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EUROMOD Working Papers / EUROMOD at the Institute for Social and Economic Research


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.2833530025 (47.2%)0.16
200020.3723681.332436368 (33.3%)20.670.14
20011.670.361.67612231.9210161061034 (33.7%)30.50.17
20020.780.370.75618150.8326971298 (30.8%)20.330.18
20031.080.41.28321281.33411213182315 (36.6%)10.330.19
20041.220.421.241031341.174911212611 (14.9%)50.50.19
200520.431.461041661.6146132628419 (19.6%)70.70.21
200610.450.89546591.2822202035316 (27.3%)10.20.2
20070.870.390.88652410.797151334301 (14.3%)0.17
20080.180.390.211062290.47381123475 (13.2%)80.80.17
20090.310.370.611072490.685016541252 (4%)20.20.18
20100.10.330.12880140.1882024152 (25%)10.130.15
20110.280.410.36787330.383318539145 (15.2%)20.290.2
20120.60.460.781198550.561315941324 (30.8%)10.090.21
201310.50.721119610.51881818463224 (27.3%)130.620.21
20141.060.540.9620139910.6525323457552 (8%)40.20.26
20151.150.60.7518157860.5511414767501 (9.1%)40.220.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12001EUROMOD: an integrated European benefit-tax model: final report. (2001). Sutherland, Holly. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em9-01.

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22013EUROMOD: the European Union tax-benefit microsimulation model. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em8-13.

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31999An introduction to EUROMOD. (1999). Sutherland, Holly ; O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em0-99.

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42003Social indicators and other income statistics using the EUROMOD baseline: a comparison with Eurostat and National Statistics. (2003). Sutherland, Holly ; Mantovani, Daniela . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-03.

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52013The distributional effects of fiscal consolidation in nine EU countries. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Levy, Horacio ; Figari, Francesco ; Avram, Silvia ; Rastrigina, Olga ; Matsaganis, Manos ; Navicke, Jekaterina ; Militaru, Eva ; Leventi, Chrysa . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-13.

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62009The distributional impact of in kind public benefits in European countries. (2009). Tsakloglou, Panos ; Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em10-09.

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72001Imputation of gross amounts from net incomes in household surveys: an application using EUROMOD. (2001). O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-01.

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82005Household incomes and redistribution in the European Union: quantifying the equalising properties of taxes and benefits. (2005). Sutherland, Holly ; O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Levy, Horacio ; Immervoll, Herwig ; Lietz, Christine ; Verbist, Gerlinde ; Mantovani, D.. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em9-05.

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92004Modelling the redistributive impact of indirect taxes in Europe: an application of EUROMOD. (2004). O'Donoghue, Cathal ; baldini, massimo ; Mantovani, Daniela . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-01.

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102011The distributional effects of austerity measures: a comparison of six EU countries. (2011). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Levy, Horacio ; Callan, Tim ; Matsaganis, Manos ; Leventi, Chrysa . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em6-11.

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112004Redistributive effect and progressivity of taxes: an international comparison across the EU using EUROMOD. (2004). Verbist, Gerlinde . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-04.

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122006Assessing the impact of tax/transfer policy changes on poverty: methodological issues and some European evidence. (2006). Callan, Tim ; Walsh, John . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-06.

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132005The impact of tax and transfer systems on children in the European Union. (2005). Sutherland, Holly ; Corak, Miles ; Lietz, Christine . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em4-05.

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142004Falling up the stairs: an exploration of the effects of bracket creep on household incomes. (2004). Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-04.

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152003Employment transitions in 13 European countries: levels, distributions and determining factors of net replacement rates. (2003). O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-03.

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162004In-work policies in Europe: killing two birds with one stone?. (2004). Orsini, Kristian ; Bargain, Olivier ; Orsini, Kristian R. D., . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em4-04.

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172004Welfare reform in European countries: a micro-simulation analysis. (2004). Saez, Emmanuel ; Kreiner, Claus ; Immervoll, Herwig ; Kleven, Henrik Jacobsen . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-04.

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182002The distribution of average and marginal effective tax rates in European Union Member States. (2002). Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-02.

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192001The Impact of Tax-Benefit Systems on Low-Income Households in the Benelux Countries. A Simulation Approach Using Synthetic Datasets.. (2001). Immervoll, Herwig ; de Vos, Klaas ; Scholtus, Bertrand ; Borsenberger, Monique ; Lumen, Julie . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-01.

