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Economic Letters / Central Bank of Ireland


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.4000 (%)0.19
20040.41000 (%)0.18
20050.43000 (%)0.21
20060.44000 (%)0.19
20070.37000 (%)0.17
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.36000 (%)0.17
20100.34000 (%)0.15
20110.41121210.0813003 (23.1%)10.080.2
20120.250.450.25162890.32431231235 (11.6%)60.380.21
20130.570.50.57634180.5323281628162 (8.7%)10.170.2
20140.730.550.651448290.627221634227 (25.9%)60.430.25
20150.750.570.441260280.4724201548215 (20.8%)70.580.26
20160.770.660.551474460.6211262060338 (72.7%)60.430.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12014Macro-prudential Tools and Credit Risk of Property Lending at Irish banks. (2014). O'Malley, Terry ; Kelly, Robert ; Hallissey, Niamh . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:10/el/14.

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22012Why are Irish house prices still falling?. (2012). McQuinn, Kieran ; Kennedy, Gerard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:05/el/12.

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32015Assessing the impact of macroprudential measures. (2015). O'Reilly, Gerard ; onorante, luca ; O'Brien, Martin ; Cussen, Mary. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/15.

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42013The importance of banks in SME financing: Ireland in a European context.. (2013). O'Toole, Conor ; McCann, Fergal ; Lawless, Martina. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:05/el/13.

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52012Irish SME credit supply and demand: comparisons across surveys and countries.. (2012). McCann, Fergal ; Holton, Sarah . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:08/el/12.

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62013Profiling the Cross-Border Funding of the Irish Banking System. (2013). Everett, Mary ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/13.

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72014Profiling the indebtedness of Irish SMEs. (2014). McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/14.

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82015Interpreting data for Ireland in international banking statistics. (2015). Everett, Mary ; Moloney, Aoife ; McNeill, Joe ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:01/el/15.

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92012Explaining Irish Inflation during the Financial Crisis. (2012). O'Reilly, Gerard ; Bermingham, Colin ; Larkin, John ; O'Brien, Derry ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:13/el/12.

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102016Macroprudential Measures and Irish Mortgage Lending: A Review of Recent Data. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Kinghan, Christina ; Keenan, Enda . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/16.

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112011The Distribution of Property Level Mortgage Arrears. (2011). McGuinness, Anne. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:06/el/11.

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122016Macroprudential Measures and Irish Mortgage Lending: Insights from H1 2016. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Lyons, Paul ; Kinghan, Christina . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:06/el/16.

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132015House price volatility: The role of different buyer types. (2015). McCarthy, Yvonne ; Lydon, Reamonn ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/15.

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142012Bank Competition Through The Credit Cycle: Implications For SME Financing. (2012). McIndoe-Calder, Tara ; McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/12.

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152012The Irish SME lending market - a snapshot, December 2010. (2012). McCann, Fergal ; Lawless, Martina. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/12.

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162012Fiscal Consolidation - Does it deliver?. (2012). Weymes, Laura . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:07/el/12.

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172011Unemployment and Labour Force Participation during the Recession. (2011). Conefrey, Thomas. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/11.

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182013The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Banks Net Interest Margins. (2013). Lydon, Reamonn ; O'Donnell, Nuala ; Monks, Allen ; Kelly, Jane ; Holton, Sarah . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:01/el/13.

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192012Variable Mortgage Rate Pricing in Ireland. (2012). McQuinn, Kieran ; Lydon, Reamonn ; Goggin, Jean ; Kelly, Jane ; Holton, Sarah . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/12.

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202012Job Creation and Destruction in Recession. (2012). Lawless, Martina. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:01/el/12.

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212011Scenarios for Irish House Prices. (2011). McQuinn, Kieran ; Kennedy, Gerard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/11.

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222014Mortgage Repayments after Permanent Modification. (2014). McGuinness, Anne. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:07/el/14.

