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TEPP Working Paper / TEPP


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.05
19920.11000 (%)0.06
19930.14000 (%)0.07
19940.12000 (%)0.06
19950.16000 (%)0.1
19960.20100 (%)0.09
19970.21000 (%)0.09
19980.22000 (%)0.13
19990.28000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.361100 (%)0.17
20020.371211 (%)0.18
20030.4222 (%)0.19
20040.42212 (%)0.19
20050.43202 (%)0.21
20060.45202 (%)0.2
20070.39201 (%)0.17
20080.39210.500 (%)0.17
20090.3726300 (%)0.18
20100.33323410.0343004 (9.3%)10.030.15
20110.030.410.03104450.1119321321 (%)0.2
20120.170.460.171559110.19144274271 (7.1%)0.21
20130.280.50.32968220.321625757181 (6.3%)0.21
20140.290.540.381785360.421824766252 (11.1%)60.350.26
20150.690.60.371095370.39426188331 (%)20.20.3
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010Are young French jobseekers of ethnic immigrant origin discriminated against? A controlled experiment in the Paris area. (2010). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; Duguet, Emmanuel ; Leandri, Noam . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-01.

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20The Economics of Performance Appraisals. (0). , Diaye . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp1215.

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32013Tax Me If You Can!Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax Between Competing Governments. (2013). Trannoy, Alain ; Simula, Laurent ; Lehmann, Etienne. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp13-06.

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42011Productivity, Capital and Labor in Labor-Managed and Conventional Firms. (2011). FAKHFAKH, Fathi ; Perotin, Virginie ; Gago, Monica . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-08.

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52014The Effect of Non-Work Related Health Events on Career Outcomes: An Evaluation in the French Labor Market. (2014). Duguet, Emmanuel ; le Clainche, Christine . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-05.

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62011Residential Discrimination and Ethnic Origin: An experimental assessment in the Paris suburbs. (2011). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; Duguet, Emmanuel. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-04.

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72012Simultaneous causality between health status and employment status within the population aged 30-59 in France. (2012). Legendre, François ; BARNAY, Thomas. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-13.

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82012The Effects of Reduced Social Security Contributions on Employment: an Evaluation of the 2003 French Reform. (2012). L'Horty, Yannick ; BUNEL, Mathieu. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-12.

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92014Disparities in taking sick leave between sectors of activity in France: a longitudinal analysis of administrative data. (2014). Juin, Sandrine ; BARNAY, Thomas ; Legal, Renaud . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-01.

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102014Labour mobility and the informal sector in Algeria: a cross-sectional comparison (2007-2012). (2014). Adair, Philippe ; Bellache, Youghourta . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-07.

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112012Optimal Unemployment Insurance for Older Workers. (2012). Sopraseuth, Thepthida ; Ménard, Sébastien ; Langot, Francois ; Hairault, Jean-Olivier ; Menard, Sebastien . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-07.

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122010Entrepreneurial motives and performance: Why might better educated entrepreneurs be less successful?. (2010). Le Pape, Nicolas ; Bonnet, Jean ; Bhattacharjee, Arnab ; Renault, Regis ; LePape, Nicolas . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-09.

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130Productivity, Capital and Labor in Labor-Managed and Conventional Firms. (0). Fakhfakh, Fathi ; Perotin, Virginie ; Gago, Monica . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp1108.

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142014The impact of a disability on labour market status: A comparison of the public and private sectors. (2014). NARCY, Mathieu ; Duguet, Emmanuel ; BARNAY, Thomas ; le Clainche, Christine ; Videau, Yann . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-17.

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152014Health, Work and Working Conditions: A Review of the European Economic Literature. (2014). BARNAY, Thomas. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-08.

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162010Fostering the potential endogenous development of European regions: a spatial dynamic panel data analysis of the Cohesion Policy on regional convergence over the period 1980-2005. (2010). Védrine, Lionel ; Turpin, Nadine ; Bouayad-Agha-Hamouche, Salima ; Vedrine, Lionel . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-17.

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172012Has the Quality of Work Improved in the EU-15 between 1995 and 2005 ?. (2012). Kalugina, Ekaterina ; Greenan, Nathalie ; Walkowiak, Emmanuelle . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-11.

