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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-12-09 13:41:37]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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2007 0 0.47 0 0 7 7 13 1 0 0 0 0 0.2
2008 0.14 0.49 0.07 0.14 7 14 5 1 2 7 1 7 1 0 0 0.23
2009 0 0.48 0 0 9 23 3 2 14 14 0 0 0.24
2010 0.06 0.49 0.1 0.13 8 31 3 3 5 16 1 23 3 0 0 0.21
2011 0.06 0.52 0.11 0.13 7 38 17 4 9 17 1 31 4 1 25 0 0.24
2012 0 0.52 0.07 0.05 8 46 20 3 12 15 38 2 1 33.3 1 0.13 0.22
2013 0.33 0.56 0.17 0.13 8 54 13 9 21 15 5 39 5 1 11.1 3 0.38 0.24
2014 0.25 0.55 0.08 0.1 11 65 4 5 26 16 4 40 4 0 0 0.23
2015 0.05 0.55 0.06 0.02 12 77 6 5 31 19 1 42 1 1 20 1 0.08 0.23
2016 0 0.53 0.14 0.15 6 83 7 12 43 23 46 7 6 50 3 0.5 0.21
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12007Will Italy’s Tax Reform Reduce the Corporate Tax Burden? A Microsimulation Analysis. (2007). Parisi, Valentino ; Oropallo, Filippo. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:9:y:2007:i:1:p:31-58.

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22011Un indice sintetico non compensativo per la misura della dotazione infrastrutturale: un’applicazione in ambito sanitario. (2011). Pareto, Adriano ; Mazziotta, Matteo. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:13:y:2011:i:1:p:63-79.

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32013Building the core of the Istat system of models for forecasting the Italian economy: MeMo-It. (2013). vicarelli, claudio ; Ventura, Marco ; Mancini, Massimo ; Jona-Lasinio, Cecilia ; Golinelli, Roberto ; Girardi, Alessandro ; Fioramanti, Marco ; de santis, roberta ; Bacchini, Fabio ; Pappalardo, Carmine ; Crivelli, Piero ; Rossi, Daniela ; Brandimarte, Cristina . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:15:y:2013:i:1:p:17-45.

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42012Young Entrants, Temporary Jobs and Career Opportunities: Short-Term Perspectives of Young Italian Workers. (2012). Staffolani, Stefano ; Lilla, Marco. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:14:y:2012:i:1:p:50-60.

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52012Regression-based approaches for the decomposition of income inequality in Italy, 1998-2008. (2012). Regoli, Andrea ; Manna, Rosalba . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:14:y:2012:i:1:p:5-18.

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62016Quality analysis and harmonization issues in the context of “Frame SBS”. (2016). Oropallo, Filippo ; de giorgi, viviana ; Siesto, Giampiero ; Puggioni, Augusto ; Curatolo, Silvana . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:18:y:2016:i:3:p:15-46.

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72011Estimation of Structural Business Statistics for Small Firms by Using Administrative Data. (2011). Oropallo, Filippo ; de giorgi, viviana ; Siesto, Giampiero ; Casciano, Maria Cristina . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:13:y:2011:i:2-3:p:55-74.

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82011Vacancies and Hirings: Preliminary Evidence from a Survey on Italian Employers. (2011). Lucarelli, Annalisa . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:13:y:2011:i:2-3:p:21-53.

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92014A methodological approach based on indirect sampling to survey the homeless people. (2014). Masi, Alessandra ; Falorsi, Stefano ; Pannuzi, Nicoletta ; Russo, Monica ; Inglese, Francesca ; De Vitiis, Claudia . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:16:y:2014:i:1-2:p:9-30.

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102008Multiplier Decomposition, Inequality and Poverty in a SAM Framework. (2008). Civardi, Marisa Bottiroli ; Lenti, Renata Targetti . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:10:y:2008:i:1:p:31-57.

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112009Metodologie per la stima degli affitti figurativi ed impatto sulla distribuzione del reddito. (2009). Di Laurea, Davide ; Cutillo, Andrea ; Ceccarelli, Claudio. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:11:y:2009:i:1:p:17-38.

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122015Redistributive effects of changes in indirect taxation. (2015). Brunetti, Alessandro ; Calza, Maria Grazia . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:17:y:2015:i:2:p:67-75.

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132016The new statistical register “Frame SBS”: overview and perspectives. (2016). Monducci, Roberto ; Luzi, Orietta . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:18:y:2016:i:3:p:5-14.

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142010The decomposition of the chained price index rate of change: generalization and interpretative effectiveness. (2010). Brunetti, Alessandro . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:12:y:2010:i:1:p:17-34.

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152012La stima da fonti amministrative di indicatori retributivi congiunturali al netto della cassa integrazione guadagni. (2012). Congia, Maria Carla ; Pacini, Silvia. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:14:y:2012:i:2-3:p:19-40.

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162015Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) assessment of composite indicators of infrastructure endowment. (2015). Terzi, Silvia ; Pierini, Andrea . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:17:y:2015:i:1:p:5-18.