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232016The Effects of Macroprudential Policy on Borrower Leverage. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Kinghan, Christina . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:08/el/16.

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242014On the Slide? Salary Scales for New Graduates 2004-2012. (2014). Conefrey, Thomas ; Smith, Richard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:01/el/14.

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252011Access to credit amongst SMEs: Pre and post-crisis evidence from Eastern Europe. (2011). McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/11.

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262013Do households with debt problems spend less?. (2013). Lydon, Reamonn. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/13.

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272014Interest-only mortgages in Ireland. (2014). McIndoe-Calder, Tara ; Kennedy, Gerard ; Kelly, Jane . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:05/el/14.

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282014Central Bank Minutes. (2014). Stuart, Rebecca ; Kedan, Danielle . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:12/el/14.

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292015Macro-prudential measures and the housing market. (2015). Stuart, Rebecca ; Kennedy, Gerard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/15.

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302015Mortgage Interest Rate Types in Ireland. (2015). O'Toole, Conor ; Kelly, Robert ; Lyons, Paul . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:09/el/15.

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312012Ireland’s External Debt: Economic and Statistical Realities. (2012). Creedon, Conn ; Fitzpatrick, Trevor ; Gaffney, Edward . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:12/el/12.

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322011The Outlook for Credit in the Irish Economy. (2011). O'Brien, Martin ; McQuinn, Kieran ; Lydon, Reamonn ; Sherman, Martina . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:01/el/11.

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332012The value of hard and soft data for short-term forecasting of GDP. (2012). Liebermann, Joëlle ; Keeney, Mary ; Kennedy, Bernard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:11/el/12.

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342017The macroeconomic effects of the regulatory LTV and LTI ratios in the Central Bank of Irelands DSGE model. (2017). Rannenberg, Ansgar ; Lozej, Matija. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/17.

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352014Do Irish households respond to deposit rates?. (2014). Kelly, Jane ; O'Donnell, Nuala ; Sherman, Martina ; Woods, Maria . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/14.

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362016Modelling Irish Rents: Recent Developments in Historical Context. (2016). Sheenan, Lisa ; Kennedy, Gerard ; Woods, Maria . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:14/el/16.

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372015Mortgage insurance in an Irish context. (2015). Hallissey, Niamh . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:05/el/15.

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382015Irish Non-Financial Corporations and the US Private Placement Market. (2015). Coates, Dermot ; Osborne-Kinch, Jenny ; Moloney, Aoife . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:12/el/15.

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392016Private Placement Debt Securities and the Wholesale Funding of the Banking System in Ireland. (2016). Coates, Dermot ; Dooley, Jennifer . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/16.

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402016Model-based estimates of the resilience of mortgages at origination. (2016). McCann, Fergal ; Joyce, John . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:09/el/16.

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412014Do first time buyers default less? Implications for macro-prudential policy. (2014). O'Toole, Conor ; O'Malley, Terry ; Kelly, Robert. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:14/el/14.

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422017Quantitative Easing and Portfolio Rebalancing: Micro Evidence from Irish Resident Banks. (2017). Bergant, Katharina. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:07/el/17.

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432017Home purchases, downpayments and savings. (2017). Lydon, Reamonn ; Kelly, Jane . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/17.

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442015The use of personal guarantees in Irish SME lending. (2015). O'Toole, Conor ; McCann, Fergal ; Carroll, James. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:06/el/15.

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452016Exploring developments in Irelands regional rental markets. (2016). McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:13/el/16.

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462015Government revenues in Ireland since the financial crisis. (2015). Hickey, Ronan ; Smyth, Diarmaid . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:07/el/15.

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472016Indicators for Setting the Countercyclical Capital Buffer. (2016). Creedon, Conn ; O'Brien, Eoin . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/16.

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482012Housing equity withdrawal in Ireland: 2000 - 2011. (2012). Lydon, Reamonn ; O'Hanlon, Niall . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:06/el/12.

