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Discussion Paper Series / Department of Economics, Loughborough University


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.13
19990.3000 (%)0.16
20000.37000 (%)0.14
20010.37000 (%)0.17
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.44411002 (18.2%)0.19
20040.250.410.25111510.07641413 (50%)0.18
20050.070.430.0782310.04481511511 (2.1%)0.21
20060.050.440.09275070.14481912324 (8.3%)50.190.19
20070.260.370.262979180.233435950131 (2.9%)30.10.17
20080.040.390.05169560.06265627943 (11.5%)20.130.17
20090.040.360.1120115100.096345291102 (3.2%)0.17
20100.340.05812370.0614361005 (%)10.130.15
20110.610.410.286129330.26152817100281 (6.7%)10.170.2
20120.070.450.2812141380.271414179222 (14.3%)10.080.21
20130.720.50.5613154610.41818136235 (%)10.080.2
20140.20.550.2510164320.232555915 (%)0.25
20150.480.570.312166330.223114915 (%)0.26
20160.660.161167230.1412437 (%)0.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12005R&D investment, Credit Rationing and Sample Selection. (2005). Piga, Claudio ; Atzeni, Gianfranco. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2005_6.

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22009Airline Market Power and Intertemporal Price Dispersion. (2009). Piga, Claudio ; Gaggero, Alberto. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_10.

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32006Pricing strategies by European traditional and low cost airlines. Or, when is it the best time to book on line?. (2006). Piga, Claudio ; bachis, enrico. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_14.

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42007Technological Spillovers and Productivity in Italian Manufacturing Firms. (2007). Piga, Claudio ; Medda, Giuseppe. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_17.

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52008Airline Competition in the British Isles. (2008). Piga, Claudio ; Gaggero, Alberto. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2008_12.

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62009Financial health, exports, and firm survival: A comparison of British and French firms. (2009). Spaliara, Marina-Eliza ; Görg, Holger ; Gorg, Holger . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_18.

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72005University Funding Systems and their Impact on Research and Teaching: A General Framework. (2005). Poyago-Theotoky, Joanna ; Ulph, David ; Beath, John . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2005_2.

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82003Macroeconomic Effects of Reallocation Shocks: A generalised impulse response function analysis for three European countries. (2003). Pelloni, Gianluigi ; Panagiotidis, Theodore. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2003_15.

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92013Payment Choice in International Trade: Theory and Evidence from Cross-country Firm Level Data. (2013). Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim ; Hoefele, Andreas ; Yu, Zihong . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2013_11.

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102006Pigouvian Taxation in Tourism. (2006). Piga, Claudio. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_2.

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112011A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Basel III: Some Evidence from the UK. (2011). Turner, Paul ; Hall, Maximilian ; Maximilian J. B. Hall, ; Yan, Meilin . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2011_05.

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12A New Approach to Dealing With Negative Numbers in Efficiency Analysis: An Application to the Indonesian Banking Sector. (2009). Simper, Richard ; Kenjegalieva, Karligash ; Hall, Maximilian ; Santoso, Wimboh ; Hadad, Muliaman D. ; Maximilian J. B. Hall, . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_20.

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132009Mergers and Business Model Assimilation: Evidence from Low-Cost Airlines Takeovers. (2009). Piga, Claudio ; Dobson, Paul. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_2.

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142007Hub Premium, Airport Dominance and Market Power in the European Airline Industry.. (2007). Piga, Claudio ; bachis, enrico. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_11.

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152005Central Bank Independence and Inflation: The case of Greece. (2005). Panagiotidis, Theodore ; Triampella, Afrodit. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2005_7.

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162012Inflated Ordered Outcomes. (2012). Spencer, Christopher ; Harris, Mark ; Brooks, Robert. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2012_09.

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172010SMEs and Regional Economic Growth in Brazil. (2010). Cravo, Túlio ; Becker, Bettina ; Gourlay, Adrian . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2010_01.

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182013The Determinants of R&D Investment: A Survey of the Empirical Research. (2013). Becker, Bettina. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2013_09.

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192012Resuscitating the ad hoc loss function for monetary policy analysis. (2012). Paez-Farrell, Juan. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2012_06.

