[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]
IF | AIF | CIF | IF5 | DOC | CDO | CIT | NCI | CCU | D2Y | C2Y | D5Y | C5Y | SC | %SC | CiY | II | AII | |
2008 | 0 | 0.49 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 14 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0.23 | |||||
2009 | 0 | 0.48 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 26 | 3 | 0 | 14 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0.24 | |||||
2010 | 0 | 0.49 | 0 | 0 | 23 | 49 | 32 | 0 | 26 | 26 | 0 | 0 | 0.21 | |||||
2011 | 0 | 0.52 | 0 | 0 | 21 | 70 | 13 | 0 | 35 | 49 | 0 | 0 | 0.24 | |||||
2012 | 0.2 | 0.52 | 0.13 | 0.14 | 22 | 92 | 24 | 12 | 12 | 44 | 9 | 70 | 10 | 0 | 1 | 0.05 | 0.22 | |
2013 | 0 | 0.56 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 102 | 18 | 12 | 43 | 92 | 0 | 0 | 0.24 | |||||
2014 | 0.03 | 0.55 | 0.03 | 0.03 | 15 | 117 | 17 | 3 | 15 | 32 | 1 | 88 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0.23 | ||
2015 | 0 | 0.55 | 0.02 | 0.01 | 9 | 126 | 5 | 2 | 17 | 25 | 91 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0.23 | |||
2016 | 0.13 | 0.53 | 0.15 | 0.13 | 9 | 135 | 19 | 20 | 37 | 24 | 3 | 77 | 10 | 14 | 70 | 0 | 0.21 | |
2017 | 0.06 | 0.54 | 0.07 | 0.11 | 15 | 150 | 10 | 11 | 48 | 18 | 1 | 65 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0.22 | ||
2018 | 0.13 | 0.55 | 0.11 | 0.17 | 20 | 170 | 61 | 19 | 67 | 24 | 3 | 58 | 10 | 0 | 2 | 0.1 | 0.23 | |
2019 | 0.34 | 0.57 | 0.12 | 0.21 | 16 | 186 | 26 | 22 | 89 | 35 | 12 | 68 | 14 | 0 | 0 | 0.23 | ||
2020 | 0.56 | 0.68 | 0.24 | 0.33 | 9 | 195 | 7 | 47 | 136 | 36 | 20 | 69 | 23 | 0 | 0 | 0.32 | ||
2021 | 0.24 | 0.8 | 0.14 | 0.26 | 10 | 205 | 9 | 29 | 165 | 25 | 6 | 69 | 18 | 0 | 0 | 0.29 | ||
2022 | 0.32 | 0.84 | 0.16 | 0.3 | 20 | 225 | 9 | 37 | 202 | 19 | 6 | 70 | 21 | 0 | 1 | 0.05 | 0.25 | |
2023 | 0.27 | 0.86 | 0.17 | 0.37 | 19 | 244 | 4 | 41 | 243 | 30 | 8 | 75 | 28 | 1 | 2.4 | 0 | 0.25 |
IF: | Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y |
AIF: | Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y |
CIF: | Cumulative impact factor |
IF5: | Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y |
DOC: | Number of documents published in year y |
CDO: | Cumulative number of documents published until year y |
CIT: | Number of citations to papers published in year y |
NCI: | Number of citations in year y |
CCU: | Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y |
D2Y: | Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
C2Y: | Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
D5Y: | Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5 |
C5Y: | Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5 |
SC: | selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
%SC: | Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2 |
CiY: | Cites in year y to documents published in year y |
II: | Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents. |
AII: | Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y |
# | Year | Title | Cited |
1 | 2018 | Factors influencing integrated reporting practices among Malaysian public listed real property companies: a sustainable development effort. (2018). Ghani, Erlane K ; Gunardi, Ardi ; Puspitasari, Evita ; Jamal, Jauharoh. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:2:p:144-162. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 24 |
2 | 2016 | Corporate disclosure and intellectual capital: the light side of information asymmetry. (2016). Caputo, Francesco ; Russo, Giuseppe ; Evangelista, Federica ; del Giudice, Manlio. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:8:y:2016:i:1:p:75-96. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 11 |
3 | 2013 | Economic value added and shareholders wealth creation: the portrait of a developing Asian country. (2013). Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Bhasin, Madan Lal. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:5:y:2013:i:2:p:107-137. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 10 |
4 | 2018 | The impact of social responsibility disclosure on the liquidity of the Jordanian industrial corporations. (2018). Mallouh, Alaa Abu ; Tahtamouni, Asem. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:3:p:273-300. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 9 |
5 | 2010 | An empirical investigation of Greek firms compliance to IFRS disclosure requirements. (2010). Ballas, Apostolos ; Tzovas, Christos . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:1:p:40-62. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
