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Working Papers / Center for Economic and Financial Research (CEFIR)


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.30300 (%)0.16
20000.376640.671720013 (7.6%)30.50.14
20010.330.370.331730.43762621 (14.3%)110.17
20021.860.371.86512151.2597137131 (11.1%)0.18
20030.330.41.671527431.5925262122013 (5.2%)140.930.19
20041.30.411.26633441.3348202627344 (8.3%)0.18
20051.520.431.362053531100213233456 (6%)20.10.21
20060.580.440.982780811.01155261547469 (5.8%)120.440.19
20070.470.370.6422102790.77146472273475 (3.4%)60.270.17
20080.590.390.619111730.6641492990552 (4.9%)10.110.17
20090.680.360.6416127970.7664312184546 (9.4%)80.50.17
20100.440.340.4317144690.4859251194405 (8.5%)30.180.15
20110.580.410.7101541050.6831331991641 (3.2%)30.30.2
20120.440.450.4321175960.5575271274323 (4%)40.190.21
20130.90.50.64121871120.640312873473 (7.5%)20.170.2
20140.820.550.58101971050.5354332776443 (5.6%)50.50.25
20151.180.570.7362031240.61122267051 (%)0.26
20160.50.660.5614217830.38616859331 (16.7%)20.140.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12003Why the Rich May Favor Poor Protection of Property Rights. (2003). Sonin, Konstantin ; Yudaeva, Ksenia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0022.

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22000Incentives to provide local public goods: fiscal federalism, Russian style. (2000). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Lambert-Mogiliansky, Ariane . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0001.

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32003Determinants of interregional mobility in Russia: evidence from panel data. (2003). Guriev, Sergei ; Andrienko, Yuri. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0027.

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42005Who are Russia’s entrepreneurs?. (2005). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Roland, Gérard ; Miguel, Edward ; Djankov, Simeon ; Qian, Yingyi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0048.

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52014Information Efficiency and Firm-Specific Return Variation. (2014). Kelly, Patrick. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0208.

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62007Are Russian Commercial Courts Biased? Evidence from a Bankruptcy Law Transplant. (2007). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Sonin, Konstantin ; Lambert-Mogiliansky, Ariane. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0099.

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72000Rackets, Regulation and the Rule of Law. (2000). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Friebel, Guido ; Frye, Timothy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0002.

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82012Convergence between Russian regions. (2012). Vakulenko, Elena ; Guriev, Sergei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0180.

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92006Risks of investing in the Russian stock market: Lessons of the first decade. (2006). Goriaev, Alexei ; Zabotkin, Alexei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0077.

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102000Does Foreign Ownership Matter? Russian Experience. (2000). Ponomareva, Natalia ; Kozlov, Konstantin ; Melentieva, Natalya ; Yudaeva, Ksenia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0005.

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112007Monetary Policy in an Economy Sick with Dutch Disease. (2007). Zamulin, Oleg ; Sossounov, Kirill. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0101.

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122003Laws for Sale: Evidence from Russia. (2003). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Yakovlev, Evgeny ; Slinko, Irina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0031.

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132006Patents vs Trade Secrets: Knowledge Licensing and Spillover. (2006). Guriev, Sergei ; Bhattacharya, Sudipto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0064.

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142009Who Wants To Revise Privatization? The Complementarity of Market Skills and Institutions. (2009). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Frye, Timothy ; Eller, Markus ; Denisova, Irina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0127.

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152013Empowering Women through Development Aid: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan. (2013). Enikolopov, Ruben ; Beath, Andrew ; Christia, Fotini . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0191.

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162008Goal Setting as a Self-Regulation Mechanism. (2008). van de Ven, Jeroen ; Suvorov, Anton. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0122.

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172007Who Wants to Revise Privatization and Why? Evidence from 28 Post-Communist Countries. (2007). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Frye, Timothy ; Eller, Markus ; Denisova, Irina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0105.

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182012Altruism and Voting: A Large-Turnout Result That Does not Rely on Civic Duty or Cooperative Behavior. (2012). Evren, Ozgur. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0173.