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172013The Istat MeMo-It Macroeconometric Model: comments and suggestions for possible extensions. (2013). Bontempi, Maria. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:15:y:2013:i:1:p:47-56.

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182015Multi-source data collection strategy and microsimulation techniques for the Italian EU-SILC. (2015). Consolini, Paolo ; Donatiello, Gabriella . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:17:y:2015:i:2:p:77-96.

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192012Sample size for the estimate of consumer price subindices with alternative statistical designs. (2012). De Gregorio, Carlo . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:14:y:2012:i:1:p:19-47.

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202014Methods for variance estimation under random hot deck imputation in business surveys. (2014). Fasulo, Andrea ; Falorsi, Stefano ; Righi, Paolo . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:16:y:2011:i:1-2:p:45-64.

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212016Estimation of the main variables of the economic account of small and medium enterprises based on administrative sources. (2016). Varriale, Roberta ; Di Zio, Marco ; Guarnera, Ugo . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:18:y:2016:i:3:p:71-81.

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222010Alcune considerazioni sulla qualità degli indici dei valori medi unitari del commercio estero. (2010). de Santis, Giuseppe ; Causo, Serena M. ; Anitori, Paola . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:12:y:2010:i:2-3:p:5-29.

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232008File concatenation of survey data: a computer intensive approach to sampling weights estimation. (2008). D'Orazio, Marcello ; Torelli, Nicola ; Scanu, Mauro ; Di Zio, Marco ; Ballin, Marco . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:10:y:2008:i:2:p:5-12.

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242014Evaluating administrative data quality as inputof the statistical production process. (2014). Cerroni, Fulvia ; Galie, Lorena ; Di Bella, Grazia . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:16:y:2011:i:1-2:p:117-146.

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252008Monthly Income As a Core Social Variable: Evidence From the Italian EU SILC Survey. (2008). Di Marco, Marco . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:10:y:2008:i:2:p:13-31.

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262013Conti patrimoniali, beni culturali ed informazione statistica: le criticità nella loro compilazione. (2013). Antolini, Fabrizio . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:15:y:2013:i:2-3:p:51-70.

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27Multiple Imputation of Missing Income Data in the Survey on Income and Living Conditions. (2009). Giusti, Caterina. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:11:y:2009:i:2-3:p:63-80.

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282015Recent developments for quarterly service turnover indices. (2015). Bacchini, Fabio ; Busanello, Giuseppe ; Quondamstefano, Valeria ; Iannaccone, Roberto ; Cinelli, Rosmarie D. ; Chianella, Diego . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:17:y:2015:i:1:p:21-53.

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292008Estimation of Poverty Rates for the Italian Population classified by Household Type and Administrative Region. (2008). Ceccarelli, Claudio ; Pacei, Silvia ; Ferrante, Maria Rosaria ; Fabrizi, Enrico. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:10:y:2008:i:1:p:59-72.

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302013Estimating Business Statistics by integrating administrative and survey data: an experimental study on small and medium enterprises. (2013). de giorgi, viviana ; Siesto, Giampiero ; Luzi, Orietta ; Seri, Gianni . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:15:y:2013:i:2-3:p:31-50.

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312015Gli stranieri residenti per genere e cittadinanza: la stima per comune negli anni successivi al censimento. (2015). Simone, Maura ; Albani, Mauro . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:17:y:2015:i:3:p:71-102.

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322009La SAM come strumento di integrazione e analisi. (2009). Coli, Alessandra ; Tartamella, Francesca ; Battellini, Federica . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:11:y:2009:i:2-3:p:35-62.

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332010Direct vs Indirect Forecasts of Foreign Trade Unit Value Indices. (2010). Lutero, Giancarlo ; Marini, Marco. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:12:y:2010:i:2-3:p:73-96.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12012Regression-based approaches for the decomposition of income inequality in Italy, 1998-2008. (2012). Regoli, Andrea ; Manna, Rosalba . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:14:y:2012:i:1:p:5-18.

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22011Un indice sintetico non compensativo per la misura della dotazione infrastrutturale: un’applicazione in ambito sanitario. (2011). Pareto, Adriano ; Mazziotta, Matteo. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:13:y:2011:i:1:p:63-79.

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32014A methodological approach based on indirect sampling to survey the homeless people. (2014). Masi, Alessandra ; Falorsi, Stefano ; Pannuzi, Nicoletta ; Russo, Monica ; Inglese, Francesca ; De Vitiis, Claudia . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:16:y:2014:i:1-2:p:9-30.

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42013Building the core of the Istat system of models for forecasting the Italian economy: MeMo-It. (2013). vicarelli, claudio ; Ventura, Marco ; Mancini, Massimo ; Jona-Lasinio, Cecilia ; Golinelli, Roberto ; Girardi, Alessandro ; Fioramanti, Marco ; de santis, roberta ; Bacchini, Fabio ; Pappalardo, Carmine ; Crivelli, Piero ; Rossi, Daniela ; Brandimarte, Cristina . In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:15:y:2013:i:1:p:17-45.

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