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Citation Profile [Updated: 2024-08-05 07:38:32]
5 Years H Index
Impact Factor (IF)
5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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Raw Data


2001 0 0.49 0 0 7 7 40 3 0 0 0 0 0.28
2002 0.29 0.54 0.27 0.29 4 11 32 3 6 7 2 7 2 0 1 0.25 0.31
2003 0.55 0.53 0.5 0.55 11 22 54 10 17 11 6 11 6 2 20 3 0.27 0.3
2004 0.27 0.6 0.28 0.32 7 29 43 8 25 15 4 22 7 3 37.5 1 0.14 0.36
2005 0.56 0.6 0.57 0.55 15 44 110 22 50 18 10 29 16 7 31.8 2 0.13 0.37
2006 0.32 0.59 0.42 0.41 11 55 46 23 73 22 7 44 18 7 30.4 2 0.18 0.34
2007 0.38 0.52 0.49 0.46 16 71 47 35 108 26 10 48 22 4 11.4 1 0.06 0.29
2008 0.26 0.59 0.31 0.42 18 89 34 28 136 27 7 60 25 4 14.3 0 0.29
2009 0.26 0.58 0.29 0.37 15 104 27 30 166 34 9 67 25 4 13.3 0 0.33
2010 0.18 0.52 0.42 0.41 4 108 4 45 211 33 6 75 31 1 2.2 0 0.3
IF: Two years Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for all series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Five years Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
12005Using Spatial Panel Data in Modelling Regional Growth and Convergence. (2005). Piras, Gianfranco ; Basile, Roberto ; arbia, giuseppe. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:55.

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22003The Impact of Euro on Trade: The (Early) Effect is not so Large. (2003). vicarelli, claudio ; de Nardis, Sergio. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:31.

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32005Convergence in per-capita GDP across European regions using panel data models extended to spatial autocorrelation effects. (2005). Piras, Gianfranco ; arbia, giuseppe. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:51.

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42001Regional inequalities and cohesion policies in the european union. (2001). Girardi, Alessandro ; de Nardis, Sergio ; Basile, Roberto. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:23.

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52005Hub-and-Spoke or else? Free trade agreements in the “enlarged” European Union. (2005). vicarelli, claudio ; de santis, roberta ; De Benedictis, Luca. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:52.

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62007The single currency’s effects on Eurozone sectoral trade: winners and losers?. (2007). vicarelli, claudio ; de Nardis, Sergio ; de santis, roberta. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:88.

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72004TRADE POTENTIALS IN GRAVITY PANEL DATA MODELS. (2004). vicarelli, claudio ; De Benedictis, Luca. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:44.

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82002Regional Convergence in Italy 1951-199: A Spatial Econometric Perspective. (2002). Basile, Roberto ; arbia, giuseppe ; Salvatore, Mirella . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:29.

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92006Predicting Sovereign Debt Crises Using Artificial Neural Networks: A Comparative Approach. (2006). Fioramanti, Marco. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:72.

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102006Pricing to market of Italian exporting firms. (2006). Girardi, Alessandro ; de Nardis, Sergio ; Basile, Roberto. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:70.

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112003THE NATURE OF THE UNDERGROUND ECONOMY. SOME EVIDENCE FROM OECD COUNTRIES. (2003). Bovi, Maurizio. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:26.

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122004How intense is Competition in International Markets of Traditional goods?. (2004). de Nardis, Sergio ; Pensa, Cristina . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:45.

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132002An Indicator of Economic Sentiment for the Italian Economy. (2002). Malgarini, Marco ; Bruno, Giancarlo. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:28.

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142004Dating the Italian BUsiness Cycle: A Comparison of Procedures.. (2004). Otranto, Edoardo ; Bruno, Giancarlo ; Giancarlo, Bruno. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:41.

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152006Public Credit Guarantees and SME Finance. (2006). Ventura, Marco ; Zecchini, Salvatore . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:73.

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162008The contribution of domestic, regional, and international factors to Latin America’s business cycle.. (2008). Girardi, Alessandro ; Boschi, Melisso. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:105.

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172009Export, Productivity and Product Switching: The Case of Italian Manufacturing Firms. (2009). de Nardis, Sergio ; Pappalardo, Carmine . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:110.

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182009Some New Evidence on the Role of Collateral: Lazy Banks or Diligent Banks?. (2009). Argentiero, Amedeo. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:113.

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192007The Changing Nature of the OECD Shadow Economy. (2007). Dell'Anno, Roberto ; Bovi, Maurizio. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:81.

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202001Forecasting Industrial Production and the Early Detection of Turning POints. (2001). Lupi, Claudio ; Bruno, Giancarlo ; Giancarlo, Bruno. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:20.

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212002Acquisition versus greenfield investment: the location of foreign manufacturers in Italy. (2002). Basile, Roberto. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:27.

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222005Does job security matter for consumption? An analysis on Italian microdata. (2005). De Lucia, Clemente ; Meacci, Mara . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:54.

