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Last updated December, 3 2015 760.408 documents processed, 20.499.313 references and 8.066.571 citations

Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment / Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB)


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19900.08000 (%)0.05
19910.08000 (%)0.05
19920.09000 (%)0.05
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.112200 (%)0.05
19950.152422 (%)0.1
19960.1959344 (%)0.09
19970.281720.124793 (75%)10.130.08
19980.150.210.1282530.123813217212 (31.6%)10.130.12
19990.310.270.232870.254165255 (%)0.15
20000.360.360.1993780.22221142654 (18.2%)10.110.14
20010.080.360.0994630.07151213333 (20%)0.17
20020.390.370.271561110.183118737103 (9.7%)0.18
20030.330.390.32970150.21424844141 (25%)0.18
20040.210.410.16118190.1160245457 (%)10.090.18
20050.20.430.31091220.242420453165 (20.8%)20.20.22
20060.480.450.3323114280.2510211054184 (40%)20.090.19
20070.150.380.091212690.0753356861 (20%)0.17
20080.170.380.159135160.1223566510 (%)0.17
20090.050.350.15135150.112116510 (%)0.17
20100.320.06135110.089543 (%)0.15
20110.41135130.1044 (%)0.2
20120.4613560.04021 (%)0.21
20130.49135180.1309 (%)0.22
20140.56135130.100 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

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2004Assessing bias in the estimation of causal effects: Rosenbaum bounds on matching estimators and instrumental variables estimation with imperfect instruments. (2004). Gangl, Markus ; DiPrete, Thomas A. ; Di Prete, Thomas A.. In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2004101.

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1998Flexicurity: A new paradigm for labour market policy reform?. (1998). Wilthagen, Ton . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi98202.

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2005New politics in German labour market policy? The implications of the recent Hartz reforms for the German welfare state. (2005). Kemmerling, Achim ; Bruttel, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2005101.

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1998Transitional labour markets: A new European employment strategy. (1998). Schmid, Gunther . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi98206.

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2002Unemployment benefits as a search subsidy: New evidence on duration and wage effects of unemployment insurance. (2002). Gangl, Markus . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi02208.

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2002Temporary work agencies and equilibrium unemployment. (2002). Storrie, Donald . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi02203.

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2000Benchmarking European labour market performance with efficiency frontier techniques. (2000). Storrie, Donald ; Bjurek, Hans . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi00211.

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2004Die individuellen Kosten des Erziehungsurlaubs: Eine empirische Analyse der kurz- und längerfristigen Folgen für den Karriereverlauf von Frauen. (2004). Ziefle, Andrea . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2004102.

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2001Faule Arbeitslose? Politische Konjunkturen einer Debatte. (2001). Oschmiansky, Frank ; Kull, Silke ; Schmid, Gunther . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi01206.

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1998Benchmarking labour market performance and labour market policies: Theoretical foundations and applications. (1998). Schmid, Gunther ; Speckesser, Stefan ; Schutz, Holger . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi98205.

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2000The supply of new engineers in Germany. (2000). . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi00209.

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2000Wirkungen aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Evaluierungsergebnisse für Deutschland, Schweden, Dänemark und die Niederlande. (2000). Rabe, Birgitta . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi00208.

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2001Management by objectives in European public employment services. (2001). Schutz, Holger ; Breyer, Nicole ; Mosley, Hugh . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi01203.

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2005The UK social security system for self-employed people. (2005). Boden, Rebecca . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2005104.

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1999Benchmarking national labour market performance: A radar chart approach. (1999). Mayer, Antje ; Mosley, Hugh . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi99202.

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2002Differences in US-German time-allocation: Why do Americans work longer hours than Germans?. (2002). Schettkat, Ronald . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi02212.

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2000Moving towards employment insurance: Unemployment insurance and employment protection in the OECD. (2000). Schomann, Isabelle ; Flechtner, Stefanie ; Mytzek, Ralf . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi00201.

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1998Institutional and financial framework for job rotation in nine European countries. (1998). Schomann, Klaus ; Gulker, Silke ; Mytzek, Ralf . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi98207.

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2005Contracting-out and governance mechanisms in the public employment service. (2005). Bruttel, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2005109.

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2004Soziales Risikomanagement durch Übergangsarbeitsmärkte. (2004). Schmid, Gunther . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2004110.

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1998Beschäftigungsdynamik und Arbeitslosigkeit in der Europäischen Union. (1998). Oschmiansky, Heidi ; Kruppe, Thomas ; Schomann, Klaus . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi98203.

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2002Labour market transitions and employment regimes: Evidence on the flexibility-security nexus in transitional labour markets. (2002). van den Heuvel, Nick ; Wilthagen, Ton ; Muffels, Ruud . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi02204.

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2007Observed and unobserved determinants of unemployment insurance benefit sanctions in Germany: Evidence from matched individual and regional administrative data. (2007). Muller, Kai-Uwe . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2007107.

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2002Strategische und methodische Ansatzpunkte zur Ermittlung des regionalen Qualifikationsbedarfs. (2002). Hilbert, Christoph ; Mytzek, Ralf . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi02211.

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2006On the marriage of flexibility and security: Lessons from the Hartz-reforms in Germany. (2006). Griga, Dorit ; Leschke, Janine ; Schmid, Gunther . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2006108.

