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IF | AIF | CIF | IF5 | DOC | CDO | CIT | NCI | CCU | D2Y | C2Y | D5Y | C5Y | SC | %SC | CiY | II | AII | |
2008 | 0 | 0.59 | 1.5 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 58 | 2 | 9 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 1 | 0.29 | |||
2009 | 1 | 0.58 | 3.75 | 1 | 2 | 4 | 9 | 5 | 24 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 3 | 1.5 | 0.33 | |
2010 | 0.5 | 0.52 | 1.3 | 0.5 | 6 | 10 | 458 | 8 | 37 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 0 | 6 | 1 | 0.3 | |
2011 | 2.13 | 0.62 | 2.06 | 2.4 | 6 | 16 | 33 | 24 | 70 | 8 | 17 | 10 | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0.37 | ||
2012 | 3.5 | 0.68 | 1.31 | 3.38 | 110 | 126 | 3012 | 150 | 235 | 12 | 42 | 16 | 54 | 0 | 96 | 0.87 | 0.36 | |
2013 | 1.9 | 0.66 | 1.55 | 2.22 | 135 | 261 | 3637 | 387 | 639 | 116 | 220 | 126 | 280 | 7 | 1.8 | 97 | 0.72 | 0.35 |
2014 | 2.13 | 0.67 | 1.97 | 2.23 | 117 | 378 | 3094 | 733 | 1383 | 245 | 521 | 259 | 577 | 4 | 0.5 | 113 | 0.97 | 0.34 |
2015 | 2.58 | 0.65 | 2.39 | 2.68 | 165 | 543 | 2855 | 1295 | 2680 | 252 | 650 | 374 | 1002 | 17 | 1.3 | 132 | 0.8 | 0.36 |
2016 | 1.79 | 0.64 | 2.39 | 2.13 | 80 | 623 | 1405 | 1488 | 4168 | 282 | 506 | 533 | 1136 | 15 | 1 | 89 | 1.11 | 0.34 |
IF: | Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y |
AIF: | Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y |
CIF: | Cumulative impact factor |
IF5: | Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y |
DOC: | Number of documents published in year y |
CDO: | Cumulative number of documents published until year y |
CIT: | Number of citations to papers published in year y |
NCI: | Number of citations in year y |
CCU: | Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y |
D2Y: | Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
C2Y: | Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
D5Y: | Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5 |
C5Y: | Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5 |
SC: | selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
%SC: | Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
CiY: | Cites in year y to documents published in year y |
II: | Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents. |
AII: | Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y |
# | Year | Title | Cited |
1 | 2014 | Capital is Back: Wealth-Income Ratios in Rich Countries 1700ââ¬â2010. (2014). Zucman, Gabriel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01109372. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 546 |
2 | 2010 | Who compares to whom? The anatomy of income comparisons in Europe. (2010). Clark, Andrew ; Senik, Claudia. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00754447. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 456 |
3 | 2014 | Optimal Taxation of Top Labor Incomes: A Tale of Three Elasticities. (2014). Stantcheva, Stefanie ; Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00944873. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 382 |
4 | 2013 | Do Labor Market Policies have Displacement Effects? Evidence from a Clustered Randomized Experiment. (2013). Rathelot, Roland ; Gurgand, Marc ; Crepon, Bruno ; Zamora, Philippe ; Duflo, Esther. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00840901. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 377 |
5 | 2012 | The productivity advantages of large cities: distingushing agglomeration from firm selection. (2012). Roux, S̮̩bastien ; Puga, Diego ; Gobillon, Laurent ; Duranton, Gilles ; Combes, Pierre-Philippe. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00812695. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 355 |
6 | 2012 | Firms and the global crisis: French exports in the turmoil. (2012). Vicard, Vincent ; Gaulier, Guillaume ; Fontagn̮̩, Lionel ; bricongne, jean-charles ; Taglioni, Daria. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00639897. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 318 |
7 | 2013 | The Missing Wealth of Nations: Are Europe and the U.S. net Debtors or net Creditors?. (2013). Zucman, Gabriel. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053616. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 310 |
8 | 2012 | Quality sorting and trade: Firm-level evidence for French wine. (2012). mayer, thierry ; Head, Keith ; Crozet, Matthieu. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00610947. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 302 |
9 | 2015 | Credit Supply and the Price of Housing. (2015). Imbs, Jean ; Favara, Giovanni. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01301589. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 279 |
10 | 2016 | Birthplace diversity and economic prosperity. (2016). Rapoport, Hillel ; Harnoss, Johann ; Alesina, Alberto. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01304131. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 274 |
11 | 2013 | The Top 1% in International and Historical Perspective. (2013). Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas ; Atkinson, Anthony ; Alvaredo, Facundo. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00847231. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 261 |
12 | 2014 | Inequality in the long run. (2014). Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053609. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 261 |
13 | 2015 | Inequality, Leverage, and Crises. (2015). Kumhof, Michael ; Winant, Pablo ; Ranciere, Romain. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01207208. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 225 |