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192004Federal Tax Arrears in Russia: Liquidity Problems, Federal Redistribution, or Regional Resistance?. (2004). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Ponomareva, Maria ; Denisova, Irina ; Yudaeva, Ksenia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0003.

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202007A Survey of Corporate Governance in Russia. (2007). Stepanov, Sergey ; Rachinsky, Andrei ; Lazareva, Olga. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0103.

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212004Ownership concentration in Russian industry. (2004). Rachinsky, Andrei ; Guriev, Sergei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0045.

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222009Newspapers and Parties: How Advertising Revenues Created an Independent Press. (2009). Petrova, Maria. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0131.

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232003Capture of Bankruptcy: Theory and Russian Evidence. (2003). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Sonin, Konstantin ; Lambert-Mogiliansky, Ariane ; Solanko, Laura ; Juurikkala, Tuuli ; Haaparanta, Pertti . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0038.

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242011Winning Hearts and Minds through Development Aid: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan. (2011). Enikolopov, Ruben ; Beath, Andrew ; Christia, Fotini . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0166.

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252004Russian business groups: substitutes for missing institutions?. (2004). Volchkova, Natalya ; Shumilov, Andrei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0050.

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262006Money Creation in a Random Matching Model. (2006). Deviatov, Alexei . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0081.

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272008Segregation and the Quality of Government in a Cross-Section of Countries. (2008). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Alesina, Alberto . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0120.

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282006SHOCK THERAPY VERSUS GRADUALISM RECONSIDERED: LESSONS FROM TRANSITION ECONOMIES AFTER 15 1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015,2016 OF REFORMS. (2006). Popov, Vladimir. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0068.

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292007What Russians Think about Transition: Evidence from RLMS Survey. (2007). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Eller, Markus ; Denisova, Irina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0114.

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302006Decentralization and Political Institutions. (2006). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Enikolopov, Ruben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0065.

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312006Non-wage benefits, costs of turnover, and labor attachment: evidence from Russian firms. (2006). Lazareva, Olga ; Juurikkala, Tuuli. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0062.

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322006Lobbying at the local level: social assets in Russian firms. (2006). Lazareva, Olga ; Juurikkala, Tuuli. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0061.

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332005Contracting on Time. (2005). Kvasov, Dmitriy ; Guriev, Sergei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0059.

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342006Discretionary Bonuses as a Feedback Mechanism. (2006). van de Ven, Jeroen ; Suvorov, Anton. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0088.

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352010Federalism in Russia. (2010). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0141.

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362010Life Cycle of the Centrally Planned Economy: Why Soviet Growth Rates Peaked in the 1950s. (2010). Popov, Vladimir. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0152.

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372013Direct Democracy and Resource Allocation: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan. (2013). Enikolopov, Ruben ; Beath, Andrew ; Christia, Fotini . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0192.

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382000Child Benefits and Child Poverty. (2000). Kolenikov, Stanislav ; Denisova, Irina ; Sprenger, Carsten . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0006.

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392010Signaling Credit-Worthiness: Land Titles, Banking Practices and Access to Formal Credit in Indonesia. (2010). Castañeda Dower, Paul ; Potamites, Elizabeth . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0155.

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402005Passive Creditors. (2005). Sonin, Konstantin ; Schoors, Koen ; Akhmedov, Akhmed ; Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Ravichev, Alexei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0015.

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412005Attaching Workers Through In-kind Payments: Theory and Evidence from Russia. (2005). Guriev, Sergei ; Friebel, Guido. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0057.

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422006Businessman Candidates. (2006). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Sonin, Konstantin ; Gehlbach, Scott . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0067.

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432010Media and Political Persuasion: Evidence from Russia. (2010). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0149.

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442009Media and Political Persuasion: Evidence from Russia. (2009). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben ; Denisova, Irina ; Eller, Markus . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0113.

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452005Who Are China’s Entrepreneurs?. (2005). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Roland, Gérard ; Djankov, Simeon ; Qian, Yingyi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0047.

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462001Does Financial-Industrial Group Membership Affect Fixed Investment: Evidence from Russia. (2001). Volchkova, Natalya. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0009.

