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Working and Discussion Papers / Research Department, National Bank of Slovakia


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.2000 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.42000 (%)0.19
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.45112001 (50%)0.2
20070.39111 (%)0.17
20080.39457112 (28.6%)0.17
20090.250.370.44920.22941521 (11.1%)0.18
20100.380.330.3351430.211083932 (20%)0.15
20110.410.1421620.1329142 (%)0.2
20120.290.460.3362250.234721551 (25%)0.21
20130.50.50.38527100.375842181 (20%)20.40.21
20140.540.0543130.1311221 (%)0.26
20150.440.60.45637130.35942210 (%)0.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12009DSGE Model-Slovakia. (2009). Senaj, Matus ; Zeman, Juraj . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1004.

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22010The wage curve: A panel data view of labour market segments. (2010). Gertler, Pavel. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1012.

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32008Macro Stress Testing of the Slovak Banking Sector. (2008). Zeman, Juraj ; Jurca, Pavol . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1001.

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42010MUSE: Monetary Union and Slovak Economy model. (2010). Senaj, Matus ; Zeman, Juraj ; Vyskrabka, Milan . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1010.

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52012Human Capital, Consumption, and Housing Wealth in Transition. (2012). Senaj, Matus ; Fidrmuc, Jarko. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1017.

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62013Firm competitiveness determinants: results of a panel data analysis. (2013). Lalinsky, Tibor. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1025.

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72006The Effects of euro Adoption on the Slovak Economy. (2006). Tőzsér, Tomáš ; Suster, Martin ; Lalinsky, Tibor ; Gertler, Pavel ; Bencik, Michal ; Strachotova, Anna ; Nemec, Marian ; Arendas, Marek ; Kominkova, Zora ; Tirpak, Marcel ; Solanic, Vladimir ; Zeman, Juraj ; Tozser, Tomas ; Hajnovic, Frantisek ; Preisinger, Dusan . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1000.

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82009Making Fiscal Commitments Credible. (2009). Odor, Ludovit ; Horvath, Michal ; Zilinsky, Jan . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1006.

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92014Finding Yeti: More robust estimates of output gap in Slovakia. (2014). Odor, Ludovit ; Jurasekova Kucserova, Judita. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1027.

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102011European Taxes in a Laboratory. (2011). Senaj, Matus ; Vyskrabka, Milan . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1015.

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112013Testing for non-linearity in multivariate stochastic processes. (2013). Vavra, Marian. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1023.

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122008Competitiveness Factors of Slovak Companies. (2008). Lalinsky, Tibor. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1014.

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132014Dual regime fiscal multipliers in converging economies - a simplified STVAR approach. (2014). Bencik, Michal. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1028.

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142012Labor Cost Adjustment: Evidence From a Survey of Slovak Firms. (2012). Cervena, Marianna. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1019.

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152011Business cycle synchronisation between the V4 countries and the euro area. (2011). Bencik, Michal. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1013.

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162008Downward Wage Rigidities in Slovakia. (2008). Senaj, Matus ; Gertler, Pavel. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1003.

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172012Base Wage Rigidities: Evidence From a Survey of Slovak Firms. (2012). Cervena, Marianna. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1018.

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182013To Work or Not to Work? Estimates of Labour Supply Elasticities. (2013). Valachyova, Jana ; Svarda, Norbert ; Siebertova, Zuzana ; Senaj, Matus. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1026.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12009DSGE Model-Slovakia. (2009). Senaj, Matus ; Zeman, Juraj . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1004.

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22010MUSE: Monetary Union and Slovak Economy model. (2010). Senaj, Matus ; Zeman, Juraj ; Vyskrabka, Milan . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1010.

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32010The wage curve: A panel data view of labour market segments. (2010). Gertler, Pavel. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1012.

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42013Firm competitiveness determinants: results of a panel data analysis. (2013). Lalinsky, Tibor. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1025.

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52014Finding Yeti: More robust estimates of output gap in Slovakia. (2014). Odor, Ludovit ; Jurasekova Kucserova, Judita. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1027.

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62008Macro Stress Testing of the Slovak Banking Sector. (2008). Zeman, Juraj ; Jurca, Pavol . In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1001.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 4:

2015Fiscal Adjustment in Slovakia: Findings from a Medium-Scale Econometric Model. (2015). Klucik, Miroslav. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbe:wpaper:201501.

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2015Is the Maastricht debt limit safe enough for Slovakia?. (2015). Mucka, Zuzana . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cbe:wpaper:201502.

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2015Effects of fiscal shocks in new EU members estimated from a SVARX model with debt feedback. (2015). Stanova, Nadja . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:63148.

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2015Policy Puzzles with Roma Employment in Slovakia. (2015). Mytna Kurekova, Lucia. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:cel:dpaper:34.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document

Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013THE INFLUENCE OF FINANCIAL POLICIES ON RETURN ON ASSETS RATIO. AN ECONOMETRIC STUDY FOR ROMANIAN MANUFACTURING FIRMS. (2013). Bianca, Mogoseanu Daniela . In: Annals of University of Craiova - Economic Sciences Series. RePEc:aio:aucsse:v:1:y:2013:i:41:p:197-204.

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2013Testing for linear and Markov switching DSGE models. (2013). Vavra, Marian. In: Working and Discussion Papers. RePEc:svk:wpaper:1024.

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Recent citations received in 2012

YearCiting document

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team