Author citation profiles: University of Warwick. Department of Economics

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Arun N. Advani72718116.59% 18
Wiji Arulampalam255934630.86% 84
Elliott Ash7361348.22% 12
Manuel Bagues16289012.49% 40
Pablo F. Beker3125712.31% 4
Sonia Bhalotra2610323135.09% 88
Charles Blackorby2311025441.62% 63
Alessandro Castagnetti36170% 5
Nathan J. Canen3143016.67% 4
Mingli Chen510974.9% 13
Daniele Condorelli35712.74% 7
Nicholas Crafts2520928183.82% 56
Chris Doyle6223940% 14
Thiemo Fetzer187516074.57% 133
James Fenske14458543.28% 61
Mark Harrison7982569.86% 5
Peter Hammond209417862.46% 37
Clément Imbert11205123.76% 42
Omiros Kouvavas416350% 3
Ben Lockwood3210538841.27% 94
Sharun Mukand9334636.28% 18
Roberto Pancrazi6164652.31% 29
Motty Perry193614580.27% 40
Carlo Perroni14757103.66% 20
Kirill Pogorelskiy681020.97% 11
michela redoano111312100.58% 71
Federico Rossi44299.38% 4
Devesh Rustagi351150.86% 14
Daniel Sgroi9616335.1% 27
Jeremy Smith228316403.02% 29
Mark Stewart244519850.85% 66
Thijs van Rens9206704.15% 31
Marija Vukotic511472.08% 5
Michael Waterson2310217391.75% 34
Kenneth F. Wallis216531820.75% 64
Ivan Yotzov3101121.43% 2
Natalia Zinovyeva10194582.55% 26

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated June, 27 2024. Contact: CitEc Team