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182013Search frictions, real wage rigidities and the optimal design of unemployment insurance. (2013). Fairise, Xavier ; Albertini, Julien. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp13-07.

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192010Hiring Practices, Employment Protection and Temporary Jobs. (2010). Bucher, Anne. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-13.

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202015Optimal Income Taxation with Unemployment and Wage Responses: A Sufficient Statistics Approach. (2015). Schmieder, Johannes ; Lehmann, Etienne ; Kucko, Kavan ; Kroft, Kory . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp15-10.

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212011The Fateful Triangle Complementarities between product, process and organizational innovation in the UK and France. (2011). GALIA, Fabrice ; FAKHFAKH, Fathi ; Ballot, Gérard ; Salter, Ammon . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-05.

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222010Returns to firm-provided training in France:Evidence on mobility and wages. (2010). Rouland, Bénédicte ; Cheron, Arnaud ; Wolf, Franois-Charles . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-10.

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232013Discrimination based on place of residence and access to employment. (2013). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; ENE JONES, Emilia ; BUNEL, Mathieu. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp13-04.

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242015A meta-regression analysis on intergenerational transmission of education: publication bias and genuine empirical effect. (2015). FLEURY, Nicolas ; Gilles, Fabrice . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp15-02.

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252011Les effets du bénévolat sur l’accès à l’emploi : une expérience contrôlée sur des jeunes qualifiés d’Ile-de-France. (2011). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; Emond, Celine ; Brodaty, Thomas ; du Parquet, Loic ; Bougard, Jonathan . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-03.

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260The Effects of Reduced Social Security Contributions on Employment: an Evaluation of the 2003 French Reform. (0). Bunel, Matthieu ; Lhorty, Yannick . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp1212.

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272010Do Public Subsidies Have an Impact on New Firm Survival? An Empirical Study with French Data. (2010). Duhautois, Richard ; Désiage, Lionel ; Redor, Dominique . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-04.

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280Hedonic model of segmentation with horizontal differentiated housing. (0). Maslianskaia-Pautrel, Masha . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp1203.

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292012How to account for changes in the size of Sports Leagues:The Iso Competitive Balance Curves. (2012). Le Pape, Nicolas ; GAYANT, Jean-Pascal ; LePape, Nicolas . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-02.

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302014Retirement intentions in the presence of technological change: Theory and evidence from France. (2014). Moreno Galbis, Eva ; Messe, Pierre-Jean ; Moreno -Galbis, Eva ; Wolf, Franois-Charles ; Moreno-Galbis, Eva . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-04.

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312010Ageing, chronic conditions and the evolution of future drugs expenditures. (2010). ventelou, bruno ; BARNAY, Thomas ; Thiebaut, Sophie . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-08.

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322011How important is innovation? A Bayesian factor-augmented productivity model on panel data. (2011). Mohnen, Pierre ; BRESSON, Georges ; Etienne, Jean-Michel . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-06.

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330A note on Re-examining the law of iterated expectations for Choquet decision makers. (0). Lapied, Andre ; Toquebeuf, Pascal . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp1209.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12010Are young French jobseekers of ethnic immigrant origin discriminated against? A controlled experiment in the Paris area. (2010). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; Duguet, Emmanuel ; Leandri, Noam . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-01.

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22013Tax Me If You Can!Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax Between Competing Governments. (2013). Trannoy, Alain ; Simula, Laurent ; Lehmann, Etienne. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp13-06.

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30The Economics of Performance Appraisals. (0). , Diaye . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp1215.

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42014The Effect of Non-Work Related Health Events on Career Outcomes: An Evaluation in the French Labor Market. (2014). Duguet, Emmanuel ; le Clainche, Christine . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-05.

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52011Productivity, Capital and Labor in Labor-Managed and Conventional Firms. (2011). FAKHFAKH, Fathi ; Perotin, Virginie ; Gago, Monica . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-08.

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62011Residential Discrimination and Ethnic Origin: An experimental assessment in the Paris suburbs. (2011). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; Duguet, Emmanuel. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-04.

