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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


1999 0 0.3 0 0 27 27 132 0 0 0 0 0 0.15
2000 0.22 0.36 0.2 0.22 23 50 507 7 10 27 6 27 6 0 0 0.16
2001 0.2 0.38 0.17 0.2 27 77 427 11 23 50 10 50 10 0 1 0.04 0.17
2002 0.4 0.41 0.38 0.39 25 102 515 38 62 50 20 77 30 0 5 0.2 0.21
2003 0.42 0.44 0.28 0.31 35 137 424 38 100 52 22 102 32 2 5.3 4 0.11 0.22
2004 0.58 0.49 0.54 0.54 14 151 203 82 182 60 35 137 74 1 1.2 1 0.07 0.22
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12001articles: Localised knowledge spillovers vs. innovative milieux: Knowledge tacitness reconsidered. (2001). Lissoni, Francesco ; Breschi, Stefano. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:3:p:255-273.

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22002Social and institutional factors as determinants of economic growth: Evidence from the United States counties. (2002). Rupasingha, Anil ; Goetz, Stephan ; Freshwater, David. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:139-155.

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32000Firm relocation decisions in The Netherlands: An ordered logit approach. (2000). van Dijk, Jouke ; Pellenbarg, Piet H.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:191-219.

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42002Time distances and labor market integration. (2002). Klaesson, Johan ; Johansson, Börje ; Olsson, Michael. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:3:p:305-327.

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52000Determinants of new firm success. (2000). Veronique A. J. M. Schutjens, ; Wever, Egbert. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:135-153.

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62000research notes and comments: Geographic and sectoral characteristics of academic knowledge externalities. (2000). Varga, Attila ; Anselin, Luc ; acs, zoltan. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:4:p:435-443.

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72003Cities, regions and the decline of transport costs. (2003). Kohlhase, Janet ; Glaeser, Edward. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:197-228.

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82004Start-ups and relocations: Manufacturing plant location in Portugal. (2004). Holl, Adelheid. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:4:p:649-668.

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92001articles: Identifying network density and scale economies for Japanese water supply organizations. (2001). Urakami, Takuya ; Mizutani, Fumitoshi. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:2:p:211-230.

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102004The relationship between output and unemployment: Evidence from Greek regions. (2004). Christopoulos, Dimitris. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:3:p:611-620.

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112000The spatial distribution of new technology-based firms: Empirical results for West-Germany. (2000). Bade, Franz-Josef ; Nerlinger, Eric A.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:155-176.

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122002The regional distribution of Spanish unemployment: A spatial analysis. (2002). Lopez-Bazo, Enrique ; del Barrio Castro, Tomás ; Artís, Manuel ; Artis, Manuel. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:3:p:365-389.

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132000Regional variations in firm formation: Panel and cross-section data evidence from Finland. (2000). Kangasharju, Aki. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:4:p:355-373.

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142002Regional development of employment in eastern Germany: an analysis with an econometric analogue to shift-share techniques. (2002). Blien, Uwe ; Wolf, Katja. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:3:p:391-414.

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152003Location of foreign manufacturers in China: Agglomeration economies and country of origin effects. (2003). He, Canfei. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:3:p:351-372.

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162002Education, cost of living and regional wage inequality in Brazil. (2002). Azzoni, Carlos ; Luciana M. S. Servo, . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:157-175.

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172003Growth at the fringe: The influence of political fragmentation in United States metropolitan areas. (2003). Carruthers, John . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:4:p:475-499.

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182001articles: Trade policy and regional inequalities. (2001). Paluzie, Elisenda. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:1:p:67-85.

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192000Measuring the effects of air quality regulations on dirty firm births: Evidence from the neo- and mature-regulatory periods. (2000). List, John ; McHone, Warren W.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:177-190.

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202000articles: Regional inequalities in Greece. (2000). Petrakos, George ; Saratsis, Yiannis . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:1:p:57-74.

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211999articles: Spatial mismatch research in the 1990s: progress and potential. (1999). Preston, Valerie ; McLafferty, Sara. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:78:y:1999:i:4:p:387-402.

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222003Agglomeration and networks in spatial economies. (2003). Quigley, John ; Johansson, Börje. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:165-176.

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232003Crossing boundaries and borders: Regional science advances in migration modelling. (2003). Poot, Jacques ; Cushing, Brian. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:317-338.

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242000articles: Measuring the spillover effects: Some Chinese evidence. (2000). Ying, Long Gen . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:1:p:75-89.

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252002Constructing the divide: Spatial disparities in broadband access. (2002). Grubesic, Tony ; Murray, Alan T.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:197-221.

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262002Economic impacts of transportation network changes: Implementation of a combined transportation network and input-output model. (2002). Kim, Tschangho John ; Ham, Heejoo ; Boyce, David E.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:223-246.

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272001articles: Modelling the geography of economic activities on a continuous space. (2001). arbia, giuseppe. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:4:p:411-424.