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202008Tax-benefit revealed social preferences. (2008). Spadaro, Amedeo ; Bourguignon, François. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em9-08.

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212000The impact of inflation on income tax and social insurance contributions in Europe. (2000). Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-00.

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222000A European social agenda: poverty benchmarking and social transfers. (2000). Atkinson, Anthony. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-00.

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232014The redistributive effect and progressivity of taxes revisited: an international comparison across the European Union. (2014). Figari, Francesco ; Verbist, Gerlinde . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em6-14.

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242008Alternative tax-benefit strategies to support children in Poland. (2008). Myck, Michal ; Morawski, Leszek ; Levy, Horacio. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-08.

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252011Labor supply elasticities in Europe and the US. (2011). Peichl, Andreas ; Orsini, Kristian ; Bargain, Olivier. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-11.

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262005EUROMOD and the development of EU social policy. (2005). Atkinson, Anthony. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-05.

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272009Accurate income measurement for the assessment of public policies: final report. (2009). Tsakloglou, Panos ; Sutherland, Holly ; Decoster, André ; Matsaganis, Manos . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-09.

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282000Child poverty and child benefits in the European Union. (2000). Sutherland, Holly ; Immervoll, Herwig ; de Vos, Klaas. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-00.

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292011Welfare, labor supply and heterogeneous preferences: evidence for Europe and the US. (2011). Siegloch, Sebastian ; Peichl, Andreas ; Neumann, Dirk ; Dolls, Mathias ; Decoster, André ; Bargain, Olivier. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-11.

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302009The effects of taxes and benefits on income distribution in the enlarged EU. (2009). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Morawski, Leszek ; Levy, Horacio ; Lelkes, Orsolya ; Figari, Francesco ; Szivs, Pter ; Hegedus, Pter ; Kump, Nataa ; Cok, Mitja ; Võrk, Andres, ; Lupsik, Silja ; Mantovani, Daniela ; Lietz, Christine . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em8-09.

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312008Effects of flat tax reforms in Western Europe on equity and efficiency. (2008). Peichl, Andreas ; Paulus, Alari. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-08.

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322012Welfare compensation for unemployment in the Great Recession. (2012). Tumino, Alberto ; Sutherland, Holly ; Figari, Francesco ; Salgado, Maria Fernandez ; FernandezSalgado, Maria . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-12.

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332013Nowcasting indicators of poverty risk in the European Union: a microsimulation approach. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Rastrigina, Olga ; Navicke, Jekaterina . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em11-13.

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342014The implications of an EMU unemployment insurance scheme for supporting incomes. (2014). Sutherland, Holly ; Jara Tamayo, Holguer Xavier, . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-14.

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352013The importance of choosing the data set for tax-benefit analysis. (2013). Fiorio, Carlo ; Ceriani, Lidia ; Gigliarano, Chiara . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-13.

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362005Static data ageing techniques: accounting for population changes in tax-benefit microsimulation models. (2005). Immervoll, Herwig ; Mustonen, Esko ; Lindstrom, Klaw ; Viitamaki, Heikki . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-05.

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372002Indicators for social inclusion in the European Union: how responsive are they to macro-level changes?. (2002). Sutherland, Holly ; Levy, Horacio ; Immervoll, Herwig ; Lietz, Christine ; Feres, Patricio ; Mantovani, Daniela . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-02.

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382008Optimal taxation, social contract and the four worlds of welfare capitalism. (2008). Spadaro, Amedeo. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em10-08.

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392010Automatic stabilisers and economic crisis: US vs Europe. (2010). Peichl, Andreas ; Fuest, Clemens ; Dolls, Mathias. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-10.

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402001Reducing child poverty in Europe: what can static microsimulation models tell us?. (2001). Sutherland, Holly. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-01.

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412003Child-targeted tax-benefit reform in Spain in a European context: a microsimulation analysis using EUROMOD. (2003). Levy, Horacio. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-03.

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422011Tax-benefit systems in Europe and the US: between equity and efficiency. (2011). Siegloch, Sebastian ; Peichl, Andreas ; Neumann, Dirk ; Dolls, Mathias ; Bargain, Olivier. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-11.

