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Citation Profile [Updated: 2023-11-03 08:28:08]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2003 0 0.53 0.1 0 10 10 54 1 1 0 0 0 1 0.1 0.3
2004 0.2 0.6 0.38 0.2 14 24 91 9 10 10 2 10 2 1 11.1 7 0.5 0.36
2005 1.13 0.6 0.97 1.13 12 36 173 35 45 24 27 24 27 1 2.9 8 0.67 0.36
2006 1.73 0.59 1.39 1.36 18 54 311 75 120 26 45 36 49 6 8 26 1.44 0.34
2007 1.77 0.52 1.39 1.31 3 57 18 79 199 30 53 54 71 2 2.5 2 0.67 0.29
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12006The Effectiveness of European Active Labor Market Policy. (2006). Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:37.

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22006Before and After the Hartz Reforms: The Performance of Active Labour Market Policy in Germany. (2006). Jacobi, Lena ; Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:41.

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32005The Effect of Age at School Entry on Educational Attainment in Germany. (2005). Fertig, Michael ; Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:27.

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42004Dismissal Protection and Worker Flows in Small Establishments. (2004). Bauer, Thomas ; Bonin, Holger ; Bender, Stefan. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:14.

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52005The Savings Behavior of Temporary and Permanent Migrants in Germany. (2005). Sinning, Mathias ; Bauer, Thomas. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:29.

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62006Copayments in the German Health System - Do They Work?. (2006). Schaffner, Sandra ; Bauer, Thomas ; Augurzky, Boris. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:43.

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72005Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition for Tobit Models. (2005). Sinning, Mathias ; Bauer, Thomas. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:32.

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82005The Intriguing Nexus between Corruption and Capital Account Restrictions. (2005). Siemers, Lars ; Dreher, Axel ; Siemers, Lars-H. R., . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:35.

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92006An Extension of the Blinder-Oaxaca Decomposition to Non-Linear Models. (2006). Sinning, Mathias ; Bauer, Thomas. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:49.

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102006Identifying the Determinants of Attitudes towards Immigrants - A Structural Cross-Country Analysis. (2006). Brenner, Jan ; Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:47.

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112005A Portrait of Child Poverty in Germany. (2005). Tamm, Marcus ; Corak, Miles ; Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:26.

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122003Credit Crunch in Germany?. (2003). Schmidt, Torsten ; Nehls, Hiltrud . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:6.

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132003Whos to Blame? The Determinants of German Students Achievement in the PISA 2000 Study. (2003). Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:4.

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142007Identifying the Rebound: Theoretical Issues and Empirical Evidence from a German Household Panel. (2007). Peters, Jörg ; Frondel, Manuel ; Vance, Colin. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:57.

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152004A Conceptual Framework for the Evaluation of Comprehensive Labor Market Policy Reforms in Germany. (2004). Fertig, Michael ; Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:13.

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162003Gerontocracy in Motion? - European Cross-Country Evidence on the Labor Market Consequences of Population Ageing. (2003). Schmidt, Christoph ; Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:8.

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172004Real and Nominal Wage Rigidities and the Rate of Inflation: Evidence from West German Micro Data. (2004). Sunde, Uwe ; Bauer, Thomas ; Bonin, Holger. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:12.

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182003Educational Production, Endogenous Peer Group Formation and Class Composition - Evidence From the PISA 2000 Study. (2003). Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:2.

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192006Marginal Effects and Significance Testing with Heckmans Sample Selection Model: A Methodological Note. (2006). Vance, Colin. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:39.

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202006Gender Differences in Smoking Behavior. (2006). Sinning, Mathias ; Goehlmann, Silja ; Bauer, Thomas ; Gohlmann, Silja . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:44.

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212005Biodiesel: A New Oildorado?. (2005). Peters, Jörg ; Frondel, Manuel. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:36.

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222006Home-ownership and Economic Performance of Immigrants in Germany. (2006). Sinning, Mathias. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:45.

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232005Effects of Oil Price Shocks on German Business Cycles. (2005). Schmidt, Torsten ; Zimmermann, Tobias . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:31.

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242003The Impact of Economic Integration on Employment - An Assessment in the Context of EU-Enlargement. (2003). Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:7.

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252006Tobacco and Alcohol: Complements or Substitutes? - A Statistical Guinea Pig Approach. (2006). Tauchmann, Harald ; Schmidt, Christoph ; Requate, Till ; Goehlmann, Silja ; Gohlmann, Silja . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:52.

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262005Human Capital and Economic Growth in OECD Countries. (2005). Middendorf, Torge. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:30.

