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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2009 0 0.47 0.06 0 54 54 100 3 3 0 0 0 3 0.06 0.24
2010 0.11 0.48 0.11 0.11 50 104 64 11 14 54 6 54 6 0 0 0.21
2011 0.07 0.52 0.08 0.07 52 156 32 12 26 104 7 104 7 0 0 0.24
2012 0.05 0.52 0.12 0.1 54 210 36 25 51 102 5 156 16 0 0 0.22
2013 0.01 0.56 0.08 0.05 12 222 10 18 69 106 1 210 10 0 0 0.24
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12010Financing Constraints for Industrial Innovation: What Do We Know?. (2010). Czarnitzki, Dirk ; Hottenrot, H.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:3:y:2010:p:346-363.

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22010Financing Constraints for Industrial Innovation: What Do We Know?. (2010). Czarnitzki, D. ; Hottenrot, H.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:3:p:346-363.

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32009Food Standards, Trade and Development. (2009). Swinnen, Johan ; Martens, M.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:3:y:2009:p:313-327.

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42010Port Competition Revisited. (2010). Meersman, Hilde ; Van de Voorde, E. ; Vanelslander, T.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:2:y:2010:p:210-233.

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52010Port Competition Revisited. (2010). Van de Voorde, E. ; Vanelslander, T. ; Meersman, H.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:2:p:210-233.

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62009What Determines Goodwill Impairment?. (2009). Gaeremynck, A. ; Verriest, A.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:2:y:2009:p:106-129.

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72009The Economic Impact of Cloud Computing on Business Creation, Employment and Output in Europe. An application of the Endogenous Market Structures Approach to a GPT innovation. (2009). Etro, Federico. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:2:y:2009:p:179-209.

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82009The Economic Impact of Cloud Computing on Business Creation, Employment and Output in Europe. An application of the Endogenous Market Structures Approach to a GPT innovation. (2009). Etro, F.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:2:p:179-209.

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92009What Determines Goodwill Impairment?. (2009). Gaeremynck, A. ; Verriest, A.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:2:p:106-129.

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102009Food Standards, Trade and Development. (2009). Swinnen, J. ; Martens, M.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:3:p:313-327.

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112009Cocoa Market Liberalization in Retrospect. (2009). Gilbert, C. L.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:3:p:294-313.

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122009Cocoa Market Liberalization in Retrospect. (2009). Gilbert, C. L.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:3:y:2009:p:294-313.

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132011Global Value Chains: Evidence, Impacts and Policy Issues. (2011). De Backer, K.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lvi:y:2011:i:2:p:110-128.

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142009Revisiting the Global Food Architecture. Lessons from the 2008 Food Crisis. (2009). Christiaensen, Luc. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:3:y:2009:p:345-362.

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152009Revisiting the Global Food Architecture. Lessons from the 2008 Food Crisis. (2009). Christiaensen, L.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:3:p:345-362.

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162011Global Value Chains: Evidence, Impacts and Policy Issues. (2011). De Backer, K.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:56:i:2:y:2011:p:110-128.

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172010A Belgian Flat Income Tax: Effects on Labour Supply and Income Distribution. (2010). Orsini, Kristian ; Decoster, André ; De Swerdt, K.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:1:y:2010:p:23-55.

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182010A Belgian Flat Income Tax: Effects on Labour Supply and Income Distribution. (2010). Decoster, A. ; Orsini, K. ; De Swerdt, K.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:1:p:23-55.

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192011Credibility of Fiscal Policies and Independent Fiscal Bodies. (2011). Naert, Frank. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:56:i:3:y:2011:p:288-309.

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202009Corporate Investments and Financing Constraints: Analyzing Firm-Varying Investment Cash Flow Sensitivities. (2009). D'espallier, B. ; Vandemaele, S. ; Peeters, L.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:4:p:461-489.

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212012Economic Modelling of Climate Impacts: a Partial Review. (2012). Saveyn, B. ; J.-C. Ciscar, ; Van Regemorter, D.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:y:2012:i:2:p:144-157.

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222012Economic Modelling of Climate Impacts: a Partial Review. (2012). Saveyn, Bert ; Ciscar, Juan-Carlos ; Van Regemorter, D. ; J-C- Ciscar, . In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:2:y:2012:p:144-157.

