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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


1998 0 0.28 0.43 0 21 21 585 2 9 0 0 0 2 0.1 0.13
1999 0.1 0.3 0.13 0.1 64 85 1435 11 20 21 2 21 2 0 9 0.14 0.15
2000 0.4 0.36 0.32 0.4 53 138 578 41 64 85 34 85 34 0 7 0.13 0.16
2001 0.52 0.38 0.47 0.57 60 198 1301 90 158 117 61 138 79 0 11 0.18 0.17
2002 0.37 0.41 0.46 0.52 60 258 1087 110 276 113 42 198 103 0 6 0.1 0.21
2003 0.49 0.44 0.64 0.67 54 312 714 189 475 120 59 258 173 1 0.5 11 0.2 0.22
2004 0.46 0.49 0.63 0.67 60 372 797 230 710 114 52 291 196 0 12 0.2 0.22
2005 0.53 0.5 0.71 0.59 59 431 790 297 1017 114 60 287 168 0 12 0.2 0.23
2006 0.64 0.5 0.73 0.74 62 493 1118 345 1377 119 76 293 216 0 15 0.24 0.22
2007 0.66 0.46 0.81 0.71 60 553 1020 439 1825 121 80 295 208 3 0.7 21 0.35 0.2
2008 0.75 0.49 0.83 0.73 61 614 1033 499 2336 122 92 295 216 1 0.2 25 0.41 0.23
2009 0.98 0.47 0.95 0.95 65 679 899 637 2982 121 118 302 288 0 14 0.22 0.24
2010 0.79 0.48 0.93 0.96 57 736 731 682 3665 126 99 307 295 0 21 0.37 0.21
2011 0.76 0.52 0.96 0.96 54 790 582 746 4423 122 93 305 292 1 0.1 15 0.28 0.24
2012 0.73 0.52 0.98 1.05 54 844 452 821 5247 111 81 297 313 2 0.2 15 0.28 0.22
2013 0.79 0.56 1.02 0.99 57 901 498 915 6164 108 85 291 287 0 23 0.4 0.24
2014 0.85 0.55 1.06 0.99 57 958 389 1015 7183 111 94 287 284 0 13 0.23 0.23
2015 0.86 0.55 0.98 0.91 66 1024 432 1001 8190 114 98 279 254 0 11 0.17 0.23
2016 0.78 0.53 0.95 0.85 64 1088 452 1032 9222 123 96 288 244 1 0.1 20 0.31 0.21
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12001Aid Dependence and the Quality of Governance: Cross-Country Empirical Tests. (2001). Knack, Stephen. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:2:y:2001:p:310-329.

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21998Mixed Oligopoly, Privatization, and Strategic Trade Policy. (1998). White, Mark ; Pal, Debashis. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:2:y:1998:p:264-281.

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32006Finance and Income Inequality: What Do the Data Tell Us?. (2006). zou, heng-fu ; Xu, Lixin ; Clarke, George. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:3:y:2006:p:578-596.

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42008The Effects of Retirement on Physical and Mental Health Outcomes. (2008). Kelly, Inas ; Dave, Dhaval ; Rashad, Inas R. ; Spasojevic, Jasmina. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:2:y:2008:p:497-523.

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52001Four Parameters of Interest in the Evaluation of Social Programs. (2001). Vytlacil, Edward ; Heckman, James ; Tobias, Justin L.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:2:y:2001:p:210-223.

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61999Welfare Reform and the Race to the Bottom: Theory and Evidence. (1999). Brueckner, Jan. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:66:3:y:2000:p:505-525.

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71998Experimental Results on Expressed Certainty and Hypothetical Bias in Contingent Valuation. (1998). Johannesson, Magnus ; Blomquist, Glenn ; Liljas, Bengt ; OConor, Richard M. ; Blumenschein, Karen . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:1:y:1998:p:169-177.

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82004Explaining International Variations in Self-Employment: Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries. (2004). Parker, Simon ; Robson, Martin T.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:71:2:y:2004:p:287-301.

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92011Are You Risk Averse over Other Peoples Money?. (2011). Rutstrom, Elisabet ; Harrison, Glenn ; Haruvy, Ernan ; Chakravarty, Sujoy. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:77:4:y:2011:p:901-913.

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102005Supermodularity and Complementarity in Economics: An Elementary Survey. (2005). AMIR, Rabah. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:71:3:y:2005:p:636-660.

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112008Comparing Small-Group and Individual Behavior in Lottery-Choice Experiments. (2008). Williams, Arlington ; Laury, Susan ; Baker, Ronald ; ArlingtonW. Williams, . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:2:y:2008:p:367-382.

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122007An Experimental Analysis of Trust and Trustworthiness. (2007). Gangadharan, Lata ; Chaudhuri, Ananish. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:73:4:y:2007:p:959-985.

