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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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1998 0 0.31 0.27 0 11 11 68 3 3 0 0 0 3 0.27 0.18
1999 0.64 0.39 0.84 0.64 14 25 196 21 24 11 7 11 7 20 95.2 11 0.79 0.25
2000 0.4 0.54 0.64 0.4 8 33 166 21 45 25 10 25 10 15 71.4 2 0.25 0.24
2001 0.18 0.49 0.14 0.15 2 35 9 5 50 22 4 33 5 1 20 0 0.27
2002 0 0.54 0.27 0.26 6 41 3 11 61 10 35 9 0 0 0.31
2003 0.5 0.53 0.65 0.44 7 48 22 30 92 8 4 41 18 13 43.3 4 0.57 0.3
2004 0.15 0.6 0.56 0.46 6 54 7 30 122 13 2 37 17 3 10 2 0.33 0.36
2005 0.15 0.6 0.44 0.38 17 71 54 31 153 13 2 29 11 2 6.5 1 0.06 0.36
2006 0.17 0.59 0.37 0.16 7 78 12 29 182 23 4 38 6 2 6.9 0 0.34
2007 0.25 0.52 0.51 0.23 10 88 6 45 227 24 6 43 10 7 15.6 0 0.29
2008 0.06 0.59 0.27 0.09 2 90 0 24 251 17 1 47 4 0 0 0.29
2009 0 0.58 0.31 0.14 9 99 9 31 282 12 42 6 6 19.4 5 0.56 0.33
2010 0 0.52 0.39 0.13 4 103 0 40 322 11 45 6 0 0 0.3
2011 0.23 0.61 0.36 0.16 10 113 40 41 363 13 3 32 5 1 2.4 0 0.37
2012 0.14 0.68 0.28 0.11 4 117 3 33 396 14 2 35 4 3 9.1 0 0.36
2013 0.36 0.67 0.47 0.17 1 118 7 55 451 14 5 29 5 0 0 0.35
2014 0.4 0.67 0.28 0.14 3 121 2 34 485 5 2 28 4 0 0 0.34
2017 0 0.62 0.38 0.38 4 125 0 47 607 0 8 3 4 8.5 0 0.35
2019 0 0.63 0.3 0 1 126 0 38 674 4 7 0 0 0.37
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12000Export-Led Growth: A Survey of the Empirical Literature and Some Noncausality Results, Part 1. (2000). Clarke, Judith ; Williams, Cara L. ; Giles, Judith A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0001.

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22000Export-Led Growth: A Survey of the Empirical Literature and Some Noncausality Results, Part 2. (2000). Clarke, Judith ; Williams, Cara L. ; Giles, Judith A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0002.

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31999Modelling the Hidden Economy and the Tax-Gap in New Zealand. (1999). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9905.

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41999Some Pretesting Issues on Testing for Granger Noncausality. (1999). Clarke, Judith ; Giles, Judith A. ; Mirza, Sadaf. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9914.

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52011Interpreting Dummy Variables in Semi-logarithmic Regression Models: Exact Distributional Results. (2011). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:1101.

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61999Export-led Growth: A Survey of the Empirical Literature and Some Noncausality Results. (1999). Clarke, Judith ; Williams, Cara L. ; Giles, Judith A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9901.

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71998Measuring The Hidden Economy: Implications for Econometric Modelling. (1998). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9809.

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81998Testing for Unit Roots With Missing Observations. (1998). Giles, David ; Ryan, Kevin F.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9802.

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91999The Canadian Underground and Measured Economies: Granger Causality Results. (1999). Tedds, Lindsay ; Giles, David ; Werkneh, Gugsa . In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9907.

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101999Our Fans in the North: The Demand for British Rugby League. (1999). Jones, John ; Giles, David ; Schofield, John A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9902.

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112005Government Size and Economic Growth: Time-Series Evidence for the United Kingdom, 1830-1993. (2005). Yuk, Wing. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0501.

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122003Ruminant Eructation and a Long-Run Environmental Kuznets Curve for Enteric Methane in New Zealand: Conventional and Fuzzy Regression Analysis. (2003). mosk, carl ; Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0306.

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131999The Learning Path of the Hidden Economy: The Tax Burden and Tax Evasion in New Zealand. (1999). Giles, David ; Caragata, Patrick J.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9904.

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141998Simulating the Relationship Between the Hidden Economy and the Tax Level and Tax Mix in New Zealand. (1998). Giles, David ; Caragata, Patrick J.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9804.

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152005Price Index Convergence Among Provinces and Cities of Canada: 1978 - 2001. (2005). Ralhan, Mukesh ; Dayanandan, Ajit. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0504.

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161998Modelling the Hidden Economy and the Tax-Gap in New Zealand. (1998). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9810.

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172001Econometric Modelling based on Pattern recognition via the Fuzzy c-Means Clustering Algorithm. (2001). Giles, David ; Draeseke, Robert. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0101.

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182000Modelling the Underground Economies in Canada and New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis. (2000). Tedds, Lindsay ; Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0003.

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191999Are Cigarette Bans Really Good Economic Policy?. (1999). Reinhardt, Frank ; Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9903.

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202013Modelling Volatility Spillover Effects Between Developed Stock Markets and Asian Emerging Stock Markets. (2013). Giles, David ; Li, Yanan. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:1301.

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211998The Underground Economy: Minimizing the Size of Government. (1998). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9801.

