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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2003 0 0.53 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.3
2004 0 0.6 0.27 0 24 26 66 7 7 2 2 2 28.6 7 0.29 0.36
2005 0 0.6 0.04 0 22 48 19 2 9 26 26 1 50 2 0.09 0.36
2006 0.13 0.59 0.18 0.13 26 74 83 11 22 46 6 48 6 3 27.3 4 0.15 0.34
2007 0.17 0.52 0.2 0.15 21 95 62 16 41 48 8 74 11 2 12.5 4 0.19 0.29
2008 0.13 0.59 0.19 0.11 17 112 132 21 62 47 6 95 10 1 4.8 10 0.59 0.29
2009 0.47 0.58 0.29 0.31 20 132 73 38 100 38 18 110 34 2 5.3 4 0.2 0.33
2010 0.62 0.52 0.35 0.3 30 162 118 57 157 37 23 106 32 3 5.3 14 0.47 0.3
2011 0.9 0.61 0.43 0.62 21 183 107 78 236 50 45 114 71 7 9 3 0.14 0.37
2012 0.96 0.68 0.5 0.7 36 219 183 108 345 51 49 109 76 10 9.3 18 0.5 0.36
2013 0.72 0.67 0.38 0.5 9 228 150 86 432 57 41 124 62 1 1.2 4 0.44 0.35
2014 1.42 0.67 0.55 0.68 20 248 45 136 569 45 64 116 79 5 3.7 4 0.2 0.34
2015 1.07 0.66 0.45 0.59 16 264 40 118 687 29 31 116 68 0 4 0.25 0.36
2016 0.28 0.65 0.26 0.38 5 269 10 71 758 36 10 102 39 0 0 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013Testing for Multiple Bubbles 1: Historical Episodes of Exuberance and Collapse in the S&P 500. (2013). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; JunYu, ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:04-2013.

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22012Testing for Multiple Bubbles. (2012). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:13-2012.

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32010Off the Cliff and Back? Credit Conditions and International Trade during the Global Financial Crisis. (2010). Manova, Kalina ; Chor, Davin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:08-2010.

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42011Testing for Multiple Bubbles. (2011). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:09-2011.

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52008Directed Altruism and Enforced Reciprocity in Social Networks. (2008). Rosenblat, Tanya ; Mobius, Markus ; Leider, Stephen ; Do, Quoc-Anh. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:17-2008.

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6The Labor Market of Italian Politicians. (2008). Merlo, Antonio ; Mattozzi, Andrea ; Landi, Massimiliano ; Galasso, Vincenzo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:15-2008.

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72006Does Governance Matter? Yes, No or Maybe - Some Evidence from Developing Asia. (2006). Quibria, M.G.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:02-2006.

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82009Explosive Behavior in the 1990s Nasdaq: When Did Exuberance Escalate Asset Values?. (2009). Yu, Jun ; Wu, Yangru ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Philips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:19-2009.

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92013Micro-finance Competition: Motivated Micro-lenders, Double-dipping and Default. (2013). Roy Chowdhury, Prabal ; Guha, Brishti. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:01-2013.

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102008Unpacking Sources of Comparative Advantage: A Quantitative Approach. (2008). Chor, Davin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:13-2008.

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112013Minimum Wage in a Deflationary Economy: The Japanese Experience, 1994–2003. (2013). Yamada, Ken ; Kawaguchi, Daiji ; Kambayashi, Ryo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:07-2013.

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122012Robust Deviance Information Criterion for Latent Variable Models. (2012). Yu, Jun ; Li, Yong ; JunYu, ; Zeng, Tao. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:30-2012.

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132012Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Value of Political Connections in Social Networks. (2012). Do, Quoc-Anh ; Nguyen, Bang Dang ; Lee, Yen-Teik . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:22-2012.

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142007On the Segmentation of Markets. (2007). Tan, Serene ; Jacquet, Nicolas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:18-2007.

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15LS Penrose’s limit theorem: Tests by simulation. (2004). Machover, Moshé ; Chang, Pao-Li ; Vincent C H Chua, ; Vincent CH Chua, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:26-2004.

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162014Identifying Latent Structures in Panel Data. (2014). Su, Liangjun ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Phillips, ; Shi, Zhentao. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:07-2014.