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132006Exchange Rate Sensitivity of U.S. Trade Flows: Evidence from Industry Data. (2006). Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen ; Ardalani, Zohre . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:3:y:2006:p:542-559.

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141999Persistence in International Inflation Rates. (1999). Caglayan, Mustafa ; Barkoulas, John ; Baum, Christopher. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:4:y:1999:p:900-913.

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151999Do Community Characteristics Influence Environmental Outcomes? Evidence from the Toxics Release Inventory. (1999). Cason, Timothy ; Arora, Seema. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:4:y:1999:p:691-716.

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161999Exchange Rate Volatility and International Trade. (1999). Eckwert, Bernhard ; Broll, Udo. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:66:1:y:1999:p:178-185.

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172010Finance and Inequality: The Case of India. (2010). Ang, James. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:76:3:y:2010:p:738-761.

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182009Gender, Culture, and Corruption: Insights from an Experimental Analysis. (2009). Gangadharan, Lata ; Erkal, Nisvan ; Chaudhuri, Ananish ; Cameron, Lisa ; Alatas, Vivi. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:3:y:2009:p:663-680.

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192007The Effect of Body Weight on Adolescent Academic Performance. (2007). Sabia, Joseph J.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:73:4:y:2007:p:871-900.

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202014Corporate Social Responsibility or Payoff Asymmetry? A Study of an Endogenous Timing Game. (2014). Ogawa, Akira ; Matsumura, Toshihiro. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:81:2:y:2014:p:457-473.

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211998The Two Faces of Adam Smith. (1998). Smith, Vernon. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:1:y:1998:p:2-19.

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222002Precautionary Saving by Young Immigrants and Young Natives. (2002). Pozo, Susan ; Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:69:1:y:2002:p:48-71.

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232013Provision versus Appropriation in Symmetric and Asymmetric Social Dilemmas. (2013). Sadiraj, Vjollca ; Cox, James ; Ostrom, Elinor ; Walker, James M.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:79:3:y:2013:p:496-512.

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242002Institutions, Freedom, and Technical Efficiency. (2002). Savvides, Andreas ; Moomaw, Ronald ; Adkins, Lee. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:69:1:y:2002:p:92-108.

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252013Are Gay Men and Lesbians Discriminated against in the Hiring Process?. (2013). Hammarstedt, Mats ; Aldén, Lina ; AHMED, ALI M. ; Andersson, Lina. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:79:3:y:2013:p:565-585.

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262007Is More Information Always Better? An Experimental Study of Charitable Giving and Hurrican Katrina. (2007). grossman, philip ; Eckel, Catherine ; Milano, Angela. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:74:1:y:2007:p:388-411.

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272007Economic Freedom and Migration Flows between U.S. States. (2007). Ashby, Nathan. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:73:3:y:2007:p:677-697.

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282002Are Real GDP Levels Nonstationary? Evidence from Panel Data Tests. (2002). Rapach, David E.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:3:y:2002:p:473-495.

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292002What Is Fair? Experimental Evidence. (2002). Dickinson, David ; Tiefenthaler, Jill . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:69:2:y:2002:p:414-428.

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302006An SVAR Model of Fluctuations in U.S. Migration Flows and State Labor Market Dynamics. (2006). Rickman, Dan ; Partridge, Mark. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:4:y:2006:p:958-980.

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311999Minimum Wages, On-the-Job Training, and Wage Growth. (1999). Grossberg, Adam ; Sicilian, Paul . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:3:y:1999:p:539-556.

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322004Comparing Student Achievement across Experimental and Lecture-Oriented Sections of a Principles of Microeconomics Course. (2004). Taylor, Beck ; Tisha L. N. Emerson, . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:70:3:y:2004:p:672-693.

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332008Foreign Aid and Human Development: The Impact of Foreign Aid to the Health Sector. (2008). Williamson, Claudia. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:1:y:2008:p:188-207.

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342004Subjective Outcomes in Economics. (2004). Hamermesh, Daniel. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:71:1:y:2004:p:2-11.

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352009The Effects of Exchange-Rate Volatility on Commodity Trade between the United States and Mexico. (2009). Hegerty, Scott ; Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:4:y:2009:p:1019-1044.

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362009The Impact of College Sports Success on the Quantity and Quality of Student Applications. (2009). Pope, Jaren. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:3:y:2009:p:750-780.

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371999Marginal and Average Tax Rates and the Incentive for Self-Employment. (1999). Wren, Colin ; Robson, Martin T.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:4:y:1999:p:757-773.

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382001Long-Run Purchasing Power Parity with Asymmetric Adjustment. (2001). Enders, Walter ; Dibooglu, Selahattin. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:2:y:2001:p:433-445.

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392008The Rise of the Sunbelt. (2008). Glaeser, Edward L. ; Tobio, Kristina . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:74:3:y:2008:p:610-643.

