Frauke H. Peter : Citation Profile

Are you Frauke H. Peter?

DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) (90% share)


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   15 years (2009 - 2024). See details.
   Cites by year: 16
   Journals where Frauke H. Peter has often published
   Relations with other researchers
   Recent citing documents: 45.    Total self citations: 21 (8.02 %)


   Updated: 2024-12-03    RAS profile: 2024-07-05    
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Relations with other researchers

Works with:

Hermes, Henning (22)

Wiederhold, Simon (20)

Spiess, Katharina (7)

Leibing, Andreas (3)

Weinhardt, Felix (2)

Marcus, Jan (2)

Authors registered in RePEc who have co-authored more than one work in the last five years with Frauke H. Peter.

Is cited by:

Spiess, Katharina (19)

Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela (10)

Heckman, James (9)

Wiederhold, Simon (9)

Boll, Christina (9)

Woessmann, Ludger (8)

Hennecke, Juliane (8)

Huebener, Mathias (7)

Werner, Katharina (6)

Thomsen, Stephan (6)

Hermes, Henning (6)

Cites to:

Heckman, James (64)

Spiess, Katharina (35)

Oreopoulos, Philip (27)

Wiederhold, Simon (26)

Wolf, Michael (22)

Cunha, Flavio (21)

Hermes, Henning (21)

Felfe, Christina (21)

Woessmann, Ludger (20)

Schupp, Jürgen (19)

Cornelissen, Thomas (18)

Main data

Where Frauke H. Peter has published?

Journals with more than one article published# docs
DIW Wochenbericht18
EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters5
DIW Economic Bulletin2
Economics of Education Review2

Working Papers Series with more than one paper published# docs
IZA Discussion Papers / Institute of Labor Economics (IZA)8
Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin / DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research7
IWH Discussion Papers / Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH)3
CESifo Working Paper Series / CESifo3
Working Papers / Bavarian Graduate Program in Economics (BGPE)2
DICE Discussion Papers / Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE)2
DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus / DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research2
Munich Papers in Political Economy / Munich School of Politics and Public Policy and the School of Management at the Technical University of Munich2

Recent works citing Frauke H. Peter (2024 and 2023)

YearTitle of citing document
2024Does Information about Inequality and Discrimination in Early Child Care Affect Policy Preferences?. (2024). Wiederhold, Simon ; Schwerdt, Guido ; Mierisch, Fabian ; Lergetporer, Philipp ; Hermes, Hennig. In: Munich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:aiw:wpaper:33.

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2023Gender Differences in Wage Expectations and Negotiation. (2023). Bergerhoff, Jan ; Seegers, Philipp ; Pinger, Pia ; Kiessling, Lukas. In: ECONtribute Discussion Papers Series. RePEc:ajk:ajkdps:268.

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2023INTERGENERATIONAL SCARS: THE IMPACT OF PARENTAL UNEMPLOYMENT ON INDIVIDUAL HEALTH LATER IN LIFE. (2023). Ubaldi, Michele ; Picchio, Matteo. In: Working Papers. RePEc:anc:wpaper:478.

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2023The Impact of Centre?based Childcare on Non?cognitive Skills of Young Children. (2022). Platt, Lucinda ; Morando, Greta. In: Economica. RePEc:bla:econom:v:89:y:2022:i:356:p:908-946.

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2023Is a Sorrow Shared a Sorrow Doubled? Parental Unemployment and the Life Satisfaction of Adolescent Children. (2023). Knabe, Andreas ; Borah, Melanie ; Lucke, Christine. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_10776.

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2023There’s More in the Data! Using Month-Specific Information to Estimate Changes Before and After Major Life Events. (2023). Jacob, Marita ; Hudde, Ansgar. In: SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research. RePEc:diw:diwsop:diw_sp1184.

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2023How does the vaccine approval procedure affect COVID-19 vaccination intentions?. (2023). Rittmannsberger, Thomas ; Lergetporer, Philipp ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Angerer, Silvia. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:158:y:2023:i:c:s0014292123001332.

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2024Beliefs about social norms and gender-based polarization of COVID-19 vaccination readiness. (2024). Lergetporer, Philipp ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Angerer, Silvia ; Rittmannsberger, Thomas. In: European Economic Review. RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:163:y:2024:i:c:s0014292123002684.

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2023The Big Five personality traits and earnings: A meta-analysis. (2023). Traverso, Silvio ; Rapallini, Chiara ; Alderotti, Giammarco. In: Journal of Economic Psychology. RePEc:eee:joepsy:v:94:y:2023:i:c:s0167487022000812.

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2023The effect of teacher subject-specific qualifications on student science achievement. (2023). Sancassani, Pietro. In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:80:y:2023:i:c:s0927537122001993.

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2024Gender differences in wage expectations and negotiation. (2024). Bergerhoff, Jan ; Seegers, Philipp ; Pinger, Pia ; Kiessling, Lukas. In: Labour Economics. RePEc:eee:labeco:v:87:y:2024:i:c:s0927537124000010.