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472003FIRMS AND PUBLIC SERVICE PROVISION IN RUSSIA. (2003). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Solanko, Laura ; Pirttilä, Jukka ; Lazareva, Olga ; Juurikkala, Tuuli ; Rachinsky, Andrey. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0041.

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482005Corporate Governance and Firms Market Values: Time Series Evidence from Russia. (2005). Rachinsky, Andrei ; Love, Inessa ; Black, Bernard. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0053.

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492006Coalition Formation in Political Games. (2006). Sonin, Konstantin ; Egorov, Georgy ; Acemoglu, Daron. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0090.

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502009On Effciency of the English Auction. (2009). Izmalkov, Sergei ; Birulin, Oleksii . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0139.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12003Why the Rich May Favor Poor Protection of Property Rights. (2003). Sonin, Konstantin ; Yudaeva, Ksenia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0022.

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22014Information Efficiency and Firm-Specific Return Variation. (2014). Kelly, Patrick. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0208.

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32000Incentives to provide local public goods: fiscal federalism, Russian style. (2000). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Lambert-Mogiliansky, Ariane . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0001.

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42007Are Russian Commercial Courts Biased? Evidence from a Bankruptcy Law Transplant. (2007). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Sonin, Konstantin ; Lambert-Mogiliansky, Ariane. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0099.

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52013Empowering Women through Development Aid: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan. (2013). Enikolopov, Ruben ; Beath, Andrew ; Christia, Fotini . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0191.

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62012Convergence between Russian regions. (2012). Vakulenko, Elena ; Guriev, Sergei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0180.

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72005Who are Russia’s entrepreneurs?. (2005). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Roland, Gérard ; Miguel, Edward ; Djankov, Simeon ; Qian, Yingyi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0048.

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82003Determinants of interregional mobility in Russia: evidence from panel data. (2003). Guriev, Sergei ; Andrienko, Yuri. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0027.

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92006Risks of investing in the Russian stock market: Lessons of the first decade. (2006). Goriaev, Alexei ; Zabotkin, Alexei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0077.

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102007Monetary Policy in an Economy Sick with Dutch Disease. (2007). Zamulin, Oleg ; Sossounov, Kirill. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0101.

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112012Altruism and Voting: A Large-Turnout Result That Does not Rely on Civic Duty or Cooperative Behavior. (2012). Evren, Ozgur. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0173.

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122010Federalism in Russia. (2010). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0141.

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132013Operating Flexibility and Capital Structure: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. (2013). Kuzmina, Olga. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0197.

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142007A Survey of Corporate Governance in Russia. (2007). Stepanov, Sergey ; Rachinsky, Andrei ; Lazareva, Olga. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0103.

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152005Contracting on Time. (2005). Kvasov, Dmitriy ; Guriev, Sergei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0059.

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162008Segregation and the Quality of Government in a Cross-Section of Countries. (2008). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Alesina, Alberto . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0120.

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172008Goal Setting as a Self-Regulation Mechanism. (2008). van de Ven, Jeroen ; Suvorov, Anton. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0122.

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182011Are Bureaucrats Really Paid Like Bureaucrats?. (2011). Enikolopov, Ruben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0165.

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192004Federal Tax Arrears in Russia: Liquidity Problems, Federal Redistribution, or Regional Resistance?. (2004). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Ponomareva, Maria ; Denisova, Irina ; Yudaeva, Ksenia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0003.

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202014The Diffusion of Development: Along Genetic or Geographic Lines?. (2014). Pyun, Ju Hyun ; Campbell, Douglas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0211.

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212009Who Wants To Revise Privatization? The Complementarity of Market Skills and Institutions. (2009). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Frye, Timothy ; Eller, Markus ; Denisova, Irina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0127.

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222013Direct Democracy and Resource Allocation: Experimental Evidence from Afghanistan. (2013). Enikolopov, Ruben ; Beath, Andrew ; Christia, Fotini . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0192.

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232006Patents vs Trade Secrets: Knowledge Licensing and Spillover. (2006). Guriev, Sergei ; Bhattacharya, Sudipto. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0064.