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232012Corporate Venturing: Strategies and Success Factors. (2012). Leten, B. ; Van Dyck, W.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:4:y:2012:p:242-257.

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242011Credibility of Fiscal Policies and Independent Fiscal Bodies. (2011). Naert, F.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lvi:y:2011:i:3:p:288-309.

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252012Corporate Venturing: Strategies and Success Factors. (2012). Leten, B. ; Van Dyck, W.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:4:y:2012:p:15.

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262012The Consequences of Business Group Affiliation: A Review of the Literature. (2012). Dewaelheyns, Nico ; Van Hulle, C. ; Locorotondo, R.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:1:y:2012:p:77-98.

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272012Mix, Time and Volume Flexibility: Valuation and Corporate Diversification. (2012). Van Mieghem, J. A. ; Rudi, N. ; Chod, J.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:3:y:2012:p:262-283.

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282012Costs and Benefits of Reducing the EU’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 30% in 2020. (2012). Saveyn, Bert ; Klaassen, G. ; Van Ierland, T. ; Vergote, S. ; Nill, J.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:2:y:2012:p:157-179.

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292010The Relative Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement for Print Advertisement. (2010). Claeys, C. ; Roozen, I.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:1:y:2010:p:76-90.

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302012Review of Applications of Game Theory to Global Climate Agreements. (2012). Eyckmans, J.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:y:2012:i:2:p:122-144.

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312010The Relative Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement for Print Advertisement. (2010). Claeys, C. ; Roozen, I.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:1:p:76-90.

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322013Recent Evolutions in Costing Systems: A Literature Review of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. (2013). Van Den Abbeele, A. ; Siguenza-guzman, L. ; Vandewalle, J. ; Verhaaren, H. ; Cattrysse, D.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:58:i:1:y:2013:p:31.

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332009The Role of Entrepreneurial Universities within Innovation Systems. An Overview and Assessment. (2009). Van Looy, B.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:1:y:2009:p:62-82.

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342012Mix, Time and Volume Flexibility: Valuation and Corporate Diversification. (2012). Van Mieghem, J. A. ; Rudi, N. ; Chod, J.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:3:y:2012:p:21.

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352012Review of Applications of Game Theory to Global Climate Agreements. (2012). Eyckmans, J.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:2:y:2012:p:122-144.

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362012Costs and Benefits of Reducing the EU’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 30% in 2020. (2012). Saveyn, B. ; Van Ierland, T. ; Vergote, S. ; Nill, J. ; Klaassen, G.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:y:2012:i:2:p:157-179.

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372013Recent Evolutions in Costing Systems: A Literature Review of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. (2013). Van Den Abbeele, A. ; Siguenza-guzman, L. ; Vandewalle, J. ; Verhaaren, H. ; Cattrysse, D.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:58:i:1:y:2013:p:34-65.

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382009Editorial. (2009). Crombez, C.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:1:y:2009:p:2-4.

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392009Editorial. (2009). Crombez, C.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:1:p:2-4.

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402009The Effect of Auditor Industry Specialization on Audit Pricing in Belgium. (2009). Willekens, M. ; Dutillieux, W.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:2:y:2009:p:129-147.

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412010Towards a Taxonomy of Explanatory Failure Patterns for Small Firms: A Quantitative Research Analysis. (2010). Van Caillie, Didier ; Crutzen, N.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:4:y:2010:p:438-463.

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422010Towards a Taxonomy of Explanatory Failure Patterns for Small Firms: A Quantitative Research Analysis. (2010). Van Caillie, D. ; Crutzen, N.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:4:p:438-463.

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432012Public Private Partnerships: Look before you Leap into Marriage. (2012). De Clerck, D. ; Herroelen, W. ; Demeulemeester, E.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:3:y:2012:p:249-262.

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442013A Tale of Market Efficiency. (2013). De Moor, Lieven ; Van den Bossche, F. ; Verheyden, T.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:58:i:2:y:2013:p:140-158.

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452012The Consequences of Business Group Affiliation: A Review of the Literature. (2012). Van Hulle, C. ; Locorotondo, R. ; Dewaelheyns, N.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:y:2012:i:1:p:77-98.

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462009Efficiency and Stability of National Borders. (2009). Spolaore, Enrico. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:1:y:2009:p:4-22.

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472009Efficiency and Stability of National Borders. (2009). Spolaore, E.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:1:p:4-22.

