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Citation Profile [Updated: 2025-01-21 09:43:16]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2016 0 0.52 0 0 19 19 3 0 0 0 0 0 0.21
2017 0.11 0.54 0.06 0.11 17 36 8 2 2 19 2 19 2 0 0 0.22
2018 0.11 0.55 0.13 0.11 3 39 0 5 7 36 4 36 4 0 0 0.23
2019 0.15 0.56 0.07 0.1 20 59 0 4 11 20 3 39 4 0 0 0.23
2020 0 0.67 0.01 0.02 17 76 0 1 12 23 59 1 0 0 0.32
2021 0 0.79 0.01 0.01 6 82 0 1 13 37 76 1 0 0 0.29
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12017Granularity of the Business Cycle Fluctuations: The Spanish Case. (2017). Blanco-Arroyo, Omar ; Alfarano, Simone. In: Economía Coyuntural,Revista de temas de perspectivas y coyuntura. RePEc:grm:ecoyun:201702.

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22017Heterogeneous Growth and Regional (Di)Convergence in Bolivia: A Distribution Dynamics Approach. (2017). Mendez-Guerra, Carlos. In: Economía Coyuntural,Revista de temas de perspectivas y coyuntura. RePEc:grm:ecoyun:201717.

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32016Sigma Convergencia, Convergencia Beta y Condicional en Bolivia, 1990-2011. (2016). Claure, Benigno Caballero ; Martinez, Rolando Caballero. In: Economía Coyuntural,Revista de temas de perspectivas y coyuntura. RePEc:grm:ecoyun:201602.

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42021GROWTH WITH RESIDENTIAL DENSITY, LAND RENT AND LAND VALUE. (2021). Zhang, Wei-Bin. In: Economia Coyuntural,Revista de temas de perspectivas y coyuntura. RePEc:grm:ecoyun:202103.

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52016Impact of education on poverty in Bolivia. (2016). Perez, David ; Vargas, Jaime ; Villegas, Horacio . In: Economía Coyuntural,Revista de temas de perspectivas y coyuntura. RePEc:grm:ecoyun:201617.

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62016Exportaciones de manufacturas de origen industrial (moi) en Argentina. Manufactured exports of industrial origin (moi) in Argentina. (2016). lanteri, luis. In: Economía Coyuntural,Revista de temas de perspectivas y coyuntura. RePEc:grm:ecoyun:201612.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
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