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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-12-09 13:41:37]
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2013 0 0.66 0.21 0 75 75 218 16 20 0 0 2 12.5 16 0.21 0.35
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12013CAP Subsidies and Productivity of EU Farms. (2013). Rizov, Marian ; Pokrivcak, Jan ; Ciaian, Pavel. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152259.

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22013The Capitalization of Area Payment into Land Rental Prices: Evidence from Italy. (2013). Veneziani, Mario ; Sckokai, Paolo ; Guastella, Gianni ; Moro, D.. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152263.

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32013U.S. Agricultural Productivity. (2013). Fuglie, Keith. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152336.

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42013Quality Upgrading, Competition and Trade Policy: Evidence from the Agri-Food Sector. (2013). Raimondi, Valentina ; Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152386.

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52013Agricultural Growth in India: Examining the Post-Green Revolution Transition. (2013). Rada, Nicholas. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152343.

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62013DETERMINANTS TO LEAVE AGRICULTURE AND CHANGE OCCUPATIONAL SECTOR: EVIDENCE FROM AN ENLARGED EU. (2013). Tocco, Barbara ; Davidova, Sophia ; Bailey, Alastair. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152325.

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72013Determinants to Leave Agriculture and Change Occupational Sector: Evidence from an Enlarged EU. (2013). Tocco, Barbara ; Davidova, Sophia ; Bailey, Alastair. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152324.

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82013Determinants of Farm Labour Use: A Comparison between Ireland and Italy. (2013). Raimondi, Valentina ; Olper, Alessandro ; Loughrey, Jason ; Donnellan, Trevor ; Hennessy, Thia ; Hanrahan, Kevin. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152332.

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92013Determinants of Farm Labour Use: A Comparison between Ireland and Italy. (2013). Raimondi, Valentina ; Olper, Alessandro ; Loughrey, Jason ; Donnellan, Trevor ; Hennessy, Thia ; Hanrahan, Kevin. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152331.

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102013Trade, Import Competition and Productivity Growth In the Food Industry. (2013). Pacca, Lucia ; Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152383.

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112013Firm-Level Evidence of Deadweight Loss of Investment Support Policies: A Case Study of Dairy Farms in Schleswig-Holstein. (2013). Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Michalek, Jerzy. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152258.

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122013Technical Efficiency in the Chilean Agribusiness Sector – a Stochastic Meta-Frontier Approach. (2013). Lakner, Sebastian ; Brummer, B. ; Aedo, Edinson Rivera ; Muoz, Brenes T.. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152356.

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132013Trade, Import Competition and Productivity Growth In the Food Industry. (2013). Pacca, Lucia ; Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152385.

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142013Do CAP Payments Reduce Farm Labour Migration? A Panel Data Analysis Across EU Regions. (2013). Vigani, Mauro ; Raimondi, Valentina ; Olper, Alessandro ; Cavicchioli, Daniele. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152328.

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152013Efficiency and Productivity of Ukrainian Agroholdings. (2013). Balmann, Alfons ; Kataria, Karin ; Kulyk, Iryna ; Schaft, Franziska. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152255.

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162013Quality Upgrading, Competition and Trade Policy: Evidence from the Agri-Food Sector. (2013). Raimondi, Valentina ; Olper, Alessandro ; Curzi, Daniele. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152387.

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172013Productivity growth at the sectoral level: measurement and projections. (2013). Van Dijk, Michiel. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152269.

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182013Productivity Growth and Variability in KRU: Evidence and Prospects. (2013). Goychuk, Kateryna ; Meyers, Willi ; Tothova, Monika . In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152379.

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192013Productivity growth at the sectoral level: measurement and projections. (2013). Van Dijk, Michiel. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152268.

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202013The influence of agricultural support on sale prices of French farmland: A comparison of different subsidies, accounting for the role of environmental and land regulations. (2013). Piet, Laurent ; Latruffe, Laure ; Dupraz, Pierre ; le Mouel, Chantal. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152373.

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212013Productivity Growth, Trade & Poverty. (2013). Martin, Will. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152395.

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222013FIRM-LEVEL EVIDENCE OF DEADWEIGHT LOSS OF INVESTMENT SUPPORT POLICIES: A CASE STUDY OF DAIRY FARMS IN SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN. (2013). Kancs, d'Artis ; Ciaian, Pavel ; Michalek, Jerzy. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152257.

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232013The influence of agricultural support on sale prices of French farmland: A comparison of different subsidies, accounting for the role of environmental and land regulations. (2013). Piet, Laurent ; Latruffe, Laure ; Dupraz, Pierre ; le Mouel, Chantal. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152372.

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242013Technical Efficiency in the Chilean Agribusiness Sector - a Stochastic Meta-Frontier Approach. (2013). Brummer, B. ; Larkner, Sebastian ; Aedo, Edinson Rivera ; Muoz, Brenes T.. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152380.

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252013Does Common Agricultural Policy Reduce Farm Labor Migration? A Panel Data Analysis Across EU Regions. (2013). Vigani, Mauro ; Raimondi, Valentina ; Olper, Alessandro ; Cavicchioli, Daniele. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152326.

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262013Simulating the Value of Information Generated by On-farm Agronomic Experimentation Using Precision Agriculture Technology. (2013). Bullock, David S.. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152371.

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272013Simulating the Value of Information Generated by On-farm Agronomic Experimentation Using Precision Agriculture Technology. (2013). Bullock, David S.. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152370.

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282013Productivity growth and variability in KRU: evidence and prospects. (2013). Goychuk, Kateryna ; Meyers, William H. ; Tothova, Monika . In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152378.

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292013Evaluating Agricultural Productivity’s Impact on Food Security. (2013). Rosen, Stacey ; Rada, Nicholas ; Beckman, Jayson. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152267.

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302013Gdyn-E: a dynamic CGE model for the economic assessment of long run climate policy alternatives. (2013). Costantini, Valeria ; Antimiani, Alessandro ; Tommasino, M. C. ; Martini, C.. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152272.

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312013Gdyn-E: a dynamic CGE model for the economic assessment of long run climate policy alternatives. (2013). Costantini, Valeria ; Antimiani, Alessandro ; Tommasino, Maria Cristina ; Martini, Chiara. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152271.

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322013Agricultural productivity: introductory comments. (2013). Haniotis, Tassos . In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152333.

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332013Convergence in Agricultural Productivity in the EU. (2013). Stefanou, Spiro ; Oude Lansink, Alfons ; Emvalomatis, Grigorios. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152264.

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342013Dynamic Efficiency and Productivity Analysis. (2013). Oude Lansink, Alfons. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152394.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12013CAP Subsidies and Productivity of EU Farms. (2013). Rizov, Marian ; Pokrivcak, Jan ; Ciaian, Pavel. In: 2013: Productivity and Its Impacts on Global Trade, June 2-4, 2013. Seville, Spain. RePEc:ags:iatr13:152259.

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