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72012Simultaneous causality between health status and employment status within the population aged 30-59 in France. (2012). Legendre, François ; BARNAY, Thomas. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-13.

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82014Labour mobility and the informal sector in Algeria: a cross-sectional comparison (2007-2012). (2014). Adair, Philippe ; Bellache, Youghourta . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-07.

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92014Disparities in taking sick leave between sectors of activity in France: a longitudinal analysis of administrative data. (2014). Juin, Sandrine ; BARNAY, Thomas ; Legal, Renaud . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-01.

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102013Search frictions, real wage rigidities and the optimal design of unemployment insurance. (2013). Fairise, Xavier ; Albertini, Julien. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp13-07.

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112010Entrepreneurial motives and performance: Why might better educated entrepreneurs be less successful?. (2010). Le Pape, Nicolas ; Bonnet, Jean ; Bhattacharjee, Arnab ; Renault, Regis ; LePape, Nicolas . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-09.

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122014Health, Work and Working Conditions: A Review of the European Economic Literature. (2014). BARNAY, Thomas. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-08.

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132014The impact of a disability on labour market status: A comparison of the public and private sectors. (2014). NARCY, Mathieu ; Duguet, Emmanuel ; BARNAY, Thomas ; le Clainche, Christine ; Videau, Yann . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-17.

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142012The Effects of Reduced Social Security Contributions on Employment: an Evaluation of the 2003 French Reform. (2012). L'Horty, Yannick ; BUNEL, Mathieu. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-12.

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152012Has the Quality of Work Improved in the EU-15 between 1995 and 2005 ?. (2012). Kalugina, Ekaterina ; Greenan, Nathalie ; Walkowiak, Emmanuelle . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-11.

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162015A meta-regression analysis on intergenerational transmission of education: publication bias and genuine empirical effect. (2015). FLEURY, Nicolas ; Gilles, Fabrice . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp15-02.

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172013Discrimination based on place of residence and access to employment. (2013). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; ENE JONES, Emilia ; BUNEL, Mathieu. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp13-04.

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182011Les effets du bénévolat sur l’accès à l’emploi : une expérience contrôlée sur des jeunes qualifiés d’Ile-de-France. (2011). PETIT, Pascale ; L'Horty, Yannick ; Emond, Celine ; Brodaty, Thomas ; du Parquet, Loic ; Bougard, Jonathan . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp11-03.

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192012Optimal Unemployment Insurance for Older Workers. (2012). Sopraseuth, Thepthida ; Ménard, Sébastien ; Langot, Francois ; Hairault, Jean-Olivier ; Menard, Sebastien . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp12-07.

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202010Fostering the potential endogenous development of European regions: a spatial dynamic panel data analysis of the Cohesion Policy on regional convergence over the period 1980-2005. (2010). Védrine, Lionel ; Turpin, Nadine ; Bouayad-Agha-Hamouche, Salima ; Vedrine, Lionel . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-17.

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212010Hiring Practices, Employment Protection and Temporary Jobs. (2010). Bucher, Anne. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp10-13.

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222015Optimal Income Taxation with Unemployment and Wage Responses: A Sufficient Statistics Approach. (2015). Schmieder, Johannes ; Lehmann, Etienne ; Kucko, Kavan ; Kroft, Kory . In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp15-10.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 18:

2015Determinants of Transitions across Formal/Informal Sectors in Egypt. (2015). tansel, aysıt ; Ozdemir, Zeynel. In: Koç University-TUSIAD Economic Research Forum Working Papers. RePEc:koc:wpaper:1502.

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2015Determinants of Transitions across Formal / Informal Sectors in Egypt. (2015). tansel, aysıt ; Ozdemir, Zeynel. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8773.

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2015Determinants of Transitions across Formal/Informal Sectors in Egypt. (2015). tansel, aysıt ; Ozdemir, Zeynel. In: ERC Working Papers. RePEc:met:wpaper:1501.

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2015Is temporary employment damaging to health? A longitudinal study on Italian workers. (2015). Pirani, Elena ; Salvini, Silvana . In: Social Science & Medicine. RePEc:eee:socmed:v:124:y:2015:i:c:p:121-131.