6 | 2018 | Does R%D investment affect export intensity? The moderating effect of ownership. (2018). Ossorio, Mario. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:1:p:65-83. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 8 |
7 | 2019 | Fostering tacit knowledge sharing and innovative work behaviour: an integrated theoretical view. (2019). Thomas, Asha ; Gupta, Vikas. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:3/4:p:320-346. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 7 |
8 | 2014 | Voluntary disclosure frequency and cost of debt: an analysis in the Tunisian context. (2014). talbi, dorra ; Omri, Mohamed Ali. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:6:y:2014:i:2:p:167-174. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 7 |
9 | 2018 | Board compositions and social reporting: evidence from Malaysia. (2018). Mohd-Said, Ridzwana ; Senik, Rosmila ; Nahar, Hairul Suhaimi ; Shen, Lim Teck. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:2:p:128-143. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 7 |
10 | 2013 | Voluntary corporate governance disclosures in the annual reports: an empirical study. (2013). Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Bhasin, Madan Lal. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:5:y:2013:i:1:p:79-105. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 6 |
11 | 2016 | A decision model for the suitable financing for small and medium enterprises. (2016). Giacosa, Elisa ; Mazzoleni, Alberto . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:8:y:2016:i:1:p:39-74. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 5 |
12 | 2019 | Credit access and performance of Italian firms: how relevant is gender?. (2019). Papa, Armando ; Serino, Luana ; Mueller, Jens ; Campanella, Francesco. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:3/4:p:269-289. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 5 |
13 | 2010 | Improving efficiency and accountability: a case study on outsourcing strategies in higher education in Sri Lanka. (2010). Wickramasinghe, Danture ; Herath, Siriyama Kanthi ; Indrani, M. W.. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:3:p:275-304. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
14 | 2010 | The deployment of contemporary management accounting practices in Canadian firms: a contingency approach. (2010). Abdel-Maksoud, Ahmed B. ; Pollanen, Raili M.. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:2:p:134-152. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
15 | 2010 | Sensitivity of profitability to working capital management: a study of Indian corporate hospitals. (2010). Kamalavalli, A. L. ; Talha, Mohammad ; Christopher, Benjamin S.. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:3:p:213-227. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
16 | 2010 | Bank efficiency estimation and the change of the accounting standards: evidence from Greece. (2010). Dimitras, A. I. ; Kosmidou, K. ; Apostolou, A. K.. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:1:p:20-39. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
17 | 2010 | Does ownership structure matter in explaining derivatives use policy in French listed firms. (2010). Boubaker, Sabri ; Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Mefteh, Salma . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:2:p:196-212. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
18 | 2021 | Voluntary risk disclosure and values of FTSE350 firms: the role of an industry-based litigation risk. (2021). Elsayed, Nader ; Hassanein, Ahmed. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:13:y:2021:i:2:p:110-132. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
19 | 2011 | Ownership structure and stock market liquidity: evidence from Tunisia. (2011). Prigent, Jean-Luc ; Bouri, Abdelfatteh ; Boujelbene, Nadia Belkhir . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:3:y:2011:i:1:p:91-109. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
20 | 2019 | Determinants of the complementary level of financial and tax aggressiveness: a cross-country study. (2019). Wardhani, Ratna ; Martani, Dwi ; Utama, Sidharta ; Rachmawati, Nurul Aisyah. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:2:p:145-166. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
21 | 2012 | The effect of innovation characteristics on activity-based costing adoption. (2012). Askarany, Davood ; Brierley, John A. ; Yazdifar, Hassan. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:4:y:2012:i:3:p:291-313. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
