Author citation profiles: University of Chicago. Booth School of Business

In this list are included authors with h-index greather than 3.
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Authorh-indexPapersCitesSelf citesCites year
Milena Almagro37263.7% 6
Ray Ball269658200.39% 103
Marianne Bertrand4779209070.14% 836
John R. Birge186710030.89% 22
Dennis W. Carlton207421141.35% 46
Pradeep K. Chintagunta3410629611.73% 92
Jacob Conway394540.22% 75
Emanuele Colonnelli8152233.46% 31
George M. Constantinides237074630.51% 158
Jonathan Ivan Dingel101315380.52% 139
Andrea Frazzini81021040.14% 263
Michael Gibbs102312360.48% 42
Austan Goolsbee234432270.77% 124
Niels Gormsen4123541.67% 59
Christian Hansen335957901.23% 289
Richard Hornbeck142622740.61% 142
Kilian Huber6145282.4% 58
Steven Neil Kaplan366988130.53% 225
Rohan Kekre491010.98% 12
Mark Mitchell141630800.29% 90
Sanjog Misra11264982.16% 29
Jack Mountjoy561380.72% 27
Andras Molnar37365.26% 5
Sendhil Mullainathan4699178880.2% 688
Stefan Nagel234855560.73% 264
Brent Neiman223540550.69% 202
Stavros Panageas13338041.95% 38
Lubos Pastor304772880.83% 269
Devin Pope213118150.66% 151
Raghuram G. Rajan57163308710.38% 857
Lars A Stole133721930.95% 68
Amir Sufi305152450.4% 228
Chad Syverson286475810.69% 329
Richard H. Thaler6098253830.13% 540
Joseph Vavra172712951.75% 99
Dacheng Xiu193416860.88% 120
Constantine Nicholas Yannelis154114582.21% 112
Anastasia A. Zakolyukina491810.55% 11
Luigi Zingales57112272350.4% 972

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team