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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2011 0 0.52 0.27 0 22 22 260 6 0 0 0 0 0.24
2012 0.32 0.52 0.36 0.32 20 42 366 14 21 22 7 22 7 0 7 0.35 0.22
2013 0.52 0.56 0.45 0.52 18 60 93 22 48 42 22 42 22 0 0 0.24
2014 0.76 0.55 0.71 0.85 19 79 162 53 104 38 29 60 51 0 2 0.11 0.23
2015 0.76 0.55 1 1.18 20 99 258 96 203 37 28 79 93 3 3.1 3 0.15 0.23
2016 0.64 0.53 0.76 0.81 20 119 97 89 294 39 25 99 80 8 9 3 0.15 0.21
2017 0.65 0.54 0.78 0.78 20 139 139 108 402 40 26 97 76 0 4 0.2 0.22
2018 0.58 0.56 0.9 0.75 21 160 32 144 546 40 23 97 73 4 2.8 1 0.05 0.24
2019 0.73 0.58 0.88 0.84 22 182 39 160 706 41 30 100 84 1 0.6 0 0.23
2020 0.4 0.7 1.08 0.97 18 200 24 216 922 43 17 103 100 0 2 0.11 0.33
2021 0.55 0.87 1.04 0.66 20 220 17 228 1150 40 22 101 67 0 0 0.32
2022 0.29 1 0.82 0.55 22 242 4 199 1349 38 11 101 56 0 1 0.05 0.31
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12012How Much Does Risk Tolerance Change?. (2012). Sahm, Claudia. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:04:n:s2010139212500206.

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22015The Structure and Pricing of Corporate Debt Covenants. (2015). Bradley, Michael ; Roberts, Michael R. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:02:n:s2010139215500019.

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32013A Tax-Based Estimate of the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution. (2013). Gruber, Jonathan. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:03:y:2013:i:01:n:s2010139213500018.

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42011Do Mutual Funds Perform When It Matters Most to Investors? US Mutual Fund Performance and Risk in Recessions and Expansions. (2011). Kosowski, Robert. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:03:n:s2010139211000146.

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52017How Ordinary Consumers Make Complex Economic Decisions: Financial Literacy and Retirement Readiness. (2017). Mitchell, Olivia ; Lusardi, Annamaria. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:03:n:s2010139217500082.

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62011Equity Trading in the 21stCentury. (2011). Angel, James ; Spatt, Chester S ; Harris, Lawrence E. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:01:n:s2010139211000067.

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72015Equity Trading in the 21st Century: An Update. (2015). Angel, James ; Spatt, Chester S ; Harris, Lawrence E. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:01:n:s2010139215500020.

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82014Why Are Put Options So Expensive?. (2014). Bondarenko, Oleg. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:03:n:s2010139214500153.

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92014Information Efficiency and Firm-Specific Return Variation. (2014). Kelly, Patrick. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:04:n:s2010139214500189.

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102012Estimation of Dynamic Term Structure Models. (2012). Duffee, Gregory R ; Stanton, Richard H. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:02:n:s2010139212500085.

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112012Liquidity Risk Premia in Corporate Bond Markets. (2012). de Jong, Frank ; Driessen, Joost. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:02:n:s2010139212500061.

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122016Underreaction to News in the US Stock Market. (2016). Sinha, Nitish Ranjan . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:02:n:s2010139216500051.

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132016Stabilizing Large Financial Institutions with Contingent Capital Certificates. (2016). Flannery, Mark J. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:02:n:s2010139216500063.

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142012Where is the Value in High Frequency Trading?. (2012). Cartea, Álvaro ; Penalva, Jose. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:03:n:s2010139212500140.

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152011Tradeoffs in Corporate Governance: Evidence From Board Structures and Charter Provisions. (2011). Gillan, Stuart L ; Starks, Laura T ; Hartzell, Jay C. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:04:n:s2010139211000183.

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162011The Origin of Behavior. (2011). Brennan, Thomas J ; Lo, Andrew W. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:01:n:s201013921100002x.

