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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Economics Discussion Papers / University of Essex, Department of Economics


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19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.15000 (%)0.1
19960.19000 (%)0.09
19970.2000 (%)0.08
19980.21000 (%)0.12
19990.274430.7554001 (1.9%)10.250.15
20000.50.360.5252950.171942421 (5.3%)10.040.14
20010.070.360.0763540.11192922923 (15.8%)0.17
20020.030.370.061752100.19743113524 (5.4%)30.180.18
20030.520.390.352274230.3158231252185 (8.6%)40.180.18
20040.380.410.311387290.3323391574237 (30.4%)30.230.18
20050.260.430.1918105310.33635983163 (8.3%)40.220.22
20060.060.450.1418123120.12931276113 (10.3%)0.19
20070.250.380.2526149290.1970369882210 (14.3%)40.150.17
20080.180.380.1613162250.152944897162 (6.9%)0.17
20090.360.350.2619181500.28118391488233 (2.5%)90.470.17
20100.470.320.313194530.2734321594285 (14.7%)30.230.15
20111.090.410.69203930.462232358953 (%)0.2
20120.680.460.78232261020.4546221580626 (13%)90.390.21
20130.50.490.617243850.3554321677461 (1.9%)140.820.22
20140.80.560.6513256830.32340328153 (%)10.080.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2009Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour: Does Nurture Matter?. (2009). Booth, Alison L.. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:672.

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1999Will trade sanctions reduce child labour? The role of credit markets. (1999). Lahiri, Sajal . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:500.

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2002Exact Local Whittle Estimation of Fractional Integration. (2002). Peter C. B. Phillips, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:535.

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2009Choosing To Compete: How Different Are Girls and Boys?. (2009). Booth, Alison L.. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:673.

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2009Strategic Information Transmission in Networks. (2009). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:668.

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2007Overconfidence, Insurance and Paternalism. (2007). Sandroni, Alvaro . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:643.

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2011poisson: Some convergence issues. (2011). J. C. M. Santos Silva, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:695.

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2003Cost Inefficiency in the English and Welsh Water Industry: An Heteroskedastic Stochastic Cost Frontier Approach.. (2003). Conti, Maurizio . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:573.

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2013Approval Voting and Scoring Rules with Common Values. (2013). Ahny, David S.. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:732.

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2002Trade Blocks and the Gravity Model: Evidence from Latin American Countries. (2002). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:542.

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1999Consumption, habit formation and precautionary saving: Evidence from the UK. (1999). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:502.

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2003Are More Important Patents Approved More Slowly and Should They Be?. (2003). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:556.

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2012Bilateral Trading in Networks. (2012). Galeotti, Andrea ; Condorelli, Daniele . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:704.

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2009Dynamic Monetary-Fiscal Interactions and the Role of Monetary Conservatism. (2009). Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:667.

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2004Computability and Evolutionary Complexity: Markets As Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS). (2004). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:574.

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2010Too Interconnected To Fail: Financial Contagion and Systemic Risk in Network Model of CDS and Other Credit Enhancement Obligations of US Banks. (2010). Gatkowski, Mateusz . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:683.

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2007Marginal contribution, reciprocity and equity in segregated groups: Bounded rationality and self-organization in social networks. (2007). Pin, Paolo ; Giasante, Simone. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:629.

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2007A Theory of Strategic Diffusion. (2007). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:635.

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2002Exact Local Whittle Estimation of Fractional Integration with Unknown Mean and Time Trend. (2002). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:543.

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2003An Economic Model of Child Custody. (2003). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:560.

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2001Price Competition, Innovation and Profitability: Theory and UK Evidence. (2001). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:530.

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2013Regional growth and regional decline. (2013). Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano, ; Jonathan R. W. Temple, ; Breinlich, Holger ; Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:729.

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2012The pricing effects of ambiguous private information. (2012). Ganguli, Jayant ; Condie, Scott . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:720.

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2006Can Anyone be "The" One? Evidence on Mate Selection from Speed Dating. (2006). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:620.

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2008Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy Without Commitment. (2008). Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:654.

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2009Inflation dynamics under optimal discretionary fiscal and monetary policies. (2009). Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:681.

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2012Do Households Use Homeownership To Insure Themselves? Evidence Across U.S. Cities. (2012). Halket, Jonathan ; Amior, Michael . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:718.