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431999Microsimulation and the formulation of policy: a case study of targeting in the European Union. (1999). Sutherland, Holly ; O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Bourguignon, François ; Atkinson, Anthony ; Utili, F.. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-99.

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442004Fiscal stabilisers in Europe: the macroeconomic impact of tax and benefit systems. (2004). Mabbett, Deborah . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-04.

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452008Improving the capacity and usability of EUROMOD: final report. (2008). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Levy, Horacio ; Lelkes, Orsolya ; Figari, Francesco ; Mantovani, Daniela ; Lietz, Christine . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em4-08.

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462009Measuring the size and impact of public cash support for children in cross-national perspective. (2009). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em6-09.

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472002Welfare benefits and work incentives: an analysis of the distribution of net replacement rates in Europe using EUROMOD, a multi-country microsimulation model. (2002). O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em4-01.

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482015Credit crunched: single parents, Universal Credit and the struggle to make work pay. (2015). De Agostini, Paola ; Brewer, Mike. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-15.

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492004Child poverty and family transfers in Southern Europe. (2004). Tsakloglou, Panos ; Rodrigues, Carlos ; O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Levy, Horacio ; Toso, Stefano ; Coromaldi, Manuela ; Matsaganis, Manos ; Mercader-Prats, M.. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-04.

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502007The impact of mortgage interest tax relief in the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Italy and Greece. (2007). Matsaganis, Manos ; Flevotomou, Maria . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-07.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12013EUROMOD: the European Union tax-benefit microsimulation model. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em8-13.

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22013The distributional effects of fiscal consolidation in nine EU countries. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Levy, Horacio ; Figari, Francesco ; Avram, Silvia ; Rastrigina, Olga ; Matsaganis, Manos ; Navicke, Jekaterina ; Militaru, Eva ; Leventi, Chrysa . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-13.

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32009The distributional impact of in kind public benefits in European countries. (2009). Tsakloglou, Panos ; Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em10-09.

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42001Imputation of gross amounts from net incomes in household surveys: an application using EUROMOD. (2001). O'Donoghue, Cathal ; Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-01.

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52001EUROMOD: an integrated European benefit-tax model: final report. (2001). Sutherland, Holly. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em9-01.

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62004Modelling the redistributive impact of indirect taxes in Europe: an application of EUROMOD. (2004). O'Donoghue, Cathal ; baldini, massimo ; Mantovani, Daniela . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-01.

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72014The redistributive effect and progressivity of taxes revisited: an international comparison across the European Union. (2014). Figari, Francesco ; Verbist, Gerlinde . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em6-14.

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82014The implications of an EMU unemployment insurance scheme for supporting incomes. (2014). Sutherland, Holly ; Jara Tamayo, Holguer Xavier, . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-14.

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92013The importance of choosing the data set for tax-benefit analysis. (2013). Fiorio, Carlo ; Ceriani, Lidia ; Gigliarano, Chiara . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-13.

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102013Nowcasting indicators of poverty risk in the European Union: a microsimulation approach. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Rastrigina, Olga ; Navicke, Jekaterina . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em11-13.

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112014The effect of tax-benefit changes on the income distribution in EU countries since the beginning of the economic crisis. (2014). Tasseva, Iva ; Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; De Agostini, Paola. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em9-14.

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122004Redistributive effect and progressivity of taxes: an international comparison across the EU using EUROMOD. (2004). Verbist, Gerlinde . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-04.

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132015Credit crunched: single parents, Universal Credit and the struggle to make work pay. (2015). De Agostini, Paola ; Brewer, Mike. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-15.

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142005Static data ageing techniques: accounting for population changes in tax-benefit microsimulation models. (2005). Immervoll, Herwig ; Mustonen, Esko ; Lindstrom, Klaw ; Viitamaki, Heikki . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-05.

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152011The distributional effects of austerity measures: a comparison of six EU countries. (2011). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Levy, Horacio ; Callan, Tim ; Matsaganis, Manos ; Leventi, Chrysa . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em6-11.

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162011Labor supply elasticities in Europe and the US. (2011). Peichl, Andreas ; Orsini, Kristian ; Bargain, Olivier. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-11.

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172013Tax-benefit systems, income distribution and work incentives in the European Union. (2013). Tumino, Alberto ; Jara Tamayo, Holguer Xavier, . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-13.