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2023Intergenerational Scars: The Impact of Parental Unemployment on Individual Health Later in Life. (2023). Ubaldi, Michele ; Picchio, Matteo. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp16103.

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2023The Economic Approach to Personality, Character and Virtue. (2023). Tian, Haihan ; Galaty, Bridget ; Heckman, James J. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp16133.

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2023Public Child Care and Mothers Career Trajectories. (2023). Rolvering, Geske ; Huber, Katrin. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp16433.

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2023The Economic Approach to Personality, Character and Virtue. (2023). Tian, Haihan ; Galaty, Bridget ; Heckman, James J. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:31258.

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2024The effects of a project and play-based early education program on medium term developmental trajectories of young children in a low-income setting. (2023). Nores, Milagros ; Giannola, Michele ; Bernal, Raquel. In: CSEF Working Papers. RePEc:sef:csefwp:665.

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2023Big Five personality traits and sex. (2023). Ottenbacher, Martha ; Jirjahn, Uwe. In: Journal of Population Economics. RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:36:y:2023:i:2:d:10.1007_s00148-022-00893-2.

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2023The lasting consequences of childhood sexual abuse on human capital and economic well?being. (2022). Henkhaus, Laura E. In: Health Economics. RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:31:y:2022:i:9:p:1954-1972.

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2023Intergenerational scars: The impact of parental unemployment on individual health later in life. (2023). Ubaldi, Michele ; Picchio, Matteo. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:1271.

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Works by Frauke H. Peter:

