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Applied Econometrics / Publishing House SINERGIA PRESS


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19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.42000 (%)0.19
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.45292910.03240018 (75%)10.030.2
20070.070.390.07316030.05202922929 (45%)10.030.17
20080.080.390.08238380.1196056058 (42.1%)0.17
20090.130.370.1227110120.1116547831012 (75%)20.070.18
20100.160.330.1132142180.13185081101213 (72.2%)10.030.15
20110.080.410.0528170120.0722595142719 (86.4%)30.110.2
20120.180.460.1128198250.133360111411621 (63.6%)10.040.21
20130.20.50.1327225310.141556111381811 (73.3%)10.040.21
20140.290.540.1927252510.2175516142276 (35.3%)60.220.26
20150.20.60.227279360.1355411142293 (60%)20.070.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12006A Model of the Production Potential with Managed Factors of Inefficiency. (2006). Afanasiev, Mikhail . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0018.

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22011Analysis of multidimensional probability distributions with copula functions. (2011). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0077.

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32008Credit Risk Management. (2008). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0025.

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42011Analysis of multidimensional probability distributions with copula functions. III. (2011). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0105.

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52011Analysis of multidimensional probability distributions with copula functions. II. (2011). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0094.

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62012Basics of copula’s theory. (2012). Blagoveschensky, Yury . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0174.

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72007Models of Banks Ratings. (2007). Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Karminsky, Alexandr. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0005.

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82012Effects of fixed capital investments on technical efficiency in food industry. (2012). Nazrullaeva, Eugenia ; Shchetynin, Yevhenii . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0196.

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92011Predicting success in college on the basis of the results of unified national exam. (2011). Poldin, Oleg. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0003.

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102006Macroeconometric modeling: modern trends, problems, an example of the econometric model of the Russian economy. (2006). Aivazian, Sergey ; Brodsky, Boris . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0087.

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112006Efficiency model of Russian banks. (2006). Pavlyuk, Dmitry. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0106.

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122012Income and health care utilization among the 50+ in Europe and the US. (2012). van soest, arthur ; Majo, Maria Cristina. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0193.

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132009Estimation of the Economic Efficiency of a Shift to the Achievable Production Potential. (2009). Aivazian, Sergey ; Afanasiev, Mikhail . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0036.

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142014The impact of the on-the-job training on Russian worker’s salary: The effect of abilities approach. (2014). Travkin, Pavel. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0229.

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152008Bayesian Methods in Econometrics. (2008). Aivazian, Sergey. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0062.

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162006Factors Influencing the Efficiency of the Russian Banks Performance. (2006). Golovan, Sergei . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0057.

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172012The impact of market power of Russian banks on their credit risk tolerance: A panel study. (2012). Mamonov, Mikhail. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0197.

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182008Market Discipline and Deposit Insurance. (2008). Peresetsky, Anatoly. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0004.

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192012The unified state examination and the determinants of academic achievement: Does investment in pre-entry coaching matter?. (2012). Prakhov, Ilya. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0179.

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202011Russian USE and olympiads as instruments for university admission selection. (2011). Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Davtian, Misak . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0091.

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212007A Guide to Modern Econometrics. (2007). Verbeek, Marno. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0132.

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222014Energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from nonlinear panel cointegration and causality tests. (2014). Ucar, Nuri ; Omay, Tolga ; Hasanov, Mübariz ; Uar, Nuri . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0236.

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232013Technical efficiency of Russian plastic and rubber production firms. (2013). Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Ipatova, Irina. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0224.

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242009Detection of Structural Breaks in Copula Models. (2009). Brodsky, Boris ; Safaryan, Irina ; Penikas, Henry . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0038.

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252010The price of Moscow apartments. (2010). Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Magnus, Jan . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0001.

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262011Modeling registered migration flows between regions of the Russian Federation. (2011). Vakulenko, Elena ; Furmanov, Kirill ; Mkrtchyan, Nikita . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0011.

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272006Measuring the Synthetic Categories of Quality of Life in a Region and Identification of Main Trends to Improve the Social and Economic Policy (Samara Region and its Constituent Territories). (2006). Aivazian, Sergey ; Kozlova, Maria ; Stepanov, Vladimir . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0086.

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282012Peer effects in exogenously formed student groups. (2012). Yudkevich, Maria ; Poldin, Oleg ; Androushchak, Gregory . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0168.

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292009Interest Rate Risk Management Based on Copula-GARCH Models. (2009). Penikas, Henry ; Simakova, Varvara . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0026.

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302014Econometric estimation of a structural macroeconomic model for the Russian economy. (2014). Polbin, Andrey. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0227.

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312006The Influence of the Ruble Real Exchange Rate on the Russian Economy. (2006). Brodsky, Boris . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0152.

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322012Investigation of the consequences of ignoring daily data non-synchronism in cross-market linkages: BRIC and developed countries. (2012). Jaffry, Shabbar ; Grigoryev, Ruslan ; Marchenko, German . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0173.