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482012Public Private Partnerships: Look before you Leap into Marriage. (2012). De Clerck, D. ; Herroelen, W. ; Demeulemeester, E.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:3:y:2012:p:13.

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492011Indexation, Inflation Targeting cum Output Stabilization & Inflation Fluctuations. (2011). de Vries, C. G. ; Attey, J. A.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lvi:y:2011:i:4:p:394-405.

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502013Valuating Noise Reduction Benefits with Hedonics: Heterogeneity in NDSIs from Road Noise. (2013). Franck, M. ; Rousseau, S.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:58:i:1:y:2013:p:32.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12010Financing Constraints for Industrial Innovation: What Do We Know?. (2010). Czarnitzki, Dirk ; Hottenrot, H.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:3:y:2010:p:346-363.

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22010Financing Constraints for Industrial Innovation: What Do We Know?. (2010). Czarnitzki, D. ; Hottenrot, H.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:3:p:346-363.

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32009Food Standards, Trade and Development. (2009). Swinnen, Johan ; Martens, M.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:3:y:2009:p:313-327.

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42009Food Standards, Trade and Development. (2009). Swinnen, J. ; Martens, M.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:3:p:313-327.

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52009What Determines Goodwill Impairment?. (2009). Gaeremynck, A. ; Verriest, A.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:2:y:2009:p:106-129.

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62010Port Competition Revisited. (2010). Van de Voorde, E. ; Vanelslander, T. ; Meersman, H.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:2:p:210-233.

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72013Recent Evolutions in Costing Systems: A Literature Review of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. (2013). Van Den Abbeele, A. ; Siguenza-guzman, L. ; Vandewalle, J. ; Verhaaren, H. ; Cattrysse, D.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:58:i:1:y:2013:p:31.

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82013Recent Evolutions in Costing Systems: A Literature Review of Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing. (2013). Van Den Abbeele, A. ; Siguenza-guzman, L. ; Vandewalle, J. ; Verhaaren, H. ; Cattrysse, D.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:58:i:1:y:2013:p:34-65.

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92010Port Competition Revisited. (2010). Meersman, Hilde ; Van de Voorde, E. ; Vanelslander, T.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:2:y:2010:p:210-233.

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102009Cocoa Market Liberalization in Retrospect. (2009). Gilbert, C. L.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:3:y:2009:p:294-313.

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112009Cocoa Market Liberalization in Retrospect. (2009). Gilbert, C. L.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:3:p:294-313.

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122009What Determines Goodwill Impairment?. (2009). Gaeremynck, A. ; Verriest, A.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:2:p:106-129.

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132011Global Value Chains: Evidence, Impacts and Policy Issues. (2011). De Backer, K.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lvi:y:2011:i:2:p:110-128.

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142010The Relative Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement for Print Advertisement. (2010). Claeys, C. ; Roozen, I.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:lv:y:2010:i:1:p:76-90.

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152010The Relative Effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement for Print Advertisement. (2010). Claeys, C. ; Roozen, I.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:55:i:1:y:2010:p:76-90.

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162012The Consequences of Business Group Affiliation: A Review of the Literature. (2012). Dewaelheyns, Nico ; Van Hulle, C. ; Locorotondo, R.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:1:y:2012:p:77-98.

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172012Corporate Venturing: Strategies and Success Factors. (2012). Leten, B. ; Van Dyck, W.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:4:y:2012:p:242-257.

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182012The Consequences of Business Group Affiliation: A Review of the Literature. (2012). Van Hulle, C. ; Locorotondo, R. ; Dewaelheyns, N.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:y:2012:i:1:p:77-98.

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192012Corporate Venturing: Strategies and Success Factors. (2012). Leten, B. ; Van Dyck, W.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:57:i:4:y:2012:p:15.

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202009The Economic Impact of Cloud Computing on Business Creation, Employment and Output in Europe. An application of the Endogenous Market Structures Approach to a GPT innovation. (2009). Etro, Federico. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:54:i:2:y:2009:p:179-209.

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212009The Economic Impact of Cloud Computing on Business Creation, Employment and Output in Europe. An application of the Endogenous Market Structures Approach to a GPT innovation. (2009). Etro, F.. In: Review of Business and Economic Literature. RePEc:sen:rebelj:v:liv:y:2009:i:2:p:179-209.

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