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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Cahiers de recherche / Departement d'Economique de la Faculte d'administration à l'Universite de Sherbrooke


Impact Factor


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19900.0844122 (%)0.05
19910.087112462 (100%)0.05
19920.092131113 (%)0.05
19930.151879152 (28.6%)0.05
19940.140.110.0632110.057711813 (42.9%)0.05
19950.1522388218 (100%)0.1
19960.1932645194 (100%)0.09
19970.20.072610.045151 (%)0.08
19980.212610.04313 (%)0.12
19990.272608 (%)0.15
20000.360.8733220.67130545 (38.5%)30.430.14
20010.140.360.143710.0311711017 (63.6%)0.17
20020.360.370.36845220.49121141146 (50%)30.380.18
20030.250.390.26853230.43121231954 (33.3%)10.130.18
20040.190.410.221669210.32616327610 (38.5%)10.060.18
20050.130.430.07138240.05262434334 (15.4%)10.080.22
20060.170.450.1627109230.21302954985 (16.7%)80.30.19
20070.230.380.1722131230.183640972124 (11.1%)60.270.17
20080.020.380.072315490.06354918665 (14.3%)20.090.17
20090.110.350.1326180200.112345510113 (%)10.040.17
20100.10.320.1130210150.0710495111122 (20%)0.15
20110.110.410.1418228300.135566128182 (40%)0.2
20120.020.460.0815243210.091848111994 (22.2%)0.21
20130.120.490.138251260.1433411215 (%)10.130.22
20140.220.560.139260220.08123597131 (100%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2008The Road to Power: Partisan Loyalty and the Centralized Provision of Local Infrastructure. (2008). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:08-15.

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2000Demographic Changes and Real Housing Prices in Canada. (2000). Leclerc, Andre . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:00-06.

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2001Restricted Inequality and Relative Poverty. (2001). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:01-06.

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1995Analyse de la performance a exporter des industries manufacturieres du Quebec.. (1995). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:95-02.

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2008IMPACT OF INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: A CGE MODELING APPROACH. (2008). Perrault, Jean-Franois . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:08-03.

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2005MULTIDIMENSIONAL DECOMPOSITION OF POVERTY: A FUZZY SET APPROACH. (2005). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:05-08.

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2006Analyzing the Impact of Indirect Tax Reforms on Rank Dependant Social Welfare Functions: A Positional Dominance Approach. (2006). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:06-02.

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2006Decomposition of s-Concentration Curves. (2006). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:06-21.

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2004Fuel Poverty and Access to Electricity:\\ Comparing Households When They Differ in Needs. (2004). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:01-03.

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2004Socially-Improving Tax Reforms. (2004). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:02-01.

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2006Between-Group Transfers and Poverty-Reducing Tax Reforms. (2006). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:06-23.

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2005Evaluating the Impact of R&D Tax Credits on Innovation: A Microeconometric Study on Canadian Firms. (2005). Czarnitzki, Dirk ; Hanel, Petr ; Rosa, Julio Miguel . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:05-01.

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2009Nominal Rigidities, Monetary Policy and Pigou Cycles. (2009). Gomme, Paul ; Guo, Shen . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-18.

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2002Monotonicity and Bounds for Cost Shares under the Path Serial Rule*. (2002). Tejedo, Cyril ; Truchon, Michel . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:02-05.

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1993Sectoral Shifts, Stock Market Dispersion and Unemployment in Canada. (1993). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:93-05.

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2007Is the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis valid for developing countries? A survey. (2007). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-03.

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2012The effect of same-sex marriage laws on different-sex marriage: Evidence from The Netherlands. (2012). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-23.

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2007Décompositions des mesures dinégalité : le cas des coefficients de Gini et dentropie. (2007). Terraza, Michel . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-09.

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2001Current Intellectual Protection practices by Manufacturing firms in Canada. (2001). Hanel, Petr . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:01-09.

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2003Robust Comparisons of Natural Resources Depletion Indices. (2003). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:03-02.

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Une évaluation du rôle des déterminants du partage de la valeur ajoutée. (2007). Philippe, Bernard . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-14.

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2000Technology Spillovers and Trade:Empirical Evidence for the G7 Industrial Countries. (2000). Hanel, Petr ; Zorgati, Sofiene. In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:00-07.