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282001articles: Voting with your feet in the United Kingdom: Using cross-migration rates to estimate relative living standards. (2001). Wall, Howard. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:1:p:1-23.

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292002Regional labour market dynamics in the Netherlands. (2002). van Dijk, Jouke ; Broersma, Lourens. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:3:p:343-364.

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302003NAFTA and the changing pattern of state exports. (2003). Wall, Howard ; Coughlin, Cletus. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:4:p:427-450.

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312000A micro-simulation model of firms: Applications of concepts of the demography of the firm. (2000). van Wissen, Leo. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:111-134.

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322001articles: Outsourcing in the innovation process: Locational and strategic determinants. (2001). Roper, Stephen ; Love, James H.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:3:p:317-336.

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332003Which Indonesian firms export? The importance of foreign networks. (2003). Sjöholm, Fredrik ; Sjoholm, Fredrik . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:3:p:333-350.

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342003Cournot competition in spatial markets: Some further results. (2003). Yu, Chia-Ming ; Lai, Fu-Chuan. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:4:p:569-580.

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352000articles: Integrated regional econometric+input-output modeling: Issues and opportunities. (2000). Rey, Sergio. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:3:p:271-292.

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362002articles: Spatial markets and the potential for economic integration between Canadian and U.S. regions. (2002). Brown, William ; Anderson, William P.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:1:p:99-120.

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372003The new economic geography: Past, present and the future. (2003). Krugman, Paul ; Fujita, Masahisa. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:139-164.

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382002articles: The new intra-urban dynamics: Suburbanisation and functional specialisation in French cities. (2002). Gaschet, Frédéric. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:1:p:63-81.

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392002Explaining regional economic performance: An historical application of a dynamic multi-regional CGE model. (2002). Giesecke, James. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:247-278.

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401999The effect of unemployment, aggregate wages, and spatial contiguity on local wages: An investigation with German district level data. (1999). Büttner, Thiess. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:78:y:1999:i:1:p:47-67.

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412004Regional manufacturing employment volatility in Canada: The effects of specialisation and trade. (2004). Brown, William ; baldwin, john. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:3:p:519-541.

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422000articles: The implementation of marginal external cost pricing in road transport Long run vs short run and first-best vs second-best. (2000). Verhoef, Erik. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:3:p:307-332.

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432003Interregional transfers: A political-economy CGE approach. (2003). Madden, John ; Groenewold, Nicolaas ; Hagger, Alfred. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:4:p:535-554.

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442004Inward investment, transaction linkages and productivity spillovers. (2004). Munday, Max ; Driffield, Nigel ; Roberts, Annette. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:4:p:699-722.

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452003A qualitative input-output method to find basic economic structures. (2003). Aroche Reyes, Fidel ; Aroche-Reyes, Fidel . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:4:p:581-590.

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462004The effects of regional migration on gross income of labour in Sweden. (2004). Westerlund, Olle ; Nakosteen, Robert. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:3:p:581-595.

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471999articles: Spent nuclear fuel and residential property values: the influence of proximity, visual cues and public information. (1999). Clark, David ; Allison, Tim. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:78:y:1999:i:4:p:403-421.

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482001articles: Regional innovation potential in the United States: Evidence of spatial transformation. (2001). Ceh, Brian. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:3:p:297-316.

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492001articles: Is R&D investment in lagging areas of Europe worthwhile? Theory and empirical evidence. (2001). Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:3:p:275-295.

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502004Port capital formation and economic development in Japan: A vector autoregression approach. (2004). Kawakami, Tetsu ; Doi, Masayuki. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:4:p:723-732.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12001articles: Localised knowledge spillovers vs. innovative milieux: Knowledge tacitness reconsidered. (2001). Lissoni, Francesco ; Breschi, Stefano. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:3:p:255-273.

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22004The relationship between output and unemployment: Evidence from Greek regions. (2004). Christopoulos, Dimitris. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:3:p:611-620.

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32003Cities, regions and the decline of transport costs. (2003). Kohlhase, Janet ; Glaeser, Edward. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:197-228.

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42000Firm relocation decisions in The Netherlands: An ordered logit approach. (2000). van Dijk, Jouke ; Pellenbarg, Piet H.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:191-219.

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52001articles: Modelling the geography of economic activities on a continuous space. (2001). arbia, giuseppe. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:4:p:411-424.

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62000Determinants of new firm success. (2000). Veronique A. J. M. Schutjens, ; Wever, Egbert. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:135-153.

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72004Start-ups and relocations: Manufacturing plant location in Portugal. (2004). Holl, Adelheid. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:4:p:649-668.

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82002Social and institutional factors as determinants of economic growth: Evidence from the United States counties. (2002). Rupasingha, Anil ; Goetz, Stephan ; Freshwater, David. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:139-155.

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92000articles: Measuring the spillover effects: Some Chinese evidence. (2000). Ying, Long Gen . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:1:p:75-89.

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102002Time distances and labor market integration. (2002). Klaesson, Johan ; Johansson, Börje ; Olsson, Michael. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:3:p:305-327.