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172012Isolated Capital Cities, Accountability and Corruption: Evidence from US States. (2012). Do, Quoc-Anh ; Campante, Filipe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:21-2012.

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182009Dating the Timeline of Financial Bubbles During the Subprime Crisis. (2009). Yu, Jun ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:18-2009.

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192015Shrinkage Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects. (2015). Su, Liangjun ; Liangjun, Su ; Lu, Xun. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:02-2015.

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202014Shrinkage Estimation of Regression Models with Multiple Structural Changes. (2014). Su, Liangjun ; Qian, Junhui. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:06-2014.

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212015Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects and Multiple Structural Breaks. (2015). Su, Liangjun ; Li, Degui ; Qian, Junhui. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:12-2015.

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222008Host Country Financial Development and MNC Activity. (2008). Chor, Davin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:12-2008.

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232012Organizing the Global Value Chain. (2012). Chor, Davin ; Antras, Pol. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:25-2012.

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242010On Domains That Admit Well-behaved Strategy-proof Social Choice Functions. (2010). Sen, Arunava ; Sanver, Remzi ; Chatterji, Shurojit. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:07-2010.

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252012Random Dictatorship Domains. (2012). Chatterji, Shurojit ; Sen, Arunava ; Zeng, Huaxia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:27-2012.

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26Double Asymptotics for an Explosive Continuous Time Model. (2011). Yu, Jun ; Wang, Xiaohu ; JunYu, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:16-2011.

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272004The Structuralist Perspective on Real Exchange Rate, Share Price Level and Employment Path: What Room is Left for Money?. (2004). Zoega, Gylfi ; Phelps, Edmund ; Hoon, Hian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:05-2004.

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282012Detecting Bubbles in Hong Kong Residential Property Market. (2012). Yu, Jun ; JunYu, ; Yiu, Matthew S. ; MatthewS. Yiu, ; Jin, LU. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:31-2012.

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292007The WTO Trade Effect. (2007). Lee, Myoung-jae ; Chang, Pao-Li. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:06-2007.

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302007Instrumental Variable Quantile Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models. (2007). Yang, Zhenlin ; Su, Liangjun. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:05-2007.

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312011Impact of food inflation on poverty in the Philippines. (2011). Fujii, Tomoki. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:14-2011.

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322007To Trust or to Monitor: A Dynamic Analysis. (2007). Huang, Fali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:11-2007.

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332007Financial Variables as Predictors of Real Output Growth. (2007). Tay, Anthony S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:14-2007.

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342011Specification Sensitivity in Right-Tailed Unit Root Testing for Explosive Behavior. (2011). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; JunYu, ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:15-2011.

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352006The Coevolution of Economic and Political Development. (2006). Huang, Fali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:22-2006.

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362010Asymptotic Distributions of the Least Squares Estimator for Diffusion Processes. (2010). Zhou, Qiankun ; Yu, Jun ; JunYu, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:20-2010.

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372014A New Hedonic Regression for Real Estate Prices Applied to the Singapore Residential Market. (2014). Yu, Jun ; Phillips, Peter ; Jiang, Liang ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:19-2014.

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382007Dynamic Treatment Effect Analysis of TV Effects on Child Cognitive Development. (2007). Lee, Myoung-jae ; Huang, Fali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:10-2007.

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392009Analyzing and Forecasting Business Cycles in a Small Open Economy: A Dynamic Factor Model for Singapore. (2009). Chow, Hwee Kwan ; CHOY, KEEN MENG. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:05-2009.

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402015Bias correction for fixed effects spatial panel data models. (2015). Yu, Jihai ; Yang, Zhenlin ; Liu, Shew Fan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:04-2015.

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412004On Leverage in a Stochastic Volatility Model. (2004). Yu, Jun. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:13-2004.

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422013Testing for Multiple Bubbles 2: Limit Theory of Real Time Detectors. (2013). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; JunYu, ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:05-2013.

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432006Central Asia’s Transition After Fifteen Years: Growth and Policy Choices. (2006). Wignaraja, Ganeshan ; Dowling, John Malcolm. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:04-2006.

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442009Monetary Policy and Asset Prices in a Small Open Economy: A Factor-Augmented VAR Analysis for Singapore. (2009). Chow, Hwee Kwan ; CHOY, KEEN MENG. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:11-2009.

