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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2008 0 0.59 1 0 2 2 10 2 2 0 0 0 2 1 0.29
2009 0.5 0.58 0.4 0.5 3 5 29 2 4 2 1 2 1 0 1 0.33 0.33
2010 1.2 0.52 0.46 1.2 8 13 30 6 10 5 6 5 6 1 16.7 0 0.3
2011 0.27 0.61 0.2 0.23 7 20 24 4 14 11 3 13 3 2 50 1 0.14 0.37
2012 0.67 0.68 1 0.6 13 33 81 31 47 15 10 20 12 14 45.2 13 1 0.36
2013 0.45 0.67 0.57 0.55 11 44 101 25 72 20 9 33 18 9 36 0 0.35
2014 0.83 0.67 0.6 0.57 9 53 20 32 104 24 20 42 24 9 28.1 3 0.33 0.34
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Australian Renewable Energy Policy: Barriers and Challenges. (2013). Wagner, Liam ; Foster, John ; Byrnes, Liam ; Brown, Colin. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:2-2013.

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22012Resilience and electricity systems: a comparative analysis. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:15.

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32010Future prospects of microalgal biofuel production systems. (2010). Wagner, Liam ; Hankamer, Ben ; Kruse, Olaf ; Borowitzka, Michael A. ; Mussgnug, Jan H. ; Ross, Ian ; Stephens, Evan ; Posten, Clemens . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:7-2010.

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42011Is There an Optimal Entry Time for Carbon Capture and Storage? A Case Study for Australias National Electricity Market. (2011). Wagner, Liam ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:07.

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52009Grandfathering and Greenhouse: The Role of Compensation and Adjustment Assistance in the Introduction of a Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme for Australia. (2009). Wagner, Liam ; Quiggin, John ; Menezes, Flavio. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:3-2009.

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62014LCOE models: A comparison of the theoretical frameworks and key assumptions. (2014). Wagner, Liam ; Foster, John ; Bratanova, Alexandra. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:4-2014.

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72009The Western Australian Power Dilemma. (2009). Wild, Phillip ; Simshauser, Paul. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:2-2009.

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82012An economic evaluation of the potential for distributed energy in Australia. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Reedman, Luke ; Szatow, Anthony ; Lilley, William ; Alie, Colin . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:16.

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9An Assessment of the Impact of the Introduction of Carbon Price Signals on Prices, Production Trends, Carbon Emissions and Power Flows in the NEM for the period 2007-2009.. (2012). Wild, Phillip ; Foster, John ; Bell, William. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:4-2012.

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102013Analysis of institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change. (2013). Wild, Phillip ; Wagner, Liam ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Sharma, Deepak ; Bell, William Paul ; Sandu, Suwin ; Misra, Suchi ; Bagia, Ravindra . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:6-2013.

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112008Randomly Modulated Periodic Signals in Australias National Electricity Market. (2008). Wild, Phillip ; Foster, John ; Hinich, Melvin. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:2-2008.

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122012The Impact of Carbon Pricing on Wholesale Electricity Prices, Carbon Pass-Through Rates and Retail Electricity Tariffs in Australia.. (2012). Wild, Phillip ; Foster, John ; Bell, William. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:5-2012.

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132010Modeling the deployment of plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles and their effects on the Australian National Electricity Market.. (2010). Wagner, Liam ; Reedman, Luke. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:06.

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142011Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: Interim Report 2011. (2011). Wild, Phillip ; Wagner, Liam ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Bell, William ; Zhao, Junhua. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:11.

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152012Australian Power: Can renewable technologies change the dominant industry view?. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:13-2012.

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162012Institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change. (2012). Wild, Phillip ; Wagner, Liam ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Bell, William ; Sandu, Suwin ; Misra, Suchi ; Bagia, Ravindra ; Sharma, Deepak. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:7-2012.

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172011Final Report: Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid. (2011). Wild, Phillip ; Wagner, Liam ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Bell, William ; Zhao, Junhua. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:12.

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182011Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: End of Year Report 2010. (2011). Wild, Phillip ; Wagner, Liam ; Liebman, Ariel ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Skoofa, Lucas ; Zhao, Junhua. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:10.

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192014A Review of Distributed Generation for Rural and Remote Area Electrification. (2014). Wagner, Liam ; Foster, John ; Byrnes, Liam. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:3-2014.

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202012Energy cost modelling of new technology adoption for Russian regional power and heat generation. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Robinson, Jackie ; Bratanova, Alexandra. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:9-2012.

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212011Delivering a Competitive Australian Power System. Part 1: Australia’s Global Position. (2011). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Ball, Barry ; Saha, Tapan ; Meredith, Paul ; Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove ; Ehmann, Bertram . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:13.

