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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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Raw Data


2008 0 0.49 0 0 24 24 5 0 0 0 0 0 0.23
2009 0 0.47 0 0 21 45 8 0 24 24 0 0 0.24
2010 0.02 0.48 0.01 0.02 33 78 8 1 1 45 1 45 1 0 0 0.21
2011 0.06 0.52 0.06 0.06 26 104 21 6 7 54 3 78 5 0 1 0.04 0.24
2012 0.12 0.52 0.09 0.11 24 128 17 11 18 59 7 104 11 0 0 0.22
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12009Measuring Central Bank Independence and Inflation Targeting in Developed and Developing Countries. (2009). DUMITER, Florin Cornel . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v02:y2009:i2(6):a03.

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22011Completions to Marshallian Out-Look, Consistent With Knowledge Based Economy. (2011). Jivan, Alexandru . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i1(13):a02.

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32012The Monetary Policy in Post Crisis Period. (2012). CERNA, Silviu . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i17:a05.

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42011Macro-Financial Risks and Central Banks: What Changes Has the Crisis Triggered?. (2011). Albulescu, Claudiu. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i3(15):a01.

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52012The antecedents of e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. (2012). CONSTANTIN, Anca Maria . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i18:a03.

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62008Fair Value Accounting for Financial Instruments – Conceptual Approach and Implications. (2008). Bonaci, Carmen Giorgiana ; MATI, Dumitru . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v01:y2008:i02:a05.

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72009Determination of a Factorys Location in a Large Geographical Area by Using Chaotic Phenomena and Retailers Location Networks. (2009). Ishikawa, Toshiharu . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v02:y2009:i3(7):a04.

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82010A New Educational Model for Criminality Prevention. (2010). Dobrescu, Emilian ; POPESCU, Tiberiu-Viorel . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v03:y2010:i3(11):a10.

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92011A Retrospective Approach on Assessing Fiscal Vulnerability: Empirical Evidence for Overindebted European Countries. (2011). stoian, andreea. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i3(15):a07.

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102011Accumulation of Human Capital and FDI Inflows in ASEAN-3 Countries (Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia). (2011). SOLTANPANAH, Heirsh ; Karimi, Mohammad Sharif. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i2(14):a06.

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112012Forecast Intervals for Inflation in Romania. (2012). Bratu, Mihaela . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i17:a10.

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122010Creative Economy-Feasible Option for România. (2010). LCTU, Maria-Liana ; Ivanovici, Mina ; Suciu, Marta-Christina. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v03:y2010:i3(11):a06.

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132010Country-of-Origin Effect in International Trade. (2010). Apetrei, Andreea ; PETRUCA, Claudia . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v03:y2010:i4(12):a08.

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142012Regional economics: theoretical achievements and challenges. (2012). Capello, Roberta. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i18:a08.

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152012Proposing a model for implementing a corporate social responsibility program in a strategic approach. (2012). Gligor, Diana Corina ; GLIGOR-CIMPOIERU, Diana Corina . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i18:a05.

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162011The Adoption of ICT in Small And Medium-sized Family Business. The Role of Younger Generation. (2011). Sentuti, Annalisa ; Cesaroni, Francesca Maria ; Consoli, Domenico. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i2(14):a01.

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172011Connections between Economy and Politics – the Relevance of the Typology of Political Parties. (2011). Obreja Brasoveanu, Laura ; Kagitci, Meral ; Dragotă, Victor ; DRAGOTA, Victor . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i4(16):a03.

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182011Workforce Management to Innovate, as a Driver for Romanian Development. (2011). SERGHIE, Dan . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i1(13):a05.

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192012The efficiency of expenditure-related redistributive policies in the European countries. (2012). Enache, Cosmin. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i18:a10.

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202010Country Risk – Barrier or Key Factor of Globalization. (2010). iliescu, elena ; Ciobanasu, Marilena ; Ciobnau, Marilena . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v03:y2010:i3(11):a07.

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212008Motivation to Learn as a Mediator of the Relationship between Supervisor Support in Training Programs, Transfer of Competency and Job Performance. (2008). Ismail, Azman ; BONGOGOH, Sofiah ; Sheela Chitra Chandra SEGARAN, . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v01:y2008:i03:a04.

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222011Determinants of the Cost of Debt and Their Influence on the Capital Structure. (2011). Badarau, Cristina ; Semenescu, Andreea. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i3(15):a06.

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232012Central banks, monetary policy and financial stability. (2012). CERNA, Silviu . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i18:a09.

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242011Testing the Weak-Form Informational Efficiency of United Kingdom, United States of America and Japan’s Capital Markets. (2011). Dima, Bogdan ; Otilia ŞĂRĂMĂT, . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i2(14):a05.

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252011Econometric Models for Analysing the Structural Funds Absorption at Regional Level - Case Study SW Region. (2011). Gherghinescu, Oana ; Rinderu, Paul . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i3(15):a05.

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262010The Dynamics of the European Labour Market and Unemployment in the Present Context of Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Romania. (2010). Carica, Gratiela Georgiana ; SON, Liana . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v03:y2010:i1(9):a06.

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272011Pension funds – main institutional investor on the Romanian capital market?. (2011). Corduneanu, Carmen ; Milo, Laura Raisa . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i2(14):a04.

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282012A Multifractal Model of Asset Returns in the Context of the New Economy Paradigm. (2012). Dezsi, Diana ; Scarlat, Emil . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i17:a02.

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292008Governance and The New Economic Order: At The Roots of Uncertainty. Managing Risks in The Service Economy. (2008). Giarini, Orio . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v01:y2008:i01:a01.

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302010Human Resource and Quality Management and Colliding Gyroscopes. An Alternative Way of Looking at Value Creation in Organizations. (2010). Vinke, Joop ; Orhei, Loredana . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v03:y2010:i4(12):a01.

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312011A Cluster Analysis of OECD Pension Funds. (2011). seulean, victoria ; barna, flavia ; MOS, Maria Luiza . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v04:y2011:i3(15):a02.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012Regional economics: theoretical achievements and challenges. (2012). Capello, Roberta. In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i18:a08.

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22012The antecedents of e-satisfaction and e-loyalty. (2012). CONSTANTIN, Anca Maria . In: Timisoara Journal of Economics. RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i18:a03.

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