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2006Does One Contribution Come at the Expense of Another? Empirical Evidence on Substitution Between Charitable Donations. (2006). Reinstein, David A.. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:618.

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2013Aggregation of endogenous information in large elections. (2013). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:733.

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2010The Benefit of Anonymity in Public Goods Games. (2010). Hugh-Jones, David ; Reinstein, David . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:689.

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Long Memory and Aggregation in Macroeconomic Time Series.. (). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:437.

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2012Endogenous Trading Networks. (2012). Galeotti, Andrea ; Condorelli, Daniele . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:705.

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2008Trading Partners and Trading Volumes:Implementing the Helpman-Melitz-Rubinstein Model Empirically. (2008). J. M. C. Santos Silva, ; J. M. C. Santos Silva, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:662.

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2003Learning in Networks: a survey. (2003). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:563.

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2001Cointegration and Sampling Frequency. (2001). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:531.

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2005Has More Independence Affected Bank of Englands Reaction Function under Inflation Targeting? Lessons from Taylor Rule Empirics. (2005). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:601.

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2010Jackknife Bias Reduction in the Presence of a Unit Root. (2010). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:685.

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Dynamic Learning, Herding and Guru Effects in Networks. (2004). Krause, Andreas . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:582.

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2005Decentralization and the Productive Efficiency of Government: Evidence from Swiss Cantons. (2005). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:597.

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2005Operational Independence, Inflation Targeting and UK Monetary Policy. (2005). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:602.

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2002Can cash hold its own? International comparisons: Theory and evidence. (2002). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:536.

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2013Demand for Slant: How Abstention Shapes Voters’ Choice of News Media. (2013). Vardy, Felix . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:734.

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2013The Condorcet Jur(ies) Theorem. (2013). Ahn, David S. ; Oliveros, Santiago . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:743.

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2009Further simulation evidence on the performance of the Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood estimator. (2009). J. M. C. Santos Silva, ; J. M. C. Santos Silva, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:666.

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2013Quantile regression with clustered data. (2013). J. M. C. Santos Silva, ; Paulo M. D. C. Parente, ; J. M. C. Santos Silva, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:728.

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Clustering in N-Player Preemption Games. (2012). Schmidt-Dengler, Philipp ; Argenziano, Rossella . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:741.

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2005O Brother, Where Art Thou? The Effects of Having a Sibling on Geographic Mobility and Labor Market Outcomes. (2005). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:598.

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2007Inflation, Investment Composition and Total Factor Productivity. (2007). Schiffbauer, Marc ; Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:632.

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2003Effects of the Exchange-Rate Regime on Trade under Monetary Uncertainty: The Role of Price Setting. (2003). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:566.

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2006Vulnerability, Unemployment and Poverty: A Class of Distribution and Sensitive Measures, Its Axiomatic Properties and Applications. (2006). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:623.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2007Overconfidence, Insurance and Paternalism. (2007). Sandroni, Alvaro . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:643.

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2009Gender Differences in Risk Behaviour: Does Nurture Matter?. (2009). Booth, Alison L.. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:672.

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2011poisson: Some convergence issues. (2011). J. C. M. Santos Silva, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:695.

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2013Approval Voting and Scoring Rules with Common Values. (2013). Ahny, David S.. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:732.

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2009Strategic Information Transmission in Networks. (2009). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:668.

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1999Will trade sanctions reduce child labour? The role of credit markets. (1999). Lahiri, Sajal . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:500.

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2013Regional growth and regional decline. (2013). Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano, ; Jonathan R. W. Temple, ; Breinlich, Holger ; Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:729.

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2012Bilateral Trading in Networks. (2012). Galeotti, Andrea ; Condorelli, Daniele . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:704.

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2012The pricing effects of ambiguous private information. (2012). Ganguli, Jayant ; Condie, Scott . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:720.

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2013Quantile regression with clustered data. (2013). J. M. C. Santos Silva, ; Paulo M. D. C. Parente, ; J. M. C. Santos Silva, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:728.

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2003Cost Inefficiency in the English and Welsh Water Industry: An Heteroskedastic Stochastic Cost Frontier Approach.. (2003). Conti, Maurizio . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:573.

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2001Cointegration and Sampling Frequency. (2001). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:531.

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2012Endogenous Trading Networks. (2012). Galeotti, Andrea ; Condorelli, Daniele . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:705.

