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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2015 0 0.66 0 0 317 317 73 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12015Corruption, EU Aid Inflows and Economic Growth in Ghana: Cointegration and Causality Analysis. (2015). Forson, Joseph . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:127.

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22015Accounting in the Cloud. (2015). DIMITRIU, Otilia ; Matei, Marian . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1259-1265.

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32015Leadership, Trust and Knowledge Management in Relation To Organizational Performance: Advancing a Framework. (2015). Paliszkiewicz, Joanna ; Koohang, Alex ; Goluchowski, Jerzy . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:307.

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42015State-Owned Enterprises in the Global Economy – Analysis Based on Fortune Global 500 List. (2015). Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz ; Augustynowicz, Pawel . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1739-1747.

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52015The Role of Theory of Planned Behavior on Entrepreneurial Intention of Greek Business Students. (2015). Tsordia, Charitomeni ; Papadimitriou, Dimitra . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1595.

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62015Green Computing: Latest Practices and Technologies for Ict Sustainability. (2015). Pazowski, Piotr . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1853-1860.

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72015Evaluation of the Financial Transaction Tax in the Light of the Optimal Taxation Theory. (2015). Twarowska, Malgorzata ; Szolno-Koguc, Jolanta . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:755-764.

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82015A Taxonomy of Service Quality Strategies. (2015). , Ping-Kuo . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:2031-2041.

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92015Risk Consideration and Cost Estimation in Construction Projects Using Monte Carlo Simulation. (2015). Peleskei, Claudius A ; Popescu, Sorin ; Munteanu, Radu A ; Dorca, Vasile . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:613.

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102015The Role of Trust on Brand Loyalty and Brand Equity. (2015). Liao, Ying-Kai . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:603-612.

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112015Comparative Analysis on the Influence of the Economic Crisis on Education in Some European Countries. (2015). Zaharia, Marian ; Popescu, Ctlin . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:857.

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122015Framework of Strategic Learning: PDCA Cycle. (2015). Pietrzak, Michal ; Paliszkiewicz, Joanna . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:385.

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132015Review of Business Growth Models: Research Strategies and Empirical Evidence. (2015). Muhos, Matti. In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:795-805.

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142015The Impact of Exchange Rate on the Poland’s Trage Flows. (2015). Twarowska, Katarzyna. In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:775.

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152015A Bass Difussion Model Analysis in a Marketing Approach on the Mobile Phone Market. (2015). Lobontiu, Mircea ; Barkoczi, Nadia ; Bacali, Laura . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1283-1290.

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162015Students Personal Life Goals Assessed Using Settings Weighting Method. (2015). Dadelo, Stanislav . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1941-1945.

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172015The Intellectual Capital Effectiveness and Enterprises Performance: Empirical Study of Polish Listed Companies Using VAIC Method. (2015). Bryl, Lukasz ; Truskolaski, Szymon . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:933-942.

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182015Youth Entrepreneurship Barriers and Role of Education in their Overcoming - Pilot Study. (2015). . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1775-1782.

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192015Impact of Economic Crisis on Student Demand for Tertiary Education. (2015). Skrbinjek, Vesna ; Sustersic, Janez ; Lesjak, Dusan. In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:2267-2274.

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202015A Comparative Study of Tastes and Preferences for Local and Foreign Wines in Bulgaria. (2015). Boshnakov, Petyo . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:191-197.

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212015Legal and Managerial Implications of the Italian ‘Contratto di Rete’ – Network Contract. (2015). Massari, Francesco Saverio ; Calace, Donato ; Riggio, Maria Teresa . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:913.

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222015Telecommuting Opportunity to Use the Economic Potential of People with Disabilities in the Polish Economy. (2015). Ukowski, Stanislaw . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:2203-2210.

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232015Supply Chains in the Apparel Industry: Supply Chains in the Apparel Industry: Do Transnational Initiatives for Social Sustainability Improve Workers’ Situation?. (2015). Meier, Claude. In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:729.

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242015What Kinds of Esd and Ge Competencies Will our Graduates Need?. (2015). Naji, Majda . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1883.

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252015User Experience Design: Aesthetics or Functionality?. (2015). Turkyilmaz, Ali ; Uysal, Ozgur ; Bulak, Enis M ; Kantar, Simge . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:559-565.

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262015Creative Industries as a Growth Driver: An Overview. (2015). . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1725-1731.

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272015Ict Tools for the Development of Entrepreneurial Competencies. (2015). Jagodic, Gregor ; Dermol, Valerij . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:2123-2129.

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282015Modeling the Macro-Environmental Factors of International Distribution. (2015). Iamratanakul, Supachart . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:625-631.

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292015Debate on the Decision Making Process for Green Investments in Sustainable Development Context. (2015). Sirbu, Roxana Mihaela ; LOBONT, Oana Ramona ; Draghici, Anca. In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1187-1194.

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302015Efficiency of the Healthcare Sector in the EU-28 at the Regional Level. (2015). Aristovnik, Aleksander. In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:615-623.

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312015Product Life Cycle, Technology Life Cycle and Market Life Cycle: Similarities, Differences and Applications. (2015). Tolonen, Arto ; Shahmarichatghieh, Marzieh ; Haapasalo, Harri. In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1143-1151.

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322015A Model of Technological Innovation Process. (2015). Nacu, Cosmin-Mihai . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1783-1790.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12015Accounting in the Cloud. (2015). DIMITRIU, Otilia ; Matei, Marian . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1259-1265.

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22015The Role of Theory of Planned Behavior on Entrepreneurial Intention of Greek Business Students. (2015). Tsordia, Charitomeni ; Papadimitriou, Dimitra . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1595.

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32015Leadership, Trust and Knowledge Management in Relation To Organizational Performance: Advancing a Framework. (2015). Paliszkiewicz, Joanna ; Koohang, Alex ; Goluchowski, Jerzy . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:307.

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42015State-Owned Enterprises in the Global Economy – Analysis Based on Fortune Global 500 List. (2015). Kwiatkowski, Grzegorz ; Augustynowicz, Pawel . In: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation for Sustainable and Inclusive Society: Managing Intellectual Capital and Innovation; Proceedings of the M. RePEc:tkp:mklp15:1739-1747.

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