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401999The Role of Innovation in the Postentry Performance of New Small Firms: Evidence from Italy. (1999). Vivarelli, Marco ; Arrighetti, Alessandro. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:4:y:1999:p:927-939.

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412003Editorial Favoritism in Economics?. (2003). Medoff, Marshall H.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:70:2:y:2003:p:425-434.

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422002The Market Value of Reducing Cancer Risk: Hedonic Housing Prices with Changing Information. (2002). Viscusi, W ; Hamilton, James T. ; Gayer, Ted. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:69:2:y:2002:p:266-289.

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432006Tax Base Elasticities: A Multi-State Analysis of Long-Run and Short-Run Dynamics. (2006). Tuttle, Markland ; Fox, William ; Bruce, Donald. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:73:2:y:2006:p:315-341.

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442001The Response of Hours of Work to Increases in the Minimum Wage. (2001). Wittenburg, David ; Couch, Kenneth. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:1:y:2001:p:171-177.

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452010Institutions, Capital, and Growth. (2010). Sobel, Russell ; Hall, Joshua ; Crowley, George R.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:77:2:y:2010:p:385-405.

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461999Have Air Pollutant Emissions Converged Among U.S. Regions? Evidence from Unit Root Tests. (1999). list, john. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:66:1:y:1999:p:144-155.

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472006Margin, Short Selling, And Lotteries In Experimental Asset Markets. (2006). Ackert, Lucy ; Church, Bryan K. ; Deaves, Richard ; Charupat, Narat . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:73:2:y:2006:p:419-436.

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48Inequality, Nonhomothetic Preferences, and Trade: A Gravity Approach. (2008). Trindade, Vitor ; Mitra, Devashish ; Dalgin, Muhammed. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:74:3:y:2008:p:747-774.

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492002The Determinants of the Cost Efficiency of Electric Generating Plants: A Stochastic Frontier Approach. (2002). Hiebert, Dean L.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:4:y:2002:p:935-946.

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502006Subsidizing Charitable Giving with Rebates or Matching: Further Laboratory Evidence. (2006). grossman, philip ; Eckel, Catherine. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:4:y:2006:p:794-807.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12009The Effects of Exchange-Rate Volatility on Commodity Trade between the United States and Mexico. (2009). Hegerty, Scott ; Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:4:y:2009:p:1019-1044.

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22008The Effects of Retirement on Physical and Mental Health Outcomes. (2008). Kelly, Inas ; Dave, Dhaval ; Rashad, Inas R. ; Spasojevic, Jasmina. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:2:y:2008:p:497-523.

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32009Gender, Culture, and Corruption: Insights from an Experimental Analysis. (2009). Gangadharan, Lata ; Erkal, Nisvan ; Chaudhuri, Ananish ; Cameron, Lisa ; Alatas, Vivi. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:3:y:2009:p:663-680.

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42001Four Parameters of Interest in the Evaluation of Social Programs. (2001). Vytlacil, Edward ; Heckman, James ; Tobias, Justin L.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:2:y:2001:p:210-223.

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52016Evaluating the Economic Effects of Flat Tax Reforms Using Synthetic Control Methods. (2016). Alm, James ; Adhikari, Bibek. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:83:2:y:2016:p:437-463.

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62011Are You Risk Averse over Other Peoples Money?. (2011). Rutstrom, Elisabet ; Harrison, Glenn ; Haruvy, Ernan ; Chakravarty, Sujoy. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:77:4:y:2011:p:901-913.

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71998Mixed Oligopoly, Privatization, and Strategic Trade Policy. (1998). White, Mark ; Pal, Debashis. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:2:y:1998:p:264-281.

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82004Explaining International Variations in Self-Employment: Evidence from a Panel of OECD Countries. (2004). Parker, Simon ; Robson, Martin T.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:71:2:y:2004:p:287-301.

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92010Institutions, Capital, and Growth. (2010). Sobel, Russell ; Hall, Joshua ; Crowley, George R.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:77:2:y:2010:p:385-405.

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102014Corporate Social Responsibility or Payoff Asymmetry? A Study of an Endogenous Timing Game. (2014). Ogawa, Akira ; Matsumura, Toshihiro. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:81:2:y:2014:p:457-473.

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112008Comparing Small-Group and Individual Behavior in Lottery-Choice Experiments. (2008). Williams, Arlington ; Laury, Susan ; Baker, Ronald ; ArlingtonW. Williams, . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:2:y:2008:p:367-382.

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122007Is More Information Always Better? An Experimental Study of Charitable Giving and Hurrican Katrina. (2007). grossman, philip ; Eckel, Catherine ; Milano, Angela. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:74:1:y:2007:p:388-411.