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202009How Far From the Euro Area? Measuring Convergence of Inflation Rates in Eastern Europe. (2009). Hall, Stephen ; Becker, Bettina. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_05.

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212008The sub-prime crisis, the credit squeeze and Northern Rock: The lessons to be learnt. (2008). Hall, Maximilian. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2008_09.

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222011Regional Growth and Convergence: The Role of Human Capital in the Portuguese Regions. (2011). Pentecost, Eric ; Cardoso, Catarina . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2011_03.

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232010Terms of Trade Shocks and Economic Performance Under Different Exchange Rate Regimes. (2010). Pentecost, Eric ; Ahmad, Ahmad Hassan. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2010_08.

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24The Circular City with Heterogeneous Firms. (2008). Piga, Claudio ; Alderighi, Marco . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2008_03.

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252006Coordination Costs: A Drawback for Research Joint Ventures?. (2006). Poyago-Theotoky, Joanna ; Falvey, Rodney ; Teerasuwannajak, Khemarat. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_3.

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262007The Allocation of volatile aid and economic growth: Evidence and a suggestive theory. (2007). Neanidis, Kyriakos ; Varvarigos, Dimitrios . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_07.

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272006Public Policy towards R&D in a Mixed Duopoly with Spillovers. (2006). Zikos, Vasileios ; Poyago-Theotoky, Joanna ; Gil Molto, Maria ; Gil-Molto, Maria Jose . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_17.

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282006R&D policy and privatization in a mixed oligopoly. (2006). Zikos, Vasileios ; Poyago-Theotoky, Joanna ; Gil Molto, Maria ; Gil-Molto, Maria Jose . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_25.

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292004Basel II: Panacea or a Missed Opportunity. (2004). Hall, Maximilian. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2004_14.

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302006Do Prices grow more in Euroland? Evidence from the Airline Industry. (2006). Piga, Claudio ; bachis, enrico. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_8.

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31On cost restrictions in spatial competition models with heterogeneous firms. (2009). Piga, Claudio ; Alderighi, Marco . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_09.

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322007Are EU budget deficits sustainable?. (2007). Panagiotidis, Theodore ; Otero, Jesus ; Holmes, Mark. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_13.

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332011Estimating Liquidity Risk Using The Exposure-Based Cash-Flow-at-Risk Approach: An Application To the UK Banking Sector. (2011). Turner, Paul ; Hall, Maximilian ; Maximilian J. B. Hall, ; Yan, Meilin . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2011_06.

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342004Trade and Strategic Regulatory Bias in Monopolistic Industries.. (2004). Edwards, Terence. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2004-21.

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352007Evaluating the Synchronisation of the Eurozone Business Cycles using Multivariate Coincident Macroeconomic Indicators. (2007). Chen, Xiaoshan. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_27.

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362014Openness and Isolation: the comparative trade performance of the Former Soviet Central Asian countries.. (2014). Rizov, Marian ; Edwards, Terence ; Mazhikeyev, Arman . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2014_02.

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372005Migration Creation and Diversion in the EU: Are CEECs Immigrants Crowding-out the Rest?. (2005). Marques, Helena. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2005_01.

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382010A Productivity analysis of Eastern European banking taking into account risk decomposition and environmental variables. (2010). Simper, Richard ; Kenjegalieva, Karligash. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2010_02.

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392008The sub-prime crisis, the credit crunch and bank “failure”: An assessment of the UK authorities’ response. (2008). Hall, Maximilian. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2008_14.

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402006Calendar Anomalies in an Emerging African Market: Evidence from the Ghana Stock Exchange.. (2006). Panagiotidis, Theodore ; ALAGIDEDE, PAUL. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_13.

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412003Wage Gradients in an Enlarged EU. (2003). Marques, Helena ; Metcalf, Hugh . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2003_13.

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422007Equilibrium and Optimal R&D Roles in a Mixed Market. (2007). Zikos, Vasileios. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_08.

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432004Sectoral Exchange Rate Pass-through: A Tale of Two Policy Regimes in India. (2004). Mallick, Sushanta ; Marques, Helena ; Davidson, Ian R. ; Anastasatos, Tassos. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2004_12.