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182013Integrating indirect taxation into EUROMOD. Documentation and results for Germany.. (2013). Ochmann, Richard ; Decoster, André ; Spiritus, Kevin . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em20-13.

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192007The impact of mortgage interest tax relief in the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Italy and Greece. (2007). Matsaganis, Manos ; Flevotomou, Maria . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-07.

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202013Increasing labour market activity of the poor and females: let’s make work pay in Macedonia. (2013). Tumanoska, Despina ; Petreski, Marjan ; Petreska, Despina ; Blazevski, Nikica Mojsoska . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em16-13.

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212012Welfare compensation for unemployment in the Great Recession. (2012). Tumino, Alberto ; Sutherland, Holly ; Figari, Francesco ; Salgado, Maria Fernandez ; FernandezSalgado, Maria . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em3-12.

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222015The redistributive and stabilising effects of an EMU unemployment benefit scheme under different hypothetical unemployment scenarios. (2015). Tumino, Alberto ; Jara, Holguer Xavier ; Sutherland, Holly . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em18-15.

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232015The National Minimum Wage and its interaction with the tax and benefits system: a focus on Universal Credit. (2015). De Agostini, Paola ; Brewer, Mike. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-15.

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242009The effects of taxes and benefits on income distribution in the enlarged EU. (2009). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Morawski, Leszek ; Levy, Horacio ; Lelkes, Orsolya ; Figari, Francesco ; Szivs, Pter ; Hegedus, Pter ; Kump, Nataa ; Cok, Mitja ; Võrk, Andres, ; Lupsik, Silja ; Mantovani, Daniela ; Lietz, Christine . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em8-09.

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252009Adapting EUROMOD for use in a developing country - the case of South Africa and SAMOD. (2009). Wilkinson, Kate . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-09.

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262000The impact of inflation on income tax and social insurance contributions in Europe. (2000). Immervoll, Herwig. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-00.

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272009Measuring the size and impact of public cash support for children in cross-national perspective. (2009). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em6-09.

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282013Distributional implications of tax evasion and the crisis in Greece. (2013). Leventi, Chrysa ; Flevotomou, Maria ; Matsaganis, Manos . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em17-13.

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292010Non take up of social benefits in Greece and Spain. (2010). Levy, Horacio ; Flevotomou, Maria ; Matsaganis, Manos . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-10.

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302013Changes in income distribution and the role of tax-benefit policy during the Great Recession: an International Perspective. (2013). Keane, Claire ; Doorley, Karina ; Callan, Tim ; Bargain, Olivier. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em21-13.

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312015The effect of tax-benefit changes on the income distribution in 2008-2014. (2015). Tasseva, Iva ; Paulus, Alari ; De Agostini, Paola. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em11-15.

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322013Austerity and the income distribution: the case of Cyprus. (2013). Polycarpou, Alexandros ; Koutsampelas, Christos. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em4-13.

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332014The distributional effects of personal income tax expenditure. (2014). Avram, Silvia . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em14-14.

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342011Tax-benefit systems in Europe and the US: between equity and efficiency. (2011). Siegloch, Sebastian ; Peichl, Andreas ; Neumann, Dirk ; Dolls, Mathias ; Bargain, Olivier. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-11.

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352009The distributional effects of tax-benefit policies under New Labour: a Shapley decomposition. (2009). Bargain, Olivier. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em2-09.

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362013Efficiency and equity aspects of energy taxation. (2013). Vandyck, Toon. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em12-13.

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372014Gross incomes in the Belgian SILC dataset: an analysis by means of EUROMOD. (2014). Decoster, André ; Vanheukelom, Toon ; Verbist, Gerlinde ; Vandelannoote, Dieter . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em16-14.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 47:

2015Family Friendly Welfare at the National and Local Level: What Does the State Do for the Family and the Family For the State?. (2015). Perali, Federico ; Menon, Martina ; De Agostini, Paola. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ver:wpaper:23/2015.

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2015Inequality of opportunity in Europe before and after the Great Recession. (2015). Brzeziński, Michał ; BRZEZINSKI, Michal . In: Working Papers. RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2015-353.

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2015The effect of tax-benefit changes on the income distribution in 2008-2014. (2015). Tasseva, Iva ; Paulus, Alari ; De Agostini, Paola. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em11-15.

