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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2004 0 0.6 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.36
2005 0 0.6 0 0 3 4 1 0 1 1 0 0 0.36
2006 0.25 0.59 0.06 0.25 12 16 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 100 0 0.34
2007 0.07 0.52 0.03 0.06 14 30 14 1 2 15 1 16 1 1 100 0 0.29
2008 0 0.59 0 0 7 37 0 2 26 30 0 0 0.29
2009 0 0.58 0 0 8 45 10 2 21 37 0 0 0.33
2010 0.13 0.52 0.07 0.09 9 54 4 4 6 15 2 44 4 0 0 0.3
2011 0.41 0.61 0.14 0.18 10 64 6 9 15 17 7 50 9 1 11.1 0 0.37
2012 0.05 0.68 0.11 0.04 12 76 50 7 23 19 1 48 2 1 14.3 5 0.42 0.36
2013 0.36 0.67 0.21 0.22 11 87 62 18 41 22 8 46 10 4 22.2 2 0.18 0.35
2014 0.35 0.67 0.12 0.2 8 95 9 11 52 23 8 50 10 2 18.2 0 0.34
2015 0.68 0.66 0.17 0.32 7 102 17 17 69 19 13 50 16 1 5.9 1 0.14 0.36
2016 0.27 0.65 0.2 0.4 6 108 15 22 91 15 4 48 19 2 9.1 2 0.33 0.35
2017 0.38 0.62 0.23 0.45 3 111 5 25 116 13 5 44 20 0 0 0.35
2018 0.11 0.62 0.22 0.4 2 113 0 25 141 9 1 35 14 0 0 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013On the inconsistency of the Malmquist-Luenberger index. (2013). Zofío, José ; Pastor, Jesus ; Aparicio, Juan ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201301.

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22012Do Economists Lie More?. (2012). Spiegelman, Eli ; López-Pérez, Raúl ; Lopez-Perez, Raul . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201204.

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32012The multiregional core-periphery model: The role of the spatial topology. (2012). Zofío, José ; Barbero, Javier ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201212.

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42016A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB. (2016). Zofío, José ; Barbero, Javier ; Álvarez, Inmaculada ; Alvarez, Inmaculada ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201603.

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52015Temperature Effects on Firms’ Electricity Demand: An Analysis of Sectorial Differences in Spain. (2015). Perez Garcia, Julian ; Moral Carcedo, Julian. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201501.

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6Trade margins, transport cost thresholds and market areas: Municipal freight flows and urban hierarchy. (2013). Zofío, José ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Diaz-Lanchas, Jorge ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201310.

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72007To Comply or Not To Comply? Pollution Standard Setting Under Costly Monitoring and Sanctioning. (2007). Arguedas, Carmen. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200713.

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82012Socioeconomic Gradient in Health: How Important is Material Deprivation?. (2012). Herrarte Sánchez, Ainhoa ; Cottini, Elena ; Blázquez Cuesta, Maite ; Blazquez, Maite. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201207.

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92012The role of fiscal delegation in a monetary union: a survey of the political economy issues. (2012). de Blas, Beatriz ; Costain, James. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201211.

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102013A Panel Data Toolbox for MATLAB. (2013). Zofío, José ; Barbero, Javier ; Álvarez, Inmaculada ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201305.

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112009On Approval and Disapproval: Theory and Experiments. (2009). Vorsatz, Marc ; López-Pérez, Raúl ; Lopez-Perez, Raul . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200908.

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122017Development accounting using PIAAC data. (2017). Lopez-Mayan, Cristina ; Kuehn, Zoe ; Hidalgo-Cabrillana, Ana. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201702.

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132014The Border Effect and the Non-Linear Relationship between Trade and Distance. (2014). Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Gallego, Nuria. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201406.

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142011Does trade creation by social and business networks hold in services? An analysis for Accommodation and Restaurants in Spain. (2011). de la Mata, Tamara. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201104.