22 | 2022 | Inventory management and financial sustainability: insight from quoted manufacturing firms in Nigeria. (2022). Abiahu, Mary-Fidelis Chidoziem ; Dafyak, Chinnan Francis ; Okere, Wisdom ; Okeke, Obiajulu Chibuzo. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:14:y:2022:i:1:p:84-97. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
23 | 2023 | Environmental, social and governance literature: a bibliometric analysis. (2023). Saini, Mohit ; Yadav, Mahender. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:15:y:2023:i:2:p:231-254. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
24 | 2019 | Does the voluntary adoption of integrated reporting affect the value relevance of accounting information? Empirical evidence from Europe. (2019). Rupo, Daniela ; Loprevite, Salvatore ; Ricca, Bruno. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:3/4:p:238-268. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
25 | 2012 | The financial ratio usage towards predicting stock returns in Malaysia. (2012). Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Tan Kia Puai Doris, ; Jakpar, Shaharudin ; Jais, Mohamad. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:4:y:2012:i:4:p:377-401. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
26 | 2014 | Return volatilities and contagion transmission between Islamic and conventional banks throughout the subprime crisis: evidence from the DCC-MGARCH model. (2014). Fakhfekh, Mohamed ; Hachicha, Nejib. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:6:y:2014:i:2:p:133-145. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
27 | 2021 | Intellectual capital and firm performance in Indonesia: the moderating role of corporate governance. (2021). Hartanto, Elisabeth ; Hutagaol-Martowidjojo, Yanthi ; Limijaya, Amelia. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:13:y:2021:i:2:p:159-182. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
28 | 2012 | Analysing accounting and organisational change: the theoretical development. (2012). Siti-Nabiha, A. K. ; Zarifah, A.. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:4:y:2012:i:1:p:29-46. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
29 | 2017 | The EMH and the market anomalies: an empirical analysis on Italian stock market. (2017). Rossi, Matteo ; Fattoruso, Gerarda. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:9:y:2017:i:3:p:222-241. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
30 | 2010 | Board structure and extent of corporate governance statement. (2010). Zulkafli, Abdul Hadi ; Ishak, Mohd Syarizal ; Nejati, Mehran ; Amran, Azlan. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:4:p:383-400. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
31 | 2015 | Internal governance mechanisms and value relevance of accounting earnings: an empirical study in the French context. (2015). Ayadi, Wafa Masmoudi ; Boujelbne, Younes . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:7:y:2015:i:1:p:3-25. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
32 | 2012 | Mission statements and company financial performance revisited. (2012). Dharmadasa, Pradeep ; Maduraapeurma, Yasantha ; Herath, Siriyama Kanthi . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:4:y:2012:i:3:p:314-324. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
33 | 2020 | Corporate governance in India and some selected Gulf countries. (2020). Aqlan, Saleem Ahmed ; Al-Hattami, Hamood Mohd ; Shamim, Mohd ; Almaqtari, Faozi A. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:12:y:2020:i:2:p:165-185. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
34 | 2017 | How are discretionary accruals priced? Evidence from the Canadian stock market. (2017). Kolsi, Mohamed Chakib ; Attayah, Osama F. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:9:y:2017:i:3:p:283-302. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
35 | 2008 | A macro analysis of the use of XBRL. (2008). Abdullah, Aminah ; Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Khadaroo, Iqbal. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:1:y:2008:i:2:p:213-223. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
36 | 2013 | The impact of the characteristics of the board of directors on the financial performance of Tunisian companies. (2013). Zied, Bouaziz ; Mohamed, Triki . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:5:y:2013:i:2:p:178-201. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
37 | 2011 | Management accounting practices and managerial techniques and practices in manufacturing firms: Egyptian evidence. (2011). Abdel-Maksoud, Ahmed B.. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:3:y:2011:i:3:p:237-254. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
