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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
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2007 0.1 0.52 1.08 0.09 12 12 10 13 13 31 3 88 8 1 7.7 0 0.29
2008 0.13 0.59 1.47 0.24 7 19 13 28 41 24 3 74 18 2 7.1 0 0.29
2009 0.05 0.58 0.76 0.09 15 34 37 26 67 19 1 65 6 4 15.4 2 0.13 0.33
2010 0.14 0.52 0.7 0.14 12 46 28 32 99 22 3 65 9 2 6.3 2 0.17 0.3
2011 0.07 0.61 0.38 0.1 15 61 33 23 122 27 2 58 6 2 8.7 3 0.2 0.37
2012 0.19 0.68 0.36 0.16 8 69 19 25 147 27 5 61 10 0 0 0.36
2013 0.39 0.67 0.56 0.26 8 77 3 43 190 23 9 57 15 0 0 0.35
2014 0.13 0.67 0.28 0.14 20 97 17 27 217 16 2 58 8 1 3.7 0 0.34
2015 0.04 0.66 0.35 0.22 8 105 7 37 254 28 1 63 14 0 0 0.36
2016 0.32 0.65 0.27 0.24 8 113 9 30 284 28 9 59 14 0 0 0.35
2017 0.5 0.62 0.37 0.23 10 123 6 45 329 16 8 52 12 2 4.4 0 0.35
2018 0.22 0.62 0.33 0.19 1 124 0 41 370 18 4 54 10 0 0 0.35
2020 0 0.72 0.24 0.22 2 126 0 30 424 1 27 6 0 1 0.5 0.78
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12001The Statistical Properties of Hedge Fund Index Returns. (2001). Kat, Harry ; Brooks, Chris ; Harry. M Kat, . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2001-09.

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22003Multivariate GARCH Models: Software Choice and Estimation Issues. (2003). Brooks, Chris ; Persand, Gita ; Burke, Simon. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-07.

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32009The Relationship between Risk, Capital and Efficiency: Evidence from Japanese Cooperative Banks. (2009). Padgett, Carol ; Deelchand, Tara . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2009-12.

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42000The ACD Model: Predictability of the Time Between Concecutive Trades. (2000). Engle, Robert ; Dufour, Alfonso. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2000-05.

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52004MTS Time Series: Market and Data Description for the European Bond and Repo Database. (2004). Dufour, Alfonso ; Skinner, Frank . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2004-06.

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62006The Relative Merits of Investable Hedge Fund Indices and of Funds of Hedge Funds in Optimal Passive Portfolios. (2006). White, Anthony ; Pezier, Jacques . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2006-10.

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72000Orthogonal Methods for Generating Large Positive Semi-Definite Covariance Matrices. (2000). Alexander, Carol. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2000-06.

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82011Liquidity Risk, Credit Risk, Market Risk and Bank Capital. (2011). Varotto, Simone. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2011-02.

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92002An Excursion into the Statistical Properties of Hedge Funds. (2002). Kat, Harry ; Harry. M Kat, ; Lu, Sa. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2002-12.

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102001Estimating Corporate Yield Curves. (2001). Diaz, Antionio ; Skinner, Frank . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2001-01.

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112004The Art of Investing in Hedge Funds: Fund Selection and Optimal Allocations. (2004). Alexander, Carol ; Dimitriu, Anca . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2004-01.

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122010The Impact of Corporate Social Performance on Financial Risk and Utility: A Longitudinal Analysis. (2010). Oikonomou, Ioannis ; Brooks, Chris ; Pavelin, Stephen . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2010-12.

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132011The Hazards of Volatility Diversification. (2011). Alexander, Carol ; Korovilas, Dimitris . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2011-04.

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14Value at Risk and Market Crashes. (2000). Brooks, Chris ; Persand, Gita . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2000-01.

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152014Measuring Macroeconomic Uncertainty: US Inflation and Output Growth. (2014). Galvão, Ana ; Clements, Michael ; Galvo, Ana Beatriz. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2014-04.

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162006Optimal Hedging with Higher Moments. (2006). Černý, Aleš ; Brooks, Chris ; Cerny, A. ; Miffre, J.. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2006-12.

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172002Welcome to the Dark Side - Hedge Fund Attrition and Survivorship Bias over the period 1994-2001. (2002). Kat, Harry ; Amin, Gaurav S.. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2002-02.

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182010VIX Dynamics with Stochastic Volatility of Volatility. (2010). Alexander, Carol ; Kaeck, Andreas. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2010-11.

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192003On the Aggregation of Market and Credit Risks. (2003). Alexandra, Carol ; Pezier, Jacques . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-13.

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202002What Drives Swap Spreads, Credit or Liquidity?. (2002). Jersey, Ira ; Huang, Ying ; Neftci, Salih . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-05.

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212012ROM Simulation: Applications to Stress Testing and VaR. (2012). Alexander, Carol ; Ledermann, Daniel . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2012-09.

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222005Predicting Agency Rating Migrations with Spread Implied Ratings. (2005). Varotto, Simone ; Kou, Jianming . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2005-06.

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232003An Empirical Study of Credit Default Swaps. (2003). Diaz, Antonio ; Skinner, Frank . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-04.

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242004Pricing Convertible Bonds by Simulation. (2004). Yigitsbasioglu, Ali Bora ; El-Bachir, Naoufel ; Lvov, Dmitri. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2004-14.

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252005The Spider in the Hedge. (2005). Alexander, Carol ; Barbosa, Andreza. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2005-05.

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262005On The Continuous Limit of GARCH. (2005). Alexandra, Carol ; Lazar, Emese. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2005-13.