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2015The perception of young people regarding the Romanian taxation. (2015). Comaniciu, Carmen . In: Alma Mater University journal. RePEc:alm:journl:v:8:y:2015:i:1:p:40-44.

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2015A common base answer to Which country is most redistributive?. (2015). Thoresen, Thor ; Nesbakken, Runa ; Lambert, Peter J. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ssb:dispap:811.

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2015Bracket creep revisited - with and without r>g: Evidence from Germany. (2015). Zhu, Junyi . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:bubdps:372015.

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2015The end of decent social protection for the poor? The dynamics of low wages, minimum income packages and median household incomes. (2015). Collado, Diego ; van Mechelen, Natascha . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1503.

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2015The end of decent social protection for the poor? The dynamics of low wages, minimum income packages and median household incomes. (2015). Collado, Diego ; van Mechelen, Natascha . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:wpaper:1501.

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2015Reconciling insurance with market discipline: A blueprint for a European fiscal union. (2015). Peichl, Andreas ; Heinemann, Friedrich ; Fuest, Clemens ; Dolls, Mathias. In: ZEW Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:zewdip:15044.

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2015An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area? A Comparison of Different Alternatives Using Micro Data. (2015). Peichl, Andreas ; Fuest, Clemens ; Dolls, Mathias ; Neumann, Dirk . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5581.

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2015A proposal for a federalized unemployment insurance mechanism for Europe. (2015). Konstantinidis, Charalampos ; Davis, Leila ; Tripodis, Yorghos . In: Working Papers. RePEc:mab:wpaper:2015_02.

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2015A European Unemployment Benefits Scheme: The rationale and the challenges ahead. (2015). Marconi, Gabriele ; Maselli, Ilaria ; Beblavý, Miroslav. In: CEPS Papers. RePEc:eps:cepswp:10952.

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2015An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area? A Comparison of Different Alternatives Using Micro Data. (2015). Peichl, Andreas ; Fuest, Clemens ; Dolls, Mathias ; Neumann, Dirk . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em15-15.

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2015Gender Impact of Tax and Benefit Changes: A Microsimulation Approach. (2015). Keane, Claire ; Walsh, John ; Callan, Tim . In: Research Series. RePEc:esr:resser:bkmnext275.

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2015The effect of tax-benefit changes on the income distribution in 2008-2014. (2015). Tasseva, Iva ; Paulus, Alari ; De Agostini, Paola. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em11-15.

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2015Fiscal consolidation policies in the context of Italy’s two recessions. (2015). Fiorio, Carlo ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-15.

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2015European-Wide Inequality in Times of the Financial Crisis. (2015). schröder, carsten ; Bönke, Timm ; Schroder, Carsten . In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin. RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1482.

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2015The design of fiscal consolidation measures in the European Union: distributional effects and implications for macroeconomic recovery. (2015). Sutherland, Holly ; Paulus, Alari ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-15.

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2015The End of the Flat Tax Experiment in Slovakia. (2015). Svarda, Norbert ; Siebertova, Zuzana ; Senaj, Matus ; Horvath, Michal. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbe:wpaper:201504.

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2015SIMTASK: A Microsimulation model of the Slovak Tax-Benefit System. (2015). Valachyova, Jana ; Svarda, Norbert ; Siebertova, Zuzana. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cbe:dpaper:201503.

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2015Tax and transfer policies and female labor supply in the EU. (2015). Kalkov, Klra . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em1-15.

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2015The joint decision of labour supply and childcare in Italy under costs and availability constraints. (2015). Narazani, Edlira ; Figari, Francesco. In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1509.

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2015Tax and Transfer Policies and the Female Labor Supply in the EU. (2015). Kaliskova, Klara. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8949.

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2015The End of the Flat Tax Experiment in Slovakia. (2015). Svarda, Norbert ; Siebertova, Zuzana ; Senaj, Matus ; Horvath, Michal. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:yor:yorken:15/12.

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2015Were we really all in it together? The distributional effects of the 2010-2015 UK Coalition governments tax-benefit policy changes: an end-of-term update. (2015). De Agostini, Paola ; Sutherland, Holly ; Hills, John . In: CASE - Social Policy in a Cold Climate Working Paper. RePEc:cep:spccwp:22.