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172012The Life Cycle of Hedge Funds: Fund Flows, Size, Competition, and Performance. (2012). Getmansky, Mila. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:01:n:s2010139212500036.

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182011Herding and Delegated Portfolio Management: The Impact of Relative Performance Evaluation on Asset Allocation. (2011). Maug, Ernst ; Naik, Narayan . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:02:n:s2010139211000092.

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192011Capital Structure, Risk and Asymmetric Information. (2011). Heider, Florian ; Halov, Nikolay. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:04:n:s2010139211000171.

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202011The Uncertainty Premium in an Ambiguous Economy. (2011). Izhakian, Yehuda ; Benninga, Simon. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:02:n:s2010139211000109.

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212014The Dynamics of Bank Spreads and Financial Structure. (2014). Kok, Christoffer ; Gropp, Reint ; Lichtenberger, Jung-Duk . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:04:n:s2010139214500141.

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222012Perturbative Expansion of FBSDE in an Incomplete Market with Stochastic Volatility. (2012). Fujii, Masaaki ; Takahashi, Akihiko. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:03:n:s2010139212500152.

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232011Stochastic Volatility in General Equilibrium. (2011). Tauchen, George. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:04:n:s2010139211000237.

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242012The Importance of Angel Investing in Financing the Growth of Entrepreneurial Ventures. (2012). Shane, Scott. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:02:n:s2010139212500097.

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252019Advertising, Attention, and Stock Returns. (2019). Chemmanur, Thomas ; Yan, AN. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:09:y:2019:i:03:n:s2010139219500095.

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262015Information Asymmetry and Corporate Governance. (2015). Qian, Yiming ; Yu, Miaomiao ; Liu, Yixin ; Cai, Jie. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:03:n:s2010139215500147.

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272015Liquidity Risk and Correlation Risk: A Clinical Study of the General Motors and Ford Downgrade of May 2005. (2015). Acharya, Viral V ; Zhang, Yili ; Schaefer, Stephen . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:02:n:s2010139215500068.

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282015Is More News Good News? Media Coverage of CEOs, Firm Value, and Rent Extraction. (2015). Nguyen, Bang Dang . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:04:n:s2010139215500202.

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292014Realized Volatility, Liquidity, and Corporate Yield Spreads. (2014). Rossi, Marco . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:01:n:s2010139214500049.

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302012Analyst Conflicts and Research Quality. (2012). Agrawal, Anup ; Chen, Mark A. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:02:n:s2010139212500103.

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312012Filtering Out Expected Dividends and Expected Returns. (2012). Rytchkov, Oleg. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:03:n:s2010139212500127.

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322017Corporate Governance Consequences of Accounting Scandals: Evidence from Top Management, CFO and Auditor Turnover. (2017). Agrawal, Anup ; Cooper, Tommy . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:01:n:s2010139216500142.

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332011Illiquidity Premia in Asset Returns: An Empirical Analysis of Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds, and US Equity Portfolios. (2011). Khandani, Amir E ; Lo, Andrew W. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:02:n:s2010139211000080.

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342012Exchange Rate Fundamentals and Order Flow. (2012). Evans, Martin ; Lyons, Richard K. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:04:n:s2010139212500188.

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352016Effects of Liquidity on the Non-Default Component of Corporate Yield Spreads: Evidence from Intraday Transactions Data. (2016). Han, Song ; Zhou, Hao. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:03:n:s2010139216500129.

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362012Efficiency and the Disposition Effect in NFL Prediction Markets. (2012). Hartzmark, Samuel M ; Solomon, David H. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:03:n:s2010139212500139.

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372011Time-Varying Sharpe Ratios and Market Timing. (2011). Tang, YI ; Whitelaw, Robert F. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:03:n:s2010139211000122.

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382015Firm Size and Capital Structure. (2015). Kurshev, Alexander ; Strebulaev, Ilya A. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:03:n:s2010139215500081.