38 | 2012 | Financial and non-financial environmental information: significant factors for corporate environmental performance measuring. (2012). Nikolaou, Ioannis ; Evangelinos, Konstantinos. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:4:y:2012:i:1:p:61-77. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
39 | 2016 | Dividend policy and share price volatility: evidence from Colombo stock market. (2016). Jahfer, Athambawa ; Mulafara, Abdul Hameed . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:8:y:2016:i:2:p:97-108. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
40 | 2018 | Critical analysis of failure of Kingfisher Airlines. (2018). Kolte, Ashutosh ; Rossi, Matteo ; Capasso, Arturo. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:4:p:391-409. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
41 | 2017 | Firm-specific characteristics, corporate governance and voluntary disclosure in annual reports of listed companies in Bangladesh. (2017). Abdur, MD. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:9:y:2017:i:3:p:263-282. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
42 | 2014 | The effect of audit committee financial experts on earnings management. (2014). Ben Amar, Anis . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:6:y:2014:i:2:p:156-166. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
43 | 2020 | Conceptualisation of customer experience: the case of mobile telecoms services in Morocco. (2020). Vrontis, Demetris ; Orlando, Beatrice ; Fiano, Fabio ; Oubrich, Mourad ; Belabbes, Ikrame. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:12:y:2020:i:1:p:89-118. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
44 | 2012 | Ownership structure and financial institutes risk taking: evidence from Tunisian quoted bank (financial institute). (2012). Bouri, Abdelfettah ; Bouaziz, Wissem . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:4:y:2012:i:1:p:47-60. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
45 | 2018 | Ownership distribution and value of the banks in Bangladesh. (2018). Abdur, MD ; Hossain, Mohammad Sharif. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:4:p:378-390. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
46 | 2011 | Improving profitability by managing working capital in the value chain of pulp and paper industry. (2011). Pirttila, Miia ; Karri, Timo ; Viskari, Sari . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:3:y:2011:i:4:p:348-366. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
47 | 2019 | Ownership structure, corporate risk disclosure and firm value: a Malaysian perspective. (2019). Gunardi, Ardi ; Ghani, Erlane K ; Ali, Mazurina Mohd ; Kamaruzaman, Siti Aisyah. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:2:p:113-131. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
48 | 2011 | Contagion in the stock markets: the 2007 subprime financial crisis. (2011). Sadraoui, Tarek ; ben Zina, Naceur ; Jayech, Selma . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:3:y:2011:i:2:p:170-187. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
49 | 2019 | Effective audit committee, audit quality and earnings management: evidence from the Ghana Stock Exchange. (2019). Yeboah, Michael ; Agyei-Mensah, Ben K. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:2:p:93-112. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
50 | 2009 | How to measure the comparability of financial statements?. (2009). Branson, JoÃÆël ; Breesch, Diane ; Cole, Vicky . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:1:y:2009:i:4:p:379-397. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
# | Year | Title | Cited |
1 | 2018 | Factors influencing integrated reporting practices among Malaysian public listed real property companies: a sustainable development effort. (2018). Ghani, Erlane K ; Gunardi, Ardi ; Puspitasari, Evita ; Jamal, Jauharoh. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:2:p:144-162. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 7 |
2 | 2019 | Fostering tacit knowledge sharing and innovative work behaviour: an integrated theoretical view. (2019). Thomas, Asha ; Gupta, Vikas. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:3/4:p:320-346. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 5 |
3 | 2016 | Corporate disclosure and intellectual capital: the light side of information asymmetry. (2016). Caputo, Francesco ; Russo, Giuseppe ; Evangelista, Federica ; del Giudice, Manlio. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:8:y:2016:i:1:p:75-96. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 5 |
