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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
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2018 0 0.62 0.12 0 50 50 47 6 6 0 0 1 16.7 6 0.12 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12018Bit-by-Bit Towards Unlimited: An Analysis of Zero Rating and Sponsored Data Practices of Internet Service Providers. (2018). Wiewiorra, Lukas ; Schnurr, Daniel. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184965.

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22018Go for Gigabit? First Evidence on Economic Benefits of (Ultra-)Fast Broadband Technologies in Europe. (2018). Briglauer, Wolfgang ; Gugler, Klaus. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184935.

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32018Comparative Techno-Economic Evaluation of LTE Fixed Wireless Access and FTTdp network deployment for providing broadband services of at least 30Mbps in rural areas. (2018). Varoutas, Dimitris ; Katsianis, Dimitris ; Ioannou, Nikos. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184946.

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42018Whither the public Internet?. (2018). Lehr, William ; Richter, Philipp ; BERGER, Arthur ; Bauer, Steve ; Clark, David. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184954.

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52018ICT and Two Categories of R&D in the Innovation Process among Firms in ASEAN Countries Based on Firm-level Survey Data. (2018). Ueki, Yasushi ; Idota, Hiroki ; Bunno, Teruyuki ; Shigeno, Hidenori ; Tsuji, Masatsugu. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184970.

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62018Net neutrality and market power: the case of South Africa. (2018). Hawthorne, Ryan ; ROBB, GENNA . In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184964.

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72018Internet of Things, Virtual Networks and the Economics of Shared Mobility. (2018). Knieps, Gunter. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184951.

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82018Antitrust Failures: The Internet Giants. (2018). Alleman, James ; Taschdjian, Martin. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184969.

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92018Is data the new oil? Diminishing returns to scale. (2018). Schneider, Anna ; Petropoulos, Georgios ; Marcus, Scott J ; Arnold, Rene. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184927.

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102018An AHP Approach toward Evaluating IoT Business Ecosystem in Korea. (2018). Kim, Seongcheol ; Choi, Jaewon. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184939.

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112018The impact of ICT on regional economic growth: Empirical evidence from 34 provinces of Indonesia. (2018). Mitomo, Hitoshi ; Purnama, Yudi Adhi. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184963.

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122018Public Policy Targets in EU Broadband Markets: The Role of Technological Neutrality. (2018). Briglauer, Wolfgang ; Whalley, Jason ; Stocker, Volker. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184936.

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132018Determinants of Mobile Broadband Penetration: An Empirical International Study. (2018). Yannelis, Demetrius ; Pachis, Athanasios . In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184959.

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142018Impact of Technical Progress on the relationship between Competition and Investment. (2018). Jeanjean, François. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184948.

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152018The Impact of Blockchain on the Music Industry. (2018). Nucciarelli, Alberto ; Sitonio, Camila. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184968.

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162018Using blockchain as a tool for tracking and verification of official degrees: business model. (2018). Benitez, David ; Prieto, Gerson ; Moreno, Joan ; Oliver, Miquel. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184958.

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172018Spectrum management for 5G: assignment methods for spectrum sharing. (2018). Massaro, Maria ; Beltran, Fernando . In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184932.

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182018From consensus to conflict in the regional policy mix for broadband deployment: examining the role of informal coordination. (2018). Henderson, Dylan ; Roche, Neil . In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184944.

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192018Estimating the impact of co-investment in fiber to the home coverage. (2018). Liang, Julienne ; Lebourges, Marc. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184953.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12018Bit-by-Bit Towards Unlimited: An Analysis of Zero Rating and Sponsored Data Practices of Internet Service Providers. (2018). Wiewiorra, Lukas ; Schnurr, Daniel. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184965.

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22018ICT and Two Categories of R&D in the Innovation Process among Firms in ASEAN Countries Based on Firm-level Survey Data. (2018). Ueki, Yasushi ; Idota, Hiroki ; Bunno, Teruyuki ; Shigeno, Hidenori ; Tsuji, Masatsugu. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184970.

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32018Comparative Techno-Economic Evaluation of LTE Fixed Wireless Access and FTTdp network deployment for providing broadband services of at least 30Mbps in rural areas. (2018). Varoutas, Dimitris ; Katsianis, Dimitris ; Ioannou, Nikos. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184946.

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42018Net neutrality and market power: the case of South Africa. (2018). Hawthorne, Ryan ; ROBB, GENNA . In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184964.

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52018Go for Gigabit? First Evidence on Economic Benefits of (Ultra-)Fast Broadband Technologies in Europe. (2018). Briglauer, Wolfgang ; Gugler, Klaus. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184935.

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62018Is data the new oil? Diminishing returns to scale. (2018). Schneider, Anna ; Petropoulos, Georgios ; Marcus, Scott J ; Arnold, Rene. In: 29th European Regional ITS Conference, Trento 2018. RePEc:zbw:itse18:184927.

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