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392018The Benefits and Costs of the TARP Bailouts: A Critical Assessment. (2018). Berger, Allen N. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:08:y:2018:i:02:n:s2010139218500118.

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402017Seasonality in Perceived Risk: A Sentiment Effect. (2017). Kaplanski, Guy ; Levy, Haim. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:01:n:s2010139216500154.

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412017Determinants of Corporate Bond Trading: A Comprehensive Analysis. (2017). Hotchkiss, Edith ; Jostova, Gergana. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:02:n:s2010139217500033.

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422013The Information Content of Option-Based Forecasts of Volatility: Evidence from the Italian Stock Market. (2013). Muzzioli, Silvia. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:03:y:2013:i:01:n:s2010139213500055.

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432017The Impact of Iceberg Orders in Limit Order Books. (2017). Frey, Stefan ; Sands, Patrik . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:03:n:s2010139217500070.

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442016How do Corporate Governance Decisions Affect Bondholders?. (2016). Li, Hong ; Wang, Yuan. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:03:n:s2010139216500117.

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452014Do Equity Markets Favor Credit Market News Over Options Market News?. (2014). Berndt, Antje ; Ostrovnaya, Anastasiya. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:02:n:s2010139214500062.

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462019Blockholders on Boards and CEO Compensation, Turnover and Firm Valuation. (2019). Nasser, Tareque ; Agrawal, Anup. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:09:y:2019:i:03:n:s2010139219500101.

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472014Blockholder Ownership and Corporate Control: The Role of Liquidity. (2014). Gerken, William. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:01:n:s2010139214500037.

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482020An Empirical Analysis of Commodity Convenience Yields. (2020). Simin, Timothy ; Khokher, Zeigham ; Dincerler, Cantekin. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:10:y:2020:i:02:n:s2010139220500093.

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492012Political Influence and TARP Investments in Credit Unions. (2012). Pana, Elisabeta ; Wilson, Linus. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:04:n:s2010139212500176.

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502012Risks, Returns, and Optimal Holdings of Private Equity: A Survey of Existing Approaches. (2012). Ang, Andrew ; Sorensen, Morten. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:03:n:s2010139212500115.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12015The Structure and Pricing of Corporate Debt Covenants. (2015). Bradley, Michael ; Roberts, Michael R. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:02:n:s2010139215500019.

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22012How Much Does Risk Tolerance Change?. (2012). Sahm, Claudia. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:04:n:s2010139212500206.

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32017How Ordinary Consumers Make Complex Economic Decisions: Financial Literacy and Retirement Readiness. (2017). Mitchell, Olivia ; Lusardi, Annamaria. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:03:n:s2010139217500082.

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42015Equity Trading in the 21st Century: An Update. (2015). Angel, James ; Spatt, Chester S ; Harris, Lawrence E. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:01:n:s2010139215500020.

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52014Why Are Put Options So Expensive?. (2014). Bondarenko, Oleg. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:03:n:s2010139214500153.

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62013A Tax-Based Estimate of the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution. (2013). Gruber, Jonathan. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:03:y:2013:i:01:n:s2010139213500018.

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72014Information Efficiency and Firm-Specific Return Variation. (2014). Kelly, Patrick. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:04:n:s2010139214500189.

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82011Equity Trading in the 21stCentury. (2011). Angel, James ; Spatt, Chester S ; Harris, Lawrence E. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:01:n:s2010139211000067.

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92019Advertising, Attention, and Stock Returns. (2019). Chemmanur, Thomas ; Yan, AN. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:09:y:2019:i:03:n:s2010139219500095.

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102011Do Mutual Funds Perform When It Matters Most to Investors? US Mutual Fund Performance and Risk in Recessions and Expansions. (2011). Kosowski, Robert. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:03:n:s2010139211000146.

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112015Is More News Good News? Media Coverage of CEOs, Firm Value, and Rent Extraction. (2015). Nguyen, Bang Dang . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:04:n:s2010139215500202.

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122012Liquidity Risk Premia in Corporate Bond Markets. (2012). de Jong, Frank ; Driessen, Joost. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:02:n:s2010139212500061.