4 | 2018 | The impact of social responsibility disclosure on the liquidity of the Jordanian industrial corporations. (2018). Mallouh, Alaa Abu ; Tahtamouni, Asem. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:3:p:273-300. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 5 |
5 | 2018 | Board compositions and social reporting: evidence from Malaysia. (2018). Mohd-Said, Ridzwana ; Senik, Rosmila ; Nahar, Hairul Suhaimi ; Shen, Lim Teck. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:2:p:128-143. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
6 | 2014 | Voluntary disclosure frequency and cost of debt: an analysis in the Tunisian context. (2014). talbi, dorra ; Omri, Mohamed Ali. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:6:y:2014:i:2:p:167-174. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 4 |
7 | 2022 | Inventory management and financial sustainability: insight from quoted manufacturing firms in Nigeria. (2022). Abiahu, Mary-Fidelis Chidoziem ; Dafyak, Chinnan Francis ; Okere, Wisdom ; Okeke, Obiajulu Chibuzo. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:14:y:2022:i:1:p:84-97. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
8 | 2021 | Intellectual capital and firm performance in Indonesia: the moderating role of corporate governance. (2021). Hartanto, Elisabeth ; Hutagaol-Martowidjojo, Yanthi ; Limijaya, Amelia. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:13:y:2021:i:2:p:159-182. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
9 | 2018 | Does R%D investment affect export intensity? The moderating effect of ownership. (2018). Ossorio, Mario. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:1:p:65-83. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
10 | 2013 | Voluntary corporate governance disclosures in the annual reports: an empirical study. (2013). Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Bhasin, Madan Lal. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:5:y:2013:i:1:p:79-105. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
11 | 2019 | Credit access and performance of Italian firms: how relevant is gender?. (2019). Papa, Armando ; Serino, Luana ; Mueller, Jens ; Campanella, Francesco. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:3/4:p:269-289. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
12 | 2021 | Voluntary risk disclosure and values of FTSE350 firms: the role of an industry-based litigation risk. (2021). Elsayed, Nader ; Hassanein, Ahmed. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:13:y:2021:i:2:p:110-132. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
13 | 2023 | Environmental, social and governance literature: a bibliometric analysis. (2023). Saini, Mohit ; Yadav, Mahender. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:15:y:2023:i:2:p:231-254. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 3 |
14 | 2019 | Board characteristics, state ownership and firm performance: evidence from Vietnam. (2019). Pratoomsuwan, Thanyawee ; Vu, Kelly Anh . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:2:p:167-186. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
15 | 2020 | Corporate governance in India and some selected Gulf countries. (2020). Aqlan, Saleem Ahmed ; Al-Hattami, Hamood Mohd ; Shamim, Mohd ; Almaqtari, Faozi A. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:12:y:2020:i:2:p:165-185. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
16 | 2019 | Ownership structure, corporate risk disclosure and firm value: a Malaysian perspective. (2019). Gunardi, Ardi ; Ghani, Erlane K ; Ali, Mazurina Mohd ; Kamaruzaman, Siti Aisyah. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:2:p:113-131. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
17 | 2010 | An empirical investigation of Greek firms compliance to IFRS disclosure requirements. (2010). Ballas, Apostolos ; Tzovas, Christos . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:2:y:2010:i:1:p:40-62. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
18 | 2008 | The consequences of information asymmetry, task and environmental uncertainty on budget participation: evidence from Malaysian managers. (2008). Abuenniran, Abdalmunaem Saleh ; Zainuddin, Yuserrie ; Yahya, Sofri ; Noor Nasir Kader Ali, . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:1:y:2008:i:1:p:97-114. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