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2015Towards more gender equality in Austria. (2015). Ziemann, Volker . In: OECD Economics Department Working Papers. RePEc:oec:ecoaaa:1273-en.

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2015Welfare and labor supply implications of tax competition for mobile labor. (2015). Weichenrieder, Alfons ; Lipatov, Vilen. In: Social Choice and Welfare. RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:45:y:2015:i:2:p:457-477.

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2015Designing Efficient College and Tax Policies. (2015). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5435.

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2015Taxation and the International Mobility of Inventors. (2015). Baslandze, Salome ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Stantcheva, Stefanie . In: PIER Working Paper Archive. RePEc:pen:papers:15-014.

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2015Optimal Income Taxation when Skills and Behavioral Elasticities are Heterogeneous. (2015). Lehmann, Etienne ; Jacquet, Laurence. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5265.

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2015Taxation and the International Mobility of Inventors. (2015). Baslandze, Salome ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Stantcheva, Stefanie . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21024.

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2015Income Redistribution in Open Economies. (2015). Tobias, aron . In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5378.

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2015Designing Efficient College and Tax Policies. (2015). Findeisen, Sebastian ; Sachs, Dominik . In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9171.

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2015International tax competition: zero tax rate at the top re-established. (2015). Blumkin, Tomer ; Shem-Tov, Yotam ; Sadka, Efraim . In: International Tax and Public Finance. RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:22:y:2015:i:5:p:760-776.

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2015Taxation and the International Mobility of Inventors. (2015). Baslandze, Salome ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Stantcheva, Stefanie . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10565.

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2015Layoff Taxes, Unemployment Insurance, and Business Cycle Fluctuations. (2015). Ahrens, Steffen ; Nejati, Nooshin ; Pfeiffer, Philipp L.. In: Kiel Working Papers. RePEc:kie:kieliw:1988.

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2015Layoff Taxes, Unemployment Insurance, and Business Cycle Fluctuations. (2015). Ahrens, Steffen ; Pfeiffer, Philipp Ludwig ; Nejati, Nooshin . In: Annual Conference 2015 (Muenster): Economic Development - Theory and Policy. RePEc:zbw:vfsc15:112807.

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2015Layoff taxes, unemployment insurance, and business cycle fluctuations. (2015). Ahrens, Steffen ; Pfeiffer, Philipp L ; Nejati, Nooshin . In: Kiel Working Papers. RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:1988.

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2015ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT WITH AGE AND GENDER: RESULTS OF A CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT. (2015). L'Horty, Yannick ; Langot, Francois ; Challe, Laetitia ; Petit, Pascale ; du Parquet, Loic ; Fremigacci, Florent . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01292137.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Parental health and children’s cognitive and non-cognitive development: New evidence from the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Children. (2015). Le, Huong Thu ; Trong, HA. In: Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre Working Paper series. RePEc:ozl:bcecwp:wp1506.

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2015Parental health and children’s cognitive and non-cognitive development: New evidence from the Longitudinal Survey of Australian Children. (2015). Nguyen, Ha ; Le, Huong . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:67590.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Is temporary employment damaging to health? A longitudinal study on Italian workers. (2014). Pirani, Elena ; Salvini, Silvana . In: Econometrics Working Papers Archive. RePEc:fir:econom:wp2014_08.

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2014Health, Work and Working Conditions: A Review of the European Economic Literature. (2014). BARNAY, Thomas. In: Post-Print. RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01044972.

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2014Health, Work and Working Conditions: A Review of the European Economic Literature. (2014). BARNAY, Thomas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-01100259.

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2014Determinants of Transitions across Formal/Informal sectors in Egypt. (2014). tansel, aysıt ; Ozdemir, Zeynel ; Ozdemir, Zeynel / A., . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:61183.

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2014Une évaluation de limpact de laménagement des conditions de travail sur la reprise du travail après un cancer. (2014). Duguet, Emmanuel ; le Clainche, Christine . In: TEPP Research Report. RePEc:tep:tepprr:rr14-02.

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2014Health, Work and Working Conditions: A Review of the European Economic Literature. (2014). BARNAY, Thomas. In: TEPP Working Paper. RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp14-08.

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1 2016. Contact: CitEc Team