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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1993 0 0.17 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1
1994 0 0.17 0.5 0 7 8 36 4 4 1 1 2 50 4 0.57 0.08
1995 0.25 0.22 0.29 0.25 6 14 13 2 8 8 2 8 2 0 0 0.13
1996 0.38 0.25 0.32 0.36 8 22 106 6 15 13 5 14 5 0 1 0.13 0.14
1997 0 0.28 0.08 0.05 2 24 0 1 17 14 22 1 0 0 0.15
1998 0.2 0.31 0.16 0.17 7 31 23 4 22 10 2 24 4 0 0 0.18
1999 0.22 0.39 0.22 0.2 5 36 9 6 30 9 2 30 6 1 16.7 0 0.25
2000 0 0.54 0.34 0.25 2 38 3 9 43 12 28 7 0 0 0.24
2001 0.43 0.49 0.4 0.5 9 47 43 17 62 7 3 24 12 0 2 0.22 0.27
2002 0.09 0.54 0.35 0.36 18 65 46 14 85 11 1 25 9 2 14.3 2 0.11 0.31
2003 0.37 0.53 0.29 0.27 28 93 80 19 112 27 10 41 11 2 10.5 4 0.14 0.3
2004 0.22 0.6 0.36 0.21 49 142 1061 50 163 46 10 62 13 8 16 27 0.55 0.36
2005 0.83 0.6 0.54 0.7 74 216 292 117 280 77 64 106 74 12 10.3 22 0.3 0.36
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12004From Physical to Human Capital Accumulation: Inequality and the Process of Development. (2004). Moav, Omer ; Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0410005.

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21996The Engine of Growth or Its Handmaiden? A Time-Series Assessment of Export-Led Growth. (1996). Whiteman, Charles ; Summers, Peter ; Riezman, Raymond. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9602002.

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32003Stochastic programming in energy. (2003). Wallace, Stein ; Fleten, Stein-Erik. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0201001.

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42004Biproportional Techniques in Input-Output Analysis: Table Updating and Structural Analysis. (2004). Lahr, Michael ; de Mesnard, Louis. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0403006.

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52005An intuitive guide to wavelets for economists. (2005). Crowley, Patrick. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0508009.

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62005Discrete Dynamical Systems. (2005). Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0504001.

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72005Optimization Under First Order Stochastic Dominance Constraints. (2005). Ruszczynski, Andrzej ; Dentcheva, Darinka. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0403002.

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82002Institutions and the resource curse. (2002). Torvik, Ragnar ; Moene, Karl Ove ; Mehlum, Halvor. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0210004.

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92004Trading Population for Productivity. (2004). Mountford, Andrew ; Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0410001.

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102004From Stagnation to Growth: Unified Growth Theory. (2004). Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0409003.

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111994Individual Level Randomness in a Nonatomic Population. (1994). Green, Edward. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9402001.

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122004Land Inequality and the Origin of Divergence and Overtaking in the Growth Process. (2004). Vollrath, Dietrich ; Moav, Omer ; Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0410004.

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132005Measuring Total Factor Productivity: Growth Accounting for Bulgaria. (2005). Ganev, Kaloyan. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0504004.

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142004Aging, Labor Markets and Pension Reform in Austria. (2004). Keuschnigg, Christian ; Christian, Keuschnigg ; Mirela, Keuschnigg. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0404002.

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152004Das Human Kapital: A Theory of the Demise of the Class Structure. (2004). Moav, Omer ; Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0410003.

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162005Solving, Estimating and Selecting Nonlinear Dynamic Economic Models without the Curse of Dimensionality. (2005). Winschel, Viktor. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0507014.

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172004Food for Thought: Basic Needs and Persistent Educational Inequality. (2004). Mayer-Foulkes, David ; Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0410002.

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182005Tracking Error: a multistage portfolio model. (2005). Canestrelli, Elio ; Barro, Diana. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0510012.

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192005Subextremal functions and lattice programming. (2005). LiCalzi, Marco ; Veinott, Arthur F.. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0509001.

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202001Entrepreneurial Innovation. (2001). Vaithianathan, Rhema ; Rigotti, Luca ; Ryan, Matthew. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0103002.

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212004Natural Selection and the Evolution of Life Expectancy. (2004). Moav, Omer ; Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0409004.

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222005RESOURCE INTRA-ACTIONS AND INTER-ACTIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE AND ECONOMIC GROWTH. (2005). Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0508004.

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232003Is Schumpeterian Creative Destruction a Plausible Source of Endogenous Real Business Cycle Shocks?. (2003). Wrase, Jeffrey ; Phillips, Kerk. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0304001.

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24Inverse stochastic dominance constraints and rank dependent expected utility theory. (2005). Ruszczynski, Andrzej ; Dentcheva, Darinka. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0503001.

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251998Transmission of Demographic Shock Effects from Large to Small. (1998). Sayan, Serdar ; Kenc, Turalay. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9804001.

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262004Towards Building A New Consensus About New Zealand’s Productivity. (2004). Razzak, Weshah. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0405002.