19 | 2015 | Internal governance mechanisms and value relevance of accounting earnings: an empirical study in the French context. (2015). Ayadi, Wafa Masmoudi ; Boujelbne, Younes . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:7:y:2015:i:1:p:3-25. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
20 | 2019 | Does the voluntary adoption of integrated reporting affect the value relevance of accounting information? Empirical evidence from Europe. (2019). Rupo, Daniela ; Loprevite, Salvatore ; Ricca, Bruno. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:11:y:2019:i:3/4:p:238-268. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
21 | 2018 | An integrated network model for performance management: a focus on healthcare organisations. (2018). Marcarelli, Gabriella . In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:10:y:2018:i:2:p:163-180. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
22 | 2020 | Conceptualisation of customer experience: the case of mobile telecoms services in Morocco. (2020). Vrontis, Demetris ; Orlando, Beatrice ; Fiano, Fabio ; Oubrich, Mourad ; Belabbes, Ikrame. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:12:y:2020:i:1:p:89-118. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
23 | 2013 | Economic value added and shareholders wealth creation: the portrait of a developing Asian country. (2013). Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Bhasin, Madan Lal. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:5:y:2013:i:2:p:107-137. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
24 | 2012 | The financial ratio usage towards predicting stock returns in Malaysia. (2012). Shaikh, Junaid M. ; Tan Kia Puai Doris, ; Jakpar, Shaharudin ; Jais, Mohamad. In: International Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting. RePEc:ids:injmfa:v:4:y:2012:i:4:p:377-401. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | 2 |
Year | Title | |
2023 | The Virtuousness of Ethical Networks: How to Foster Virtuous Practices in Nonprofit Organizations. (2023). Vigolo, Vania ; Mion, Giorgio ; Tessari, Riccardo ; Bonfanti, Angelo. In: Journal of Business Ethics. RePEc:kap:jbuset:v:188:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s10551-023-05326-y. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | The impact of corporate performance on innovation management: Empirical evidence from emerging Asian economies. (2023). Kyriakidou, Niki ; Mardini, Ghassan H ; Rossi, Matteo ; Festa, Giuseppe. In: Journal of International Management. RePEc:eee:intman:v:29:y:2023:i:6:s1075425323000881. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Determinant Factors of Corporate Governance on Company Performance: Mediating Role of Capital Structure. (2023). Ria, Ria. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:3:p:2309-:d:1047900. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
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2023 | Research Status and Challenges on the Sustainable Development of Artificial Intelligence Courses from a Global Perspective. (2023). Liu, Yanping ; Lei, Jing ; Qin, Jinruo ; Yang, Ying. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:12:p:9335-:d:1167496. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Target firmsâ characteristics and the effects of sovereign wealth fundsâ investments: Does cultural context of SWFs matter?. (2023). Graziano, Domenico ; Varrone, Nicola ; Mustilli, Mario ; Gangi, Francesco. In: Research in International Business and Finance. RePEc:eee:riibaf:v:65:y:2023:i:c:s0275531923000764. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Financial Sustainability in Agri-Food Companies: The Case of Members of the PDO Parma Ham Consortium. (2023). Bonazzi, Giuseppe ; Iotti, Mattia. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:5:p:3947-:d:1076136. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper | |
2023 | Gender Inclusiveness and Female Representation on the Board of Directors of the Benefit Company Model: Evidence from Italy. (2023). Corsi, Christian ; Damico, Luciano ; Prencipe, Antonio ; Boffa, Danilo. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:15:y:2023:i:7:p:5852-:d:1109361. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
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2022 | Towards green recovery: Can banks achieve financial sustainability through income diversification in ASEAN countries?. (2022). Dogan, Eyup ; Alvarez-Otero, Susana ; Abbas, Jawad ; Najam, Hina ; Sial, Muhammad Safdar. In: Economic Analysis and Policy. RePEc:eee:ecanpo:v:76:y:2022:i:c:p:522-533. Full description at Econpapers || Download paper |
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