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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


1992 0 0.11 0.44 0 96 96 98 42 42 0 0 42 100 42 0.44 0.05
1993 0 0.13 0 0 82 178 137 42 96 96 0 0 0.06
1994 0.01 0.14 0.08 0.01 62 240 199 19 61 178 1 178 1 18 94.7 18 0.29 0.07
1995 0.26 0.22 0.18 0.16 78 318 8 56 117 144 38 240 38 53 94.6 0 0.1
1996 0 0.25 0 0 58 376 19 1 118 140 318 1 0 0 0.12
1997 0 0.24 0 0.01 58 434 8 2 120 136 376 2 0 0 0.11
1998 0 0.28 0.05 0.03 69 503 139 27 147 116 338 10 22 81.5 16 0.23 0.13
1999 0 0.3 0.01 0 68 571 115 6 153 127 325 0 0 0.15
2000 0.17 0.36 0.05 0.07 88 659 68 27 183 137 23 331 24 18 66.7 0 0.16
2001 0.01 0.38 0.02 0.01 103 762 214 13 196 156 1 341 3 0 5 0.05 0.17
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11994Negative binomial regression. (1994). Hilbe, Joseph. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:18:sg16.5.

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21994Regression standard errors in clustered samples. (1994). Rogers, William . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:13:sg17.

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32001Random-effects ordered probit. (2001). Frechette, Guillaume. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:59:sg158.

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41993Quantile regression standard errors. (1993). Rogers, William . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg11.

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51993Generalized linear models. (1993). Hilbe, Joseph. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1993:v:2:i:11:sg16.

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61994A library of time series programs for Stata. (1994). Becketti, Sean . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:17:sts7.

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71992How Robust is Robust Regression?. (1992). Hamilton, Lawrence C.. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd1.

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82001On boundary-value likelihood-ratio tests. (2001). Drukker, David M. ; Carter, Shana ; Gutierrez, Roberto G.. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:60:sg160.

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92001Update to random-effects ordered probit. (2001). Frechette, Guillaume. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:61:sg158.1.

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101999Multivariable fractional polynomials. (1999). Ambler, Gareth ; Royston, Patrick. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:43:sg81.

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111998An approximate likelihood-ratio test for ordinal response models. (1998). Gould, William ; Wolfe, Rory. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:42:sg76.

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121999Assessing the influence of a single study in the meta-anyalysis estimate. (1999). Tobias, Aurelio. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:47:sbe26.

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131998Discrete time proportional hazards regression. (1998). Jenkins, Stephen. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:39:sbe17.

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141992Summary of Tests of Normality. (1992). Gould, William ; Rogers, William . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1992:v:1:i:3:sg3.4.

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151993Quantile regression with bootstrapped standard errors. (1993). Gould, William. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg11.1.

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161992Skewness and Kurtosis Tests of Normality. (1992). Gould, William. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1992:v:1:i:1:sg3.

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171998Random allocation of treatments in blocks. (1998). Ryan, Philip . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:41:sxd1.

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182001Tools for spatiel data analysis. (2001). Pisati, Maurizio. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:60:sg162.

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192001Censored least absolute deviations estimator: CLAD. (2001). Semykina, Anastasia ; Jolliffe, Dean ; Krushelnytskyy, Bohdan. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:58:sg153.

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201998Survival analysis subroutine for programmers. (1998). Gould, William. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:37:ssa9.1.

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211993Matching the Current Population Surveys. (1993). Welch, Finis . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1993:v:2:i:12:dm11.

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222000Robust standard errors for the Foster-Greer-Thorbecke class of poverty indices. (2000). Semykina, Anastasia ; Jolliffe, Dean. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:51:sg117.

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232000Generalized linear latent and mixed models. (2000). Rabe-Hesketh, Sophia ; Pickles, Andrew ; Taylor, Colin . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:53:sg129.

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242001B-splines and splines parameterized by their values at reference points on the x-axis. (2001). Newson, Roger. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:57:sg151.

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251994Exploring the shape of univariate data using kernel density estimators. (1994). Salgado-Ugarte, Isaías ; Shimizu, Makoto ; Taniuchi, Toru. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:16:snp6.

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261996Huber correction for two-stage least squares estimates. (1996). Over, A. ; Jolliffe, Dean ; Foster, Andrew. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1996:v:5:i:29:sg46.