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442014International yield curve comovements: impact of the recent financial crisis. (2014). Sirichand, Kavita ; Coleman, Simeon. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2014_07.

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452006An explanation of the positive correlation between fertility and female employment across Western European countries. (2006). Kögel, Tomas ; Kogel, Tomas . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_11.

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462010Health Insurance Competition in Germany - The Role of Advertising. (2010). Uebelmesser, Silke ; Becker, Bettina. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2010_05.

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472013Measuring Competition using the Boone Relative Profit Difference Indicator: an application to Banking Systems in Emerging Economies. (2013). Deygun, Meryem ; Weyman-Jones, Tom ; Shaban, Mohamed . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2013_05.

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482006Entry and Exit in a Liberalised Market.. (2006). Piga, Claudio ; Gil Molto, Maria. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2005_10.

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492008Did the market signal impending problems at Northern Rock? An analysis of four financial instruments. (2008). Hall, Maximilian ; Pop, Adrian ; Hamalainen, Paul ; Howcroft, Barry . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2008_11.

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502006Non-Parametric Analysis of Efficiency Gains from Bank Mergers in India. (2006). Ravishankar, Geetha ; Gourlay, Adrian R. ; Weyman-Jones, Tom . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_18.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12009Airline Market Power and Intertemporal Price Dispersion. (2009). Piga, Claudio ; Gaggero, Alberto. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_10.

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22005R&D investment, Credit Rationing and Sample Selection. (2005). Piga, Claudio ; Atzeni, Gianfranco. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2005_6.

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32013Payment Choice in International Trade: Theory and Evidence from Cross-country Firm Level Data. (2013). Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim ; Hoefele, Andreas ; Yu, Zihong . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2013_11.

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42013The Determinants of R&D Investment: A Survey of the Empirical Research. (2013). Becker, Bettina. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2013_09.

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52011A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Basel III: Some Evidence from the UK. (2011). Turner, Paul ; Hall, Maximilian ; Maximilian J. B. Hall, ; Yan, Meilin . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2011_05.

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62008Airline Competition in the British Isles. (2008). Piga, Claudio ; Gaggero, Alberto. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2008_12.

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72007Technological Spillovers and Productivity in Italian Manufacturing Firms. (2007). Piga, Claudio ; Medda, Giuseppe. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_17.

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82010SMEs and Regional Economic Growth in Brazil. (2010). Cravo, Túlio ; Becker, Bettina ; Gourlay, Adrian . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2010_01.

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92006Pricing strategies by European traditional and low cost airlines. Or, when is it the best time to book on line?. (2006). Piga, Claudio ; bachis, enrico. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2006_14.

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102009Financial health, exports, and firm survival: A comparison of British and French firms. (2009). Spaliara, Marina-Eliza ; Görg, Holger ; Gorg, Holger . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2009_18.

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112007Hub Premium, Airport Dominance and Market Power in the European Airline Industry.. (2007). Piga, Claudio ; bachis, enrico. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_11.

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122003Macroeconomic Effects of Reallocation Shocks: A generalised impulse response function analysis for three European countries. (2003). Pelloni, Gianluigi ; Panagiotidis, Theodore. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2003_15.

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132014Openness and Isolation: the comparative trade performance of the Former Soviet Central Asian countries.. (2014). Rizov, Marian ; Edwards, Terence ; Mazhikeyev, Arman . In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2014_02.

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142008The sub-prime crisis, the credit squeeze and Northern Rock: The lessons to be learnt. (2008). Hall, Maximilian. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2008_09.

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152012Inflated Ordered Outcomes. (2012). Spencer, Christopher ; Harris, Mark ; Brooks, Robert. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2012_09.

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162007Evaluating the Synchronisation of the Eurozone Business Cycles using Multivariate Coincident Macroeconomic Indicators. (2007). Chen, Xiaoshan. In: Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:lbo:lbowps:2007_27.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 0:


Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2014

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Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013Banks in international trade finance: evidence from the U.S.. (2013). Schmidt-Eisenlohr, Tim ; Niepmann, Friederike. In: Staff Reports. RePEc:fip:fednsr:633.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team