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332007Econometric Estimation of the Wage Penalty for the Motherhood. (2007). Arzhenovskiy, Sergey ; Artamonova, Darya . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0098.

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342011A spatial econometric analysis of the housing market. (2011). Balash, Olga. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0074.

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352014Spatial-autoregressive model for the two groups of related regions (eastern and western parts of Russia). (2014). Demidova, Olga. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0235.

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362010Level of alcohol consumption and worker’s labor market position. Multivariate probit model approach. (2010). Kim, Vitaly. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0067.

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372008An Econometric Analysis of Financial Data in Risk Management. (2008). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0006.

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382011Estimation of the interdependence of time series of stocks prices based on copula. (2011). Bronshtein, Efim ; Gerasimova, Anna ; Dubinskaya, Ksenya ; Prokudina, Elena . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0071.

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392012The role of the timeline in Granger causality test in the presence of daily data non-synchronism. (2012). Jaffry, Shabbar ; Grigoryev, Ruslan ; Marchenko, German . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0175.

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402010Stochastic frontier in non-profit associations’ performance assessment (the case of homeowners’ associations). (2010). Polishchuk, Leonid ; Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Borisova, Ekaterina. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0010.

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412007An Estimation of the Production Efficiency of Russian Industrial Firms. (2007). Bessonova, Eugenia . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0082.

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422011Copula-Based Price Risk Hedging Models. (2011). Penikas, Henry . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0070.

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432013Macroeconometric modeling of the Russian and Armenian economy. I. Peculiarities of macroeconomic situation and theoretical description of dynamic models. (2013). Aivazian, Sergey ; Brodsky, Boris ; Voskanyan, Mariam ; Sandoyan, Edward ; Manukyan, David . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0207.

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442010Spatial concentration of production and investor expectations: the analysis of branch attraction of investments into regions. (2010). Lapo, Valentina. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0009.

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452013Survey on statistical inferences in weakly-identified instrumental variable models. (2013). Mikusheva, Anna . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0206.

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462010Testing for Competition in the Russian Banking Sector within Panzar-Rosse approach: theoretical and empirical framework. (2010). Mamonov, Mikhail. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0012.

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472014How much monetary policy rules do we need to estimate DSGE model for Russia?. (2014). Shulgin, Pavel. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0247.

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482007Estimation of Measures Directed at Management of Factors of Production Inefficiency. (2007). Aivazian, Sergey ; Afanasiev, Mikhail . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0021.

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492007A Construction of a Human Capital Indicator of Social Groups. (2007). Smyslov, Dmitriy . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0144.

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502012Market risk valuation modeling for the European countries at the financial crisis of 2008. (2012). Shcherba, Alexandr . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0176.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12012Income and health care utilization among the 50+ in Europe and the US. (2012). van soest, arthur ; Majo, Maria Cristina. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0193.

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22011Analysis of multidimensional probability distributions with copula functions. (2011). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0077.

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32012Effects of fixed capital investments on technical efficiency in food industry. (2012). Nazrullaeva, Eugenia ; Shchetynin, Yevhenii . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0196.

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42014The impact of the on-the-job training on Russian worker’s salary: The effect of abilities approach. (2014). Travkin, Pavel. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0229.

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52011Analysis of multidimensional probability distributions with copula functions. III. (2011). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0105.

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62014Energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from nonlinear panel cointegration and causality tests. (2014). Ucar, Nuri ; Omay, Tolga ; Hasanov, Mübariz ; Uar, Nuri . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0236.

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72011Analysis of multidimensional probability distributions with copula functions. II. (2011). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0094.

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82012Basics of copula’s theory. (2012). Blagoveschensky, Yury . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0174.

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92013Technical efficiency of Russian plastic and rubber production firms. (2013). Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Ipatova, Irina. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0224.

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102011A spatial econometric analysis of the housing market. (2011). Balash, Olga. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0074.

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112014Econometric estimation of a structural macroeconomic model for the Russian economy. (2014). Polbin, Andrey. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0227.

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122008Bayesian Methods in Econometrics. (2008). Aivazian, Sergey. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0062.

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132012The unified state examination and the determinants of academic achievement: Does investment in pre-entry coaching matter?. (2012). Prakhov, Ilya. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0179.

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142014Spatial-autoregressive model for the two groups of related regions (eastern and western parts of Russia). (2014). Demidova, Olga. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0235.

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152007A Guide to Modern Econometrics. (2007). Verbeek, Marno. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0132.

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162012Peer effects in exogenously formed student groups. (2012). Yudkevich, Maria ; Poldin, Oleg ; Androushchak, Gregory . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0168.

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172014How much monetary policy rules do we need to estimate DSGE model for Russia?. (2014). Shulgin, Pavel. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0247.

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182007Econometric Estimation of the Wage Penalty for the Motherhood. (2007). Arzhenovskiy, Sergey ; Artamonova, Darya . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0098.

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192009Interest Rate Risk Management Based on Copula-GARCH Models. (2009). Penikas, Henry ; Simakova, Varvara . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0026.

