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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-12-09 13:41:37]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1990 0.06 0.17 0.23 0.02 13 13 2 3 3 16 1 60 1 3 100 0 0.1
1991 0 0.15 0 0 17 30 12 3 21 59 0 0 0.1
1992 0.03 0.13 0.08 0.02 8 38 4 3 6 30 1 59 1 0 1 0.13 0.09
1993 0 0.17 0.02 0 3 41 0 1 7 25 54 0 0 0.1
1994 0 0.17 0.02 0.02 4 45 2 1 8 11 49 1 0 0 0.08
1995 0 0.22 0 0 10 55 13 8 7 45 0 0 0.13
1996 0.07 0.25 0.1 0.1 12 67 0 7 15 14 1 42 4 0 0 0.14
1997 0 0.27 0.01 0.03 8 75 19 1 16 22 37 1 0 0 0.15
1998 0 0.32 0.06 0 13 88 1 4 21 20 37 1 25 0 0.18
1999 0 0.39 0.03 0.04 16 104 10 2 24 21 47 2 0 0 0.26
2000 0 0.54 0.02 0.02 17 121 31 2 26 29 59 1 1 50 0 0.25
2001 0.09 0.49 0.04 0.08 35 156 67 6 33 33 3 66 5 1 16.7 0 0.28
2002 0.1 0.54 0.06 0.09 17 173 23 11 44 52 5 89 8 1 9.1 0 0.31
2003 0.12 0.53 0.07 0.07 33 206 38 14 59 52 6 98 7 3 21.4 3 0.09 0.3
2004 0.18 0.6 0.08 0.11 14 220 23 17 76 50 9 118 13 4 23.5 0 0.36
2005 0.13 0.6 0.08 0.11 45 265 16 20 97 47 6 116 13 6 30 2 0.04 0.37
2006 0.07 0.59 0.04 0.04 35 300 30 10 108 59 4 144 6 1 10 1 0.03 0.34
2007 0.1 0.52 0.09 0.11 29 329 55 30 138 80 8 144 16 8 26.7 4 0.14 0.29
2008 0.14 0.59 0.08 0.08 21 350 22 26 166 64 9 156 12 4 15.4 2 0.1 0.29
2009 0.16 0.58 0.29 0.07 25 375 2268 110 276 50 8 144 10 14 12.7 78 3.12 0.33
2010 3.8 0.52 0.51 1.21 22 397 13 203 479 46 175 155 187 5 2.5 0 0.3
2011 4.6 0.62 0.59 1.73 39 436 24 259 738 47 216 132 228 23 8.9 8 0.21 0.37
2012 0.11 0.68 0.62 1.88 6 442 5 272 1010 61 7 136 256 0 0 0.36
2013 0.11 0.66 0.6 2.27 19 461 6 275 1285 45 5 113 256 5 1.8 0 0.35
2014 0.04 0.67 0.5 2 17 478 3 240 1525 25 1 111 222 8 3.3 0 0.34
2015 0.08 0.65 0.4 0.1 13 491 0 198 1723 36 3 103 10 0 0 0.36
2016 0 0.64 0.48 0.09 12 503 0 240 1963 30 94 8 0 0 0.34
2017 0.04 0.62 0.38 0.03 8 511 3 195 2158 25 1 67 2 0 0 0.35
2018 0 0.61 0.24 0.03 1 512 0 124 2282 20 69 2 0 0 0.34
2019 0 0.61 0.25 0 5 517 2 131 2413 9 51 0 0 0.36
2020 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.08 2 519 0 158 2571 6 3 39 3 1 0.6 0 0.74
2021 0 0.95 0.26 0 3 522 0 136 2707 7 28 0 0 0.39
2022 0.2 0.69 0.1 0.16 3 525 0 50 2757 5 1 19 3 1 2 0 0.22
2023 0 0.57 0.01 0 4 529 0 4 2761 6 14 0 0 0.18
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12009The economics of climate change. (2009). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38679.

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22009Economic growth in the Caribbean. (2009). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38668.

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32001Information, information management and governance. (2001). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27495.

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42007Major statistical publications: abstracts. (2007). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27648.

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51997Major statistical publications: abstracts. (1997). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27418.

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62001New technologies in agriculture. (2001). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27483.

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72011The economics of climate change in the Caribbean. (2011). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38620.

