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Eastern Journal of European Studies / Centre for European Studies, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.04
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.09000 (%)0.04
19930.1000 (%)0.05
19940.11000 (%)0.05
19950.2000 (%)0.07
19960.23000 (%)0.09
19970.27000 (%)0.09
19980.29000 (%)0.1
19990.32000 (%)0.13
20000.4000 (%)0.15
20010.4000 (%)0.15
20020.42000 (%)0.18
20030.44000 (%)0.19
20040.49000 (%)0.2
20050.53000 (%)0.21
20060.51000 (%)0.2
20070.45000 (%)0.18
20080.48000 (%)0.2
20090.47000 (%)0.19
20100.45212164001 (1.6%)0.16
20110.380.520.38214280.19132182181 (7.7%)0.2
20120.120.550.12216350.08164254252 (12.5%)0.2
20130.190.620.292184190.2334286318 (%)0.22
20140.140.640.2622106230.22542684221 (20%)0.21
20150.690.082012690.071431069 (%)0.22
20160.050.850.0721147210.14442210572 (50%)0.26
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010The investment development path in a globalised world: implications for Eastern Europe. (2010). Narula, Rajneesh ; GUIMN, Jose . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:5-19.

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22010Evidence on the determinants of foreign direct investment: the case of EU regions. (2010). Resmini, Laura ; Casi, Laura . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:93-118.

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32010Patterns of inward FDI in economies in transition. (2010). Kalotay, Kalman. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:55-76.

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42010Regional inequalities and convergence clubs in the European Union new member-states. (2010). Petrakos, George ; Kallioras, Dimitris ; Artelaris, Panagiotis . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:113-133.

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52012Determinants of the remitting behaviour of Romanian emigrants in an economic crisis context. (2012). Roman, Monica ; Goschin, Zizi. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:87-103.

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62010Does FDI promote regional development? Evidence from local and regional productivity spillovers in Greece. (2010). Monastiriotis, Vassilis ; Jordaan, Jacob. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:139-164.

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72011Some impacts of the EU accession on the new member states’ agriculture. (2011). . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2011:v:2:p:49-60.

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82010Patterns and determinants of business cycle synchronization in the enlarged European Economic and Monetary Union. (2010). SIEDSCHLAG, IULIA. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:21-44.

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92010Chinese investments in the EU. (2010). Ebbers, Haico ; Zhang, Jianhong . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:187-206.

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102014Income inequality in post-communist Central and Eastern European countries. (2014). Rose Taylor, Sara ; Viju, Crina . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2014:v:5:p:5-20.

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112011Mutual trade and investment of the Visegrad countries before and after their EU accession. (2011). Richter, Sandor ; Hunya, Gabor. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2011:v:2:p:77-91.

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122016Who is making informal payments for public healthcare in East-Central Europe? An evaluation of socio-economic and spatial variations. (2016). Williams, Colin ; Ursachi married Horodnic, Ioana. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2016:v:7:p:49-61.

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132012Attitudes towards immigrants and the integration of ethnically diverse societies. (2012). Paas, Tiiu ; Halapuu, Vivika . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:161-176.

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142012The impact of remittances on consumption and investment in Romania. (2012). MAHA, Liviu-George ; iNCALRU, Cristian . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:61-86.

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152010Attracting foreign direct investment: the public policy scope for South East European countries. (2010). Liebensteiner, Mario ; Leibrecht, Markus ; Bellak, Christian. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:37-53.

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162011Problems of Romanian SMEs with tapping EU structural funds. (2011). Hunya, Gabor. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2011:v:2:p:129-146.

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172010International outsourcing over the business cycle: some intuition for Germany, the Czech Republic and Slovakia. (2010). Levasseur, Sandrine. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:165-185.

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182012Worker remittances and government behaviour in the receiving countries. (2012). Ziesemer, Thomas ; Thomas H. W. Ziesemer, ; Thomas H. W. Ziesemer, . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:37-59.

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192012Towards an integrated model of international migration. (2012). Massey, Douglas S.. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:9-35.

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202010A strategic and operational view of competitiveness and cohesion in the European context. (2010). Cojanu, Valentin. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:153-168.

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212012The Europeanization of official development assistance: EU governance by cooperation - communication and domestic change. (2012). Zemanova, tipanka . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:31-48.

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222013Intervention priorities for economic development in the crossborder area Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova - A’WOT analysis approach. (2013). Slusarciuc, Marcela ; Prelipcean, Gabriela. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2013:v:4:p:75-94.

