Jens Beckert : Citation Profile

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Books edited


   24 years (2000 - 2024). See details.
   Cites by year: 12
   Journals where Jens Beckert has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 18.    Total self citations: 17 (5.38 %)


   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2024-10-09    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Jens Beckert.

Is cited by:

Jeannerat, Hugues (7)

Kohl, Sebastian (6)

Dekker, Erwin (3)

Teulon, Frédéric (2)

Crevoisier, Olivier (2)

Aspers, Patrik (2)

Kotelnikova, Zoya (2)

Vargas-Hernandez, Jose (2)

Brunner, Johann (2)

Kahancová, Marta (2)

Wennberg, Karl (2)

Cites to:

Akerlof, George (14)

Aspers, Patrik (11)

Piketty, Thomas (6)

Saez, Emmanuel (5)

Muniesa, Fabian (5)

Zucman, Gabriel (4)

Kopczuk, Wojciech (4)

Dreber, Anna (4)

Aghion, Philippe (3)

Caroli, Eve (3)

Smith, Constance (2)

Main data

Where Jens Beckert has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
economic sociology. perspectives and conversations6

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
MPIfG Discussion Paper / Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies25
MPIfG Working Paper / Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies8

Recent works citing Jens Beckert (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2024Foundations of Contemporary Economics: New Institutional Economics vs. New Economic Sociology – The Granovetter-Williamson Debate. (2024). Todorov, Aleksandar B ; Sedlarski, Teodor ; Egbert, Henrik. In: Economic Thought journal. RePEc:bas:econth:y:2024:i:1:p:37-53.

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2023In Quest for Discursive Legitimation of Ongoing Policy Processes: Constructing Brexit as a Success Story. (2023). Meislova, Monika Brusenbauch. In: Journal of Common Market Studies. RePEc:bla:jcmkts:v:61:y:2023:i:3:p:815-833.

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2023Digital transformation of management and organization theories: A research programme. (2023). Roth, Steffen. In: Systems Research and Behavioral Science. RePEc:bla:srbeha:v:40:y:2023:i:3:p:451-459.

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2023Embedding circularity: Theorizing the social economy, its potential, and its challenges. (2023). Roy, Michael J ; Bauwens, Thomas ; Ziegler, Rafael ; Raufflet, Emmanuel ; Fourrier, Ambre ; Teasdale, Simon. In: Ecological Economics. RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:214:y:2023:i:c:s0921800923002331.

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2023SDG4 as a global governance tool and the quest for recognizing diversity – Implications emerging from the intersections between inclusive education and assessment. (2023). Elfert, Maren ; Ydesen, Christian. In: International Journal of Educational Development. RePEc:eee:injoed:v:103:y:2023:i:c:s0738059323002080.

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2023The functions of known to be inaccurate prices in markets: A cross-country comparison of pharmaceutical list pricing. (2023). Krafve, Linus Johansson ; Sjogren, Ebba ; Kjellberg, Hans. In: Journal of Business Research. RePEc:eee:jbrese:v:167:y:2023:i:c:s0148296323005520.

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2023The economics of art: price determinants and returns on investment in Indian paintings. (2023). Ananthakumar, Usha ; Gurjar, Shailendra. In: International Journal of Social Economics. RePEc:eme:ijsepp:ijse-06-2022-0419.

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2023Are Small Agricultural Markets Recipients of World Prices? The Case of Poland. (2023). Szczepaska-Przekota, Anna. In: Agriculture. RePEc:gam:jagris:v:13:y:2023:i:6:p:1214-:d:1166310.

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2023Transforming Socially Responsible Investment: Lessons from Environmental Justice. (2023). Ciplet, David ; Reynolds, Devon. In: Journal of Business Ethics. RePEc:kap:jbuset:v:183:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s10551-022-05070-9.

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2024A procedural perspective on academic spin-off creation: the changing relative importance of the academic and the commercial sphere. (2024). Goethner, Maximilian ; Doerr, Philip ; Cantner, Uwe ; Kalthaus, Martin ; Huegel, Matthias. In: Small Business Economics. RePEc:kap:sbusec:v:62:y:2024:i:4:d:10.1007_s11187-023-00815-w.

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2023The interpretive and relational work of financial innovation: A resemblance of assurance in Islamic finance. (2023). Pitluck, Aaron Z. In: SocArXiv. RePEc:osf:socarx:ce7kf.

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2023Price-Setting Power in Global Value Chains: The Cases of Price Stabilisation in the Cocoa Sectors in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. (2023). Maile, Felix ; Grumiller, Jan ; Troster, Bernhard ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: The European Journal of Development Research. RePEc:pal:eurjdr:v:35:y:2023:i:4:d:10.1057_s41287-022-00543-z.

