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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Journal of Rural Cooperation / Hebrew University, Center for Agricultural Economic Research


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19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.1922100 (%)0.09
19970.50.20.55710.1412121 (%)0.08
19980.2141177 (%)0.12
19990.2761789112 (25%)0.15
20000.366231017 (%)0.14
20010.36932612232 (33.3%)0.17
20020.3784011530 (%)0.18
20030.120.390.06105020.0441723321 (25%)0.18
20040.060.410.08106030.05181393 (%)0.18
20050.431171620431 (16.7%)0.22
20060.450.02128350.0620214812 (10%)0.19
20070.260.380.14149790.096236517 (%)0.17
20080.080.380.041611390.08112625725 (45.5%)50.310.17
20090.030.350.0820133140.11183016351 (5.6%)20.10.17
20100.140.320.1514147170.1213657311 (%)0.15
20110.030.410.0813160100.066341766 (%)0.2
20120.070.460.09160130.08272777 (%)0.21
20130.080.490.1160100.06131636 (%)0.22
20140.560.11160100.060475 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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2006Contents and Cover Page. (2006). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:44667.

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2006Contents and Cover Page. (2006). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:44673.

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2006Agricultural Cooperative Enterprise in the Transition from Socialist Collective Farming. (2006). Lerman, Zvi . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:44674.

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2008Social Capital and Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe – A Framework for Research on Governance. (2008). Murray, Catherine . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163479.

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2009Heterogeneity, Specialization and Social Cohesion in Israeli Moshav Cooperatives. (2009). Kimhi, Ayal . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163773.

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1999The Rise and Decline of the Israeli Moshav Cooperative: A Historical Overview. (1999). Schwartz, Moshe . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:61944.

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2011Book Reviews. (2011). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163918.

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2006In Small Both Beautiful and Competitive? A Case Study of Irish Dairy Cooperatives. (2006). Ward, Michael ; Briscoe, Robert . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:44668.

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2009Possible Ways of Market Coordination and Integration in the Hungarian Dairy Sector. (2009). Szab, Gbor G. ; Popovics, Pter . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163776.

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2008The Life Cycle of Agricultural Cooperatives: Implications for Management and Governance in Ethiopia. (2008). Francesconi, Gian Nicola ; Ruben, Ruerd . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163499.

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1999Loss of Communal Sustainability: The Kibbutz Shift from High-Trust to Low-Trust Culture. (1999). Shapira, Reuven . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:61945.

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2005Book Reviews and Contents Pages. (2005). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:45108.

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2009Difficulties for the Development of Agricultural Cooperatives in Russia: The Case of the Kurgan Region. (2009). Nilsson, Jerker ; Golovina, Svetlana . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163754.

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2009The Transformation of Agricultural Production Cooperatives in East Germany and Their Future. (2009). Wolz, Axel ; Kopsidis, Michael ; Reinsberg, Klaus . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163778.

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2007Comparing the Productive Efficiency of Cooperatives and Private Enterprises: The Portuguese Wine Industry as a Case Study. (2007). Barros, Carlos Pestana ; Santos, J. C. Gomes, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:58683.

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2011Financial Cooperatives: Problems and Challenges in the Post-Crisis Era. (2011). Goglio, Silvio ; Alexopoulos, Yiorgos . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163910.

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2008Process Innovation Activity in a Mixed Oligopsony: The Role of Marketing Cooperatives. (2008). Giannakas, Konstantinos ; Drivas, Kyriakos . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163490.

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2001Agricultural Cooperatives and Dilemmas of Survival. (2001). Hendrickson, Mary ; Heffernan, William ; Gray, Thomas W.. In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:60884.

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2005The Organizational Nature of Agricultural Cooperatives: A Perspective from the Farm Problem Theory. (2005). Valentinov, Vladislav., . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:45107.

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2001Entrepreneurship in the Kibbutz Setting: Towards a Classification of New Business Ventures. (2001). Heilbrunn, Sibylle ; Samuel, Yitzhak . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:61054.

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2008Agricultural Producer Groups in Poland: Empirical Survey Results. (2008). Banaszak, Ilona . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163449.

