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Working Papers / Swiss National Bank, Study Center Gerzensee


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


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Main indicators

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19900.1000 (%)0.06
19910.09000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.11
19960.22000 (%)0.1
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.244461.587001 (1.1%)51.250.13
19994.750.34.75812221.83864194193 (3.5%)30.380.16
20001.830.371.831325281.1212612221222 (%)60.460.14
20011.050.371.24732391.2282212225311 (1.2%)30.430.17
20021.850.371.5840491.235620373248 (%)0.18
20030.870.41.08747501.0639151340431 (2.6%)40.570.19
20040.730.411.16754571.0660151143502 (3.3%)0.18
20051.570.431.1559570.972214224246 (%)20.40.21
200610.441.03463560.8995121234351 (1.1%)61.50.19
20071.330.370.87568380.564391231272 (4.7%)20.40.17
20082.670.391573490.67229242828 (%)30.60.17
20090.20.360.96679390.493410226251 (2.9%)10.170.17
20100.550.340.84584330.39181162521 (%)10.20.15
20110.730.411.121195460.48311182528 (%)40.360.2
20120.440.450.69398400.41201673222 (%)310.21
20130.710.50.88106690.6549141030242 (4.1%)91.130.2
20141.360.550.768114550.4821111533252 (9.5%)10.130.25
20151.190.570.774118600.51516193527 (%)0.26
20160.750.660.657125430.34312934221 (33.3%)30.430.34
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12006Exchange Rate Volatility and Productivity Growth: The Role of Financial Development. (2006). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Ranciere, Romain ; Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0602.

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22000Currency Crises and Monetary Policy in an Economy with Credit Constraints. (2000). Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe ; Banerjee, Abhijit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0007.

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31998Does Exchange Rate Stability Increase Trade and Capital Flows?. (1998). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9804.

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42000Capital Markets and the Instability of Open Economies. (2000). Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe ; Banerjee, Abhijit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9901update.

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52004A Scapegoat Model of Exchange Rate Fluctuations. (2004). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0401.

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61998Capital flows to Emerging Markets: Liberalization, Overshooting, and Volatility. (1998). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9801.

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72001A Theory of the Currency Denomination of International Trade. (2001). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0107.

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82001A corporate Balance-Sheet Approach to Currency Crises. (2001). Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe ; Banerjee, Abhijit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0105.

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91999Capital Markets and the Instability of Open Economies. (1999). Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe ; Banerjee, Abhijit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9901.

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101999Trade Credit and the Bank Lending Channel. (1999). Nilsen, Jeffrey. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9904.

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112003Can Information Heterogeneity Explain the Exchange Rate Determination Puzzle?. (2003). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0302.

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122002Why Do Consumer Prices React less than Import Prices to Exchange Rates?. (2002). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0205.

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132002Product Market Deregulation and Labor Market Outcomes. (2002). Haefke, Christian ; Ebell, Monique. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0208.

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142009Offshoring Along the Production Chain. (2009). Urban, Dieter ; Lorz, Oliver ; Harms, Philipp. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0901.

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151999Estimating Monthly GDP In A General Kalman Filter Framework: Evidence From Switzerland. (1999). Cuche-Curti, Nicolas ; Hess, Martin K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9902.

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162005Incomplete Information Processing: A Solution to the Forward Discount Puzzle. (2005). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0503.

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172013What Drives Target2 Balances? Evidence From a Panel Analysis. (2013). Auer, Raphael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1303.

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182010Foreign Aid and Enlightened Leaders. (2010). Raschky, Paul ; Hodler, Roland. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1005.

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192007Words, deeds, and outcomes: A survey on the growth effects of exchange rate regimes. (2007). Kretschmann, Marco ; Harms, Philipp. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0703.

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202000Monetary Policy with Foreign Currency Debt. (2000). Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0003.

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212000Trade Flows, Prices, and The Exchange Rate Regime. (2000). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0011.

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222013Foreign Currency Loans and Systemic Risk in Europe. (2013). Yesin, Pinar. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1306.

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232014Trade linkages and the globalisation of inflation in Asia and the Pacific. (2014). Mehrotra, Aaron ; Auer, Raphael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1405.

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242007Random Walk Expectations and the Forward Discount Puzzle. (2007). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0701.

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252001Do Depositors Discipline Swiss Banks?. (2001). Birchler, Urs ; Maechler, Andrea M.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0106.