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492012Fiscal Compact - Implications for Ireland. (2012). Bermingham, Colin ; Weymes, Laura . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:09/el/12.

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502014Loan loss forecasting: a methodological overview. (2014). McCann, Fergal ; Kelly, Robert ; Gaffney, Edward ; Lyons, Paul . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:13/el/14.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12015Assessing the impact of macroprudential measures. (2015). O'Reilly, Gerard ; onorante, luca ; O'Brien, Martin ; Cussen, Mary. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/15.

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22014Macro-prudential Tools and Credit Risk of Property Lending at Irish banks. (2014). O'Malley, Terry ; Kelly, Robert ; Hallissey, Niamh . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:10/el/14.

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32013Profiling the Cross-Border Funding of the Irish Banking System. (2013). Everett, Mary ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/13.

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42013The importance of banks in SME financing: Ireland in a European context.. (2013). O'Toole, Conor ; McCann, Fergal ; Lawless, Martina. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:05/el/13.

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52015Interpreting data for Ireland in international banking statistics. (2015). Everett, Mary ; Moloney, Aoife ; McNeill, Joe ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:01/el/15.

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62016Macroprudential Measures and Irish Mortgage Lending: A Review of Recent Data. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Kinghan, Christina ; Keenan, Enda . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/16.

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72016Macroprudential Measures and Irish Mortgage Lending: Insights from H1 2016. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Lyons, Paul ; Kinghan, Christina . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:06/el/16.

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82012Explaining Irish Inflation during the Financial Crisis. (2012). O'Reilly, Gerard ; Bermingham, Colin ; Larkin, John ; O'Brien, Derry ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:13/el/12.

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92012Why are Irish house prices still falling?. (2012). McQuinn, Kieran ; Kennedy, Gerard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:05/el/12.

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102015House price volatility: The role of different buyer types. (2015). McCarthy, Yvonne ; Lydon, Reamonn ; Coates, Dermot . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:02/el/15.

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112016The Effects of Macroprudential Policy on Borrower Leverage. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Kinghan, Christina . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:08/el/16.

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122015Macro-prudential measures and the housing market. (2015). Stuart, Rebecca ; Kennedy, Gerard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/15.

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132012Irish SME credit supply and demand: comparisons across surveys and countries.. (2012). McCann, Fergal ; Holton, Sarah . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:08/el/12.

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142013The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Banks Net Interest Margins. (2013). Lydon, Reamonn ; O'Donnell, Nuala ; Monks, Allen ; Kelly, Jane ; Holton, Sarah . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:01/el/13.

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152014Central Bank Minutes. (2014). Stuart, Rebecca ; Kedan, Danielle . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:12/el/14.

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162014Interest-only mortgages in Ireland. (2014). McIndoe-Calder, Tara ; Kennedy, Gerard ; Kelly, Jane . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:05/el/14.

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172015Mortgage Interest Rate Types in Ireland. (2015). O'Toole, Conor ; Kelly, Robert ; Lyons, Paul . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:09/el/15.

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182014Mortgage Repayments after Permanent Modification. (2014). McGuinness, Anne. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:07/el/14.

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192012Bank Competition Through The Credit Cycle: Implications For SME Financing. (2012). McIndoe-Calder, Tara ; McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/12.

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202014Profiling the indebtedness of Irish SMEs. (2014). McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/14.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 20:

2016The Introduction of Macroprudential Measures for the Irish Mortgage Market. (2016). Cassidy, Mark ; Hallissey, Niamh . In: The Economic and Social Review. RePEc:eso:journl:v:47:y:2016:i:2:p:271-297.

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2016Housing supply after the crisis. (2016). Stuart, Rebecca ; Kennedy, Gerard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:12/el/16.

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2016Understanding long-term mortgage arrears in Ireland: insights from macro and micro data. (2016). Cassidy, Jean . In: IFC Bulletins chapters. RePEc:bis:bisifc:41-08.

