. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0237.

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431994Asymptotically Optimal Smoothing with ARCH Models. (1994). Nelson, Daniel B.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0161.

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441995Investment Under Alternative Return Assumptions: Comparing Random Walks and Mean Reversion. (1995). Metcalf, Gilbert ; hassett, kevin. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0175.

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451997Evaluating Density Forecasts. (1997). Tay, Anthony S ; Diebold, Francis ; Gunther, Todd A.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0215.

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462003Nonparametric Estimation of Average Treatment Effects under Exogeneity: A Review. (2003). Imbens, Guido. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0294.

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472006Moving the Goalposts: Addressing Limited Overlap in the Estimation of Average Treatment Effects by Changing the Estimand. (2006). Mitnik, Oscar ; Imbens, Guido ; Hotz, V. Joseph ; Crump, Richard. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0330.

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481986Sequential Bargaining Under Asymmetric Information. (1986). Perry, Motty ; Grossman, Sanford. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0056.

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491995Identification and Estimation of Local Average Treatment Effects. (1995). Imbens, Guido ; Angrist, Joshua. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0118.

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502002Parametric and Nonparametric Volatility Measurement. (2002). Diebold, Francis ; Bollerslev, Tim ; Andersen, Torben. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0279.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11984Econometric Models for Count Data with an Application to the Patents-R&D Relationship. (1984). Hausman, Jerry ; Hall, Bronwyn ; Griliches, Zvi. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0017.

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22005Structural Equations, Treatment Effects and Econometric Policy Evaluation. (2005). Vytlacil, Edward ; Heckman, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0306.

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32002Testing for Weak Instruments in Linear IV Regression. (2002). Yogo, Motohiro ; Stock, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0284.

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41999Predictive Regressions. (1999). Stambaugh, Robert. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0240.

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51998An Analysis of Sample Attrition in Panel Data: The Michigan Panel Study of Income Dynamics. (1998). Moffitt, Robert ; Gottschalk, Peter ; Fitzgerald, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0220.

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61991Pitfalls and Opportunities: What Macroeconomists Should Know About Unit Roots. (1991). Perron, Pierre ; Campbell, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0100.

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71995Identification and Estimation of Local Average Treatment Effects. (1995). Imbens, Guido ; Angrist, Joshua. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0118.

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81994Instrumental Variables Regression with Weak Instruments. (1994). Staiger, Doug ; Stock, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0151.

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91992Efficient Tests for an Autoregressive Unit Root. (1992). Stock, James ; Elliott, Graham ; ROTHENBERG, Thomas J.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0130.

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101986A Simple, Positive Semi-Definite, Heteroskedasticity and AutocorrelationConsistent Covariance Matrix. (1986). West, Kenneth ; Newey, Whitney. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0055.

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111991A Theory of Workouts and the Effects of Reorganization Law. (1991). Scharfstein, David ; Gertner, Robert . In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0103.

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122002Simple and Bias-Corrected Matching Estimators for Average Treatment Effects. (2002). Imbens, Guido ; Abadie, Alberto ; Alberto, . In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0283.

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131996Forecast Evaluation and Combination. (1996). Lopez, Jose ; Diebold, Francis. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0192.

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141996The NBER Manufacturing Productivity Database. (1996). Gray, Wayne ; Bartelsman, Eric. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0205.

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151995Split Sample Instrumental Variables. (1995). Krueger, Alan ; Angrist, Joshua. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0150.

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162003Nonparametric Estimation of Average Treatment Effects under Exogeneity: A Review. (2003). Imbens, Guido. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0294.

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172005Inference with Weak Instruments. (2005). Stock, James ; Andrews, Donald. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0313.

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182006Moving the Goalposts: Addressing Limited Overlap in the Estimation of Average Treatment Effects by Changing the Estimand. (2006). Mitnik, Oscar ; Imbens, Guido ; Hotz, V. Joseph ; Crump, Richard. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0330.

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191982On the Estimation of Structural Hedonic Price Models. (1982). Rosen, Harvey ; Brown, James N.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0018.

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201998An Optimization-Based Econometric Framework for the Evaluation of Monetary Policy: Expanded Version. (1998). Woodford, Michael ; Rotemberg, Julio. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0233.

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211985Testing the Random Walk Hypothesis: Power versus Frequency of Observation. (1985). Shiller, Robert ; Perron, Pierre. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0045.

