1 | 2013 | The role of fundamentals and financialisation in recent commodity price developments: An empirical analysis for wheat, coffee, cotton, and oil. (2013). Ederer, Stefan ; Heumesser, Christine ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:42. | 16 |
2 | 2013 | Financialisation and the microstructure of commodity markets: A qualitative investigation of trading strategies of financial investors and commercial traders. (2013). Heumesser, Christine ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:44. | 16 |
3 | 2019 | Commodity dependence, global commodity chains, price volatility and financialisation: Price-setting and stabilisation in the cocoa sectors in Côte dIvoire and Ghana. (2019). Maile, Felix ; Grumiller, Jan ; Staritz, Cornelia ; Troster, Bernhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:62. | 10 |
4 | 2012 | Workers and social upgrading in fast fashion: The case of the apparel industry in Morocco and Romania. (2012). Rossi, Arianna ; Plank, Leonhard ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:33. | 10 |
5 | 2012 | Local embeddedness, upgrading, and skill development: Global value chains and foreign direct investment in Lesothos apparel industry. (2012). Morris, Mike ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:32. | 9 |
6 | 2013 | Precarious upgrading in electronics global production networks in Central and Eastern Europe: The cases of Hungary and Romania. (2013). Staritz, Cornelia ; Plank, Leonhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:41. | 9 |
7 | 2012 | Value chains for development? Potentials and limitations of global value chain approaches in donor interventions. (2012). Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:31. | 8 |
8 | 2016 | Modelling the impacts of trade on employment and development: A structuralist CGE-model for the analysis of TTIP and other trade agreements. (2016). von Arnim, Rudiger ; Raza, Werner ; Troster, Bernhard ; Taylor, Lance. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:57. | 7 |
9 | 2012 | Apparel exports - still a path for industrial development? Dynamics in apparel global value chains and implications for low-income countries. (2012). Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:34. | 7 |
10 | 2016 | Labour rights in Peru and the EU trade agreement: Compliance with the commitments under the sustainable development chapter. (2016). van den Putte, Lore ; Orbie, Jan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:58. | 6 |
11 | 2013 | Local embeddedness and economic and social upgrading in Madagascars export apparel industry. (2013). Morris, Mike ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:38. | 6 |
12 | 2012 | Financial markets and the commodity price boom: Causes and implications for developing countries. (2012). Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:30. | 5 |
13 | 2016 | Harnessing foreign direct investment for local development? Spillovers in apparel global value chains in sub-Saharan Africa. (2016). Staritz, Cornelia ; Frederick, Stacey . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:59. | 4 |
14 | 2012 | The contribution of the microfinance model to Bosnias post-war reconstruction and development: How to destroy an economy and society without really trying. (2012). Skare, Marinko ; Sinkovi, Dean ; Bateman, Milford. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:36. | 4 |
15 | 2013 | Fundamentals or financialisation of commodity markets: What determines recent wheat prices?. (2013). Troester, Bernhard ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:43. | 3 |
16 | 2007 | Entwicklungspolitische Kohärenz: Zu den erweiterten politischen Rahmenbedingungen für mehr Wirksamkeit in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. (2007). Obrovsky, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:16. | 2 |
17 | 2015 | Cotton-based development in Sub-Saharan Africa? Global commodity chains, national market structure and development outcomes in Burkina Faso, Mozambique and Tanzania. (2015). Staritz, Cornelia ; Troster, Bernhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:54. | 2 |
18 | 2022 | Trading for speculators: The role of physical actors in the financialization of coffee, cocoa and cotton value chains. (2022). Gunter, Ulrich ; Troster, Bernhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:68. | 2 |
19 | 2015 | The transfer of the Austrian dual system of vocational education to transition and developing countries: An analysis from a developmental perspective. (2015). Langthaler, Margarita. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:53. | 2 |