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152014Optimal Pollution Standards and Non-Compliance in a Dynamic Framework. (2014). Martin-Herran, Guiomar ; Arguedas, Carmen ; Cabo, Francisco. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201408.

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162015A contribution to the analysis of historical economic fluctuations (1870-2010): filtering, spurious cycles and unobserved component modelling. (2015). Muñoz, Félix-Fernando ; Fernandez de Pinedo, Nadia ; Cendejas Bueno, José Luis ; Cendejas Bueno, Jose Luis, ; Fernandez-de-Pinedo, Nadia, ; Muoz, Felix . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201504.

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172007On Stickiness, Cash in Advance, and Persistence. (2007). de Blas, Beatriz ; Auray, Stéphane. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200705.

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182016Cities export specialization. (2016). Requena Silvente, Francisco ; Minondo, Asier ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Diaz-Lanchas, Jorge. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201604.

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192009Are Drinkers Prone To Engage In Risky Sexual Behaviors?. (2009). oliva, juan ; Gil-Lacruz, Ana ; Gil Lacruz, Ana Isabel, ; Moreno, Juan Oliva . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200907.

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202014On Fraud and Certification of Corporate Social Responsibility. (2014). Arguedas, Carmen ; Blanco, Esther. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201402.

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212006Desempleo, búsqueda y políticas activas. (2006). Sanchez-Romero, Miguel ; Moral Carcedo, Julian ; Herrarte Sánchez, Ainhoa ; Moral-Carcedo, Julian . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200604.

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222015Analysis and long term forecasting of electricity demand through a decomposition model: A case study for Spain. (2015). Perez Garcia, Julian ; Moral Carcedo, Julian. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201507.

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232010An Exploration of the Content of Social Norms using Simple Games. (2010). Vorsatz, Marc ; López-Pérez, Raúl ; Lopez-Perez, Raul . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201001.

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242011Individual Heterogeneity in Punishment and Reward. (2011). López-Pérez, Raúl ; Leibbrandt, Andreas ; Lopez-Perez, Raul . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201101.

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252013The allocation of entrepreneurial effort and its implications on economic growth. (2013). Muñoz, Félix-Fernando ; Muoz, Felix ; Encinar, Maria Isabel ; Otamendi, Francisco Javier . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201306.

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262014The rise or the fall of the wall? Determinants of low entrepreneurship in East Germany. (2014). Kuehn, Zoe. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201403.

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272011Decomposing generalized transport costs using index numbers: A geographical analysis of economic and infrastructure fundamentals. (2011). Zofío, José ; Maroto-Sánchez, Andrés ; Condeço-Melhorado, Ana ; Condeo-Melhorado, Ana M. ; Zofio, Jose Luis ; Gutierrez, Javier ; Maroto-Sanchez, Andres . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201106.

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282015Teaching Styles and achievement: Student and Teacher Perspectives. (2015). Lopez-Mayan, Cristina ; Hidalgo-Cabrillana, Ana. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201502.

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292010La Apertura al Comercio Exterior y sus Efectos sobre la Productividad en Presencia de Diferencias Intersectoriales. (2010). NAVAS, ANTONIO. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201004.

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302012Boom-and-bust cycles marked by capital inflows, current account deterioration and a rise and fall of the real exchange rate. (2012). Müller-Plantenberg, Nikolas ; Muller-Plantenberg, Nikolas . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201210.

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312007Efficiency in Public Research Centers: Evaluating the Spanish Food Technology Program. (2007). Zofío, José ; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, Jon Mikel ; Saez, Fernando Jimenez. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200704.

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322009A Note on the Complementarity of Uniform Emission Standards and Monitoring Strategies. (2009). Rousseau, Sandra ; Arguedas, Carmen. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200906.

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332011Overeducation Dynamics and Personality. (2011). Rodriguez, Santiago ; Blázquez Cuesta, Maite ; Blazquez, Maite ; Budria, Santiago . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201105.