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452005Comments on “A Selective Overview of Nonparametric Methods in Financial Econometrics” by Jianqing Fan. (2005). Yu, Jun ; Phillips, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:08-2005.

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462016Testing for Monotonicity in Unobservables under Unconfoundedness. (2016). Su, Liangjun ; hoderlein, stefan ; Yang, Thomas Tao ; White, Halbert. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:03-2016.

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472004Why Is China So Competitive? Measuring and Explaining China’s Competitiveness. (2004). Shachmurove, Yochanan ; Gangnes, Byron ; Adams, F. Gerard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:07-2004.

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482004A VAR Analysis of Singapore’s Monetary Transmission Mechanism. (2004). Chow, Hwee Kwan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:19-2004.

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49Trade and Divergence in Education Systems. (2012). Huang, Fali ; Chang, Pao-Li. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:32-2012.

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502012Borrower Targeting under Micro-finance Competition with Motivated MFIs. (2012). Roy Chowdhury, Prabal ; Guha, Brishti. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:05-2012.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012Testing for Multiple Bubbles. (2012). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:13-2012.

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22013Testing for Multiple Bubbles 1: Historical Episodes of Exuberance and Collapse in the S&P 500. (2013). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; JunYu, ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:04-2013.

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32013Micro-finance Competition: Motivated Micro-lenders, Double-dipping and Default. (2013). Roy Chowdhury, Prabal ; Guha, Brishti. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:01-2013.

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42011Testing for Multiple Bubbles. (2011). Yu, Jun ; Shi, Shuping ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:09-2011.

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52015Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects and Multiple Structural Breaks. (2015). Su, Liangjun ; Li, Degui ; Qian, Junhui. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:12-2015.

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62006Does Governance Matter? Yes, No or Maybe - Some Evidence from Developing Asia. (2006). Quibria, M.G.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:02-2006.

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72013Minimum Wage in a Deflationary Economy: The Japanese Experience, 1994–2003. (2013). Yamada, Ken ; Kawaguchi, Daiji ; Kambayashi, Ryo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:07-2013.

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82014Shrinkage Estimation of Regression Models with Multiple Structural Changes. (2014). Su, Liangjun ; Qian, Junhui. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:06-2014.

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92014A New Hedonic Regression for Real Estate Prices Applied to the Singapore Residential Market. (2014). Yu, Jun ; Phillips, Peter ; Jiang, Liang ; Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:19-2014.

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102007Instrumental Variable Quantile Estimation of Spatial Autoregressive Models. (2007). Yang, Zhenlin ; Su, Liangjun. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:05-2007.

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112015Bias correction for fixed effects spatial panel data models. (2015). Yu, Jihai ; Yang, Zhenlin ; Liu, Shew Fan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:04-2015.

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122015Shrinkage Estimation of Dynamic Panel Data Models with Interactive Fixed Effects. (2015). Su, Liangjun ; Liangjun, Su ; Lu, Xun. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:02-2015.

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132009Monetary Policy and Asset Prices in a Small Open Economy: A Factor-Augmented VAR Analysis for Singapore. (2009). Chow, Hwee Kwan ; CHOY, KEEN MENG. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:11-2009.

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142006Central Asia’s Transition After Fifteen Years: Growth and Policy Choices. (2006). Wignaraja, Ganeshan ; Dowling, John Malcolm. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:04-2006.

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152006The Coevolution of Economic and Political Development. (2006). Huang, Fali. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:22-2006.

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162012Grandparents as Guards: A Game Theoretic Analysis of Inheritance and Post Marital Residence in a World of Uncertain Paternity. (2012). Guha, Brishti. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:37-2012.

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172004LS Penrose’s limit theorem: Tests by simulation. (2004). Machover, Moshé ; Chang, Pao-Li ; Vincent C H Chua, ; Vincent CH Chua, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:26-2004.

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182010Patrilocal Exogamy as a Monitoring Mechanism : How Inheritance and Residence Patterns Co-evolve. (2010). Guha, Brishti. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:09-2010.

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192014Identifying Latent Structures in Panel Data. (2014). Su, Liangjun ; Phillips, Peter ; Peter C. B. Phillips, ; Shi, Zhentao. In: Working Papers. RePEc:siu:wpaper:07-2014.

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