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2016Interconnectedness of the Irish banking sector with the global financial system. (2016). Hallissey, Niamh . In: Quarterly Bulletin Articles. RePEc:cbi:qtbart:y:2016:m:01:p:66-82.

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2016Private Placement Debt Securities and the Wholesale Funding of the Banking System in Ireland. (2016). Coates, Dermot ; Dooley, Jennifer . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/16.

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2016Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program; Technical Note-Stress Testing the Banking System. (2016). International Monetary Fund. Monetary, ; Capital Markets Department, ; International Monetary Fund. Monetary, . In: IMF Staff Country Reports. RePEc:imf:imfscr:16/315.

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2016Assessing the efficacy of borrower-based macroprudential policy using an integrated micro-macro model for European households. (2016). Gross, Marco ; Poblacion, Francisco Javier . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161881.

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2016Quarterly Economic Commentary, Autumn 2016. (2016). Duffy, David ; Foley, Daniel ; McQuinn, Kieran . In: Forecasting Report. RePEc:esr:forcas:qec20163.

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2016An Empirical Assessment of the Macroprudential Measures in the Irish Housing Market. (2016). McQuinn, Kieran ; Foley, Daniel ; Duffy, David . In: Research Notes. RePEc:esr:resnot:rn2016/3/1.

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2016Credit availability, macroprudential regulations and the house price-to-rent ratio. (2016). McQuinn, Kieran ; Cronin, David. In: Journal of Policy Modeling. RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:38:y:2016:i:5:p:971-984.

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2016Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program; Technical Note-Macroprudential Policy Framework. (2016). International Monetary Fund. Monetary, ; Capital Markets Department, ; International Monetary Fund. Monetary, . In: IMF Staff Country Reports. RePEc:imf:imfscr:16/316.

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2016Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program; Technical Note-Nonbank Sector Stability Analyses. (2016). International Monetary Fund. Monetary, ; Capital Markets Department, ; International Monetary Fund. Monetary, . In: IMF Staff Country Reports. RePEc:imf:imfscr:16/317.

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2016Corporate Sector Vulnerabilities in Ireland. (2016). Klein, Nir . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:16/211.

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2016Assessing the efficacy of borrower-based macroprudential policy using an integrated micro-macro model for European households. (2016). Gross, Marco ; Poblacion, Francisco Javier . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20161881.

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2016The good, the bad and the impaired: A credit risk model of the Irish mortgage market. (2016). O'Malley, Terry ; Kelly, Robert ; Omalley, Terence . In: Journal of Financial Stability. RePEc:eee:finsta:v:22:y:2016:i:c:p:1-9.

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2016Macroprudential Measures and Irish Mortgage Lending: A Review of Recent Data. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Kinghan, Christina ; Keenan, Enda . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:03/el/16.

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2016Loan-To-Value Policy and Housing Loans: effects on constrained borrowers. (2016). Barroso, João ; Gonzalez, Rodrigo Barbone ; Ribeiro, Joo Barata ; Godoy, Douglas Kiarelly . In: Working Papers Series. RePEc:bcb:wpaper:445.

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2016Ireland: Financial Sector Assessment Program; Technical Note-Macroprudential Policy Framework. (2016). International Monetary Fund. Monetary, ; Capital Markets Department, ; International Monetary Fund. Monetary, . In: IMF Staff Country Reports. RePEc:imf:imfscr:16/316.

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2016Some defaults are deeper than others: Understanding long-term mortgage arrears. (2016). McCann, Fergal ; Kelly, Robert. In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:72:y:2016:i:c:p:15-27.

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2016Mortgage modifications and loan performance. (2016). McGuinness, Anne ; Danne, Christian. In: Research Technical Papers. RePEc:cbi:wpaper:05/rt/16.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016Macroprudential Measures and Irish Mortgage Lending: Insights from H1 2016. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Lyons, Paul ; Kinghan, Christina . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:06/el/16.