14 | 2015 | Radio and the Rise of The Nazis in Prewar Germany. (2015). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben ; Adena, Maja ; Santarosa, Veronica . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01245557. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 156 |
15 | 2013 | Preference Elicitation under Oath. (2013). Shogren, Jason ; Jacquemet, Nicolas ; Luchini, Stephane ; Joule, Robert-Vincent . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00731244. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 144 |
16 | 2012 | Export sophistication and economic growth: Evidence from China. (2012). poncet, sandra ; Jarreau, Joachim. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00649282. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 130 |
17 | 2013 | A Theory of Optimal Inheritance Taxation. (2013). Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00879813. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 128 |
18 | 2013 | Back to Baseline in Britain: Adaptation in the British Household Panel Survey. (2013). Georgellis, Yannis ; Clark, Andrew. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00846456. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 127 |
19 | 2014 | Cross-Border Media and Nationalism: Evidence from Serbian Radio in Croatia. (2014). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben ; DellaVigna, Stefano ; Della Vigna, Stefano ; Mironova, Vera. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053370. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 127 |
20 | 2013 | The Political Economy of Clientelism. (2013). Verdier, Thierry ; Robinson, James. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00846558. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 122 |
21 | 2012 | Framing Social Security Reform: Behavioral Responses to Changes in the Full Retirement Age. (2012). Behaghel, Luc ; Blau, David M. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00772844. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 121 |
22 | 2016 | Emigration and democracy. (2016). Schiff, Maurice ; Rapoport, Hillel ; Lodigiani, Elisabetta ; Docquier, Fr̮̩d̮̩ric. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01304133. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 121 |
23 | 2014 | What Predicts a Successful Life? A Life-course Model of Well-being. (2014). Powdthavee, Nattavudh ; Layard, Richard ; Cornaglia, Francesca ; Clark, Andrew ; Francesca, Cornaglia . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01109062. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 118 |
24 | 2012 | Do unemployed workers benefit from enterprise zones? The French experience. (2012). Selod, Harris ; Magnac, Thierry ; Gobillon, Laurent. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00812979. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 118 |
25 | 2015 | Winning Big but Feeling no Better? The Effect of Lottery Prizes on Physical and Mental Health. (2015). Clark, Andrew ; Apouey, B̮̩n̮̩dicte. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01155641. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 116 |
26 | 2015 | About Capital in the Twenty-First Century. (2015). Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01157487. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 113 |
27 | 2012 | Decision theory under ambiguity. (2012). Tallon, Jean-Marc ; Jeleva, Meglena ; Etner, Johanna. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00643580. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 112 |
28 | 2013 | Is Extending Compulsory Schooling Alone Enough to Raise Earnings? Evidence from French and British Compulsory Schooling Laws. (2013). Grenet, Julien. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00754526. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 104 |
29 | 2013 | Pricing in social networks. (2013). QUEROU, Nicolas ; Bloch, Francis. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01013603. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 104 |
30 | 2012 | Cash Transfers, Behavioral Changes, and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment. (2012). Schady, Norbert ; Macours, Karen ; Vakis, Renos. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00754593. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 103 |
31 | 2015 | The Simple Microeconomics of Public-Private Partnerships. (2015). MARTIMORT, David ; Iossa, Elisabetta. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01109351. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 102 |
32 | 2013 | Top Incomes and the Great Recession: Recent Evolutions and Policy Implications. (2013). Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00879814. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 95 |
33 | 2012 | Revisiting the Trade-Migration Nexus: Evidence from New OECD data. (2012). Toubal, Farid ; Felbermayr, Gabriel. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00783759. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 88 |
34 | 2013 | Dismissal protection and worker flows in OECD countries: Evidence from cross-country/cross-industry data. (2013). Garnero, Andrea ; Bassanini, Andrea. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00813034. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 85 |
35 | 2014 | The Measurement of Educational Inequality: Achievement and Opportunity. (2014). Gignoux, J̮̩r̮̩mie ; Ferreira, Francisco. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01030825. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 80 |