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2007Are Cooperatives Hybrid Organizations? An Alternative Viewpoint. (2007). Fritzsch, Jana ; Valentinov, Vladislav . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:58688.

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2003Current Information: Dissertation Abstracts. (2003). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:60409.

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2011Front Material. (2011). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163914.

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1997Reciprocity and Rural Development in the Action of Two Farmer Cooperatives. (1997). Osti, Giorgio . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:62048.

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2005Entrepreneurship, Social Capital and Community Development: The case of Israeli Kibbutz. (2005). Heilbrunn, Sibylle . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:45105.

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2009Front Material. (2009). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163751.

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2003Womens Cooperatives in Greece and Niche Market Challenge. (2003). Gidarakou, Isabella ; Kazakopoulos, Leonidas . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:59697.

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2009Russian Agricultural Producers’ Views of Top-Down Organized Cooperatives. (2009). Nilsson, Jerker ; Golovina, Svetlana . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163813.

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2001Virtual Cooperatives in Brazil and the Globalization Process. (2001). Neto, Sigismundo Bialoskorski ; BialoskorskiNeto, Sigismundo . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:60900.

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2003Front Materials. (2003). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:60408.

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2011End Material. (2011). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163913.

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1999Farmer Cooperatives in the 21st Century: Young and Old Farmers in Sweden. (1999). Hakelius, Karin . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:61946.

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2006Agriculture and Co-operativism, a Persistent Duality: The Case of Denmark. (2006). Jakobsen, Gurli . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:44677.

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2007The New Zealand Dairy Cooperatives’ Adaptation to Changing Market Conditions. (2007). Ohlsson, Camilla ; Nilsson, Jerker . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:59553.

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2009Overconfidence and Hubris: The Demise of Agricultural Co-operatives in Western Canada. (2009). Larson, Kathy ; Fulton, Murray . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163812.

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2001Be More Cooperative to Become More Competitive. (2001). Amodeo, Nora Presno . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:60899.

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2011Front Material. (2011). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163920.

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2007Wine Roads in Greece: A Cooperation for the Development of Local Tourism in Rural Areas. (2007). Karafolas, Simeon . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:58678.

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2009Farmers’ Choices Among Alternative Dairy Marketing Channels in Armenia: Can Appropriately Designed ODA Substitute for FDI?. (2009). Shanoyan, Aleksan ; Cocks, Jack ; Gow, Hamish . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163767.

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2002Front Materials. (2002). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:60406.

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2007Front Materials. (2007). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:58693.

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2009Front Material. (2009). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163795.

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2011End Material. (2011). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163919.

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2003Women’s Cooperatives in Greece: An On-going Story of Battles, Successes and Problems. (2003). Gotsinas, Nicolas ; KOUTSOU, STAVRIANI ; Iakovidou, Olga . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:59774.

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2010Compliance with Rules and Sanctions in Producer Groups in Poland. (2010). Banaszak, Ilona ; Beckmann, Volker . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163872.

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2007Front Materials. (2007). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:58691.

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2003Front Materials. (2003). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:60464.

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1996Chinas Rural Shareholding Cooperatives as a Form of Multi-Stakeholder Cooperation. (1996). Clegg, Jenny . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:62053.

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2009Preferences for rural credit systems and their impact on the implementation of credit unions in Georgia. (2009). Profeta, Adriano ; Glenk, Klaus ; Pavliashvili, Johanna . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163752.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2009Possible Ways of Market Coordination and Integration in the Hungarian Dairy Sector. (2009). Szab, Gbor G. ; Popovics, Pter . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163776.

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2005Book Reviews and Contents Pages. (2005). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:45108.

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2011Book Reviews. (2011). anonymous, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163918.

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2007Comparing the Productive Efficiency of Cooperatives and Private Enterprises: The Portuguese Wine Industry as a Case Study. (2007). Barros, Carlos Pestana ; Santos, J. C. Gomes, . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:58683.

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2009Heterogeneity, Specialization and Social Cohesion in Israeli Moshav Cooperatives. (2009). Kimhi, Ayal . In: Journal of Rural Cooperation. RePEc:ags:jlorco:163773.

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