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242010Life Cycle of the Centrally Planned Economy: Why Soviet Growth Rates Peaked in the 1950s. (2010). Popov, Vladimir. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0152.

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252004Ownership concentration in Russian industry. (2004). Rachinsky, Andrei ; Guriev, Sergei. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0045.

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262012Cross-border media and nationalism: Evidence from Serbian radio in Croatia. (2012). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben ; DellaVigna, Stefano ; Mironova, Vera ; Della Vigna, Stefano . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0189.

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272005Adjustment Costs of Trade Liberalization: Estimations for the Russian Labor Market. (2005). Grishina, Elena ; Denisova, Irina ; Akhmedov, Akhmed ; Cherkashin, Ivan ; Bessonova, Evgenia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0086.

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282016Choice Overload and Asymmetric Regret. (2016). Evren, Ozgur ; Buturaky, Gokhan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0235.

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292006Dictators, Repression and the Median Citizen: An “Eliminations Model” of Stalin’s Terror (Data from the NKVD Archives). (2006). Sonin, Konstantin ; Schröder, Philipp ; Gregory, Paul R. ; Philipp J. H. Schroder, ; Philipp J. H. Schroder, ; Philipp J. H. Schr oder, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0091.

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302014Foreign Direct Investment and Governance Quality in Russia. (2014). Volchkova, Natalya ; Kuzmina, Olga ; Zueva, Tatiana . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0205.

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312014Through the Looking Glass: A WARPed View of Real Exchange Rate History. (2014). Campbell, Douglas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0210.

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322006Entrepreneurship in Brazil, China, and Russia. (2006). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Roland, Gérard ; Djankov, Simeon ; Qian, Yingyi . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0066.

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332013Land Tenure and Productivity in Agriculture: The Case of the Stolypin Reform in Late Imperial Russia. (2013). Markevich, Andrei ; Castañeda Dower, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0202.

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342003Opportunistic Political Cycles: Test in a Young Democracy Setting. (2003). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Schoors, Koen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0024.

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352011Warm-Glow Giving and Freedom to be Selfish. (2011). Minardi, Stefania ; Evren, Ozgur. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0171.

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362012Peers and Alcohol: Evidence from Russia. (2012). Yakovlev, Evgeny. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0182.

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372006The Inflationary Consequences of Real Exchange Rate Targeting via Accumulation of Reserves. (2006). Zamulin, Oleg ; Sossounov, Kirill. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0082.

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382012Scalarization Methods and Expected Multi-Utility Representations. (2012). Evren, Ozgur. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0174.

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392000Rackets, Regulation and the Rule of Law. (2000). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Friebel, Guido ; Frye, Timothy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0002.

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402006Non-wage benefits, costs of turnover, and labor attachment: evidence from Russian firms. (2006). Lazareva, Olga ; Juurikkala, Tuuli. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0062.

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412010Property Rights and Internal Migration: The Case of the Stolypin Agrarian Reform in the Russian Empire. (2010). Markevich, Andrei ; Castañeda Dower, Paul ; Chernina, Eugenia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0147.

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422013Export costs of visa restrictions. (2013). Volchkova, Natalya ; Kapelko, Natalia . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0195.

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432000Child Benefits and Child Poverty. (2000). Kolenikov, Stanislav ; Denisova, Irina ; Sprenger, Carsten . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0006.

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442010Media and Political Persuasion: Evidence from Russia. (2010). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Petrova, Maria ; Enikolopov, Ruben. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0149.

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452003Laws for Sale: Evidence from Russia. (2003). Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina ; Yakovlev, Evgeny ; Slinko, Irina. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0031.

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462011Winning Hearts and Minds through Development Aid: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Afghanistan. (2011). Enikolopov, Ruben ; Beath, Andrew ; Christia, Fotini . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0166.

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472008Corporate Governance, Ownership Structures and Investment in Transition Economies: the Case of Russia, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. (2008). Stepanov, Sergey ; Rachinsky, Andrei ; Lazareva, Olga. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0119.

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482003Trade Liberalization, Foreign Direct Investment, and Productivity of Russian Firms. (2003). Akhmedov, Akhmed ; Cherkashin, Ivan ; Denisova, Irina ; Bessonova, Evgenia ; Grishina, Elena ; Nekipelov, Denis . In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0039.