36 | 2015 | Product Standards and Margins of Trade: Firm-Level Evidence Product Standards and Margins of Trade: Firm-Level Evidence. (2015). Piermartini, Roberta ; Orefice, Gianluca ; Fontagn̮̩, Lionel ; Rocha, Nadia. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01299757. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 80 |
37 | 2014 | Private and Public Provision of Counseling to Job-Seekers: Evidence from a Large Controlled Experiment. (2014). Gurgand, Marc ; Behaghel, Luc ; Crepon, Bruno. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01067926. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 79 |
38 | 2013 | Money, Well-Being, and Loss Aversion: Does an Income Loss Have a Greater Effect on Well-Being Than an Equivalent Income Gain?. (2013). Clark, Andrew ; Banks, James ; Boyce, Christopher J ; Wood, Alex M. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00941907. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 79 |
39 | 2014 | From regressive pollution taxes to progressive environmental tax reforms. (2014). Fodha, Mouez ; Chiroleu-Assouline, Mireille. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00974835. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 78 |
40 | 2014 | Worktime Regulations and Spousal Labor Supply. (2014). Petrongolo, Barbara ; Maurin, Eric ; Goux, Dominique. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00943036. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 77 |
41 | 2012 | Implementation with Evidence. (2012). tercieux, olivier ; Kartik, Navin. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00754592. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 76 |
42 | 2014 | Simple mechanisms and preferences for honesty. (2014). tercieux, olivier ; Kartik, Navin ; Holden, Richard. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00943301. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 74 |
43 | 2013 | Working in Family Firms: Paid Less But More Secure? Evidence from French Matched Employer-Employee Data. (2013). Reberioux, Antoine ; Caroli, Eve ; Breda, Thomas ; Bassanini, Andrea. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00832786. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 73 |
44 | 2013 | The Determinants of Intrafirm Trade: Evidence from French Firms. (2013). Verdier, Thierry ; Mion, Giordano ; Corcos, Gregory ; Irac, Delphine. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00879809. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 72 |
45 | 2015 | Cultural vs. economic legacies of empires: Evidence from the partition of Poland. (2015). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; grosfeld, irena. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01157572. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 72 |
46 | 2016 | Does job insecurity deteriorate health?. (2016). Caroli, Eve ; Godard, Mathilde. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01311366. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 72 |
47 | 2014 | Getting Parents Involved: A Field Experiment in Deprived Schools. (2014). Maurin, Eric ; Gurgand, Marc ; Guyon, Nina ; Avvisati, Francesco. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00942662. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 68 |
48 | 2014 | Changing Households Investment Behaviour through Social Interactions with Local Leaders: Evidence from a Randomised Transfer Programme. (2014). Macours, Karen ; Vakis, Renos. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053534. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 68 |
49 | 2013 | A multi-agent model of several economic regions. (2013). Pablo MartÃÆÃÂ, Federico ; Mandel, Antoine ; Jaeger, Carlo ; Pablo-Marti, Federico ; Lincke, Daniel ; Lass, Wiebke ; Furst, Steffen ; Wolf, Sarah . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00825217. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 66 |
50 | 2015 | Improving College Access and Success for Low-Income Students: Evidence from a Large Need-Based Grant Program. (2015). Grenet, Julien ; Fack, Gabrielle. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01155638. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 64 |
# | Year | Title | Cited |
1 | 2014 | Capital is Back: Wealth-Income Ratios in Rich Countries 1700ââ¬â2010. (2014). Zucman, Gabriel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01109372. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 86 |
2 | 2012 | The productivity advantages of large cities: distingushing agglomeration from firm selection. (2012). Roux, S̮̩bastien ; Puga, Diego ; Gobillon, Laurent ; Duranton, Gilles ; Combes, Pierre-Philippe. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00812695. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 74 |
3 | 2015 | Credit Supply and the Price of Housing. (2015). Imbs, Jean ; Favara, Giovanni. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01301589. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 58 |
4 | 2013 | Do Labor Market Policies have Displacement Effects? Evidence from a Clustered Randomized Experiment. (2013). Rathelot, Roland ; Gurgand, Marc ; Crepon, Bruno ; Zamora, Philippe ; Duflo, Esther. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00840901. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 51 |
5 | 2013 | The Missing Wealth of Nations: Are Europe and the U.S. net Debtors or net Creditors?. (2013). Zucman, Gabriel. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053616. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 48 |
6 | 2010 | Who compares to whom? The anatomy of income comparisons in Europe. (2010). Clark, Andrew ; Senik, Claudia. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00754447. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 41 |