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2016The Effects of Macroprudential Policy on Borrower Leverage. (2016). O'Toole, Conor ; McCarthy, Yvonne ; Kinghan, Christina . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:08/el/16.

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2016Originating Loan to Value ratios and the resilience of mortgage portfolios. (2016). McCann, Fergal ; Ryan, Ellen . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:10/el/16.

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2016Exploring developments in Irelands regional rental markets. (2016). McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:13/el/16.

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2016Modelling Irish Rents: Recent Developments in Historical Context. (2016). Sheenan, Lisa ; Kennedy, Gerard ; Woods, Maria . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:14/el/16.

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2016Rental markets, savings and the accumulation of mortgage deposits. (2016). McCann, Fergal ; Kelly, Connor . In: Quarterly Bulletin Articles. RePEc:cbi:qtbart:y:2016:m:10:p:56-70.

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Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Macro-prudential measures and the housing market. (2015). Stuart, Rebecca ; Kennedy, Gerard . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:04/el/15.

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2015The Financial Crisis in Ireland and Government Revenues. (2015). Hickey, Ronan ; Smyth, Diarmaid . In: Quarterly Bulletin Articles. RePEc:cbi:qtbart:y:2015:m:10:p:60-71.

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2015The Funding of the Irish Domestic Banking System During the Boom. (2015). Lane, Philip R. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10777.

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2015Taming macroeconomic instability : monetary and macro prudential policy interactions in an agent-based model. (2015). Roventini, Andrea ; Popoyan, Lilit ; Napoletano, Mauro. In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE. RePEc:fce:doctra:1532.

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2015Taming macroeconomic instability: Monetary and macro prudential policy interactions in an agent-based model. (2015). Roventini, Andrea ; Popoyan, Lilit ; Napoletano, Mauro. In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/5bnglqth5987gaq6dhju3psjn3.

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2015Taming Macroeconomic Instability: Monetary and Macro Prudential Policy Interactions in an Agent-Based Model. (2015). Roventini, Andrea ; Popoyan, Lilit ; Napoletano, Mauro. In: LEM Papers Series. RePEc:ssa:lemwps:2015/33.

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2015The Funding of the Irish Domestic Banking System During the Boom. (2015). Lane, Philip R. In: Trinity Economics Papers. RePEc:tcd:tcduee:tep0515.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Corporate Liquidations in Ireland. (2014). Stuart, Rebecca ; O'Brien, Eoin . In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:06/el/14.

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2014Irish SME property exposure: what do we know?. (2014). McIndoe-Calder, Tara ; McCann, Fergal. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:08/el/14.

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2014Do first time buyers default less? Implications for macro-prudential policy. (2014). O'Toole, Conor ; O'Malley, Terry ; Kelly, Robert. In: Economic Letters. RePEc:cbi:ecolet:14/el/14.

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2014Property debt overhang: the case of Irish SMEs. (2014). McIndoe-Calder, Tara ; McCann, Fergal ; McIdnoe-Calder, Tara . In: Research Technical Papers. RePEc:cbi:wpaper:14/rt/14.

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2014A Transitions-Based Model of Default for Irish Mortgages. (2014). O'Malley, Terry ; Kelly, Robert. In: Research Technical Papers. RePEc:cbi:wpaper:17/rt/14.

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2014Job quality in Europe in the first decade of the 21st Century. (2014). Muñoz de Bustillo, Rafael ; Antón, José Ignacio ; Fernandez-Macias, Enrique ; Anton, Jose-Ignacio . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:58148.

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Recent citations received in 2013

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2013SME Debt and Interest Costs in Ireland. (2013). O'Toole, Conor ; O'Connell, Brian ; Gerlach-Kristen, Petra. In: Research Notes. RePEc:esr:resnot:rn2013/2/3.

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