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271996Signalling equilibrium, Intergenerational mobility and long-run growth. (1996). Raut, Lakshmi. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9603002.

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282001Markets and Growth. (2001). Jurajda, Stepan ; Mitchell, Janet. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0111001.

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292005The Empirics of the Solow Growth Model: Long-Term Evidence. (2005). Silva, Ricardo ; Diniz, Eliezer Martins ; Barossi-Filho, Milton. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0406001.

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302004Economic Growth and the Financial Economics of Capital Accumulation under Shifting Technological Change. (2004). Amavilah, Voxi Heinrich ; Newcomb, Richard T.. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0404001.

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311998Approximating and Simulating the Stochastic Growth Model: Parameterized Expectations, Neural Networks, and the Genetic Algorithm. (1998). McNelis, Paul ; Duffy, John. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9804004.

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322004Robust expectations and uncertain models – A robust control approach with application to the New Keynesian economy. (2004). Kilponen, Juha. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0404004.

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331996Determinacy of Competitive Equilibria in Economies with Many Commodities. (1996). Shannon, Chris. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9610002.

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342001Computing Equilibria in Finance Economies. (2001). Kubler, Felix ; Herings, P. Jean-Jacques. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0205003.

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352005Convexification of Stochastic Ordering. (2005). Ruszczynski, Andrzej ; Dentcheva, Darinka. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0402005.

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362005Does Longevity Cause Growth. (2005). Zoabi, Hosny ; Hazan, Moshe. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0507001.

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372004The Road to Extinction: Commons with Capital Markets. (2004). Rowat, Colin ; Dutta, Jayasri. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0412001.

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381995Analytical Derivatives for Markov Switching Models. (1995). Vigfusson, Robert ; van Norden, Simon ; Gable, Jeff. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9508001.

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392004Volatility, Heterogeneous Agents and Chaos. (2004). Gomes, Orlando. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0409010.

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402004The commons with capital markets. (2004). Rowat, Colin ; Dutta, Jayasri. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0412002.

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412004Transitional Growth and Income Inequality: Anything Goes. (2004). Gunning, Jan Willem ; Elbers, Chris. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0409001.

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422005Sustainability of the Slovenian Pension System: An Analysis with an Overlapping-generations General Equilibrium Model. (2005). Verbič, Miroslav ; van Nieuwkoop, Renger ; MAJCEN, BORIS ; Verbic, Miroslav . In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0507010.

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432005Is Islam really a development blockade? 12 predictors of development, including membership in the Organization of Islamic Conference, and their influence on 14 indicators of development in 109 countri. (2005). Tausch, Arno. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0509003.

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442005An Algorithm for Solving Arbitrary Linear Rational Expectations Model. (2005). Kowal, Pawel. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0501001.

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451994A NEW PROOF OF THE EXISTENCE OF EQUILIBRIUM IN INCOMPLETE MARKETS ECONOMIES. (1994). Monteiro, Paulo. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9410001.

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462001The one object optimal auction and the desirability of exclusion. (2001). Page, Frank ; Monteiro, Paulo ; Svaiter, Benar Fux . In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0112002.

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472002Directions of Trade Flows and Labor Movements between High- And Low-Population Growth Countries: An Overlapping Generations General Equilibrium Analysis. (2002). Sayan, Serdar ; Uyar, Ali Emre. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0203003.

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482001Saving and Asset-Accumulation Strategies Used by Low-Income Individuals. (2001). Schreiner, Mark ; Beverly, Sondra ; Moore, Amanda ; Sherraden, Michael ; Johnson, Lissa. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0108001.

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492005Re-formulation of the Solow economic growth model whit the Richards population growth law. (2005). Brida, Juan ; Accinelli, Elvio. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0508006.

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501995The Social Issues Pedagogy vs. the Traditional Principles of Economics: An Empirical Examination. (1995). Nelson, Paul ; Grimes, Paul. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9510001.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12004From Physical to Human Capital Accumulation: Inequality and the Process of Development. (2004). Moav, Omer ; Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0410005.

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22005An intuitive guide to wavelets for economists. (2005). Crowley, Patrick. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0508009.

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32004Biproportional Techniques in Input-Output Analysis: Table Updating and Structural Analysis. (2004). Lahr, Michael ; de Mesnard, Louis. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0403006.

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41996The Engine of Growth or Its Handmaiden? A Time-Series Assessment of Export-Led Growth. (1996). Whiteman, Charles ; Summers, Peter ; Riezman, Raymond. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9602002.

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52005The Empirics of the Solow Growth Model: Long-Term Evidence. (2005). Silva, Ricardo ; Diniz, Eliezer Martins ; Barossi-Filho, Milton. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0406001.

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62005Measuring Total Factor Productivity: Growth Accounting for Bulgaria. (2005). Ganev, Kaloyan. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0504004.

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72004From Stagnation to Growth: Unified Growth Theory. (2004). Galor, Oded. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:0409003.

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81994Individual Level Randomness in a Nonatomic Population. (1994). Green, Edward. In: GE, Growth, Math methods. RePEc:wpa:wuwpge:9402001.

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