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Discussion Papers / Georg-August-Universitaet Goettingen, GlobalFood, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.410200 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.44000 (%)0.19
20070.37000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.36000 (%)0.17
20100.34000 (%)0.15
20110.417721002 (9.5%)0.2
20120.430.450.43101750.296073736 (10%)20.20.21
20130.530.50.53122990.31101791791 (10%)0.2
20140.910.550.762554260.4830222029224 (13.3%)30.120.25
20150.350.570.572175370.493371354313 (100%)10.050.26
20160.260.660.41590300.33146127530 (%)0.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12012Price transmission from international to domestic markets. (2012). Kouyaté, Carolin ; Mengel, Carolin ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan ; Jamora, Nelissa ; Wurriehausen, Nadine ; Greb, Friederike . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:137101.

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22012Gender, Agricultural Commercialization, and Collective Action in Kenya. (2012). Fischer, Elisabeth ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:121229.

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32011Supply chain differentiation, contract agriculture, and farmers’ marketing preferences: the case of sweet pepper in Thailand. (2011). Schipmann, Christin ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:108349.

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42012Economic Growth and Child Undernutrition in Africa. (2012). Vollmer, Sebastian ; Klasen, Stephan ; Harttgen, Kenneth. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:130164.

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5Calorie Elasticities with Income Dynamics: Evidence from the Literature. (2014). Zhou, De ; Yu, Xiaohua. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:168529.

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62012Seed market liberalization, hybrid maize adoption, and impacts on smallholder farmers in Tanzania. (2012). Kathage, Jonas ; Berresaw, Menale ; Shiferaw, Bekele A. ; Kassie, Menale ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:131756.

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72014Dynamic Food Demand in Urban China. (2014). Zhou, De ; Yu, Xiaohua ; Herzfeld, Thomas. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:168527.

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82013Big Constraints or Small Returns? Explaining Nonadoption of Hybrid Maize in Tanzania. (2013). Kathage, Jonas ; Berresaw, Menale ; Shiferaw, Bekele A. ; Kassie, Menale ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:144007.

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92014Distance and border effects on price transmission - a meta-analysis. (2014). Kouyaté, Carolin ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:170988.

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102014The weaker sex? Gender differences in punishment across Matrilineal and Patriarchal Societies. (2014). Asiedu, Edward ; Ibanez, Marcela. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:165743.

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112014Supermarkets and the Nutrition Transition in Kenya. (2014). Klasen, Stephan ; Simon, Chege Kimenju ; Rischke, Ramona ; Matin, Qaim ; Stephan, Klasen . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:163212.

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122014Impact of GlobalGAP Certification on EU Banana Imports: A Gravity Modeling Approach. (2014). Masood, Amjad ; Brummer, Bernhard . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:187539.

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132014Impacts of supermarkets on farm household nutrition in Kenya. (2014). Andersson, Camilla I. M., ; Qaim, Matin ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Andersson, Camilla I. M., . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:167910.

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142014Evaluating nutrition and health impacts of agricultural innovations. (2014). Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:185785.

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152011Smallholder Farmers and Collective Action: What Determines the Intensity of Participation?. (2011). Fischer, Elisabeth ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:108551.

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162013Investment Behavior of Ugandan Smallholder Farmers: An Experimental Analysis. (2013). Musshoff, Oliver ; Ihli, Hanna Julia ; Muhoff, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:154775.

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172014Social networks and farmer exposure to improved crop varieties in Tanzania. (2014). Muange, Elijah N. ; Schwarze, Stefan ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:183635.

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182012Contract farming and smallholder incentives to produce high quality: experimental evidence from the Vietnamese dairy sector. (2012). Viceisza, Angelino ; Torero, Maximo ; Saenger, Christoph ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:122614.

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192013Mature and emerging organic markets: Modelling consumer attitude and behaviour with Partial Least Square Approach. (2013). Spiller, Achim ; von Meyer-Hofer, Marie ; Jaik, Evelyn Olea ; Bravo, Carlos Padilla . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:160461.

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202011Modern food retailers and traditional markets in developing countries: Comparing quality, prices, and competition strategies in Thailand. (2011). Schipmann, Christin ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:108348.

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212014Can Willingness-To-Pay Values be Manipulated? Evidences from an Experiment on Organic Food in China. (2014). Yu, Xiaohua ; Gao, Zhifeng ; Zhifeng, Gao ; Binjian, Yan . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:169402.

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222011The supermarket revolution and impacts on agricultural labor markets: Empirical evidence from Kenya. (2011). Qaim, Matin ; Rao, Elizaphan J. O., ; Rao, Elizaphan J. O., . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:107745.