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132017Determinants of Corporate Bond Trading: A Comprehensive Analysis. (2017). Hotchkiss, Edith ; Jostova, Gergana. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:02:n:s2010139217500033.

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142011Capital Structure, Risk and Asymmetric Information. (2011). Heider, Florian ; Halov, Nikolay. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:04:n:s2010139211000171.

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152016Stabilizing Large Financial Institutions with Contingent Capital Certificates. (2016). Flannery, Mark J. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:02:n:s2010139216500063.

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162017Corporate Governance Consequences of Accounting Scandals: Evidence from Top Management, CFO and Auditor Turnover. (2017). Agrawal, Anup ; Cooper, Tommy . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:01:n:s2010139216500142.

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172011Herding and Delegated Portfolio Management: The Impact of Relative Performance Evaluation on Asset Allocation. (2011). Maug, Ernst ; Naik, Narayan . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:02:n:s2010139211000092.

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182016Underreaction to News in the US Stock Market. (2016). Sinha, Nitish Ranjan . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:02:n:s2010139216500051.

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192015Firm Size and Capital Structure. (2015). Kurshev, Alexander ; Strebulaev, Ilya A. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:03:n:s2010139215500081.

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202016Effects of Liquidity on the Non-Default Component of Corporate Yield Spreads: Evidence from Intraday Transactions Data. (2016). Han, Song ; Zhou, Hao. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:03:n:s2010139216500129.

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212016How do Corporate Governance Decisions Affect Bondholders?. (2016). Li, Hong ; Wang, Yuan. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:06:y:2016:i:03:n:s2010139216500117.

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222020An Empirical Analysis of Commodity Convenience Yields. (2020). Simin, Timothy ; Khokher, Zeigham ; Dincerler, Cantekin. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:10:y:2020:i:02:n:s2010139220500093.

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232011The Origin of Behavior. (2011). Brennan, Thomas J ; Lo, Andrew W. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:01:n:s201013921100002x.

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242015Liquidity Risk and Correlation Risk: A Clinical Study of the General Motors and Ford Downgrade of May 2005. (2015). Acharya, Viral V ; Zhang, Yili ; Schaefer, Stephen . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:05:y:2015:i:02:n:s2010139215500068.

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252014Realized Volatility, Liquidity, and Corporate Yield Spreads. (2014). Rossi, Marco . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:01:n:s2010139214500049.

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262012The Life Cycle of Hedge Funds: Fund Flows, Size, Competition, and Performance. (2012). Getmansky, Mila. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:01:n:s2010139212500036.

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272012Where is the Value in High Frequency Trading?. (2012). Cartea, Álvaro ; Penalva, Jose. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:03:n:s2010139212500140.

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282012Analyst Conflicts and Research Quality. (2012). Agrawal, Anup ; Chen, Mark A. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:02:n:s2010139212500103.

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292017Brain Drain: Are Mutual Funds Losing Their Best Minds?. (2017). Kostovetsky, Leonard. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:07:y:2017:i:03:n:s2010139217500094.

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302019Blockholders on Boards and CEO Compensation, Turnover and Firm Valuation. (2019). Nasser, Tareque ; Agrawal, Anup. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:09:y:2019:i:03:n:s2010139219500101.

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312011Tradeoffs in Corporate Governance: Evidence From Board Structures and Charter Provisions. (2011). Gillan, Stuart L ; Starks, Laura T ; Hartzell, Jay C. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:01:y:2011:i:04:n:s2010139211000183.

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322014The Dynamics of Bank Spreads and Financial Structure. (2014). Kok, Christoffer ; Gropp, Reint ; Lichtenberger, Jung-Duk . In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:04:y:2014:i:04:n:s2010139214500141.

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332012Estimation of Dynamic Term Structure Models. (2012). Duffee, Gregory R ; Stanton, Richard H. In: Quarterly Journal of Finance (QJF). RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:02:y:2012:i:02:n:s2010139212500085.

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