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2024Chasing land, chasing crisis: Interrogating speculative urban development through developers’ pursuit of land commodification in Mumbai. (2024). Baliga, Anitra. In: Environment and Planning A. RePEc:sae:envira:v:56:y:2024:i:2:p:349-366.

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2023Price-making in mineral provisioning systems and social-ecological transformation? The cases of copper, cobalt and lithium. (2023). Wojewska, Aleksandra ; Troster, Bernhard ; Staritz, Cornelia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:oefsew:74.

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Jens Beckert has edited the books:


Works by Jens Beckert:

2006Interpenetration Versus Embeddedness In: American Journal of Economics and Sociology.
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2018Woher kommen Erwartungen?: Die soziale Strukturierung imaginierter Zukünfte In: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte / Economic History Yearbook.
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2017Woher kommen Erwartungen? Die soziale Strukturierung imaginierter Zukünfte.(2017) In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 1
2021Les fictions comme moteur du capitalisme In: Regards croisés sur l'économie.
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2019Uncertain futures: imaginaries, narratives and calculative technologies In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics.
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2019Uncertain futures: Imaginaries, narratives, and calculative technologies.(2019) In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 2
2015Economic Sociology and Political Economy: A Programmatic Perspective In: Working Papers.
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2008Economic sociology and political economy: A programmatic perspective.(2008) In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 7
2003Economic Sociology and Embeddedness: How Shall We Conceptualize Economic Action? In: Journal of Economic Issues.
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2006The Social Organization of Interpretation. Comment In: Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE).
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2013Capitalism as a System of Expectations In: Politics & Society.
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2020The exhausted futures of neoliberalism: from promissory legitimacy to social anomy In: Journal of Cultural Economy.
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2000Economic sociology in Germany In: economic sociology. perspectives and conversations.
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2001Note from the editors In: economic sociology. perspectives and conversations.
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2002Note from the editors.(2002) In: economic sociology. perspectives and conversations.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2002Note from the editors.(2002) In: economic sociology. perspectives and conversations.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 0
2006Jens Beckert answers ten questions about economic sociology In: economic sociology. perspectives and conversations.
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2016Fictional expectations and the crisis of contemporary capitalism In: economic sociology. perspectives and conversations.
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2005The Moral Embeddedness of Markets In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2005Trust and the Performative Construction of Markets In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2007The Great Transformation of Embeddedness: Karl Polanyi and the New Economic Sociology In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2007The social order of markets In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2007Die soziale Ordnung von Märkten In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2009Die Wirtschaft als Thema der Soziologie: Zur Entwicklung wirtschaftssoziologischer Forschung in Deutschland und den USA In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2009Koordination und Verteilung: Zwei Ansätze der Wirtschaftssoziologie In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2010The transcending power of goods: Imaginative value in the economy In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2011Where do prices come from? Sociological approaches to price formation In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2011Imagined futures. Fictionality in economic action In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2011In the shadow illegal markets and economic sociology In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2012Quality classifications in competition: Price formation in the German wine market In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2012Capitalism as a system of contingent expectations: Toward a sociological microfoundation of political economy In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2014Wine as a cultural product: Symbolic capital and price formation in the wine field In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2014Capitalist dynamics fictional expectations and the openness of the future In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2015The enduring importance of family wealth: Evidence from the Forbes 400, 1982 to 2013 In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2016Unverdientes Vermögen oder illegitimer Eingriff in das Eigentumsrecht? Der öffentliche Diskurs um die Erbschaftssteuer in Deutschland und Österreich In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2017Die Historizität fiktionaler Erwartungen In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2020Transcending historys heavy hand: The future in economic action In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2022The instability of preferences: Uncertain futures and the incommensurable and intersubjective nature of value(s) In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2022Verkaufte Zukunft: Dilemmata des globalen Kapitalismus in der Klimakrise In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2024What makes an imagined future credible? In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2024The Greek tragedy: Narratives and imagined futures in the Greek sovereign debt crisis In: MPIfG Discussion Paper.
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2006Sind Unternehmen sozial verantwortlich? In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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2007Wie viel Erbschaftssteuern? In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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2007Moralische Voraussetzungen und Grenzen wirtschaftlichen Handelns In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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2009Die Anspruchsinflation des Wirtschaftssystems In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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2009Pragmatismus und wirtschaftliches Handeln In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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2010Are we still modern? Inheritance law and the broken promise of the enlightenment In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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2011Die Sittlichkeit der Wirtschaft: Von Effizienz- und Differenzierungstheorien zu einer Theorie wirtschaftlicher Felder In: MPIfG Working Paper.
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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Last updated November, 3 2024. Contact: CitEc Team