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232016Fitting the Gravity Model when Zero Trade Flows are Frequent: a Comparison of Estimation Techniques using Africas Trade Data. (2016). Martínez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada ; Kareem, Fatima ; Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada ; Brummer, Bernhard . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:230588.

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242015Food Safety Standards, Compliance and European Union’s Rejection of African Exports: The role of Domestic Factors. (2015). Kareem, Fatima ; Martinez-Zarzosoc, Inmaculada ; Brummer, Bernhard . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:211042.

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252011Direct and Indirect Determinants of Obesity: The Case of Indonesia. (2011). Romling, Cornelia ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:108350.

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262014Projecting Meat and Cereals Demand for China Based on a Meta-Analysis of Income Elasticities. (2014). Zhou, De ; Yu, Xiaohua ; Chen, Danhong ; Abler, David G.. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:168528.

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272015Food safety standards in the Guatemalan fresh pea sector: The role of financial literacy in technology adoption. (2015). Muller, Anna K. ; Theuvsen, Ludwig . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:205289.

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282014Nutrition Effects of the Supermarket Revolution on Urban Consumers and Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. (2014). Klasen, Stephan ; Andersson, Camilla I. M., ; Kimenju, Simon Chege ; Rischke, Ramona ; Qaim, Matin ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Andersson, Camilla I. M., . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:180976.

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292013Impact of Third-Party Enforcement of Contracts in Agricultural Markets – A Field Experiment in Vietnam. (2013). Saenger, Christoph ; Torero, Maximo ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:143799.

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302015The Impact of External and Internal Factors on Strategic Management Practices of Agribusiness Firms in Tanzania. (2015). Theuvsen, Ludwig ; Dominic, Theresia . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:197072.

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312012What world price?. (2012). Jamora, Nelissa ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:142241.

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332013Following up on smallholder farmers and supermarkets. (2013). Andersson, Camilla I. M., ; Rao, Elizaphan J. O., ; Rao, Elizaphan J. O., ; Qaim, Matin ; Kiria, Christine G. ; Andersson, Camilla I. M., . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:158142.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12012Gender, Agricultural Commercialization, and Collective Action in Kenya. (2012). Fischer, Elisabeth ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:121229.

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22011Supply chain differentiation, contract agriculture, and farmers’ marketing preferences: the case of sweet pepper in Thailand. (2011). Schipmann, Christin ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:108349.

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32012Economic Growth and Child Undernutrition in Africa. (2012). Vollmer, Sebastian ; Klasen, Stephan ; Harttgen, Kenneth. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:130164.

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42012Price transmission from international to domestic markets. (2012). Kouyaté, Carolin ; Mengel, Carolin ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan ; Jamora, Nelissa ; Wurriehausen, Nadine ; Greb, Friederike . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:137101.

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52014Dynamic Food Demand in Urban China. (2014). Zhou, De ; Yu, Xiaohua ; Herzfeld, Thomas. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:168527.

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62014Calorie Elasticities with Income Dynamics: Evidence from the Literature. (2014). Zhou, De ; Yu, Xiaohua. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:168529.

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72012Seed market liberalization, hybrid maize adoption, and impacts on smallholder farmers in Tanzania. (2012). Kathage, Jonas ; Berresaw, Menale ; Shiferaw, Bekele A. ; Kassie, Menale ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:131756.

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82013Big Constraints or Small Returns? Explaining Nonadoption of Hybrid Maize in Tanzania. (2013). Kathage, Jonas ; Berresaw, Menale ; Shiferaw, Bekele A. ; Kassie, Menale ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:144007.

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92014The weaker sex? Gender differences in punishment across Matrilineal and Patriarchal Societies. (2014). Asiedu, Edward ; Ibanez, Marcela. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:165743.

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102014Impact of GlobalGAP Certification on EU Banana Imports: A Gravity Modeling Approach. (2014). Masood, Amjad ; Brummer, Bernhard . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:187539.

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112014Distance and border effects on price transmission - a meta-analysis. (2014). Kouyaté, Carolin ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:170988.

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122014Evaluating nutrition and health impacts of agricultural innovations. (2014). Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:185785.

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132014Social networks and farmer exposure to improved crop varieties in Tanzania. (2014). Muange, Elijah N. ; Schwarze, Stefan ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:183635.

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142013Investment Behavior of Ugandan Smallholder Farmers: An Experimental Analysis. (2013). Musshoff, Oliver ; Ihli, Hanna Julia ; Muhoff, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:154775.