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2015Were we really all in it together? The distributional effects of the 2010-2015 UK Coalition governments tax-benefit policy changes: an end-of-term update. (2015). De Agostini, Paola ; Sutherland, Holly ; Hills, John . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em13-15.

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2015SIMTASK: A Microsimulation of the Slovak Tax-Benefit System. (2015). Valachyova, Jana ; Svarda, Norbert ; Siebertova, Zuzana. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cel:dpaper:31.

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2015The End of the Flat Tax Experiment in Slovakia. (2015). Svarda, Norbert ; Siebertova, Zuzana ; Senaj, Matus ; Horvath, Michal. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cel:dpaper:33.

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2015An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area? A Comparison of Different Alternatives Using Micro Data. (2015). Peichl, Andreas ; Fuest, Clemens ; Dolls, Mathias ; Neumann, Dirk . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5581.

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2015The Istat Microsimulation Models. (2015). Colombino, Ugo. In: Rivista di statistica ufficiale. RePEc:isa:journl:v:17:y:2015:i:2:p:5-15.

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2015Tax-benefit microsimulation in Ecuador: A feasibility study. (2015). Jara, Xavier H. In: Working Papers. RePEc:unu:wpaper:wp2015-128.

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2015Work incentives at the bottom of the income distribution and for model families in Lithuania. (2015). Navicke, Jekaterina ; Lazutka, Romas . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em14-15.

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2015An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area? A Comparison of Different Alternatives Using Micro Data. (2015). Peichl, Andreas ; Fuest, Clemens ; Dolls, Mathias ; Neumann, Dirk . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em15-15.

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2015Echelles d’équivalence du temps de travail: évaluation de l’impôt sur le revenu en Belgique à la lumière de l’éthique de la responsabilité. (2015). Maniquet, Francois ; Neumann, Dirk . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em17-15.

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2015Accounting for Tax Evasion Profiles and Tax Expenditures in Microsimulation Modelling. The BETAMOD Model for Personal Income Taxes in Italy. (2015). Zantomio, Francesca ; Rizzi, Dino ; Di Novi, Cinzia ; Bernasconi, Michele ; Albarea, Andrea . In: International Journal of Microsimulation. RePEc:ijm:journl:v:8:y:2015:i:3:p:99-136.

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2015Introduction. Microsimulations statique et dynamique appliquées aux politiques fiscales et sociales : modèles et méthodes. (2015). Legendre, François ; BLANCHET, Didier. In: Économie et Statistique. RePEc:prs:ecstat:estat_0336-1454_2015_num_481_1_10625.

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2015Shifting taxes from labor to consumption: More employment and more inequality. (2015). Sommer, Eric ; Pestel, Nico. In: ZEW Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:zewdip:15042.

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2015Social implications of green growth policies from the perspective of energy sector reform and its impact on households. (2015). Löschel, Andreas ; Heindl, Peter ; Loschel, Andreas . In: CAWM Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:cawmdp:81.

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2015Social implications of green growth policies from the perspective of energy sector reform and its impact on households. (2015). Löschel, Andreas ; Heindl, Peter ; Loschel, Andreas . In: ZEW Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:zewdip:15012.

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2015Promoting Labor Market Participation and Social Inclusion in Europe and Central Asias Poorest Countries. (2015). Bank, World . In: World Bank Other Operational Studies. RePEc:wbk:wboper:22501.

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2015Nowcasting: estimating developments in the risk of poverty and income distribution in 2013 and 2014. (2015). Rastrigina, Olga ; Sutherland, Holly ; Leventi, Chrysa . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em12-15.

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2015The static microsimulation model of the Italian Department of Finance: Structure and first results regarding income and housing taxation. (2015). Pellegrino, Simone ; DI NICOLA, Fernando ; Mongelli, Giorgio . In: ECONOMIA PUBBLICA. RePEc:fan:epepep:v:html10.3280/ep2015-002004.

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2015Bypassing progressive taxation: fraud and base erosion in the Spanish income tax (1970-2001). (2015). Torregrosa-Hetland, Sara. In: Working Papers. RePEc:ieb:wpaper:doc2015-31.

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2015The economics of deflation in the euro area: a critique of fiscal austerity. (2015). Mastromatteo, Giuseppe ; Rossi, Sergio . In: Review of Keynesian Economics. RePEc:elg:rokejn:v:3:y:2015:i:3:p336-350.