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202006A Model of the Production Potential with Managed Factors of Inefficiency. (2006). Afanasiev, Mikhail . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0018.

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212013Survey on statistical inferences in weakly-identified instrumental variable models. (2013). Mikusheva, Anna . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0206.

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222011Modeling registered migration flows between regions of the Russian Federation. (2011). Vakulenko, Elena ; Furmanov, Kirill ; Mkrtchyan, Nikita . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0011.

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232006The Influence of the Ruble Real Exchange Rate on the Russian Economy. (2006). Brodsky, Boris . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0152.

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242010The price of Moscow apartments. (2010). Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Magnus, Jan . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0001.

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252008Credit Risk Management. (2008). Fantazzini, Dean. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0025.

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262012The impact of market power of Russian banks on their credit risk tolerance: A panel study. (2012). Mamonov, Mikhail. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0197.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 11:

2015Autocorrelation in an unobservable global trend: Does it help to forecast market returns?. (2015). Peresetsky, Anatoly ; Yakubov, Ruslan . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:64579.

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2015Optimization of Simple Monetary Policy Rules on the Base of Estimated DSGE-model. (2015). Shulgin, Andrei. In: Journal of the New Economic Association. RePEc:nea:journl:y:2015:i:26:p:64-98.

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2015Decomposition of the Structural Shocks Contribution to the Russian Macroeconomic Indicators Dynamics on the Basis of the DSGE Model. (2015). Polbin, Andrey ; Drobyshevskiy, Sergei . In: Economic Policy. RePEc:rnp:ecopol:ep1523.

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2015Forecasting Coherent Volatility Breakouts. (2015). Didenko, Alexander ; Poutko, Boris ; Dubovikov, Michael . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:63708.

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2015Job-Related Training on Russian Enterprises. (2015). Roshchin, S ; Travkin, P. In: Journal of the New Economic Association. RePEc:nea:journl:y:2015:i:26:p:150-171.

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2015Analysis of the relationship between regional labour markets in Russia using Okun’s model. (2015). Vakulenko, Elena. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0276.

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2015An empirical examination of the generalized Fisher effect using cross-sectional correlation robust tests for panel cointegration. (2015). Omay, Tolga ; Yuksel, Asli . In: Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. RePEc:eee:intfin:v:35:y:2015:i:c:p:18-29.

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2015On Bootstrap Validity for Subset Anderson-Rubin Test in IV Regressions. (2015). Doko Tchatoka, Firmin ; Tchakota, Firmin Doko . In: School of Economics Working Papers. RePEc:adl:wpaper:2015-01.

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2015The effect of clubs’ bargaining power on football player’s transfer value. (2015). Orlov, Denis . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0271.

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2015Effects of imports on technical efficiency in Russian food industry. (2015). Shchetynin, Yevhenii . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0255.

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2015The dynamics of total factor productivity and its components: Russian plastic production. (2015). Ipatova, Irina. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0263.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Expecting the Unexpected: Emissions Uncertainty and Environmental Market Design. (2015). Bushnell, James ; Borenstein, Severin ; Wolak, Frank A. ; Zaragoza-Watkins, Matthew . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:20999.

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2015The estimation of the competitiveness of SME financing programs of development banks in Russia. (2015). Bakaykina, Anna . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0280.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Reexamining the PPP hypothesis: A nonlinear asymmetric heterogeneous panel unit root test. (2014). Omay, Tolga ; Emirmahmutoglu, Furkan. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:40:y:2014:i:c:p:184-190.

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2014The Returns To Training In Russia: A Difference-In-Differences Analysis. (2014). Travkin, Pavel. In: HSE Working papers. RePEc:hig:wpaper:56/ec/2014.

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2014Individual returns to training: Evidence from Russian firm. (2014). Aleksandrova, Ekaterina ; Aistov, Andrey. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0237.

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2014Unemployment in East and West Germany: Spatial panel data analysis. (2014). Semerikova, Elena . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0246.

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2014How much monetary policy rules do we need to estimate DSGE model for Russia?. (2014). Shulgin, Pavel. In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0247.

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2014The theoretical interpretation of the effect of oil prices on economic growth in modern Russia. (2014). Polbin, Andrey ; Kazakova, Maria ; Idrisov, Georgy. In: Economic Policy. RePEc:rnp:ecopol:ep1452.

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Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013Macroeconometric modeling of Russian and Armenian economies. II. Aggregated macroeconometric models of the national economies of Russia and Armenia. (2013). Aivazian, Sergey ; Brodsky, Boris ; Voskanyan, Mariam ; Sandoyan, Edward ; Manukyan, David . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0214.

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Recent citations received in 2012

YearCiting document
2012The role of the timeline in Granger causality test in the presence of daily data non-synchronism. (2012). Jaffry, Shabbar ; Grigoryev, Ruslan ; Marchenko, German . In: Applied Econometrics. RePEc:ris:apltrx:0175.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team