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2009Choosing To Compete: How Different Are Girls and Boys?. (2009). Booth, Alison L.. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:673.

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2009Dynamic Monetary-Fiscal Interactions and the Role of Monetary Conservatism. (2009). Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:667.

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2006Vulnerability, Unemployment and Poverty: A Class of Distribution and Sensitive Measures, Its Axiomatic Properties and Applications. (2006). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:623.

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2010The Benefit of Anonymity in Public Goods Games. (2010). Hugh-Jones, David ; Reinstein, David . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:689.

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2012Housing tenure choices with private information. (2012). Halket, Jonathan ; Pignatti, Matteo . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:717.

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2013The Condorcet Jur(ies) Theorem. (2013). Ahn, David S. ; Oliveros, Santiago . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:743.

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2013Demand for Slant: How Abstention Shapes Voters’ Choice of News Media. (2013). Vardy, Felix . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:734.

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2013Path-Breakers: How Does Women’s Political Participation Respond to Electoral Success. (2013). Clots-Figueras, Irma ; Bhalotra, Sonia ; Iyer, Lakshmi . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:740.

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2009Inflation dynamics under optimal discretionary fiscal and monetary policies. (2009). Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:681.

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2007Inflation, Investment Composition and Total Factor Productivity. (2007). Schiffbauer, Marc ; Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:632.

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2007Marginal contribution, reciprocity and equity in segregated groups: Bounded rationality and self-organization in social networks. (2007). Pin, Paolo ; Giasante, Simone. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:629.

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2010Jackknife Bias Reduction in the Presence of a Unit Root. (2010). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:685.

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2012Information Inertia. (2012). Ganguli, Jayant ; Condie, Scott ; ILLEDITSCH, PHILIPP KARL . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:719.

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2008Keeping up with the neighbours: social interaction in a market economy. (2008). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:655.

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2013Cognitive Development and Infectious Disease: Gender Difference in Investments and Outcomes. (2013). Venkataramani, Atheendar S ; Bhalotra, Sonia R. In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:745.

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2012Do Households Use Homeownership To Insure Themselves? Evidence Across U.S. Cities. (2012). Halket, Jonathan ; Amior, Michael . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:718.

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2008Optimal Fiscal and Monetary Policy Without Commitment. (2008). Niemann, Stefan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:654.

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2013Health and the Political Agency of Women. (2013). Clots-Figueras, Irma ; Bhalotra, Sonia . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:739.

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2012Universal interactive preferences. (2012). Heifetz, Aviad . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:722.

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2013Aggregation of endogenous information in large elections. (2013). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:733.

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2012When Veblen meets Krugman. (2012). Nocco, Antonella ; Ghiglino, Christian . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:708.

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2012From Imitation to Collusion: Long-run Learning in a Low-Information Environment. (2012). Friedman, Daniel ; Huck, Steffen ; Weidenholzer, Simon ; Oprea, Ryan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:715.

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2001Price Competition, Innovation and Profitability: Theory and UK Evidence. (2001). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:530.

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2010Too Interconnected To Fail: Financial Contagion and Systemic Risk in Network Model of CDS and Other Credit Enhancement Obligations of US Banks. (2010). Gatkowski, Mateusz . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:683.

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2012Clustering in N-Player Preemption Games. (2012). Schmidt-Dengler, Philipp ; Argenziano, Rossella . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:741.

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2007Differentiated Networks: Equilibrium and Efficiency. (2007). . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:638.

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2014Constrained Interactions and Social Coordination. (2014). Staudigl, Mathias . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:747.