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2015The fiscal effects of work-related tax expenditures in Europe.. (2015). MOURRE, Gilles ; Martínez, Diego ; Fatica, Serena ; Barrios, Salvador ; Martinez-Lopez, Diego . In: Working Papers. Collection A: Public economics, governance and decentralization. RePEc:gov:wpaper:1504.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

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2015Were we really all in it together? The distributional effects of the 2010-2015 UK Coalition governments tax-benefit policy changes: an end-of-term update. (2015). De Agostini, Paola ; Sutherland, Holly ; Hills, John . In: CASE - Social Policy in a Cold Climate Working Paper. RePEc:cep:spccwp:22.

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2015Were we really all in it together? The distributional effects of the 2010-2015 UK Coalition governments tax-benefit policy changes: an end-of-term update. (2015). De Agostini, Paola ; Sutherland, Holly ; Hills, John . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em13-15.

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2015Inequality of opportunity in Europe before and after the Great Recession. (2015). Brzeziński, Michał ; BRZEZINSKI, Michal . In: Working Papers. RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2015-353.

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2014A feasible unemployment-based shock absorber for the Euro Area. (2014). D'Amuri, Francesco ; Carta, Francesca ; Brandolini, Andrea. In: Questioni di Economia e Finanza (Occasional Papers). RePEc:bdi:opques:qef_254_14.

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2014An Unemployment Insurance Scheme for the Euro Area? A Comparison of Different Alternatives using Micro Data. (2014). Peichl, Andreas ; Neumann, Dirk ; Fuest, Clemens ; Dolls, Mathias. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8598.

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2014Bracket Creep Revisited: Progressivity and a Solution by Adjusting the Rich Tax in Germany. (2014). Flores Unzaga, Ismael Martin, ; Zhu, Junyi . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:57664.

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2014Bracket Creep Revisited: Progressivity and a Solution by Adjusting the Rich Tax in Germany. (2014). Flores Unzaga, Ismael Martin, ; Zhu, Junyi . In: EconStor Preprints. RePEc:zbw:esprep:100006.

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2013The distributional effects of taxes and transfers under alternative income concepts: the importance of three ‘I’s. (2013). Paulus, Alari ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em15-13.

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2013Distributional implications of tax evasion and the crisis in Greece. (2013). Leventi, Chrysa ; Flevotomou, Maria ; Matsaganis, Manos . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em17-13.

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2013Austerity and the income distribution: the case of Cyprus. (2013). Polycarpou, Alexandros ; Koutsampelas, Christos. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em4-13.

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2013The importance of choosing the data set for tax-benefit analysis. (2013). Fiorio, Carlo ; Ceriani, Lidia ; Gigliarano, Chiara . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em5-13.

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2013Tax-benefit systems, income distribution and work incentives in the European Union. (2013). Tumino, Alberto ; Jara Tamayo, Holguer Xavier, . In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em7-13.

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2013EUROMOD: the European Union tax-benefit microsimulation model. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Figari, Francesco. In: EUROMOD Working Papers. RePEc:ese:emodwp:em8-13.

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2013Testing the Statistical Significance of Microsimulation Results: Often Easier than You Think. A Technical Note. (2013). Goedemé, Tim ; Verbist, Gerlinde ; Salanauskaite, Lina ; van den Bosch, Karel . In: ImPRovE Working Papers. RePEc:hdl:improv:1310.

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2013EUROMOD: the European Union tax-benefit microsimulation model. (2013). Sutherland, Holly ; Figari, Francesco. In: International Journal of Microsimulation. RePEc:ijm:journl:v:1:y:2013:i:6:p:4-26.

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2013The importance of choosing the data set for tax-benefit analysis. (2013). Fiorio, Carlo ; Ceriani, Lidia ; Gigliarano, Chiara . In: International Journal of Microsimulation. RePEc:ijm:journl:v:1:y:2013:i:6:p:86-121.

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2013Tax-benefit systems, income distribution and work incentives in the European Union. (2013). Tumino, Alberto ; Jara, Xavier H.. In: International Journal of Microsimulation. RePEc:ijm:journl:v:1:y:2013:i:issnum:6:p:27-62.

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