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232010The Effects of Product Dropping on Firms Productivity and Employment Composition. (2010). Ventura, Marco ; de Nardis, Sergio. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:127.

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242003Forecasting Euro-Area Industrial Production Using (Mostly) Business Surveys Data. (2003). Lupi, Claudio ; Bruno, Giancarlo ; Giancarlo, Bruno. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:33.

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252007The Euros Effect on Trade on a Dynamic Setting. (2007). vicarelli, claudio ; de Nardis, Sergio ; de santis, roberta. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:80.

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262008The Euro adoption’s impact on extensive and intensive margins of trade: the Italian case. (2008). vicarelli, claudio ; de Nardis, Sergio ; Pappalardo, Carmine . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:101.

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272007The “deeper” and the “wider” EU strategies of trade integration.An empirical evaluation of EU Common Commercial Policy effects.. (2007). vicarelli, claudio ; de santis, roberta. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:79.

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282008Theories of fiscal federalism and the European experience. (2008). Majocchi, Alberto . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:100.

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292006The Cyclical Behavior of Shadow and Regular Employment. (2006). Bovi, Maurizio. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:62.

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302003Soglie Dimensionali e Regolazione del Rapporto di Lavoro in Italia.. (2003). Principe, Gianni. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:36.

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312005Unit root and cointegration tests for cross-sectionally correlated panels. Estimating regional production functions. (2005). Destefanis, Sergio ; Costantini, Mauro ; Basile, Roberto. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:53.

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322008Re-thinking the ISAE Consumer Survey Processing Procedure. (2008). Martelli, Bianca Maria ; Fullone, Flora. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:92.

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332005Re-engineering the ISAE manufacturing survey. (2005). Malgarini, Marco ; Martelli, Bianca Maria ; MARGANI, PATRIZIA. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:47.

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342008Contingent valuation of natural resources: a case study for Sicily. (2008). Ventura, Marco ; Scandizzo, Pasquale. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:91.

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352001Seasonal Adjustment of Italian Industrial Production Index using Tramo-Seats. (2001). Bruno, Giancarlo. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:18.

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362005Psychology, consumer sentiment and household expenditures: a disaggregated analysis. (2005). Malgarini, Marco ; MARGANI, PATRIZIA. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:58.

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372007Inspecting the cyclical properties of the Italian Manufacturing Business survey data. (2007). Cesaroni, Tatiana. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:83.

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382004Vector-Autoregression Approach to Forecast Italian Imports. (2004). Piras, Gianfranco ; Pappalardo, Carmine . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:42.

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392009(Il sostegno al reddito dei disoccupati: note sullo stato dellarte, inerzie dellimpianto categoriale e incerti orizzonti di flexicurity (A note on italian Unemployment Compensation schemes).. (2009). Trivellato, Ugo ; Mancini, Massimo ; Anastasia, Bruno . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:112.

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402005Euro Area inflation: long-run determinants and short-run dynamics. (2005). Girardi, Alessandro ; Boschi, Melisso. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:60.

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412009Business cycle volatility and inventories behavior:new evidence for the Euro Area. (2009). Malgarini, Marco ; Maccini, Louis ; Cesaroni, Tatiana. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:108.

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422007Inventories and business cycle volatility: an analysis based on ISAE survey data. (2007). Malgarini, Marco. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:84.

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432001Taxes and Location of Foreign Direct Investments: an Empirical Analysys for the European Union Countries. (2001). vicarelli, claudio ; de santis, roberta ; Mercuri, Maria Cristina. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:24.

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442006Il futuro dei fondi pensione: opportunità e scelte sulla destinazione del TFR. (2006). di Nicola, Fernando ; Cozzolino, Maria . In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:64.

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452008Treasury V Dodgers. A Tale of Fiscal Consolidation and Tax Evasion. (2008). Claeys, Peter ; Bovi, Maurizio. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:93.

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462005Things change. Foreign market penetration and firms’ behaviour in industrial districts: an empirical analysis. (2005). Giunta, Anna ; Basile, Roberto. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:48.

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472006The ISAE Market Services Survey: Methodological Upgrading, Survey Reliability, First Empirical Results. (2006). Martelli, Bianca Maria ; Rocchetti, Gaia. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:71.

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482001A Tale on Information and Wage Expectations. (2001). Ordine, Patrizia ; Lupi, Claudio ; De Paola, Maria ; Maria, De Paola ; Patrizia, Ordine. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:22.

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492005Book-Tax Gap. An Income Horse Race. (2005). Bovi, Maurizio. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:61.

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502007Intra-distribution dynamics of regional per-capita income in Europe: evidence from alternative conditional density estimators. (2007). Basile, Roberto. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:75.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12005Using Spatial Panel Data in Modelling Regional Growth and Convergence. (2005). Piras, Gianfranco ; Basile, Roberto ; arbia, giuseppe. In: ISAE Working Papers. RePEc:isa:wpaper:55.

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