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152011Modern food retailers and traditional markets in developing countries: Comparing quality, prices, and competition strategies in Thailand. (2011). Schipmann, Christin ; Qaim, Matin . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:108348.

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162013Mature and emerging organic markets: Modelling consumer attitude and behaviour with Partial Least Square Approach. (2013). Spiller, Achim ; von Meyer-Hofer, Marie ; Jaik, Evelyn Olea ; Bravo, Carlos Padilla . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:160461.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 12:

2016EU-African Regional Trade Agreements as a Development Tool to Reduce EU Border Rejections. (2016). Ehrich, Malte ; Brummer, Bernhard ; Fiankor, Dela-Dem Doe . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:244352.

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2016The Role of Private Standards for Manufactured Food Exports from Developing Countries. (2016). Ehrich, Malte ; Mangelsdorf, Axel . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:243400.

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2016Evolution and Impact of EU Aid for Food and Nutrition Security: A Review. (2016). Cockx, Lara ; Francken, Nathalie . In: FOODSECURE Working papers. RePEc:fsc:fspubl:47.

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2016Consumer Acceptance of Edible Insects for Non-Meat Protein in Western Kenya. (2016). Kinyuru, John N ; Pambo, Kennedy O ; Mbeche, Robert ; Okello, Julius J. In: 2016 AAAE Fifth International Conference, September 23-26, 2016, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. RePEc:ags:aaae16:246317.

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2016Proximity and price co-movement in West African rice markets. (2016). Kouyaté, Carolin ; Kouyate, Carolin ; Fofana, Ismael ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan . In: African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. RePEc:ags:afjare:245937.

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2016Income growth and malnutrition in Africa: Is there a need for region-specific policies?. (2016). Melo, Patricia ; Mary, Sébastien ; gomez y paloma, sergio ; Colen, Liesbeth ; Abdul-Salam, Yakubu ; Roberts, D. In: 90th Annual Conference, April 4-6, 2016, Warwick University, Coventry, UK. RePEc:ags:aesc16:236372.

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2016Nutritional impacts of rising food prices in African countries: a review. (2016). Yu, Xiaohua ; Shimokawa, Satoru. In: Food Security: The Science, Sociology and Economics of Food Production and Access to Food. RePEc:spr:ssefpa:v:8:y:2016:i:5:d:10.1007_s12571-016-0605-7.

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2016Diverzifikácia spotreby potravín na Slovensku. (2016). Rizov, Marian ; Pokrivcak, Jan ; Cupak, Andrej ; Pokrivak, Jan . In: Politická ekonomie. RePEc:prg:jnlpol:v:2016:y:2016:i:5:id:1082:p:608-626.

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2016Matching food with mouths: A statistical explanation to the abnormal decline of per capita food consumption in rural China. (2016). Yu, Xiaohua ; Abler, David . In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:63:y:2016:i:c:p:36-43.

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2016Pros and Cons of Introducing a Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling for Dairy Products in Germany. (2016). Salamon, Petra ; Christoph-Schulz, Inken ; Weber, Sascha ; Weible, Daniela . In: 2016 International European Forum, February 15-19, 2016, Innsbruck-Igls, Austria. RePEc:ags:iefi16:244520.

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2016The Role of Private Standards for Manufactured Food Exports from Developing Countries. (2016). Ehrich, Malte ; Mangelsdorf, Axel . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:243400.

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2016It Pays to Be a Man: Rewards for Leaders in a Coordination Game. (2016). Zhan, Wei ; grossman, philip ; Eckel, Catherine ; Komai, Mana . In: Monash Economics Working Papers. RePEc:mos:moswps:2016-38.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Agribusiness Firm Resources and Performance: The Mediating Role of Strategic Management Practices. (2015). Dominic, Theresia ; Theuvsen, Ludwig . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:200324.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Nutrition Effects of the Supermarket Revolution on Urban Consumers and Smallholder Farmers in Kenya. (2014). Klasen, Stephan ; Andersson, Camilla I. M., ; Kimenju, Simon Chege ; Rischke, Ramona ; Qaim, Matin ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Chege, Christine G. K., ; Andersson, Camilla I. M., . In: 2014 Annual Meeting, July 27-29, 2014, Minneapolis, Minnesota. RePEc:ags:aaea14:177204.

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2014Proximity and price co-movement in West African rice markets. (2014). Kouyaté, Carolin ; von Cramon-Taubadel, Stephan . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:170989.

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2014The Nutrition Transition and Indicators of Child Malnutrition. (2014). Qaim, Matin ; Kimenju, Simon . In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:ags:gagfdp:195709.

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Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team