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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


1990 0.05 0.17 0.55 0.07 11 11 53 6 6 19 1 61 4 0 1 0.09 0.1
1991 0.33 0.15 0.48 0.13 10 21 62 9 16 21 7 55 7 0 1 0.1 0.1
1992 0.19 0.13 0.24 0.09 8 29 75 7 23 21 4 54 5 0 2 0.25 0.09
1993 0.44 0.17 0.24 0.21 16 45 409 11 34 18 8 48 10 0 0 0.1
1994 0.75 0.17 0.5 0.38 7 52 28 26 60 24 18 55 21 0 0 0.08
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
11993How prudent are consumers?. (1993). Dynan, Karen E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:135.

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21992Economic performance under price stability. (1992). Roberts, John ; Lebow, David E. ; Stockton, David J.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:125.

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31991Buffer stock saving and the permanent income hypothesis. (1991). Carroll, Christopher. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:114.

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41993Saving and growth: a reinterpretation. (1993). Weil, David ; Carroll, Christopher. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:140.

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51993When all the optimal dynamic taxes are zero. (1993). Bull, Nicholas . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:137.

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61990Constant-quality price change, depreciation, and retirement of mainframe computers. (1990). . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:110.

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71985Occupational change, employer change, and the transferability of skills. (1985). Shaw, Kathryn. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:55.

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81994Is there a broad credit channel for monetary policy?. (1994). Rudebusch, Glenn. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:146.

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91988A nonparametric investigation of duration dependence in the American business cycle. (1988). Rudebusch, Glenn ; Diebold, Francis. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:90.

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101984Productivity and the NIIRU (and other Phillips curve issues). (1984). Braun, Steven. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:34.

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111993Who pays broad-based energy taxes? Computing lifetime and regional incidence. (1993). Metcalf, Gilbert ; hassett, kevin ; Bull, Nicholas . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:142.

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121993How important is precautionary saving?. (1993). Samwick, Andrew ; Carroll, Christopher. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:145.

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131990Income tax refunds and the timing of consumption expenditure. (1990). . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:106.

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141993The rate of time preference and shocks to wealth: evidence from panel data. (1993). Dynan, Karen E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:134.

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151993Monetary policy at near-zero interest rates. (1993). Lebow, David E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:136.

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161991Productivity and the public capital stock: another look. (1991). Rubin, Laura S.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:118.

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171994Is inflation sticky?. (1994). Roberts, John. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:152.

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181991Regional house-price dispersion and interregional migration. (1991). Wascher, William ; Gabriel, Stuart ; Shack-Marquez, Janice. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:122.

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191990The sources of business cycles: a monetarist interpretation. (1990). Roberts, John. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:108.

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201993Employment effects of minimum and subminimum wages: reply to Card, Katz, and Krueger. (1993). Wascher, William ; Neumark, David. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:144.

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211987Credit rationing and the demand for owner-occupied housing. (1987). Rosenthal, Stuart ; Gabriel, Stuart ; Duca, John. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:79.

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221993New and old models of business investment: a comparison of forecasting performance. (1993). Sichel, Daniel ; Rudebusch, Glenn. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:141.

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231992The nature and magnitude of precautionary wealth. (1992). Samwick, Andrew ; Carroll, Christopher. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:124.

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241990Trends and random walks in macroeconomic time series: a re-examination. (1990). Rudebusch, Glenn. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:105.

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251993Habit formation in consumer preferences: evidence from panel data. (1993). Dynan, Karen E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:143.

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261992Inventories and the three phases of the business cycle. (1992). Sichel, Daniel. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:128.

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271993The accuracy of home owners estimates of house value. (1993). Ittner, John B. ; John L. Goodman, Jr., . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:131.

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281993The hiring of new labor by expanding industries. (1993). Fallick, Bruce. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:139.

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291989Business cycle asymmetry: a deeper look. (1989). Sichel, Daniel. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:93.

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301985The influence of exchange rate movements on inflation in the United States. (1985). Glassman, James E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:46.

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311989Internal finance and investment: testing the role of asymmetric information and agency costs. (1989). Rudebusch, Glenn ; Oliner, Stephen. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:101.

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321989Business cycle duration dependence: a parametric approach. (1989). Sichel, Daniel. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:98.

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331987Models and measures of fiscal policy. (1987). Cohen, Darrel . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:70.

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341993New evidence on the retirement and depreciation of machine tools. (1993). . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:147.

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351990Production smoothing evidence from physical-product data. (1990). Krane, Spencer ; Braun, Steven. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:103.

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361983An evaluation of alternative price forecasting models: theoretical considerations. (1983). Stockton, David J. ; Glassman, James E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:32.

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371989Capital gains taxation and the demand for owner-occupied housing. (1989). Rosenthal, Stuart ; Hoyt, William. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:92.

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381985The effect of cohort size on human capital investment and earnings growth. (1985). Nothaft, Frank E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:42.

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391985Adjustable-rate home mortgages and the demand for mortgage credit. (1985). Goodman, John L.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:41.

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401992The Lucas critique revisited: assessing the stability of empirical Euler equations. (1992). Sichel, Daniel ; Rudebusch, Glenn. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:130.

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411986Creative destruction and the behavior of productivity over the business cycle. (1986). Wascher, William ; Montgomery, Edward . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:60.

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421981Specification errors and the stock-adjustment model: why estimated speeds-of-adjustment are too slow in inventory equations. (1981). Irvine, Owen F.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:14.

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431985Evidence on the causes of the rising dispersion of relative wages. (1985). Stockton, David J. ; Montgomery, Edward . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:49.

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441992Reassessing the social returns to equipment investment. (1992). hassett, kevin ; Auerbach, Alan. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:129.

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451986Cross-industry differences in race and gender wage differentials. (1986). Wascher, William ; Montgomery, Edward . In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:59.

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461987The substainability of government deficits: implications of the present- value borrowing constraint. (1987). Wilcox, David. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:77.

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471992Is the shift toward employment in services stabilizing?. (1992). Sichel, Daniel ; Lebow, David E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:123.

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481985Unbiased estimation of the inflationary effects of relative price disturbances. (1985). Stockton, David J.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:48.

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491991Have postwar economic fluctuations been stabilized?. (1991). Rudebusch, Glenn ; Diebold, Francis. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:116.

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501987Estimation of current-quarter GNP by pooling preliminary labor - market data. (1987). Braun, Steven. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:75.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
11993How prudent are consumers?. (1993). Dynan, Karen E.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:135.

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21992Economic performance under price stability. (1992). Roberts, John ; Lebow, David E. ; Stockton, David J.. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:125.

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31993Saving and growth: a reinterpretation. (1993). Weil, David ; Carroll, Christopher. In: Working Paper Series / Economic Activity Section. RePEc:fip:fedgwe:140.

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