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492012Exchange rate pass-through, monetary policy, and variability of exchange rates. (2012). Zamulin, Oleg ; Styrin, Konstantin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0178.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 8:

2016Trade Shocks, Taxes, and Inequality. (2016). Lusher, Lester ; Campbell, Douglas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0220.

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2016The Impact of Real Exchange Rate Shocks on Manufacturing Workers: An Autopsy from the MORG. (2016). Lusher, Lester ; Campbell, Douglas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0223.

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2016Genetic distance and cognitive human capital: a cross-national investigation. (2016). Kodila-Tedika, Oasis ; Asongu, Simplice. In: Journal of Bioeconomics. RePEc:kap:jbioec:v:18:y:2016:i:1:d:10.1007_s10818-015-9210-7.

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2016R2 and idiosyncratic volatility: Which captures the firm-specific return variation?. (2016). Teglio, Andrea ; Shen, Dehua ; Zhang, Wei. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:55:y:2016:i:c:p:298-304.

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2016Long-term industry reversals. (2016). Mazouz, Khelifa ; Wu, Yuliang . In: Journal of Banking & Finance. RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:68:y:2016:i:c:p:236-250.

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2016Relative idiosyncratic volatility and the timing of corporate insider trading. (2016). Gider, Jasmin ; Westheide, Christian . In: Journal of Corporate Finance. RePEc:eee:corfin:v:39:y:2016:i:c:p:312-334.

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2016Market maturity and mispricing. (2016). Jacobs, Heiko . In: Journal of Financial Economics. RePEc:eee:jfinec:v:122:y:2016:i:2:p:270-287.

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2016Ownership, analyst coverage, and stock synchronicity in China. (2016). Johansson, Anders ; Feng, Xunan ; Hu, NA. In: International Review of Financial Analysis. RePEc:eee:finana:v:45:y:2016:i:c:p:79-96.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016Beliefs Aggregation and Return Predictability. (2016). Obizhaeva, Anna ; Wang, Yajun ; Kyle, Albert S. In: Working Papers. RePEc:cfr:cefirw:w0231.

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2016Measurement matters: Productivity-adjusted weighted average relative price indices. (2016). Campbell, Douglas. In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:61:y:2016:i:c:p:45-81.

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014Investor attention and information diffusion from analyst coverage. (2014). Wu, Chu-Hua ; Chiang, Ming-Ti . In: International Review of Financial Analysis. RePEc:eee:finana:v:34:y:2014:i:c:p:235-246.

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2014Democratic institutions and regulatory reforms. (2014). Djankov, Simeon ; Amin, Mohammad . In: Journal of Comparative Economics. RePEc:eee:jcecon:v:42:y:2014:i:4:p:839-854.

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2014Information arrival, changes in R-square and pricing asymmetry of corporate news. (2014). Cheng, Louis T. W., ; Yu, Wayne ; Leung, T. Y.. In: International Review of Economics & Finance. RePEc:eee:reveco:v:33:y:2014:i:c:p:67-81.

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2014Opaque financial reports and R2: Revisited. (2014). Singh, Vivek ; Iskandar-Datta, Mai . In: Review of Financial Economics. RePEc:eee:revfin:v:23:y:2014:i:1:p:10-17.

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2014Does Corporate Governance Improve Transparency in Emerging Markets?. (2014). Pornanong, Budsaratragoon ; Suntharee, Lhaopadchan ; David, Hillier . In: Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions. RePEc:mul:jdp901:doi:10.12831/77238:y:2014:i:1:p:87-104.

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Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013Maintaining Local Public Goods: Evidence from Rural Kenya. (2013). Sheely, Ryan . In: CID Working Papers. RePEc:cid:wpfacu:273.

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2013The National Solidarity Programme: Assessing the Effects of Community-Driven Development in Afghanistan. (2013). Enikolopov, Ruben ; Beath, Andrew ; Christia, Fotini . In: WIDER Working Paper Series. RePEc:unu:wpaper:wp2013-112.

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team