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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1967 0 1 1 0 0
1970 0 2 3 0 0
1971 0 1 4 0 0
1976 0 1 5 0 0
1979 0 2 7 0 0
1983 0 1 8 0 3 0 1
1988 0 1 9 0 4 0
1992 0 0.11 0 0 1 10 40 8 0 1 0 0 0.05
1993 4 0.13 0.36 2 1 11 1 4 12 1 4 2 4 0 0 0.06
1994 1.5 0.14 0.25 1.5 17 28 23 7 19 2 3 2 3 0 1 0.06 0.07
1995 0.17 0.22 0.36 0.32 19 47 95 17 36 18 3 19 6 4 23.5 6 0.32 0.1
1996 0.19 0.25 0.25 0.21 18 65 155 16 52 36 7 38 8 4 25 2 0.11 0.12
1997 0.3 0.24 0.31 0.25 19 84 90 26 78 37 11 56 14 5 19.2 3 0.16 0.11
1998 0.24 0.28 0.19 0.16 19 103 142 19 98 37 9 74 12 2 10.5 0 0.13
1999 0.55 0.3 0.52 0.45 15 118 113 61 159 38 21 92 41 8 13.1 7 0.47 0.15
2000 0.47 0.36 0.44 0.44 16 134 118 57 218 34 16 90 40 4 7 3 0.19 0.16
2001 0.39 0.38 0.46 0.4 14 148 103 66 286 31 12 87 35 7 10.6 1 0.07 0.17
2002 0.4 0.41 0.39 0.39 17 165 365 64 351 30 12 83 32 5 7.8 4 0.24 0.21
2003 0.94 0.44 0.49 0.7 13 178 68 88 439 31 29 81 57 6 6.8 0 0.22
2004 1.2 0.49 0.51 0.68 14 192 73 98 537 30 36 75 51 5 5.1 3 0.21 0.22
2005 0.41 0.5 0.38 0.45 21 213 124 80 617 27 11 74 33 4 5 1 0.05 0.23
2006 0.34 0.5 0.5 0.49 15 228 29 114 731 35 12 79 39 5 4.4 4 0.27 0.22
2007 0.31 0.46 0.35 0.39 14 242 18 85 816 36 11 80 31 4 4.7 0 0.2
2013 0 0.56 0.47 0 1 243 0 114 1349 0 0 0 0 0.24
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11979The Balance of Payments Constraint as an Explanation of International Growth Rate Differences. (1979). Thirlwall, Anthony. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1979:01.

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22002Cyclical patterns in profits, provisioning and lending of banks and procyclicality of the new Basel capital requirements. (2002). Bikker, Jacob ; Hu, Haixia. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2002:22.

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31996The amendment to the capital accord to incorporate market risk. (1996). Hall, Maximilian ; M. J. B. HALL, . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1996:26.

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42002Anchor, float or abandon ship: exchange rate regimes for the accession countries. (2002). Buiter, Willem ; Grafe, Clemens . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2002:21.

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52005Franco Modigliani and the life-cycle theory of consumption. (2005). Deaton, Angus. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:28.

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61967Money, prices and fiscal lags: a note on the dynamics of inflation. (1967). Julio H. G. Olivera, . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1967:34.

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71992The Case for Central Bank Independence. (1992). Sturm, Jan-Egbert ; de Haan, Jakob. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1992:33.

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81998An economists Manifesto on unemployment in the European Union. (1998). Solow, Robert ; Moro, Beniamino ; Fitoussi, Jean-Paul ; STEINHERR, A. ; Labini, Sylos P. ; J.-P. Fitoussi, ; MODIGLIANI, F. ; SNOWER, D.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1998:35.

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92005The geography of banking power: role of function distance. (2005). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Alessandrini, Pietro ; Croci, Manuela . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:31.

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101998Assessing the competitive conditions in the Italian banking system: some empirical evidence. (1998). Coccorese, Paolo. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1998:24.

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111999Banks and monetary transmission in Europe: empirical evidence. (1999). de Bondt, Gabe. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1999:22.

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121995Central bank independence in another eleven countries. (1995). Eijffinger, Sylvester ; van Keulen, M.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1995:13.

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132000Critique of the neoclassical theory of growth and distribution. (2000). Pasinetti, Luigi L.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:42.

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142001The balance-of-payments constraint:from balanced trade to sustainable debt. (2001). Barbosa-Filho, Nelson. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2001:43.

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152002Monetary policy and wage bargaining in the EMU: restrictive ECB policies, high unemployment, nominal wage restraint and inflation above the target. (2002). Hein, Eckhard. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2002:33.

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16The impact of the bank-firm relations on the propagation of monetary policy squeezes: an empirical assessment for Italy. (1997). Ferri, Giovanni ; Generale, A. ; CONIGLIANI, C.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1997:32.

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171971Inflation and growth: the international evidence. (1971). Thirlwall, Anthony ; Barton, A. C.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1971:34.

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181988Currency speculation and dollar fluctuations. (1988). Schulmeister, Stephan. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1988:41.

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192004An index for sustainable development. (2004). Palazzi, Paolo ; Tarabusi, Enrico Casadio . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2004:25.

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201999Accountability of central banks: aspects and quantification. (1999). Eijffinger, Sylvester ; de Haan, Jakob ; Amtenbrink, F. ; S. C. W. EIJFFINGER, . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1999:23.

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212001Impact of income-detection technology and other factors on aggregate income tax evasion:the case of the United States. (2001). Cebula, Richard. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2001:44.

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221998Balance-of-payments constrained economic growth: the case of Mexico. (1998). Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos ; J.-C. MORENO-BRID, . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1998:43.

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232000Market concentration and technological innovation in a dynamic model of growth and distribution. (2000). Lima, Gilberto. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:44.