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221998Net Health Benefits: A New Framework for the Analysis of Uncertainty in Cost-Effectiveness Analysis. (1998). Mullahy, John ; Stinnett, Aaron A.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0227.

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231991Confidence Intervals for the Largest Autoresgressive Root in U.S. Macroeconomic Time Series. (1991). Stock, James. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0105.

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241992The Influence Of Probability on Risky Choice: A parametric Examination. (1992). Witte, Dryden A. ; Lattimore, Pamela K. ; Baker, Joanna R.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0081.

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251997An Introduction to Applicable Game Theory. (1997). Gibbons, Robert. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0199.

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262006DSGE Models in a Data-Rich Environment. (2006). Giannoni, Marc ; Boivin, Jean. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0332.

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271998Much Ado About Two: Reconsidering Retransformation and the Two-Part Model in Health Economics. (1998). Mullahy, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0228.

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282006Using Randomization in Development Economics Research: A Toolkit. (2006). Kremer, Michael ; Glennerster, Rachel ; Duflo, Esther. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0333.

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291999A Note on Longitudinally Matching Current Population Survey (CPS) Respondents. (1999). Madrian, Brigitte ; Lefgren, Lars. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0247.

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301993Long-memory Inflation Uncertainty: Evidence from the Term Structure of Interest Rates. (1993). Zin, Stanley ; Backus, David. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0133.

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312007Regression Discontinuity Designs: A Guide to Practice. (2007). Lemieux, Thomas ; Imbens, Guido. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0337.

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322006Non-response in the American Time Use Survey: Who Is Missing from the Data and How Much Does It Matter?. (2006). Abraham, Katharine ; Maitland, Aaron ; Bianchi, Suzanne M.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0328.

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331997Evaluating Density Forecasts. (1997). Tay, Anthony S ; Diebold, Francis ; Gunther, Todd A.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0215.

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342007The Identification and Economic Content of Ordered Choice Models with Stochastic Thresholds. (2007). Navarro, Salvador ; Heckman, James ; Cunha, Flavio. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0340.

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351995Investment Under Alternative Return Assumptions: Comparing Random Walks and Mean Reversion. (1995). Metcalf, Gilbert ; hassett, kevin. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0175.

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362007Unconditional Quantile Regressions. (2007). Lemieux, Thomas ; Fortin, Nicole ; Firpo, Sergio. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0339.

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371991Instrumental Variables Estimation of Average Treatment Effects in Econometrics and Epidemiology. (1991). Angrist, Joshua. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0115.

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381999Interaction Effects and Difference-in-Difference Estimation in Loglinear Models. (1999). Mullahy, John. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0245.

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391986Sequential Bargaining Under Asymmetric Information. (1986). Perry, Motty ; Grossman, Sanford. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0056.

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401998Regression-Based Tests of Predictive Ability. (1998). West, Kenneth ; McCracken, Michael. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0226.

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411992Filtering and Forecasting with Misspecified Arch Models II: Making the Right Forecast with the Wrong Model. (1992). Foster, Dean ; Nelson, Daniel B.. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0132.

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421997Solving Large Scale Rational Expectations Models. (1997). Judd, Kenneth ; GASPAR, JESS. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0207.

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432007Manipulation of the Running Variable in the Regression Discontinuity Design: A Density Test. (2007). McCrary, Justin . In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0334.

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441991A Note on the Time-Elimination Method For Solving Recursive Dynamic Economic Models. (1991). Sala-i-Martin, Xavier ; Mulligan, Casey. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0116.

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451984Saddlepoint Problems in Contifuous Time Rational Expectations Models: A General Method and Some Macroeconomic Ehamples. (1984). Buiter, Willem. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0020.

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461993Econometric Methods for Fractional Response Variables with an Application to 401(k) Plan Participation Rates. (1993). Wooldridge, Jeffrey ; Papke, Leslie. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0147.

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471998Overidentification Tests with Grouped Data. (1998). Paserman, M. Daniele ; Hoxby, Caroline. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0223.

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482006Vector Multiplicative Error Models: Representation and Inference. (2006). Gallo, Giampiero ; Engle, Robert ; Cipollini, Fabrizio. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0331.

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491998Monotone Instrumental Variables with an Application to the Returns to Schooling. (1998). Pepper, John ; Manski, Charles. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0224.

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502005Threshold Crossing Models and Bounds on Treatment Effects: A Nonparametric Analysis. (2005). Vytlacil, Edward ; Shaikh, Azeem. In: NBER Technical Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberte:0307.

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