20 | 2014 | Global competition, institutional context, and regional production networks: Up- and downgrading experiences in Romanias apparel industry. (2014). Staritz, Cornelia ; Plank, Leonhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:50. | 2 |
21 | 2014 | South Africas post-apartheid microcredit-driven calamity: Comparing developmental to anti-developmental local financial models. (2014). Bateman, Milford. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:47. | 1 |
22 | 2011 | Die europäische Investitionspolitik nach dem Vertrag von Lissabon und ihr Einfluss auf nachhaltige Entwicklung. (2011). Kozak, Kamila ; Kublbock, Karin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:27. | 1 |
23 | 2014 | Regionalism, end markets and ownership matter: Shifting dynamics in the apparel export industry in Sub Saharan Africa. (2014). Morris, Mike ; Staritz, Cornelia ; Plank, Leonhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:46. | 1 |
24 | 2008 | Was bedeutet Wirksamkeit von Entwicklung? Ein begriffsorientiertes Diskussionspapier. (2008). Six, Clemens . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:21. | 1 |
25 | 2021 | The role of sustainability living labs in understanding food-water-energy nexus challenges and solutions in India and Jordan. (2021). Klassert, Christian ; Karutz, Raphael ; Grohs, Hannes ; Omann, Ines ; Kublbock, Karin ; Gorelick, Steven ; Smilovic, Mikhail ; Zozmann, Heinrich ; Zhu, Yuanzao ; Klauer, Bernd. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:63. | 1 |
26 | 2012 | The conceptual flaws of the new EU development agenda from a political economy perspective, or why change is problematic for a donor-driven development policy. (2012). Hartmann, Simon . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:35. | 1 |
27 | 2013 | Re-regulation of commodity derivative markets: Critical assessment of current reform proposals in the EU and the US. (2013). Staritz, Cornelia ; Kublbock, Karin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:45. | 1 |
28 | 2013 | The age of microfinance: Destroying Latin American economies from the bottom up. (2013). Bateman, Milford. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:39. | 1 |
29 | 2015 | Commodity dependence and price volatility in least developed countries: A structuralist computable general equilibrium model with applications to Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Mozambique. (2015). von Arnim, Rudiger ; Raza, Werner ; Staritz, Cornelia ; Troster, Bernhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:52. | 1 |
30 | 2007 | Internationale Trends in der Bildungsförderung im Rahmen der Kapazitätenentwicklung für die Millenniums-Entwicklungsziele. (2007). Langthaler, Margarita. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:18. | 1 |
31 | 2015 | Global commodity chains, financial markets, and local market structures: Price risks in the coffee sector in Ethiopia. (2015). Staritz, Cornelia ; Troster, Bernhard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:56. | 1 |
32 | 2011 | Bilateral development finance institutions in Europe: A comparative analysis of DEG, CDC, FMO and Norfund with recommendations for development policy. (2011). Gossinger, Agnes ; Raza, Werner ; Schaefer, Nikolaus ; Hammler, Katharina ; Gutermann, Aljoscha . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:29. | 1 |
33 | 2007 | Die Pariser Erklärung und ihre bisherige Umsetzung: (Irr-)Wege zu mehr Wirksamkeit in der EZA. (2007). Six, Clemens ; Obrovsky, Michael ; Langthaler, Margarita. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:17. | 1 |
34 | 2019 | A strategic-relational approach to analyzing industrial policy regimes within global production networks: The Ethiopian Leather and Leather Products Sector. (2019). Grumiller, Jan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:60. | 1 |
35 | 2015 | Financialization, price risks, and global commodity chains: Distributional implications on cotton sectors in Sub-Saharan Africa. (2015). Staritz, Cornelia ; Plank, Leonhard ; Troster, Bernhard ; Newman, Susan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:55. | 1 |
36 | 2011 | Political constraints on division of labor in development policy across countries: A proposal for a more viable coordination procedure at the EU level. (2011). Hartmann, Simon . In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:28. | 1 |
37 | 2005 | Die internationale Bildungsinitiative Education for All im Rahmen der Bildungszusammenarbeit: Entstehung, Stand der Umsetzung und Erfahrungen. (2005). Langthaler, Margarita. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:8. | 1 |
38 | 2013 | Human rights impact assessments as a new tool for development policy?. (2013). Baxewanos, Fabiane ; Raza, Werner. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:37. | 1 |