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272000Hotdeck imputation. (2000). Mander, Adrian ; Clayton, David. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:51:sg116.

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28Estimating generalized ordered logit models. (1999). Fu, Vincent. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:44:sg88.

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291999Analysis of income distributions. (1999). Jenkins, Stephen. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:48:sg104.

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301994A temporary solution to a problem with temporary variable names. (1994). Hakkio, Craig. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:17:ip5.

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311998An adaptive variable span running line smoother. (1998). Sasieni, Peter. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:41:gr27.

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321994Approximate p-values for unit root and cointegration tests. (1994). Hakkio, Craig. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:17:sts6.

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332001Tests for stationarity of a time series. (2001). Baum, Christopher. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:57:sts15.

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341998Interquartile and simultaneous-quantile regression. (1998). Gould, William. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:38:sg70.

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351994A library of time series programs for Stata (Update). (1994). Becketti, Sean . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:18:sts7.1.

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362001Treatment effects model. (2001). Drukker, David M. ; Cong, Ronna. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:55:sg141.

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372000Interpreting logistic regression in all its forms. (2000). Gould, William. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:53:sg124.

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381998Tests for publication bias in meta-analysis. (1998). Steichen, Thomas. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:41:sbe19.

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392001Nonparametric trim and fill analysis of publication bias in meta-analysis. (2001). Steichen, Thomas. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:57:sbe39.

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402001Tests for long memory in a time series. (2001). Baum, Christopher ; Wiggins, Vince . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:57:sts16.

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412000Bootstrap standard errors for indices of inequality. (2000). Jolliffe, Dean ; Krushelnytskyy, Bohdan. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:51:sg115.

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422000Seemlingly unrelated estimation and the cluster-adjusted sandwich estimator. (2000). Weesie, Jeroen. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:52:sg121.

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431996Practical rules for bandwidth selection in univariate density estimation. (1996). Salgado-Ugarte, Isaías ; Shimizu, Makoto ; Taniuchi, Toru. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1996:v:5:i:27:snp6.2.

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442001Special restrictions in multinomial logistic regression. (2001). Hendrickx, John. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:56:sbe37.

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451998Simple and multiple correspondence analysis in Stata. (1998). Van Kerm, Philippe. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:42:sg78.

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46Nonparametric assessment of multimodality for univariate data. (1998). Salgado-Ugarte, Isaías ; Shimizu, Makoto ; Taniuchi, Toru. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:38:snp13.

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471994The piecewise linear spline transformation. (1994). Panis, Constantijn. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:18:sg24.

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481999Robust variance estimators for MLE Poisson and negative binomial regression. (1999). Hilbe, Joseph. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:45:sg91.

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492001Marginal effects of the tobit model. (2001). Cong, Ronna. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:56:sg144.

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501993Identifying multivariate outliers. (1993). Gould, William ; Hadi, Ali S.. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1993:v:2:i:11:smv6.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11994Regression standard errors in clustered samples. (1994). Rogers, William . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1994:v:3:i:13:sg17.

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21998An approximate likelihood-ratio test for ordinal response models. (1998). Gould, William ; Wolfe, Rory. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:42:sg76.

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31992How Robust is Robust Regression?. (1992). Hamilton, Lawrence C.. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1992:v:1:i:2:srd1.

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41999Multivariable fractional polynomials. (1999). Ambler, Gareth ; Royston, Patrick. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:43:sg81.

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51993Quantile regression standard errors. (1993). Rogers, William . In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1993:v:2:i:9:sg11.

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62000Seemlingly unrelated estimation and the cluster-adjusted sandwich estimator. (2000). Weesie, Jeroen. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:52:sg121.

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71999Assessing the influence of a single study in the meta-anyalysis estimate. (1999). Tobias, Aurelio. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:47:sbe26.

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82001On boundary-value likelihood-ratio tests. (2001). Drukker, David M. ; Carter, Shana ; Gutierrez, Roberto G.. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:60:sg160.

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92001Treatment effects model. (2001). Drukker, David M. ; Cong, Ronna. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:55:sg141.

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102001Random-effects ordered probit. (2001). Frechette, Guillaume. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:59:sg158.

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111998Discrete time proportional hazards regression. (1998). Jenkins, Stephen. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:39:sbe17.

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122001Update to random-effects ordered probit. (2001). Frechette, Guillaume. In: Stata Technical Bulletin. RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:61:sg158.1.

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