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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
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2014 0 0.67 0.22 0 27 27 200 6 6 0 0 0 6 0.22 0.34
2015 0.74 0.66 0.55 0.74 24 51 125 26 34 27 20 27 20 6 23.1 6 0.25 0.36
2016 1.25 0.65 1.07 1.25 17 68 99 73 107 51 64 51 64 13 17.8 4 0.24 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12014House Prices, Capital Inflows and Macroprudential Policy. (2014). Punzi, Maria Teresa ; Mendicino, Caterina. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:10.

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22016Modeling and forecasting exchange rate volatility in time-frequency domain. (2016). Vacha, Lukas ; Krehlik, Tomas ; Baruník, Jozef ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:55.

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32015Are benefits from oil-stocks diversification gone? New evidence from a dynamic copula and high frequency data. (2015). Baruník, Jozef ; Avdulaj, Krenar ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:32.

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42014Measuring capital market efficiency: Long-term memory, fractal dimension and approximate entropy. (2014). Vošvrda, Miloslav ; Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Vosvrda, Miloslav . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:18.

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52014What are the main drivers of the Bitcoin price? Evidence from wavelet coherence analysis. (2014). Krištoufek, Ladislav. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:23.

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62015Nowcasting unemployment rates with Google searches: Evidence from the Visegrad Group countries. (2015). Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Pavlicek, Jaroslav . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:34.

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72016Estimation of financial agent-based models with simulated maximum likelihood. (2016). Kukacka, Jiri ; Baruník, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:63.

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82014Prices, Debt and Market Structure in an Agent-Based Model of the Financial Market. (2014). Fischer, Thomas ; Riedler, Jesper . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:21.

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92015Estimation of sentiment effects in financial markets: A simulated method of moments approach. (2015). Chen, Zhenxi ; Zhenxi, Chen ; Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:37.

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102016Measuring the frequency dynamics of financial and macroeconomic connectedness. (2016). Krehlik, Tomas ; Baruník, Jozef ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:54.

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112015Testing the global banking glut hypothesis. (2015). Punzi, Maria Teresa ; Kauko, Karlo. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:41.

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122015The tale of two great crises. (2015). Giri, Federico ; Fratianni, Michele. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:51.

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132014Contagion Risk in the Interbank Market: A Probabilistic Approach to Cope with Incomplete Structural Information. (2014). Montagna, Mattia ; Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:8.

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142014Semiparametric Conditional Quantile Models for Financial Returns and Realized Volatility. (2014). Baruník, Jozef ; Ike, Filip. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:20.

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152014Integrating Real Sector Growth and Inflation Into An Agent-Based Stock Market Dynamics. (2014). Ghonghadze, Jaba ; Franke, Reiner. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:4.

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162016Monetary policy and large crises in a financial accelerator agent-based model. (2016). Russo, Alberto ; Riccetti, Luca ; Giri, Federico ; Gallegati, Mauro. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:65.

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172016International housing markets, unconventional monetary policy and the zero lower bound. (2016). Punzi, Maria Teresa ; Huber, Florian. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:58.

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18Business cycle synchronization of the Visegrad Four and the European Union. (2015). Vacha, Lukas ; Hanus, Lubos. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:42.

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192015Do investors rely too much on public information to be justified by its accuracy? An experimental study. (2015). Morone, Andrea ; Camacho Cuena, Eva ; Alfarano, Simone. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:30.

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202015Stock market cycles and supply side dynamics. (2015). Gerba, Eddie ; De Grauwe, Paul ; DeGrauwe, Paul. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:45.

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212014Does interbank market matter for business cycle fluctuation? An estimated DSGE model with financial frictions for the Euro area. (2014). Giri, Federico. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:27.

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222015Underpricing, underperformance and overreaction in initial pubic offerings: Evidence from investor attention using online searches. (2015). Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Vakrman, Tomas . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:35.

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232014Friendship Between Banks: An Application of an Actor-Oriented Model of Network Formation on Interbank Credit Relations. (2014). Finger, Karl ; Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:1.

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242014A Two-Period Model with Portfolio Choice: Understanding Results from Different Solution Methods. (2014). Rabitsch, Katrin ; Stepanchuk, Serhiy . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:6.

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252015Bringing an elementary agent-based model to the data: Estimation via GMM and an application to forecasting of asset price volatility. (2015). Ghonghadze, Jaba ; Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:38.

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262014Emergence of a Core-Periphery Structure in a Simple Dynamic Model of the Interbank Market. (2014). Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:3.

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272014Asymmetric connectedness of stocks: How does bad and good volatility spill over the U.S. stock market?. (2014). Vacha, Lukas ; Kočenda, Evžen ; Baruník, Jozef ; Koenda, Even. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:13.

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282014Forecasting the Volatility of the Dow Jones Islamic Stock Market Index: Long Memory vs. Regime Switching. (2014). GUPTA, RANGAN ; Ben Nasr, Adnen ; Ajmi, Ahdi Noomen ; Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:2.