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132016Dynamic Spillovers in the United States: Stock Market, Housing, Uncertainty, and the Macroeconomy. (2016). GUPTA, RANGAN ; Antonakakis, Nikolaos ; André, Christophe ; Andre, Christophe. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:83:2:y:2016:p:609-624.

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142010Effects of Patent Policy on Income and Consumption Inequality in a R&D Growth Model. (2010). Chu, Angus. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:77:2:y:2010:p:336-350.

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152001Aid Dependence and the Quality of Governance: Cross-Country Empirical Tests. (2001). Knack, Stephen. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:68:2:y:2001:p:310-329.

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162006Exchange Rate Sensitivity of U.S. Trade Flows: Evidence from Industry Data. (2006). Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen ; Ardalani, Zohre . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:3:y:2006:p:542-559.

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172013Are Gay Men and Lesbians Discriminated against in the Hiring Process?. (2013). Hammarstedt, Mats ; Aldén, Lina ; AHMED, ALI M. ; Andersson, Lina. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:79:3:y:2013:p:565-585.

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182007An Experimental Analysis of Trust and Trustworthiness. (2007). Gangadharan, Lata ; Chaudhuri, Ananish. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:73:4:y:2007:p:959-985.

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192016CSR in an Asymmetric Duopoly with Environmental Externality. (2016). Tampieri, Alessandro ; Lambertini, Luca ; Palestini, Arsen. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:83:1:y:2016:p:236-252.

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202012Certainty of Punishment versus Severity of Punishment: An Experimental Investigation. (2012). Friesen, Lana. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:79:2:y:2012:p:399-421.

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212006Financial Risk Taking by Age and Birth Cohort. (2006). Jianakoplos, Nancy ; Bernasek, Alexandra. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:4:y:2006:p:981-1001.

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222016Patents, R&D subsidies, and endogenous market structure in a schumpeterian economy. (2016). Furukawa, Yuichi ; Chu, Angus ; Ji, Lei . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:82:3:y:2016:p:809-825.

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231998Experimental Results on Expressed Certainty and Hypothetical Bias in Contingent Valuation. (1998). Johannesson, Magnus ; Blomquist, Glenn ; Liljas, Bengt ; OConor, Richard M. ; Blumenschein, Karen . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:65:1:y:1998:p:169-177.

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242010Minimum Wages and Poverty: Will a $9.50 Federal Minimum Wage Really Help the Working Poor?. (2010). Burkhauser, Richard ; Sabia, Joseph J.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:76:3:y:2010:p:592-623.

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252002Institutions, Freedom, and Technical Efficiency. (2002). Savvides, Andreas ; Moomaw, Ronald ; Adkins, Lee. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:69:1:y:2002:p:92-108.

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262010Finance and Inequality: The Case of India. (2010). Ang, James. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:76:3:y:2010:p:738-761.

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272016The Impact of Research and Development on Economic Growth and Productivity in the U.S. States. (2016). Prieger, James ; Blanco, Luisa R ; Gu, JI. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:82:3:y:2016:p:914-934.

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282006Finance and Income Inequality: What Do the Data Tell Us?. (2006). zou, heng-fu ; Xu, Lixin ; Clarke, George. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:3:y:2006:p:578-596.

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292015Mixed duopoly, location choice, and shadow cost of public funds. (2015). Tomaru, Yoshihiro ; Matsumura, Toshihiro. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:82:2:y:2015:p:416-429.

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302003Editorial Favoritism in Economics?. (2003). Medoff, Marshall H.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:70:2:y:2003:p:425-434.

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312009The Impact of College Sports Success on the Quantity and Quality of Student Applications. (2009). Pope, Jaren. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:75:3:y:2009:p:750-780.

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322013Provision versus Appropriation in Symmetric and Asymmetric Social Dilemmas. (2013). Sadiraj, Vjollca ; Cox, James ; Ostrom, Elinor ; Walker, James M.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:79:3:y:2013:p:496-512.

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332009Foreign Direct Investment and Inflation. (2009). Sayek, Selin. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:76:2:y:2009:p:319-443.

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342006Subsidizing Charitable Giving with Rebates or Matching: Further Laboratory Evidence. (2006). grossman, philip ; Eckel, Catherine. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:72:4:y:2006:p:794-807.

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352007Asymmetric Competition on Commuter Routes: The Case of Gasoline Pricing. (2007). Jones, John T. ; Cooper, Thomas E.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:74:2:y:2007:p:483-504.

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362005The Determinants of Life Expectancy: An Analysis of the OECD Health Data. (2005). Horrace, William ; Shaw, James W. ; Vogel, Ronald J.. In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:71:4:y:2005:p:768-783.

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372014Field Experiment Tests for Discrimination against Hispanics in the U.S. Rental Housing Market. (2014). Hanson, Andrew ; Santas, Michael . In: Southern Economic Journal. RePEc:sej:ancoec:v:81:1:y:2014:p:135-167.

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