7 | 2015 | Radio and the Rise of The Nazis in Prewar Germany. (2015). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben ; Adena, Maja ; Santarosa, Veronica . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01245557. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 40 |
8 | 2016 | Birthplace diversity and economic prosperity. (2016). Rapoport, Hillel ; Harnoss, Johann ; Alesina, Alberto. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01304131. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 40 |
9 | 2012 | Quality sorting and trade: Firm-level evidence for French wine. (2012). mayer, thierry ; Head, Keith ; Crozet, Matthieu. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00610947. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 38 |
10 | 2014 | Cross-Border Media and Nationalism: Evidence from Serbian Radio in Croatia. (2014). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben ; DellaVigna, Stefano ; Della Vigna, Stefano ; Mironova, Vera. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053370. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 36 |
11 | 2014 | Optimal Taxation of Top Labor Incomes: A Tale of Three Elasticities. (2014). Stantcheva, Stefanie ; Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00944873. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 34 |
12 | 2014 | Inequality in the long run. (2014). Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053609. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 34 |
13 | 2013 | Preference Elicitation under Oath. (2013). Shogren, Jason ; Jacquemet, Nicolas ; Luchini, Stephane ; Joule, Robert-Vincent . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00731244. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 31 |
14 | 2012 | Firms and the global crisis: French exports in the turmoil. (2012). Vicard, Vincent ; Gaulier, Guillaume ; Fontagn̮̩, Lionel ; bricongne, jean-charles ; Taglioni, Daria. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00639897. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 31 |
15 | 2012 | Framing Social Security Reform: Behavioral Responses to Changes in the Full Retirement Age. (2012). Behaghel, Luc ; Blau, David M. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00772844. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 30 |
16 | 2013 | Back to Baseline in Britain: Adaptation in the British Household Panel Survey. (2013). Georgellis, Yannis ; Clark, Andrew. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00846456. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 26 |
17 | 2013 | Working in Family Firms: Paid Less But More Secure? Evidence from French Matched Employer-Employee Data. (2013). Reberioux, Antoine ; Caroli, Eve ; Breda, Thomas ; Bassanini, Andrea. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00832786. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 26 |
18 | 2016 | Does job insecurity deteriorate health?. (2016). Caroli, Eve ; Godard, Mathilde. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01311366. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 23 |
19 | 2014 | By Choice and by Necessity: Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment in the Developing World. (2014). MARGOLIS, David. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01060265. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 22 |
20 | 2015 | Inequality, Leverage, and Crises. (2015). Kumhof, Michael ; Winant, Pablo ; Ranciere, Romain. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01207208. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 22 |
21 | 2013 | A Theory of Optimal Inheritance Taxation. (2013). Saez, Emmanuel ; Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00879813. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 22 |
22 | 2014 | What Predicts a Successful Life? A Life-course Model of Well-being. (2014). Powdthavee, Nattavudh ; Layard, Richard ; Cornaglia, Francesca ; Clark, Andrew ; Francesca, Cornaglia . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01109062. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 21 |
23 | 2015 | Improving College Access and Success for Low-Income Students: Evidence from a Large Need-Based Grant Program. (2015). Grenet, Julien ; Fack, Gabrielle. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01155638. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 21 |
24 | 2012 | Export sophistication and economic growth: Evidence from China. (2012). poncet, sandra ; Jarreau, Joachim. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00649282. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 20 |
25 | 2015 | About Capital in the Twenty-First Century. (2015). Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01157487. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 20 |
26 | 2013 | Pricing in social networks. (2013). QUEROU, Nicolas ; Bloch, Francis. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01013603. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 20 |
27 | 2013 | The Political Economy of Clientelism. (2013). Verdier, Thierry ; Robinson, James. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00846558. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 19 |
28 | 2015 | Winning Big but Feeling no Better? The Effect of Lottery Prizes on Physical and Mental Health. (2015). Clark, Andrew ; Apouey, B̮̩n̮̩dicte. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01155641. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 19 |