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222009Australian electricity market power analysis under potential emission trading scheme. (2009). Liebman, Ariel ; James, Geoff ; Dong, Zhao Yang ; Zhou, Xun. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:1-2009.

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23Potential Impact of Emission Trading Schemes on the Australian National Electricity Market. (2008). Liebman, Ariel ; James, Geoff ; Dong, Zhao Yang ; Zhou, Xun. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:1-2008.

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242010Is there a more effective way to reduce carbon emissions?. (2010). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:04.

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252012Where is Australian Power headed in 2035?. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Froome, Craig. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:10-2012.

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262012Institutional adaptability to redress electricity infrastructure vulnerability due to climate change: A non-technical summary for policy makers. (2012). Wild, Phillip ; Wagner, Liam ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Bell, William ; Sandu, Suwin ; Misra, Suchi ; Bagia, Ravindra ; Sharma, Deepak. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:8-2012.

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272013Testing for Market Integration in the Australian National Electricity Market. (2013). Nepal, Rabindra ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:11-2013.

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282010Investigating the Impacts of Distributed Generation on Transmission Expansion Cost: An Australian Case Study. (2010). Foster, John ; Zhao, Junhua. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:02.

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292010Flexible transmission network planning considering distributed generation impacts. (2010). Foster, John ; Dong, Z Y ; Wong, K P ; Zhao, Junhua. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:8-2010.

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302014Measuring resilience in energy systems: Insights from a range of disciplines. (2014). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Foster, John ; Brown, Colin. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:8-2014.

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312013Energy, Knowledge and Economic Growth. (2013). Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:3-2013.

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322014The cost of failing to install renewable energy in regional Western Australia. (2014). Byrnes, Liam. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:9-2014.

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332013New Technology Adoption for Russian Regional Energy Generation: Moscow Case Study. (2013). Wagner, Liam ; Bratanova, Alexandra ; Robinson, Jacqueline . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:4-2013.

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342011Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: End of Year Report 2009. (2011). Wild, Phillip ; Wagner, Liam ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Skoofa, Lucas ; Zhao, Junhua. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:09.

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352013The magnitude of the impact of a shift from coal to gas under a Carbon Price. (2013). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:9-2013.

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362011Market and Economic Modelling of the Intelligent Grid: 1st Interim Report 2009. (2011). Wagner, Liam ; Liebman, Ariel ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:08.

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372012Magnifying uncertainty: the impact of a shift to gas under a carbon price. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:11-2012.

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382014Collinsville solar thermal project: Yield forecasting - Draft report. (2014). Wild, Phillip ; Foster, John ; Bell, William. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:5-2014.

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392013Delivering a competitive Australian power system Part 2: The challenges, the scenarios. (2013). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Ball, Barry ; Saha, Tapan ; Meredith, Paul ; Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:1-2013.

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402012Microalgal production systems: Global impact of industry scale-up. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Hankamer, Ben ; Ross, Ian ; Stephens, Evan . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:12-2012.

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412013Delivering a competitive Australian power system Part 3: A Better Way to Competitive Power in 2035. (2013). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John ; Ball, Barry ; Saha, Tapan ; Meredith, Paul ; Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove ; Greig, Chris. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:10-2013.

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422013Market-Related Reforms and Increased Energy Efficiency in Transition Countries: Empirical Evidence. (2013). Tisdell, Clement ; Nepal, Rabindra ; Jamasb, Tooraj. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:8-2013.

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432014Collinsville solar thermal project: Energy economics and Dispatch forecasting - Draft repor. (2014). Wild, Phillip ; Foster, John ; Bell, William. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:6-2014.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12013Australian Renewable Energy Policy: Barriers and Challenges. (2013). Wagner, Liam ; Foster, John ; Byrnes, Liam ; Brown, Colin. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:2-2013.

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22012Resilience and electricity systems: a comparative analysis. (2012). Wagner, Liam ; Molyneaux, Lynette ; Froome, Craig ; Foster, John. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:15.

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32009Grandfathering and Greenhouse: The Role of Compensation and Adjustment Assistance in the Introduction of a Carbon Emissions Trading Scheme for Australia. (2009). Wagner, Liam ; Quiggin, John ; Menezes, Flavio. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:3-2009.

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42010Future prospects of microalgal biofuel production systems. (2010). Wagner, Liam ; Hankamer, Ben ; Kruse, Olaf ; Borowitzka, Michael A. ; Mussgnug, Jan H. ; Ross, Ian ; Stephens, Evan ; Posten, Clemens . In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:7-2010.

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52014LCOE models: A comparison of the theoretical frameworks and key assumptions. (2014). Wagner, Liam ; Foster, John ; Bratanova, Alexandra. In: Energy Economics and Management Group Working Papers. RePEc:qld:uqeemg:4-2014.

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