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82007Economic survey of the Caribbean, 2006-2007. (2007). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27632.

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92008Women and Water: Climate Change in the Caribbean. (2008). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38435.

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102000Global economic developments, 1999. (2000). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27471.

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111995Foreign direct investment in the Caribbean. (1995). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27404.

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122006A Passage to Hope: Women and International Migration. (2006). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38409.

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132007The Madrid International plan of action on ageing. (2007). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38407.

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142006Economic survey of the Caribbean, 2005-2006. (2006). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27590.

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152009Climate change: selected economic dimensions. (2009). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27645.

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162004Economic survey of the Caribbean, 2003-2004. (2004). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27562.

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172000Poverty and social integration in the Caribbean. (2000). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27470.

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182002Welcome to new Heads of the Gender Department. (2002). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38393.

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192003Major statistical publications: abstracts. (2003). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27529.

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202004Yachting in the Eastern Caribbean. (2004). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27555.

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212008Public debt sustainability in the Caribbean. (2008). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38710.

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222013An assessment of the economic and social impacts of climate change on the energy sector in the Caribbean. (2013). Martin, Ramon ; Phillips, Willard ; Allenyne, Dillon ; Gomes, Charmaine . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38280.

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232012Policy brief evidence based policy. (2012). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38380.

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242003Domestic Workers in Jamaica. (2003). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38389.

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251999Recent global economic developments. (1999). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27461.

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262000Study of gender mainstreaming in the Caribbean. (2000). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27456.

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272004Yachting in the Eastern Caribbean: a regional overview. (2004). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27547.

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282003The development of services in the Caribbean. (2003). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27521.

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291999Major statistical publications: abstracts. (1999). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27448.

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302004Disaster assessment training manual for SIDS. (2004). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38846.

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312003Exchange rate regimes in the Caribbean. (2003). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27518.

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322010Regional Climate Modelling In The Caribbean. (2010). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38284.

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331991Savings in the Caribbean. (1991). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27351.

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342013An assessment of the economic and social impacts of climate change on the agriculture sector in the Caribbean. (2013). Alleyne, Dillon ; Hutchinson, Sharon ; Gomes, Charmaine ; Phillips, Willard . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38278.

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352006Fiscal policy and tax reform in the Caribbean. (2006). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27595.

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362005Social security in the English-speaking Caribbean. (2005). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27574.

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372010Review of the economics of climate change (RECC) in the Caribbean project: Phase I climate change profiles in select Caribbean countries. (2010). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38289.

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382007Overview of the water profile and the capacity of national institutions to implement integrated water resources management (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada). (2007). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27629.

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392011An economic assessment of the impact of climate change on the health sector in Montserrat. (2011). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38589.

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402002Economic overview of Caribbean countries. (2002). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27509.

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412009Economic survey of the Caribbean 2008-2009. (2009). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38689.

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421989Export industrialization and women. (1989). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27678.

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432017Addressing capacity gaps in the production of the SDG indicators in the Caribbean. (2017). Abdulkadri, Abdullahi. In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:43115.

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442013An assessment of the economic and social impacts of climate change on the tourism sector in the Caribbean. (2013). Moore, Winston ; Gomes, Charmaine ; Alleyne, Dillion ; Phillips, Willard . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38282.

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452003Report of the Grenada national yachting consultation. (2003). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27528.

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462002Jamaica: Macro-socio-economic assessment of the damage done by flood rains and landslides May 2002. (2002). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38868.

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472003The yachting sector: Dominica. (2003). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27540.

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482003Global economic developments, 2001-2003. (2003). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27560.

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492002Global economic developments, 2000-2001. (2002). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27503.

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502005Grenada: a gender impact assessment of hurricane Ivan - making the invisible visible. (2005). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27582.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12009The economics of climate change. (2009). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38679.

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22009Economic growth in the Caribbean. (2009). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:38668.

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32000Poverty and social integration in the Caribbean. (2000). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27470.

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42007Overview of the water profile and the capacity of national institutions to implement integrated water resources management (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada). (2007). , . In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:27629.

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52017Addressing capacity gaps in the production of the SDG indicators in the Caribbean. (2017). Abdulkadri, Abdullahi. In: Sede Subregional de la CEPAL para el Caribe (Estudios e Investigaciones). RePEc:ecr:col095:43115.

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