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232015Spatial differentiation and core-periphery structures in Romania. (2015). Benedek, Jozsef . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2015:v:6:p:49-61.

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242010The Danube Region: transformation and emergence. (2010). GJORESKA, Aleksandra ; BUSEK, Erhard . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:9-20.

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252013Some considerations on the intergovernmental dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy. (2013). Mocanu, Oana Mihaela . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2013:v:4:p:37-49.

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262010Foreign direct investment of Central and Eastern European countries, and the investment development path revisited. (2010). Jan NOWAK Rados³aw WOLNIAK, . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:21-36.

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272010International adoption of Romanian children and Romania’s admission to the European Union (1990-2007). (2010). SCUTARU, Beatrice ; DENECHERE, Yves . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:135-151.

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282014Education and labour market outcomes in Romania. (2014). Diaconu, Laura . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2014:v:5:p:99-112.

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292012Labour market adjustments in Estonia during the 2008/2011 crisis. (2012). Levasseur, Sandrine. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:123-143.

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302013Evaluating the role of partnership in the European Neighbourhood Policy: the Eastern neighbourhood. (2013). KOROSTELEVA, Elena A.. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2013:v:4:p:11-36.

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312011Policies for strategic territorial development.Inter-municipality association as a form of network governance: the Italian experience. (2011). SIMAO, Licinia ; Messina, Patrizia . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2011:v:2:p:111-128.

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322012The EU as an actor at the WTO: its strengths and weaknesses throughout history. (2012). GARCiA, Romualdo BERMEJO ; GARMENDIA, Rosana GARCIANDiA . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:49-66.

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332010The role of multinational enterprises for regional development in Bulgaria. (2010). Kolev, Kaloyan. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:119-138.

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342014Mortgage lending and house prices in Albania - a co-integrated analysis based on VECM. (2014). REBI, Erjona . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2014:v:5:p:79-98.

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352011Mobility in Europe since the Eastern enlargement: emergence of a European labour market?. (2011). FTI, Klara . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2011:v:2:p:93-107.

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362013A political crisis in an economic tempest (January 2008 – December 2012). (2013). VITTORI, Davide . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2013:v:4:p:105-126.

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372016Macroeconomic instability: its causes and consequences for the economy of Ukraine. (2016). Skorobogatova, Natalia . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2016:v:7:p:63-80.

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382011The impact of the crisis on the energy demand and energy intensity in Central and Eastern European countries. (2011). Hugyecz, Attila . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2011:v:2:p:109-117.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12010The investment development path in a globalised world: implications for Eastern Europe. (2010). Narula, Rajneesh ; GUIMN, Jose . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:5-19.

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22010Evidence on the determinants of foreign direct investment: the case of EU regions. (2010). Resmini, Laura ; Casi, Laura . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:93-118.

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32010Regional inequalities and convergence clubs in the European Union new member-states. (2010). Petrakos, George ; Kallioras, Dimitris ; Artelaris, Panagiotis . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:113-133.

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42010Patterns of inward FDI in economies in transition. (2010). Kalotay, Kalman. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:55-76.

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52012Determinants of the remitting behaviour of Romanian emigrants in an economic crisis context. (2012). Roman, Monica ; Goschin, Zizi. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2012:v:3:p:87-103.

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62016Who is making informal payments for public healthcare in East-Central Europe? An evaluation of socio-economic and spatial variations. (2016). Williams, Colin ; Ursachi married Horodnic, Ioana. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2016:v:7:p:49-61.

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72014Income inequality in post-communist Central and Eastern European countries. (2014). Rose Taylor, Sara ; Viju, Crina . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2014:v:5:p:5-20.

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82010Chinese investments in the EU. (2010). Ebbers, Haico ; Zhang, Jianhong . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:187-206.

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92010Does FDI promote regional development? Evidence from local and regional productivity spillovers in Greece. (2010). Monastiriotis, Vassilis ; Jordaan, Jacob. In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2010:v:1:p:139-164.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 2:

2016Productive specialization in Romanian farms using Morans Index. (2016). Galluzzo, Nicola . In: 149th Seminar, October 27-28, 2016, Rennes, France. RePEc:ags:eaa149:244784.

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2016Social Status in Norway and the Law of Jante: An Analysis of ISSP Social Inequality Data. (2016). Daniel, Palamara . In: European Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. RePEc:jis:ejistu:y:2016:i:01:id:407.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team