2023Males Should Mail? Gender Discrimination in Access to Childcare In: AEA Papers and Proceedings.
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2021Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment In: Munich Papers in Political Economy.
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2021Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment.(2021) In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.
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2021Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment.(2021) In: Discussion Paper Series in Economics.
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2021Behavioral Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment.(2021) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2022Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers: A Randomized Controlled Trial In: Munich Papers in Political Economy.
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2022Early Child Care and Labor Supply of Lower-SES Mothers: A Randomized Controlled Trial.(2022) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2022Early child care and labor supply of lower-SES mothers: A randomized controlled trial.(2022) In: DICE Discussion Papers.
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.() In: .
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2024Early Child Care, Maternal Labor Supply, and Gender Equality:A Randomized Controlled Trial* In: Discussion Paper Series.
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2022Early Child Care, Maternal Labor Supply, and Gender Equality: A Randomized Controlled Trial.(2022) In: CESifo Working Paper Series.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 4
2024Early child care, maternal labor supply, and gender equality: A randomized controlled trial.(2024) In: IWH Discussion Papers.
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2023Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment In: Working Papers.
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2023Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment.(2023) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2023Discrimination on the child care market: A nationwide field experiment.(2023) In: DICE Discussion Papers.
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2023Discrimination on the Child Care Market: A Nationwide Field Experiment In: Working Papers.
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2022Information Provision and Postgraduate Studies In: Economica.
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2019Information Provision and Postgraduate Studies.(2019) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 4
2016Family Instability and Locus of Control in Adolescence In: The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy.
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2016Family Instability and Locus of Control in Adolescence.(2016) In: EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 8
2023Discrimination in Universal Social Programs? A Nationwide Field Experiment on Access to Child Care In: CESifo Working Paper Series.
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2024Discrimination in Universal Social Programs? A Nationwide Field Experiment on Access to Child Care.(2024) In: IWH Discussion Papers.
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2021Application Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment In: CESifo Working Paper Series.
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2024Application Barriers and the Socioeconomic Gap in Child Care Enrollment.(2024) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2024Application barriers and the socioeconomic gap in child care enrollment.(2024) In: IWH Discussion Papers.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 13
2021Bewerbungsunterstützung erhöht die Kita-Inanspruchnahme von Kindern aus bildungsferneren Familien In: ifo Schnelldienst.
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2020Wegfall von Studi-Jobs könnte Bildungsungleichheiten verstärken In: DIW aktuell.
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2017The Berliner-Studienberechtigen-Panel (Best Up): Methodological and Data Report In: Data Documentation.
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2011Child Care Choices in Western Germany Also Correlated with Mothers Personality In: DIW Economic Bulletin.
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2015Personality Traits Affect Young Peoples Intention to Study In: DIW Economic Bulletin.
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2020Fiskalische Wirkungen eines weiteren Ausbaus ganztägiger Betreuungsangebote für Kinder im Grundschulalter: Gutachten für das Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend In: DIW Berlin: Politikberatung kompakt.
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2014Wer studiert, ist informiert?: Studienentscheidungen und Informationsdefizite In: DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus.
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2015Maternal Labour Supply and All-Day Primary Schools in Germany In: DIW Roundup: Politik im Fokus.
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2011The Bigger the Children, the Bigger the Worries: Are Preschoolers and Adolescents Affected Differently by Family Instability with Regard to Non-cognitive Skills? In: SOEPpapers on Multidisciplinary Panel Data Research.
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2010Wie hängen familiäre Veränderungen und das mütterliche Wohlbefinden mit der frühkindlichen Entwicklung zusammen? In: Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research.
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2011Wahl der Kinderbetreuung hängt in Westdeutschland auch mit der Persönlichkeit der Mütter zusammen In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2013Arbeitsplatzverlust der Mutter kann die Entwicklung ihrer Kinder beeinträchtigen In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2014Qualität der Kindertageseinrichtung beeinflusst kindliche Gesundheit In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2015Persönlichkeitseigenschaften beeinflussen die Studienabsicht von Jugendlichen In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2015Kinder mit Migrationshintergrund in Kindertageseinrichtungen und Horten: Unterschiede zwischen den Gruppen nicht vernachlässigen! In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2016Informationen zum Studium verringern soziale Unterschiede bei der Studienabsicht von AbiturientInnen In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2016Ganztagsschule und Hort erhöhen die Erwerbsbeteiligung von Müttern mit Grundschulkindern In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2017Viele Kinder von Geflüchteten besuchen eine Kita oder Grundschule: Nachholbedarf bei den unter Dreijährigen und der Sprachförderung von Schulkindern In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2017Warum zielgenaue Informationen so wichtig sind für die Studienentscheidung: Kommentar In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2017Je höher die Kita-Qualität, desto prosozialer das Verhalten von Kindern In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2018Früher Kita-Besuch beeinflusst Persönlichkeitseigenschaften bis ins Jugendalter In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2018Infoworkshop zum Studium erhöht die Studienaufnahme In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2018Ganztagsbetreuung für Grundschulkinder: Bitte nicht noch ein Flickenteppich: Kommentar In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2019Sprachkompetenz von Kindern: Unterschied nach Bildung der Eltern im unteren Leistungsbereich besonders groß In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2019Wahl des Studienfachs hängt auch mit Persönlichkeitseigenschaften zusammen In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2019Infoangebote zum Studium sollten Persönlichkeitseigenschaften berücksichtigen: Interview In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2020Masterstudium ja oder nein? Gezielte Online-Informationen beeinflussen weitere Studienpläne In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2022Gender Gap bei Einkommenserwartungen: Schon kurz nach dem Abitur rechnen Frauen mit niedrigerem Gehalt als Männer In: DIW Wochenbericht.
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2013Trick or Treat?: Maternal Involuntary Job Loss and Childrens Non-cognitive Skills In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.
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2014Early Birds in Day Care: The Social Gradient in Starting Day Care and Childrens Non-cognitive Skills In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.
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2016Early Birds in Day Care: The Social Gradient in Starting Day Care and Children’s Non-cognitive Skills.(2016) In: CESifo Economic Studies.
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2016Early Birds in Day Care: The Social Gradient in Starting Day Care and Children’s Non-cognitive Skills.(2016) In: EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters.
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2016Intended College Enrollment and Educational Inequality: Do Students Lack Information? In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.
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2017Intended college enrollment and educational inequality: Do students lack information?.(2017) In: Economics of Education Review.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 35
2017Intended college enrollment and educational inequality: Do students lack information?.(2017) In: EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 35
2016School Entry, Afternoon Care and Mothers Labour Supply In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.
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2019School entry, afternoon care, and mothers’ labour supply.(2019) In: Empirical Economics.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 15
2019School entry, afternoon care, and mothers labour supply.(2019) In: EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 15
2018Informing Students about College: An Efficient Way to Decrease the Socio-Economic Gap in Enrollment: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.
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2019Long Run Effects of Universal Childcare on Personality Traits In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin.
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2023Gender gaps in early wage expectations In: Economics of Education Review.
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2022Gender Gaps in Early Wage Expectations.(2022) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2021Informing students about college: Increasing enrollment using a behavioral intervention? In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
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2017Involuntary job loss and changes in personality traits In: Journal of Economic Psychology.
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2017Involuntary Job Loss and Changes in Personality Traits.(2017) In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2016The effect of involuntary maternal job loss on childrens behaviour and non-cognitive skills In: Labour Economics.
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2016The effect of involuntary maternal job loss on childrens behaviour and non-cognitive skills.(2016) In: EconStor Open Access Articles and Book Chapters.
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This paper has nother version. Agregated cites: 13
2024War, International Spillovers, and Adolescents: Evidence from Russias Invasion of Ukraine in 2022 In: IZA Discussion Papers.
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2009Towards a Framework for Assessing Family Policies in the EU In: OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers.
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2023Frühkindliche Betreuung erhöht den Arbeitsmarkterfolg von Müttern ohne Abitur In: Wirtschaft im Wandel.
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2016Job Loss and Changes in Personality - Evidence from Plant Closures In: VfS Annual Conference 2016 (Augsburg): Demographic Change.
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