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292014Realized wavelet-based estimation of integrated variance and jumps in the presence of noise. (2014). Vacha, Lukas ; Baruník, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:16.

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302015Estimating heterogeneous agents behavior in a two-market financial system. (2015). Chen, Zhenxi ; Zheng, Huanhuan ; Huang, Weihong. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:48.

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312016Fiscal policy and the term structure of interest rates in a DSGE model. (2016). Maršál, Aleš ; Kaszab, Lorant ; Horvath, Roman ; Marsal, Ales . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:56.

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322014The Role of a Changing Market Environment for Credit Default Swap Pricing. (2014). Reitz, Stefan ; Leppin, Julian. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:7.

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332015Modeling and forecasting persistent financial durations. (2015). Baruník, Jozef ; Zikes, Filip ; Shenai, Nikhil ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:36.

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342016Financial cycles and co-movements between the real economy, finance and asset price dynamics in large-scale crises. (2016). Punzi, Maria Teresa. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:61.

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352016Borrower heterogeneity within a risky mortgage-lending market. (2016). Rabitsch, Katrin ; Punzi, Maria Teresa. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:67.

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362014Investor borrowing heterogeneity in a Kiyotaki-Moore style macro model. (2014). Rabitsch, Katrin ; Punzi, Maria Teresa. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:24.

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372015Market sentiments and the sovereign debt crisis in the Eurozone. (2015). De Grauwe, Paul ; DeGrauwe, Paul ; Ji, Yuemei. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:28.

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382016An incomplete markets explanation of the UIP puzzle. (2016). Rabitsch, Katrin. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:53.

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392014A spectral perspective on excess volatility. (2014). Scalas, Enrico ; Milaković, Mishael ; Alfarano, Simone ; Livan, Giacomo. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:12.

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402014A Model of the Topology of the Bank-Firm Credit Network and Its Role as Channel of Contagion. (2014). Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:19.

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412016Monetary transmission under competing corporate finance regimes. (2016). Gerba, Eddie ; De Grauwe, Paul ; DeGrauwe, Paul. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:52.

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422014Heterogeneous Forecasters and Nonlinear Expectation Formation in the U.S. Stock Market. (2014). Reitz, Stefan ; Pierdzioch, Christian ; Ruelke, Jan-Christoph . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:11.

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432016Buffer stock savings in a New-Keynesian business cycle model. (2016). Schoder, Christian ; Rabitsch, Katrin. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:64.

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442014The term structure of interest rates in a small open economy DSGE model with Markov switching. (2014). Maršál, Aleš ; Horvath, Roman ; Maral, Ale . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:22.

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452015Modeling and forecasting crude oil price volatility: Evidence from historical and recent data. (2015). GUPTA, RANGAN ; Segnon, Mawuli ; Lux, Thomas. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:31.

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462014A calibration procedure for analyzing stock price dynamics in an agent-based framework. (2014). Tedeschi, Gabriele ; Gallegati, Mauro ; Recchioni, Maria Cristina . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:26.

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472016Herding, minority game, market clearing and efficient markets in a simple spin model framework. (2016). Vošvrda, Miloslav ; Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Vovrda, Miloslav S ; Kristoufek, Ladislav. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:68.

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482014Banks strategies during the financial crisis. (2014). Tedeschi, Gabriele ; Berardi, Simone ; Recchioni, Maria Cristina . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:25.

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492015On the long-run equilibrium value of Tobins average Q. (2015). Franke, Rainer ; Yanovski, Boyan . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:49.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12016Modeling and forecasting exchange rate volatility in time-frequency domain. (2016). Vacha, Lukas ; Krehlik, Tomas ; Baruník, Jozef ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:55.

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22015Are benefits from oil-stocks diversification gone? New evidence from a dynamic copula and high frequency data. (2015). Baruník, Jozef ; Avdulaj, Krenar ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:32.

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32014House Prices, Capital Inflows and Macroprudential Policy. (2014). Punzi, Maria Teresa ; Mendicino, Caterina. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:10.

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42014Measuring capital market efficiency: Long-term memory, fractal dimension and approximate entropy. (2014). Vošvrda, Miloslav ; Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Vosvrda, Miloslav . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:18.

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52015Nowcasting unemployment rates with Google searches: Evidence from the Visegrad Group countries. (2015). Krištoufek, Ladislav ; Pavlicek, Jaroslav . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:34.

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62016Measuring the frequency dynamics of financial and macroeconomic connectedness. (2016). Krehlik, Tomas ; Baruník, Jozef ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:54.

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72014Prices, Debt and Market Structure in an Agent-Based Model of the Financial Market. (2014). Fischer, Thomas ; Riedler, Jesper . In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:21.

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82015Do investors rely too much on public information to be justified by its accuracy? An experimental study. (2015). Morone, Andrea ; Camacho Cuena, Eva ; Alfarano, Simone. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:30.

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92015Modeling and forecasting persistent financial durations. (2015). Baruník, Jozef ; Zikes, Filip ; Shenai, Nikhil ; Barunik, Jozef. In: FinMaP-Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:fmpwps:36.

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