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2009Further simulation evidence on the performance of the Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood estimator. (2009). J. M. C. Santos Silva, ; J. M. C. Santos Silva, . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:666.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 32:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Does an aptitude test affect socioeconomic and gender gaps in attendance at an elite university?. (2014). . In: DoQSS Working Papers. RePEc:qss:dqsswp:1407.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The Impact of Social Beliefs on Microfinance Performance. (2014). Burzynska, Katarzyna ; Berggren, Olle . In: Knut Wicksell Working Paper Series. RePEc:hhs:luwick:2014_005.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The Effect of Public Pension Eligibility Age on Household Saving: Evidence from a New Zealand Natural Experiment. (2014). Vink, Mark . In: Treasury Working Paper Series. RePEc:nzt:nztwps:14/21.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Modelling Firm and Market Dynamics - A Flexible Model Reproducing Existing Stylized Facts. (2014). Duschl, Matthias ; Brenner, Thomas . In: Working Papers on Innovation and Space. RePEc:pum:wpaper:2014-07.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Foreign Aid and Domestic Absorption. (2014). Jonathan R. W. Temple, ; Van de Sijpe, Nicolas . In: CSAE Working Paper Series. RePEc:csa:wpaper:2014-01.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Spatial externalities and agglomeration in a competitive industry. (2014). Xepapadeas, Anastasios ; Brock, William A. ; Yannacopoulos, Athanasios N.. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:42:y:2014:i:c:p:143-174.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Convergence and growth. Labour productivity dynamics in the European Union.. (2014). . In: Working Papers of BETA. RePEc:ulp:sbbeta:2014-18.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Foreign Aid and Domestic Absorption. (2014). Van de Sijpe, Nicolas . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5029.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014The strategic sincerity of Approval voting. (2014). Nuez, Matias . In: Economic Theory. RePEc:spr:joecth:v:56:y:2014:i:1:p:157-189.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Bargaining through Approval. (2014). . In: THEMA Working Papers. RePEc:ema:worpap:2014-06.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Sovereign Risk, Interbank Freezes, and Aggregate Fluctuations. (2014). Steffen, Christoph Groe ; Engler, Philipp . In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin. RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1436.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Media competition and electoral politics. (2014). Piolatto, Amedeo ; Schuett, Florian . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ieb:wpaper:2013/6/doc2014-14.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Media competition and electoral politics. (2014). Piolatto, Amedeo ; Schuett, Florian . In: Working Papers. Serie AD. RePEc:ivi:wpasad:2014-03.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014On the Optimal Composition of Committees. (2014). Danziger, Leif ; Ben-Yashar, Ruth . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7963.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014On the Optimal Composition of Committees. (2014). Danziger, Leif ; Ben-Yashar, Ruth . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4685.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014On the optimal composition of committees. (2014). Danziger, Leif ; Ben-Yashar, Ruth . In: Social Choice and Welfare. RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:43:y:2014:i:4:p:973-980.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Do Criminal Representatives Hinder or Improve Constituency Outcomes? Evidence from India. (2014). . In: Working papers. RePEc:uct:uconnp:2014-20.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Do Criminal Representatives Hinder or Improve Constituency Outcomes? Evidence from India. (2014). Rockmore, Marc ; Uppal, Yogesh ; Prakash, Nishith . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8452.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Do Criminally Accused Politicians Affect Economic Outcomes? Evidence from India. (2014). Prakash, Nishith ; Uppal, Yogesh . In: HiCN Working Papers. RePEc:hic:wpaper:192.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Children’s Multidimensional Health and Medium-Run Cognitive Skills in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Documento de Trabajo 129 – Salud multidimensional de los niños y sus habilidades cognitivas. (2014). Aurino, Elisabetta ; Burchi, Francesco . In: Documentos de Trabajo (Niños del Milenio-GRADE). RePEc:gad:ninosm:ninosm129.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Ambiguïté, comportements et marchés financiers. (2014). Jeleva, Meglena ; Tallon, Jean-Marc . In: Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers). RePEc:hal:cesptp:halshs-01109639.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Ambiguïté, comportements et marchés financiers.. (2014). Jeleva, Meglena . In: Documents de travail du Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne. RePEc:mse:cesdoc:14064.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Interdependent Preferences and Strategic Distinguishability. (2014). Takahashi, Satoru ; Morris, Stephen . In: Cowles Foundation Discussion Papers. RePEc:cwl:cwldpp:1772rr.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Intermediation in Networks. (2014). Siedlarek, Jan-Peter . In: Discussion Paper Series of SFB/TR 15 Governance and the Efficiency of Economic Systems. RePEc:trf:wpaper:471.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Dealer Networks. (2014). Li, Dan ; Schurhoff, Norman . In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series. RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2014-95.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Dealer Networks. (2014). Li, Dan ; Schurhoff, Norman . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10237.