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222005Direct and Indirect Causality Between Exports and Economic Output for Bangladesh and Sri Lanka: Horizon Matters. (2005). Ralhan, Mukesh ; Clarke, Judith. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0512.

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231998The Underground Economy: Minimizing the Size of Government. (1998). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9808.

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242005Convergence of Income Among Provinces in Canada – An Application of GMM Estimation. (2005). Ralhan, Mukesh ; Dayanandan, Ajit. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0502.

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252000Taxes, Risk-Aversion, and the Size of the Underground Economy: A Nonparametric Analysis With New Zealand Data. (2000). Giles, David ; Johnson, Betty J.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0006.

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26Testing for Two-Step Granger Noncausality in Trivariate VAR Models. (2000). Clarke, Judith ; Giles, Judith A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0008.

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272005Benford’s Law and Naturally Occurring Prices in Certain ebaY Auctions. (2005). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0505.

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281998The Learning Path of the Hidden Economy:Tax and Growth Effects in New Zealand. (1998). Giles, David ; Caragata, Patrick J.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9805.

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292004Identifying the Cycle of a Macroeconomic Time-Series Using Fuzzy Filtering. (2004). Giles, David ; Stroomer, Chad N.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0406.

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301998Modelling the Tax Compliance Profiles of New Zealand Firms: Evidence from Audit Records. (1998). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9803.

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312011Biased-Reduced Maximum Likelihood Estimation for the Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution. (2011). Schwartz, Jacob ; Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:1102.

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321999The Timing and Scale of Investment Under Uncertainty. (1999). Small, John P.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9906.

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332011Improved Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Shape Parameter in the Nakagami Distribution. (2011). Schwartz, Jacob ; Giles, David ; Godwin, Ryan T.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:1109.

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342006Modelling the Duration of Interest Rate Spells Under Inflation Targeting in Canada. (2006). Giles, David ; Shih, Ruby. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0605.

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351999A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Modelling the Underground Economy. (1999). Giles, David ; Draeseke, Robert. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9909.

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361999The Rental Cost of Sunk and Regulated Capital. (1999). Ergas, Henry ; Small, John P.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9908.

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372009Finite-Sample Properties of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Binary Logit Model With Random Covariates. (2009). Giles, David ; Chen, Qian. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0906.

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382003Income Convergence and trade Openness: Fuzzy Clustering and Time Series Evidence. (2003). Giles, David ; Stroomer, Chad. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0304.

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392006Determinants of Capital Flows: A Cross-Country Analysis. (2006). Ralhan, Mukesh. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0601.

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402001Output Convergence and International Trade: Time-Series and Fuzzy Clustering Evidence for New Zealand and Her Trading Partners, 1950-1992. (2001). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0102.

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411999Taxes, Risk-Aversion, and the Size of the Underground Economy: A Nonparametric Analysis With New Zealand Data. (1999). Giles, David ; Johnson, Betty J.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9910.

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421998Robust Specification Testing in Regression: The FRESET Test and Autocorrelated Disturbances. (1998). Giles, David ; DeBenedictis, Linda F.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9806.

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432000A Saddlepoint Approximation to the Distribution Function of the Anderson-Darling Test Statistic. (2000). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0005.

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442003Testing For Convergence in Output and in Well-Being in Industrialized Countries. (2003). Giles, David ; Feng, Hui. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0302.

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452012Health and Wealth: Short Panel Granger Causality Tests for Developing Countries. (2012). Roy, Nilanjana ; Clarke, Judith ; Chen, Weichun . In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:1204.

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462005Failed States and Failed Economies: Nationalism and Economic Behavior, 1955-1995. (2005). mosk, carl. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0506.

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472009Bias Reduction for the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of the Scale Parameter in the Half-Logistic Distribution. (2009). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0901.

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482009Finite-Sample Properties of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the Poisson Regression Model With Random Covariates. (2009). Giles, David ; Chen, Qian. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0907.

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492006Accounting for Achievement in Athens: A Count Data Analysis of National Olympic Performance. (2006). Roberts, Glen. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0602.

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502000Stratified Sample Design for Fair Lending Binary Logit Models. (2000). Courchane, Marsha ; Clarke, Judith ; Giles, Judith A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0007.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12000Export-Led Growth: A Survey of the Empirical Literature and Some Noncausality Results, Part 2. (2000). Clarke, Judith ; Williams, Cara L. ; Giles, Judith A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0002.

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22000Export-Led Growth: A Survey of the Empirical Literature and Some Noncausality Results, Part 1. (2000). Clarke, Judith ; Williams, Cara L. ; Giles, Judith A.. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0001.

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31999Modelling the Hidden Economy and the Tax-Gap in New Zealand. (1999). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9905.

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42011Interpreting Dummy Variables in Semi-logarithmic Regression Models: Exact Distributional Results. (2011). Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:1101.

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51999Some Pretesting Issues on Testing for Granger Noncausality. (1999). Clarke, Judith ; Giles, Judith A. ; Mirza, Sadaf. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:9914.

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62000Modelling the Underground Economies in Canada and New Zealand: A Comparative Analysis. (2000). Tedds, Lindsay ; Giles, David. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0003.

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72006Determinants of Capital Flows: A Cross-Country Analysis. (2006). Ralhan, Mukesh. In: Econometrics Working Papers. RePEc:vic:vicewp:0601.

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