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272003Equity Indexing: Conitegration and Stock Price Dispersion: A Regime Switiching Approach to market Efficiency. (2003). Alexander, Carol ; Dimitriu, Anca . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-02.

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282016Are Macroeconomic Density Forecasts Informative?. (2016). Clements, Michael. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2016-02.

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292002Performance Evaluation and Conditioning Information: The case of Hedge Funds. (2002). Kat, Harry ; Harry. M Kat, ; Miffre, Joelle. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2002-10.

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302006Regimes in CDS Spreads: A Markov Switching Model of iTraxx Europe Indices. (2006). Kaeck, Andreas ; Alexander, Carol. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2006-08.

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312008Interest in medieval accounts: Examples from England, 1272-1340. (2008). Brooks, Chris ; Bell, Adrian ; Moore, Tony. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2008-07.

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322012Diversification of Equity with VIX Futures: Personal Views and Skewness Preference. (2012). Alexander, Carol ; Korovilas, Dimitris . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2012-07.

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332002The Cointegration Alpha: Enchanced Index Tracking and Long-Short Equity Market Neutral Stragies. (2002). Dimitriu, Anca ; Alexandra, Carol. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2002-08.

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342005Asymmetries and Volatility Regimes in the European Equity Markets. (2005). Alexandra, Carol ; Lazar, Emese. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2005-14.

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352004The Equity Index Skew, Market Crashes and Asymmetric Normal Mixture GARCH. (2004). Alexandra, Carol ; Lazar, Emese. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2004-13.

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362001Option Pricing with Normal Mixture Returns: Modelling Excess Kurtosis and Uncertanity in Volatility. (2001). Alexander, Carol ; Narayanan, Sujit. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2001-10.

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372010Generalized Beta-Generated Distributions. (2010). Sarabia, José María ; Alexander, Carol. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2010-09.

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38Cross Hedging with Single Stock Futures. (2005). Davies, Ryan ; Brooks, Chris ; Kim, Sang Soo . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2004-15.

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392003Statistical Properties of Forward Libor Rates. (2003). Alexander, Carol ; Lvov, Dimitri. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-03.

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402003Intra-day Patterns in the Returns, Bidask Spereads, and Trading Volume of Stocks Traded on the New York Stock Exchange. (2003). Hinich, Melvin ; Brooks, Chris ; Patterson, Douglas M. ; Melvin. J. Hinich, . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-14.

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412008Stochastic Local Volatility. (2008). Alexander, Carol ; Nogueira, Leonardo. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2008-02.

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422009Over the Moon or Sick as a Parrot? The Effects of Football Results on a Clubs Share Price. (2009). Sutcliffe, Charles ; Brooks, Chris ; Bell, Adrian ; Matthews, David . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2009-08.

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43Detecting Switching Strategies in Equity Hedge Funds. (2005). Alexander, Carol ; Dimitriu, Anca . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2005-07.

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442006Speculative Bubbles in the S&P 500: Was the Tech Bubble Confined to the Tech Sector?. (2006). Brooks, Chris ; Katsaris, Apostolos . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2006-07.

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452015Assessing Macro Uncertainty In Real-Time When Data Are Subject To Revision. (2015). Clements, Michael. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2015-02.

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462001Hedge Fund Performance 1990-2000- Do the Money Machines Really Add Value?. (2001). Kat, Harry ; Amin, Gaurav ; Harry. M Kat, . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2001-05.

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472012The interactive financial effects between corporate social responsibility and irresponsibility. (2012). Oikonomou, Ioannis ; Brooks, Chris ; Pavelin, Stephen . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2012-02.

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482014Monte Carlo Approximate Tensor Moment Simulations. (2014). Arismendi Zambrano, Juan. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2014-08.

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492004A Comparison of Cointegration & Tracking Error Models for Mutual Funds & Hedge Funds. (2004). Alexander, Carol ; Dimitriu, Anca . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2004-03.

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502009Size and Scale Economies in Japanese Cooperative Banking. (2009). Padgett, Carol ; Deelchand, Tara . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2009-02.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12006The Relative Merits of Investable Hedge Fund Indices and of Funds of Hedge Funds in Optimal Passive Portfolios. (2006). White, Anthony ; Pezier, Jacques . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2006-10.

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22009The Relationship between Risk, Capital and Efficiency: Evidence from Japanese Cooperative Banks. (2009). Padgett, Carol ; Deelchand, Tara . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2009-12.

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32004MTS Time Series: Market and Data Description for the European Bond and Repo Database. (2004). Dufour, Alfonso ; Skinner, Frank . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2004-06.

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42003Multivariate GARCH Models: Software Choice and Estimation Issues. (2003). Brooks, Chris ; Persand, Gita ; Burke, Simon. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2003-07.

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52000The ACD Model: Predictability of the Time Between Concecutive Trades. (2000). Engle, Robert ; Dufour, Alfonso. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2000-05.

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62005Predicting Agency Rating Migrations with Spread Implied Ratings. (2005). Varotto, Simone ; Kou, Jianming . In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2005-06.

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72002Performance Evaluation and Conditioning Information: The case of Hedge Funds. (2002). Kat, Harry ; Harry. M Kat, ; Miffre, Joelle. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2002-10.

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82002The Cointegration Alpha: Enchanced Index Tracking and Long-Short Equity Market Neutral Stragies. (2002). Dimitriu, Anca ; Alexandra, Carol. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2002-08.

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92001Option Pricing with Normal Mixture Returns: Modelling Excess Kurtosis and Uncertanity in Volatility. (2001). Alexander, Carol ; Narayanan, Sujit. In: ICMA Centre Discussion Papers in Finance. RePEc:rdg:icmadp:icma-dp2001-10.

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