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2010Scaling up Infrastructure spending in the Philippines: A CGE top-down/bottom up microsimulation approach. (2010). Savard, Luc . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:10-06.

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2012A Comparative Analysis of Funding Schemes for Public Infrastructure Spending in Quebec. (2012). Boccanfuso, Dorothee ; Richard, Patrick ; Joanis, Marcelin ; Savard, Luc . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:12-10.

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2003IMPACT OF GOVERNMENT SUPPORT PROGRAMS ON INNOVATION BY CANADIAN MANUFACTURING FIRMS. (2003). Hanel, Petr . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:04-02.

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2002Migration, Poverty, and Housing: Welfare Comparisons Using Sequential Stochastic Dominance. (2002). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:01-01.

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The Shapley decomposition for portfolio risk. (2006). terraza, virginie . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:06-09.

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2009ARMA Sieve bootstrap unit root tests. (2009). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-05.

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2012Distortions, Efficiency and the Size Distribution of Firms. (2012). Gallipoli, Giovanni ; Goyette, Jonathan . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:12-06.

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1996Les effets directs et indirects de lactivite de R&D sur la profitabilite de la firme.. (1996). St-Pierre, A ; Hanel, P. In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:96-01.

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2005A Poverty and Inequality Impact Assessment of Liberalization of Water Utility in Senegal: A Macro-Micro Analysis. (2005). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:05-13.

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2008Family migration: a vehicle of child morbidity in the informal settlements of Nairobi city, Kenya?. (2008). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:08-07.

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2009Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 in Canada. (2009). He, Jie ; Richard, Patrick . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-13.

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2000Les déterminants des activités d’innovation dans les entreprises de fabrication canadiennes : le rôle des droits de propriété intellectuelle. (2000). Sabourin, David ; Hanel, Petr . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:00-02.

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2007Should we Abandon the Intermediation Approach for Analyzing Banking Performance?. (2007). Leclerc, Andre . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-01.

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2004Price Liberalization and Farmer Welfare Under Risk Aversion: Cotton in Benin and Ivory Coast. (2004). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:04-09.

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2009Distributional impact of developed countries CC policies on Senegal : A macro-micro CGE application. (2009). Estache, Antonio . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-11.

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1994Rational Nonprofit Entrepreneurship.. (1994). Slivinsky, A.. In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:94-02a.

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2010Financial market instability and CO2 emissions. (2010). Richard, Patrick . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:10-20.

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1994Toilet Cleaning and Department Chairing: Volunteering a public service. (1994). Slivinsky, A.. In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:94-01.

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Une analyse d’impact économique et social des réformes économiques et de laide publique au développement au Mali – Un cadre macro-micro. (2007). Coulibaly, Massa . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-20.

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2001Serial Cost Sharing in Multidimensional Contexts. (2001). Tejedo, Cyril ; Truchon, Michel . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:01-07.

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Corruption, Inequality, and Environmental Regulation. (2007). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-13.

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2008Malmquist indexes with quasi-fixed inputs: An application to school districts in Québec. (2008). Ouellette, Pierre . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:08-25.

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Insécurité alimentaire en milieu urbain et rural au Sénégal : les mêmes causes créent-elles les mêmes effets ?. (2008). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:08-12.

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2004Environmental Regulation and Economic Growth under Education Externalities. (2004). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:02-12.

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2000Consumption Dominance Curves: Testing for the Impact of Tax Reforms on Poverty. (2000). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:00-05.

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2013Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. (2013). Marchand, Beyza Ural ; Chakravorty, Ujjayant . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:13-05.

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2005Une réconciliation entre la décomposition en sous-groupes et la décomposition en sources de revenu de l’indice de Gini La multi-décomposition de l’indicateur de Gini. (2005). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:05-06.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2012A Comparative Analysis of Funding Schemes for Public Infrastructure Spending in Quebec. (2012). Boccanfuso, Dorothee ; Richard, Patrick ; Joanis, Marcelin ; Savard, Luc . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:12-10.

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2010Scaling up Infrastructure spending in the Philippines: A CGE top-down/bottom up microsimulation approach. (2010). Savard, Luc . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:10-06.

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2007Is the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis valid for developing countries? A survey. (2007). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-03.