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2014Heterogeneous beliefs in over-the-counter markets. (2014). Simaitis, Aistis ; de Kamps, Marc ; Ladley, Daniel . In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:41:y:2014:i:c:p:50-68.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014A network analysis of the evolution of the German interbank market. (2014). Battiston, Stefano ; Roukny, Tarik . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:bubdps:222014.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Social networks and interactions in cities. (2014). Helsley, Robert W.. In: Journal of Economic Theory. RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:150:y:2014:i:c:p:426-466.

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2014Housing, Finance and the Macroeconomy. (2014). van Nieuwerburgh, Stijn . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:20287.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Saving Up or Settling Down: Home Ownership over the Life Cycle. (2014). Vasudev, Santhanagopalan . In: Review of Economic Dynamics. RePEc:red:issued:12-89.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Incentives to create jobs: Regional subsidies, national trade policy and foreign direct investment. (2014). Rockett, Katharine ; Regibeau, Pierre ; Adams, Laurel . In: Journal of Public Economics. RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:111:y:2014:i:c:p:102-119.

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2014Social coordination with locally observable types. (2014). Bilancini, Ennio ; Boncinelli, Leonardo . In: Center for Economic Research (RECent). RePEc:mod:recent:108.

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2013Religion, Politician Identity and Development Outcomes: Evidence from India. (2013). Cassan, Guilhem ; Bhalotra, Sonia ; Iyer, Lackshmi ; Clots-Figueras, Irma . In: The Centre for Market and Public Organisation. RePEc:bri:cmpowp:13/309.

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2013Elections and Market Provision of Information. (2013). . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4091.

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2013Large elections with multiple alternatives: a Condorcet Jury Theorem and inefficient equilibria. (2013). Maniquet, Franois ; GOERTZ, Johanna . In: CORE Discussion Papers. RePEc:cor:louvco:2013023.

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2013Dominance Solvable Approval Voting Games. (2013). . In: THEMA Working Papers. RePEc:ema:worpap:2013-27.

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2013A Map of Approval Voting Equilibria Outcomes. (2013). Courtin, Sebastien . In: THEMA Working Papers. RePEc:ema:worpap:2013-31.

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2013A Map of Approval Voting Equilibria Outcomes. (2013). Nunez, Matias ; Courtin, Sebastien . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00914887.

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2013Dominance Solvable Approval Voting Games. (2013). Nunez, Matias ; Courtin, Sebastien . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00914890.

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2013Religion, Politician Identity and Development Outcomes: Evidence from India. (2013). Cassan, Guilhem ; Iyer, Lakshmi ; Clots-Figueras, Irma . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7473.

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2013Religion, Politician Identity and Development Outcomes:Evidence from India. (2013). Clots-Figueras, Irma . In: Working Papers. RePEc:nam:wpaper:1306.

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2013Growth dynamics in regional systems of technological activities – A SVAR approach. (2013). Duschl, Matthias ; Brenner, Thomas . In: Working Papers on Innovation and Space. RePEc:pum:wpaper:2013-12.

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2013Pandering and Electoral Competition.. (2013). . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:swe:wpaper:2012-22b.

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2013Media Competition and Electoral Politics. (2013). . In: Discussion Paper. RePEc:tiu:tiucen:f564dc8d-b328-4ba0-a2b0-f8d9fe2f6408.

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2013Elections and Market Provision of Information. (2013). Bruns, Christian . In: Annual Conference 2013 (Duesseldorf): Competition Policy and Regulation in a Global Economic Order. RePEc:zbw:vfsc13:79857.

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2012Games on Networks. (2012). Jackson, Matthew O. ; Zenou, Yves . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:9127.

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2012Do homeowners benefit urban neighborhoods? evidence from housing prices. (2012). Kortelainen, Mika ; Saarimaa, Tuukka . In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:57923.

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2012Endogenous Trading Networks. (2012). Galeotti, Andrea ; Condorelli, Daniele . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:705.

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2012Home Ownership, Savings, and Mobility Over The Life Cycle. (2012). Vasudev, Santhanagopalan . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:712.

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2012Housing tenure choices with private information. (2012). Halket, Jonathan ; Pignatti, Matteo . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:717.

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2012Information Inertia. (2012). Ganguli, Jayant ; Condie, Scott ; ILLEDITSCH, PHILIPP KARL . In: Economics Discussion Papers. RePEc:esx:essedp:719.

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2012De-synchornized Clocks in Preemption Games with Risky Prospects. (2012). Barbos, Andrei . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:40846.

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