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342013Falling birth rates and world population decline: A quantitative discussion (1950-2040). (2013). Muñoz, Félix-Fernando ; Muoz, Felix ; Gonzalo, Julio A.. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201303.

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352007The Effect of Fertility on the Decision of Abandoning the Labour Market: The Case of Spain. (2007). Moral Carcedo, Julian ; Herrarte Sánchez, Ainhoa ; Fernandez, Felipe Saez. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200711.

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362018Social norms and tax compliance: Experiments and theory. (2018). López-Pérez, Raúl ; Zamudio, Aldo Ramirez ; Perez, Raul Lopez . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201802.

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372010Estimación de los Flujos de Transporte de Mercancías Interregionales Trimestrales mediante Técnicas de Interpolación Temporal. (2010). Perez Garcia, Julian ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Gallego, Nuria ; Lopez, Nuria Gallego . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201003.

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382013How to properly decompose economic efficiency using technical and allocative criteria with non-homothetic DEA technologies. (2013). Zofío, José ; Pastor, Jesus ; Aparicio, Juan ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201311.

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392009Environmental Policy Instruments: Technology Adoption Incentives with Imperfect Compliance. (2009). Zofío, José ; Camacho Cuena, Eva ; Arguedas, Carmen. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200903.

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402007School To Work Transitions And The Impact Of Public Expenditure On Education. (2007). García Pérez, J. Ignacio ; Blázquez Cuesta, Maite ; Garcia Perez , Jose Ignacio, ; Garcia Perez, Jose Ignacio, . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200708.

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412012Asymmetric trade liberalization, sector heterogeneity and Innovation. (2012). NAVAS, ANTONIO. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201205.

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422005“Welfare Gains and Annuities Demand”. (2005). Sanchez-Romero, Miguel. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200502.

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432015Loss Distance Functions and Profit Function: General Duality Results. (2015). Zofío, José ; Pastor, Jesus ; Aparicio, Juan ; Borras, Fernando . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201506.

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442009Minimum Wage and Youth Employment Rates in Spain: New Evidence for the Period 2000-2008. (2009). Llorente-Heras, Raquel ; Moral Carcedo, Julian ; Blázquez Cuesta, Maite. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200902.

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452007Action Plans and Socio-Economic Evolutionary Change. (2007). Muñoz, Félix-Fernando ; Muoz, Felix ; Encinar, Maria Isabel . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200707.

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462017Technology adoption in emission trading programs with market power. (2017). Arguedas, Carmen ; André, Francisco ; Andre, Francisco J. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201701.

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472005Return to Dollar, Generalized Distance Function and the Fisher Productivity Index. (2005). Zofío, José ; Prieto, Angel . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200501.

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482008Maternity and working life: reconsidering the effectiveness of part-time employment. (2008). Moral Carcedo, Julian ; Blázquez Cuesta, Maite ; Moral-Carcedo, Julian . In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:200807.

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492010Urban patterns, population density and optimal city dimension: The case of public infrastructure. (2010). Zofío, José ; Álvarez, Inmaculada ; Prieto, ngel ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201008.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12013On the inconsistency of the Malmquist-Luenberger index. (2013). Zofío, José ; Pastor, Jesus ; Aparicio, Juan ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201301.

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22015Temperature Effects on Firms’ Electricity Demand: An Analysis of Sectorial Differences in Spain. (2015). Perez Garcia, Julian ; Moral Carcedo, Julian. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201501.

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32016A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB. (2016). Zofío, José ; Barbero, Javier ; Álvarez, Inmaculada ; Alvarez, Inmaculada ; Zofio, Jose Luis. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201603.

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42014The Border Effect and the Non-Linear Relationship between Trade and Distance. (2014). Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Gallego, Nuria. In: Working Papers in Economic Theory. RePEc:uam:wpaper:201406.

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