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2009Nominal Rigidities, Monetary Policy and Pigou Cycles. (2009). Gomme, Paul ; Guo, Shen . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-18.

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2013Does the Quality of Electricity Matter? Evidence from Rural India. (2013). Marchand, Beyza Ural ; Chakravorty, Ujjayant . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:13-05.

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2004Price Liberalization and Farmer Welfare Under Risk Aversion: Cotton in Benin and Ivory Coast. (2004). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:04-09.

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2004Un système de demandes AIDS dans un contexte EGC microsimulation pour lanalyse de pauvreté et des inégalités. (2004). . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:04-10.

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2009Distributional impact of developed countries CC policies on Senegal : A macro-micro CGE application. (2009). Estache, Antonio . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-11.

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2007Should we Abandon the Intermediation Approach for Analyzing Banking Performance?. (2007). Leclerc, Andre . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:07-01.

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2000Demographic Changes and Real Housing Prices in Canada. (2000). Leclerc, Andre . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:00-06.

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2006Politiques économiques et pauvreté au Maroc : Analyse en équilibre général micro-simulé. (2006). ABDELKHALEK, Touhami . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:06-07.

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2012Saving Lives at Birth: The Impact of Home Births on Infant Outcomes. (2012). Daysal, Meltem N. ; van Ewijk, Reyn ; Trandafir, Mircea . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:12-11.

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2009Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 in Canada. (2009). He, Jie ; Richard, Patrick . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-13.

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2009La croissance pro-pauvre : un aperçu exhaustif de la « boîte à outils ». (2009). Menard, Caroline . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:09-06.

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2011Electoral Competition as a Determinant of Fiscal Decentralization. (2011). Joanis, Marcelin ; Jametti, Mario . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:11-11.

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2015An impact analysis of climate change on the forestry industry in Quebec. A dynamic CGE model. (2015). Mangoua, Clovis Tanekou ; Gosselin, Veronique ; Goyette, Jonathan ; Boccanfuso, Dorothee . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:15-05.

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2008IMPACT OF INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA: A CGE MODELING APPROACH. (2008). Perrault, Jean-Franois . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:08-03.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 5:

[Click on heading to sort table]

2014Does Electrification Spur the Fertility Transition? Evidence from Indonesia. (2014). Tasciotti, Luca ; Sparrow, Robert ; Grimm, Michael . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8146.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014How Do Electricity Shortages Affect Industry? Evidence from India. (2014). Collard-Wexler, Allan ; O'Connell, Stephen D. ; Allcott, Hunt . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:19977.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014An impact analysis of climate change and adaptation policies on the forestry sector in Quebec. A dynamic macro-micro framework. (2014). Mangoua, Clovis Tanekou ; Gosselin, Veronique ; Boccanfuso, Dorothee . In: Cahiers de recherche. RePEc:shr:wpaper:14-04.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014An impact analysis of the impact of climate change and adaptation policies on the forestry sector in Quebec. A dyanamic macro-micro framework. (2014). Mangoua, Clovis Tanekou ; Gosselin, Veronique ; Goyette, Jonathan ; Boccanfuso, Dorothee . In: EcoMod2014. RePEc:ekd:006356:6787.

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[Citation Analysis]
2014Comment on “The Effect of Same-Sex Marriage Laws on Different-Sex Marriage: Evidence From the Netherlands”. (2014). Dinno, Alexis . In: Demography. RePEc:spr:demogr:v:51:y:2014:i:6:p:2343-2347.

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[Citation Analysis]

Cites in year: CiY

Recent citations received in: 2013

[Click on heading to sort table]

2013Labour supply and income distribution effects of the working income tax benefit: a general equilibrium microsimulation analysis. (2013). Annabi, Nabil ; Boudribila, Youssef ; Harvey, Simon . In: IZA Journal of Labor Policy. RePEc:spr:izalpo:v:2:y:2013:i:1:p:1-33:10.1186/2193-9004-2-19.

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[Citation Analysis]

Recent citations received in: 2012

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Recent citations received in: 2011

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Warning!! This is still an experimental service. The results of this service should be interpreted with care, especially in research assessment exercises. The processing of documents is automatic. There still are errors and omissions in the identification of references. We are working to improve the software to increase the accuracy of the results.

Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.