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272004What Triggers Environmental Management and Innovation? - Empirical Evidence for Germany. (2004). Frondel, Manuel ; Rennings, Klaus ; Horbach, Jens. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:15.

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282006Bank Lending and Asset Prices in the Euro Area. (2006). Schmidt, Torsten ; Frömmel, Michael ; Frommel, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:42.

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292007Does Money Buy Higher Schooling? Evidence from Secondary School Track Choice in Germany. (2007). Tamm, Marcus. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:55.

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302004International Labor Migration, Economic Growth and Labor Markets - The Current State of Affairs. (2004). Schmidt, Christoph ; Bauer, Thomas ; Haisken-DeNew, John P. ; JohnP. Haisken-DeNew, ; Haisken-De New, John P.. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:20.

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312004Assessing the performance of matching algorithms when selection into treatment is strong. (2004). Augurzky, Boris ; Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:21.

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322004Shot Across the Bow, Stigma or Selection? - The Effect of Repeating a Class on Educational Attainment. (2004). Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:19.

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332004Do Organizational Forms matter? An Econometric Analysis of Innovativeness in the German Wastewater Sector. (2004). Tauchmann, Harald ; Clausen, Hartmut . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:22.

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342007Always Poor or Never Poor and Nothing in Between? Duration of Child Poverty in Germany. (2007). Tamm, Marcus ; Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:56.

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352005The Educational and Professional Background of Central Bankers and its Effect on Inflation - An Empirical Analysis. (2005). Vaubel, Roland ; Goehlmann, Silja ; Gohlmann, Silja . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:25.

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362004The Societal Integration of Immigrants in Germany. (2004). Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:18.

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372006Improving Business Cycle Forecasts Accuracy - What Can We Learn from Past Errors?. (2006). Döhrn, Roland ; Dohrn, Roland. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:51.

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382004Firing the Furnace? - An Econometric Analysis of Utilities Fuel Choice. (2004). Tauchmann, Harald. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:17.

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392005Knowledge Transfer in Buyer-Supplier Relationships - When It (Not) Occurs. (2005). Bönte, Werner ; Bonte, Werner ; Wiethaus, Lars . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:34.

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402004Characterizing Movements of the U.S. Current Account Deficit. (2004). Schmidt, Torsten ; Middendorf, Torge. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:24.

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412005The Effect of Poverty on the Health of Newborn Children - Evidence from Germany. (2005). Tamm, Marcus. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:33.

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422003Mobility within Europe - The Attitudes of European Youngsters. (2003). Schmidt, Christoph ; Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:1.

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432006Hard Coal Subsidies: A Never-Ending Story?. (2006). Schmidt, Christoph ; Frondel, Manuel ; Kambeck, Rainer . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:53.

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442006On the Link between Urban Form and Automobile Use - Evidence from German Survey Data. (2006). Vance, Colin ; Hedel, Ralf . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:48.

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452003Sheepskin Effects in Japan. (2003). Bauer, Thomas ; Haisken-DeNew, John P. ; JohnP. Haisken-DeNew, ; Haisken-De New, John P. ; Dross, Patrick J.. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:5.

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462004The Birth of German Biotechnology Industry - Did Venture Capital run the show?. (2004). Engel, Dirk ; Heneric, Oliver ; Champenois, Claire. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:16.

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472004The Effectiveness of Qualification Measures for Employed Workers - An Evaluation Study for Saxony. (2004). Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:10.

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482006Who gets the Credit? Determinants of the Probability of Default in the German Hospital Sector. (2006). Schwierz, Christoph ; Engel, Dirk ; Augurzky, Boris. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:54.

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492003ICT and Socio-Economic Exclusion. (2003). D'Ambrosio, Conchita ; Haisken-De New, John P. ; Haisken-DeNew, John P. ; JohnP. Haisken-DeNew, . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:3.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12006Before and After the Hartz Reforms: The Performance of Active Labour Market Policy in Germany. (2006). Jacobi, Lena ; Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:41.

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22006The Effectiveness of European Active Labor Market Policy. (2006). Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:37.

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32006Identifying the Determinants of Attitudes towards Immigrants - A Structural Cross-Country Analysis. (2006). Brenner, Jan ; Fertig, Michael. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:47.

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42005The Effect of Age at School Entry on Educational Attainment in Germany. (2005). Fertig, Michael ; Kluve, Jochen. In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:27.

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52003Credit Crunch in Germany?. (2003). Schmidt, Torsten ; Nehls, Hiltrud . In: RWI Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:rwidps:6.

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