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1997Market share and market segment of public employment services. (1997). Mosley, Hugh ; Speckesser, Stefan . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi97208.

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2005Künstler zwischen selbständiger und abhängiger Erwerbsarbeit. (2005). Haak, Carroll . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2005107.

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1996Theoretical considerations in cross-national employment research. (1996). O'Reilly, Jacqueline . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi96203.

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2006Labor market policy evaluation with an agent-based model. (2006). . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2006113.

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2003Controlling von Arbeitsverwaltungen im internationalen Vergleich. (2003). Schutz, Holger . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2003103.

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2006Sharing risk: on social risk management and the governance of labour market transitions. (2006). Schmid, Gunther . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2006101.

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2005The Swedish social insurance system for the self-employed. (2005). Lindskog, Magnus . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2005103.

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1997Service cheques in Europe - a model for Germany? Employment effects and macro-economic costs: five scenarios. (1997). Finger, Dirk . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi97201a.

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2001Die Zukunft der Erwerbsarbeit: Thesen und Perspektiven für Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. (2001). Schmid, Gunther . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi01205.

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1998Wechselwirkungen zwischen Arbeitszeitpolitik und Arbeitsangebotsverhalten: Eine Untersuchung zur Bedeutung von Arbeitszeitpräferenzen für eine Politik der Arbeitsumverteilung. (1998). Dathe, Dietmar . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi98201.

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2008Employment dynamics in Germany: Lessons to be learned from the Hartz reforms. (2008). Schmid, Gunther ; Modrack, Simone . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2008102.

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2003Work and pay in flexible and regulated labor markets: A generalized perspective on institutional evolution and inequality trends in Europe and the US. (2003). Quesnel-Vallee, Amelie ; DiPrete, Thomas A. ; Di Prete, Thomas A. ; Goux, Dominique . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2003109.

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1996Beschäftigungswunder Niederlande? Ein Vergleich der Beschäftigungssysteme in den Niederlanden und in Deutschland. (1996). Schmid, Gunther . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi96206.

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2007Privatisierung von Arbeitsvermittlungsdienstleistungen - Wundermittel zur Effizienzsteigerung? Eine Bestandsaufnahme deutscher und internationaler Erfahrungen. (2007). Schutz, Holger ; Kaps, Petra . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2007101.

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2001Comparing recent Danish, Finnish and Swedish labour market policy reforms. (2001). Arnkil, Robert ; Spangar, Timo . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi01204.

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2002Institutions in the economic fitness landscape: What impact do welfare state institutions have on economic performance?. (2002). Schettkat, Ronald . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi02210.

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2006Lebens- und Arbeitsqualität von Selbstständigen: Objektive Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen und subjektives Wohlbefinden einer heterogenen Erwerbsgruppe. (2006). Protsch, Paula . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2006106.

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2008The protestant work ethic revisited: A promising concept or an outdated idea?. (2008). Modrack, Simone . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2008101.

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2003Erwerbsformen im Wandel: Integration oder Ausgrenzung durch atypische Beschäftigung? Berlin und die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Vergleich. (2003). Oschmiansky, Frank . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2003106.

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2002Multiple jobholding and path-dependent employment regimes: Answering the qualification and protection needs of multiple job holders. (2002). Rouault, Sophie . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi02201.

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2004Performanzmessung und Anreize in der regionalen Arbeitsvermittlung: Der Schweizer Ansatz und eine Modellrechnung für Deutschland. (2004). Hilbert, Christoph . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2004109.

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2006Recalibrating Europes semi-sovereign welfare states. (2006). Hemerijck, Anton . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2006103.

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1997Teilzeitarbeit für alle? Eine Untersuchung von Teilzeitpräferenzen in Deutschland und Großbritannien unter beschäftigungspolitischen Gesichtspunkten. (1997). Bothfeld, Silke . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi97205.

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2007Evaluating active labour market policies evaluations. (2007). de Koning, Jaap ; Peers, Yuri . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2007112.

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2000Wandel der Erwerbsformen: Berlin und die Bundesrepublik im Vergleich. (2000). Schmid, Gunther ; Oschmiansky, Heidi . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi00204.

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50 most relevant documents in this series:

Papers most cited in the last two years. [Click on heading to sort table]

2004Assessing bias in the estimation of causal effects: Rosenbaum bounds on matching estimators and instrumental variables estimation with imperfect instruments. (2004). Gangl, Markus ; DiPrete, Thomas A. ; Di Prete, Thomas A.. In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2004101.

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2000Benchmarking European labour market performance with efficiency frontier techniques. (2000). Storrie, Donald ; Bjurek, Hans . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi00211.

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2005New politics in German labour market policy? The implications of the recent Hartz reforms for the German welfare state. (2005). Kemmerling, Achim ; Bruttel, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2005101.

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2006Labor market policy evaluation with an agent-based model. (2006). . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2006113.

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1998Flexicurity: A new paradigm for labour market policy reform?. (1998). Wilthagen, Ton . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:fsi98202.

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2005Künstler zwischen selbständiger und abhängiger Erwerbsarbeit. (2005). Haak, Carroll . In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment. RePEc:zbw:wzblpe:spi2005107.

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