29 | 2013 | Money, Well-Being, and Loss Aversion: Does an Income Loss Have a Greater Effect on Well-Being Than an Equivalent Income Gain?. (2013). Clark, Andrew ; Banks, James ; Boyce, Christopher J ; Wood, Alex M. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00941907. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 19 |
30 | 2016 | Emigration and democracy. (2016). Schiff, Maurice ; Rapoport, Hillel ; Lodigiani, Elisabetta ; Docquier, Fr̮̩d̮̩ric. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01304133. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 18 |
31 | 2014 | Escaping the repugnant conclusion: rank-discounted utilitarianism with variable population. (2014). Zuber, St̮̩phane ; Asheim, Geir. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-01048579. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 18 |
32 | 2014 | From regressive pollution taxes to progressive environmental tax reforms. (2014). Fodha, Mouez ; Chiroleu-Assouline, Mireille. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00974835. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 17 |
33 | 2014 | Private and Public Provision of Counseling to Job-Seekers: Evidence from a Large Controlled Experiment. (2014). Gurgand, Marc ; Behaghel, Luc ; Crepon, Bruno. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01067926. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 17 |
34 | 2014 | Worktime Regulations and Spousal Labor Supply. (2014). Petrongolo, Barbara ; Maurin, Eric ; Goux, Dominique. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00943036. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 17 |
35 | 2012 | Tax-benefit revealed social preferences. (2012). Bourguignon, Fran̮̤ois ; Spadaro, Amadeo . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00754607. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 16 |
36 | 2012 | Decision theory under ambiguity. (2012). Tallon, Jean-Marc ; Jeleva, Meglena ; Etner, Johanna. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00643580. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 16 |
37 | 2015 | Social preferences in the online laboratory: a randomized experiment. (2015). Jacquemet, Nicolas ; Hergueux, Jerome . In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00984211. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 16 |
38 | 2016 | Happy People Have Children: Choice and Self-Selection into Parenthood. (2016). Clark, Andrew ; Senik, Claudia ; Cetre, Sophie. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01383781. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 15 |
39 | 2015 | Oil, governance and the (mis)allocation of talent in developing countries. (2015). OMGBA, Luc ; Laajaj, Rachid ; Ebeke, Christian Hubert. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01112661. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 15 |
40 | 2016 | Adaptation to Poverty in Long-Run Panel Data. (2016). D'Ambrosio, Conchita ; Clark, Andrew ; Ghislandi, Simone. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01383894. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 15 |
41 | 2012 | Do unemployed workers benefit from enterprise zones? The French experience. (2012). Selod, Harris ; Magnac, Thierry ; Gobillon, Laurent. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:hal-00812979. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
42 | 2014 | The Measurement of Educational Inequality: Achievement and Opportunity. (2014). Gignoux, J̮̩r̮̩mie ; Ferreira, Francisco. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01030825. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
43 | 2013 | Is Extending Compulsory Schooling Alone Enough to Raise Earnings? Evidence from French and British Compulsory Schooling Laws. (2013). Grenet, Julien. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00754526. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
44 | 2015 | The Simple Microeconomics of Public-Private Partnerships. (2015). MARTIMORT, David ; Iossa, Elisabetta. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01109351. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
45 | 2015 | Cultural vs. economic legacies of empires: Evidence from the partition of Poland. (2015). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; grosfeld, irena. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01157572. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 14 |
46 | 2014 | A ranking method based on handicaps. (2014). Demange, Gabrielle. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01109087. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 13 |
47 | 2014 | Certifiable Pre-Play Communication: Full Disclosure. (2014). Perez, Eduardo ; Koessler, Frederic ; Hagenbach, Jeanne ; Perez-Richet, Eduardo. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01053478. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 13 |
48 | 2015 | Putting Distribution Back at the Center of Economics: Reflections on Capital in the Twenty-First Century. (2015). Piketty, Thomas. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-01207273. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 13 |
49 | 2013 | The Determinants of Intrafirm Trade: Evidence from French Firms. (2013). Verdier, Thierry ; Mion, Giordano ; Corcos, Gregory ; Irac, Delphine. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00879809. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 13 |
50 | 2013 | Export upgrading and growth in China: the prerequisite of domestic embeddedness. (2013). Starosta, Felipe ; Poncet, Sandra. In: PSE - Labex OSE-Ouvrir la Science Economique. RePEc:hal:pseose:halshs-00960684. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 13 |
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