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242004Trade liberalisation in Mexico: rhetoric and reality. (2004). Thirlwall, Anthony ; Pacheco López, Penélope ; Pacheco-Lopez, Pennelope . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2004:23.

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252000Is the natural rate of growth exogenous?. (2000). Thirlwall, Anthony ; Leon-Ledesma, Miguel. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:43.

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262002Pop competitiveness. (2002). Soci, Anna ; Cellino, Roberto . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2002:15.

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271995Persistent profitability of technical analysis on foreign exchange markets?. (1995). Menkhoff, Lukas ; SCHLUMBERGER, M.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1995:25.

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281983Foreign trade elasticities in centre-periphery models of growth and development. (1983). Thirlwall, Anthony. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1983:33.

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292001Does central bank independence reflect monetary commitment properly? Methodical considerations. (2001). Freytag, Andreas. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2001:22.

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301999Credit channels in Europe: a cross-country investigation. (1999). de Bondt, Gabe. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1999:34.

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311998The Human Development Index: suggested corrections. (1998). Palazzi, Paolo ; LAURI, A.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1998:25.

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321999The employment issue: investment, flexibility and the competition of developing countries. (1999). Labini, Sylos P.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1999:32.

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331997What really matters: conservativeness or independence?. (1997). de Haan, Jakob ; KOOI, W.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1997:12.

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341996Finance and growth: a synthesis and interpretation of the evidence. (1996). Galetovic, A.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1996:13.

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351995The statistical association between central bank independence and inflation. (1995). CARGILL, T. F.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1995:23.

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362003On the burden of German unification. (2003). Bibow, Joerg. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2003:23.

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372003Banks, regions and development. (2003). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Papi, Luca ; Alessandrini, Pietro. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2003:12.

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382002The generation and distribution of central bank seigniorage in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. (2002). Rovelli, Riccardo ; Hochreiter, Eduard. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2002:43.

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392000The neoclassical theory of growth and distribution. (2000). Solow, Robert. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:41.

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402003Intra-middle eastern trade: why is it so low?. (2003). Askari, Hossein ; Atie, Rana ; Khouri, Nicolas . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2003:33.

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411995Asset inflation and monetary policy. (1995). KINDLEBERGER, C. P.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1995:12.

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42Central banks in European emerging market economies in the 1990s. (2000). Kowalski, Tadeusz ; Hochreiter, Eduard. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:13.

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432004Central banks and information provided to the private sector. (2004). Marchetti, Enrico ; Di Bartolomeo, Giovanni. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2004:32.

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442001The foreign exchange market interventions of the European Central Bank. (2001). Pierdzionc, C. ; Frenkel, M. ; Stadtmann, G.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2001:32.

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451995Italian monetary policy in the 80s and 90s: the revision of the modus operandi. (1995). SARCINELLI, M.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1995:42.

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461997Setting conversion rates for the third stage of EMU. (1997). De Grauwe, Paul ; Spaventa, L.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1997:21.

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472005Modiglianis life-cycle theory of savings fifty years later. (2005). Baranzini, Mauro . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:29.

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482003The reputation of a newborn central bank. (2003). Vaciago, Giacomo ; Rotondi, Zeno. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2003:11.

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491979Long run dynamics of productivity growth. (1979). Maddison, Angus. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1979:11.

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502002Consolidation, ownership structure and efficiency in the Italian banking system. (2002). Messori, Marcello. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2002:23.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11979The Balance of Payments Constraint as an Explanation of International Growth Rate Differences. (1979). Thirlwall, Anthony. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1979:01.

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22002Cyclical patterns in profits, provisioning and lending of banks and procyclicality of the new Basel capital requirements. (2002). Bikker, Jacob ; Hu, Haixia. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2002:22.

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32005Franco Modigliani and the life-cycle theory of consumption. (2005). Deaton, Angus. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:28.

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42001The balance-of-payments constraint:from balanced trade to sustainable debt. (2001). Barbosa-Filho, Nelson. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2001:43.

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52000Critique of the neoclassical theory of growth and distribution. (2000). Pasinetti, Luigi L.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:42.

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62000Is the natural rate of growth exogenous?. (2000). Thirlwall, Anthony ; Leon-Ledesma, Miguel. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:43.

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71999The employment issue: investment, flexibility and the competition of developing countries. (1999). Labini, Sylos P.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1999:32.

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82004An index for sustainable development. (2004). Palazzi, Paolo ; Tarabusi, Enrico Casadio . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2004:25.

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91983Foreign trade elasticities in centre-periphery models of growth and development. (1983). Thirlwall, Anthony. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1983:33.

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102005Modiglianis life-cycle theory of savings fifty years later. (2005). Baranzini, Mauro . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:29.

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112000The neoclassical theory of growth and distribution. (2000). Solow, Robert. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2000:41.

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121997Seigniorage, electronic money and financial independence of central banks. (1997). VISSER, A. ; GROENEVELD, H.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1997:14.

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131998Macroeconomic thought at the European Commission in the 1970s: the first decade of the annual economic reports. (1998). Maes, I.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1998:42.

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141999Banks and monetary transmission in Europe: empirical evidence. (1999). de Bondt, Gabe. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1999:22.

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152005Franco: a mind never at rest. (2005). Samuelson, Paul A.. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:22.

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161992The Case for Central Bank Independence. (1992). Sturm, Jan-Egbert ; de Haan, Jakob. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:1992:33.

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172005The Modigliani-Miller theorems: a cornerstone of finance. (2005). Pagano, Marco. In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:213.

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182005The geography of banking power: role of function distance. (2005). Zazzaro, Alberto ; Alessandrini, Pietro ; Croci, Manuela . In: BNL Quarterly Review. RePEc:psl:bnlaqr:2005:31.

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