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112001articles: Is R&D investment in lagging areas of Europe worthwhile? Theory and empirical evidence. (2001). Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:3:p:275-295.

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121999articles: Spatial mismatch research in the 1990s: progress and potential. (1999). Preston, Valerie ; McLafferty, Sara. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:78:y:1999:i:4:p:387-402.

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132001articles: Outsourcing in the innovation process: Locational and strategic determinants. (2001). Roper, Stephen ; Love, James H.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:3:p:317-336.

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142003Location of foreign manufacturers in China: Agglomeration economies and country of origin effects. (2003). He, Canfei. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:3:p:351-372.

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152004Regional manufacturing employment volatility in Canada: The effects of specialisation and trade. (2004). Brown, William ; baldwin, john. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:3:p:519-541.

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162003A short history of the field of regional science. (2003). Boyce, David. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:31-57.

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172003Growth at the fringe: The influence of political fragmentation in United States metropolitan areas. (2003). Carruthers, John . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:4:p:475-499.

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182000The production-location problem revisited. (2000). Thisse, Jacques ; Peeters, Dominique. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:221-231.

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191999The employment impact of demographic change: A regional analysis. (1999). Batey, Peter ; Madden, Moss. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:78:y:1999:i:1:p:69-87.

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202000articles: Regional inequalities in Greece. (2000). Petrakos, George ; Saratsis, Yiannis . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:1:p:57-74.

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212000Regional variations in firm formation: Panel and cross-section data evidence from Finland. (2000). Kangasharju, Aki. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:4:p:355-373.

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222002Education, cost of living and regional wage inequality in Brazil. (2002). Azzoni, Carlos ; Luciana M. S. Servo, . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:157-175.

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232001articles: Identifying network density and scale economies for Japanese water supply organizations. (2001). Urakami, Takuya ; Mizutani, Fumitoshi. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:2:p:211-230.

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242001articles: Trade policy and regional inequalities. (2001). Paluzie, Elisenda. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:1:p:67-85.

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252003GIS and spatial data analysis: Converging perspectives. (2003). Haining, Robert ; Goodchild, Michael. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:363-385.

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262002Constructing the divide: Spatial disparities in broadband access. (2002). Grubesic, Tony ; Murray, Alan T.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:197-221.

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272001articles: Multi-dimensional analysis of regional inequality: The case of higher educational facilities in Spain. (2001). Folmer, Henk ; Loman, Sudha ; Quadrado, Lucia. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:2:p:189-209.

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282003The new economic geography: Past, present and the future. (2003). Krugman, Paul ; Fujita, Masahisa. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:139-164.

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292001articles: Consumer choice and optimal locations models: Formulations and heuristics. (2001). Serra, Daniel ; Colome, Rosa . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:80:y:2001:i:4:p:439-464.

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302000Measuring the effects of air quality regulations on dirty firm births: Evidence from the neo- and mature-regulatory periods. (2000). List, John ; McHone, Warren W.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:177-190.

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312003Labour market competitiveness and foreign direct investment: The case of Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines. (2003). Ismail, Rahmah ; Yussof, Ishak. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:3:p:389-402.

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322004On Austrian regional economics. (2004). Heijman, Wim ; Leen, Auke. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:2:p:487-493.

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332002Economic impacts of transportation network changes: Implementation of a combined transportation network and input-output model. (2002). Kim, Tschangho John ; Ham, Heejoo ; Boyce, David E.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:2:p:223-246.

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342003Spatial pattern of Japanese manufacturing industry in four ASEAN countries. (2003). Tiwari, Piyush ; Doi, Masayuki ; Syamwil, Indra . In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:82:y:2003:i:3:p:403-415.

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352000research notes and comments: Geographic and sectoral characteristics of academic knowledge externalities. (2000). Varga, Attila ; Anselin, Luc ; acs, zoltan. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:4:p:435-443.

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362003Location, agglomeration and infrastructure. (2003). McCann, Philip ; Shefer, Daniel. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2003:i:1:p:177-196.

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372002The regional distribution of Spanish unemployment: A spatial analysis. (2002). Lopez-Bazo, Enrique ; del Barrio Castro, Tomás ; Artís, Manuel ; Artis, Manuel. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:3:p:365-389.

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382000The spatial distribution of new technology-based firms: Empirical results for West-Germany. (2000). Bade, Franz-Josef ; Nerlinger, Eric A.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:79:y:2000:i:2:p:155-176.

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392002articles: Spatial markets and the potential for economic integration between Canadian and U.S. regions. (2002). Brown, William ; Anderson, William P.. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:1:p:99-120.

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402002articles: Describing migration spatial structure. (2002). Little, Jani ; Raymer, James ; Willekens, Frans ; Rogers, Andrei. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:81:y:2002:i:1:p:29-48.

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412004Inward investment, transaction linkages and productivity spillovers. (2004). Munday, Max ; Driffield, Nigel ; Roberts, Annette. In: Papers in Regional Science. RePEc:spr:presci:v:83:y:2004:i:4:p:699-722.

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