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262006Predictability in Financial Markets: What Do Survey Expectations Tell Us?. (2006). van Wincoop, Eric ; Mertens, Elmar ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0604.

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272012Transmission of Sovereign Risk in the Euro Crisis. (2012). Sauré, Philip ; Brutti, Filippo ; Saure, Philip . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1201.

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282008Managing Beliefs about Monetary Policy under Discretion?. (2008). Mertens, Elmar. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0802.

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292009The Demographics of Expropriation Risk. (2009). Harms, Philipp ; an de Meulen, Philipp. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0902.

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302004Sequential Information Flow and Real-Time Diagnosis of Swiss Inflation: Intra-Monthly DCF Estimates for a Low-Inflation Environment. (2004). Fischer, Andreas ; Amstad, Marlene. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0406.

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312007Population Ageing, Government Budgets, and Productivity Growth in Politico-Economic Equilibrium. (2007). Niepelt, Dirk ; Gonzalez-Eiras, Martin ; Gonzales-Eiras, Martin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0705.

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322008Debt Maturity without Commitment. (2008). Niepelt, Dirk. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0805.

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332011Ageing, Government Budgets, Retirement, and Growth. (2011). Niepelt, Dirk ; Gonzalez-Eiras, Martin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1106.

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342001Why are Asset Returns More Volatile during Recessions? A Theoretical Explanation. (2001). Ebell, Monique. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0101.

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352000Alternative Indicator of Moneary Policy for a Small Open Economy. (2000). Cuche-Curti, Nicolas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0012.

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362004Higher Order Expectations in Asset Pricing. (2004). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0403.

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372002Fluctuations in the Swiss Franc: What has Changed Since the Euros Introduction?. (2002). Fischer, Andreas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0203.

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382013Bayesian estimation of sparse dynamic factor models with order-independent identification. (2013). Schumacher, Christian ; Kaufmann, Sylvia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1304.

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39Economic and Politico-Economic Equivalence. (2012). Niepelt, Dirk ; Gonzalez-Eiras, Martin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1202.

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402011Low-Wage Import Competition, Inflationary Pressure, and Industry Dynamics in Europe. (2011). Fischer, Andreas ; Auer, Raphael ; Degen, Kathrin . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1102.

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412000Monetary policy with forward-looking rules: The Swiss case. (2000). Cuche-Curti, Nicolas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0010.

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422013Risk-off Episodes and Swiss Franc Appreciation: the Role of Capital Flows. (2013). de Carvalho Filho, Irineu ; Irineu de Carvalho Filho, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1307.

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431998Financial Liberalization and Volatility in Emerging Market Economies. (1998). Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe ; Banerjee, Abhijit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9802.

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442003Reuters News Reports versus Official Interventions: A Cautionary Warning. (2003). Fischer, Andreas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0306.

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452014Horizontal, Vertical, and Conglomerate FDI: Evidence from Cross Border Acquisitions. (2014). Herger, Nils ; McCorriston, Steve . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1402.

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462011Surfing the Capital Waves: A sector-level examination of surges in FDI inflows. (2011). Reinhardt, Dennis ; Dell'Erba, Salvatore ; DellErba, Salvatore . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1107.

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472013Product Heterogeneity, Cross-Country Taste Differences, and the Consumption Home Bias. (2013). Auer, Raphael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1301.

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482003Aid, Governance, and Private Foreign Investment: Some Puzzling Findings and a Possible Explanation. (2003). Lutz, Matthias ; Harms, Philipp. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0304.

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492014The Cyclical Component of Labor Market Polarization and Jobless Recoveries in the US. (2014). Kaufmann, Sylvia ; Gaggl, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1403.

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502011Prices and Choices in the Swiss Health Care Insurance Market. (2011). Ortiz, Yves . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1109.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12004A Scapegoat Model of Exchange Rate Fluctuations. (2004). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0401.

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22006Exchange Rate Volatility and Productivity Growth: The Role of Financial Development. (2006). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Ranciere, Romain ; Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0602.

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32014Trade linkages and the globalisation of inflation in Asia and the Pacific. (2014). Mehrotra, Aaron ; Auer, Raphael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1405.

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42013Foreign Currency Loans and Systemic Risk in Europe. (2013). Yesin, Pinar. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1306.

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52012Transmission of Sovereign Risk in the Euro Crisis. (2012). Sauré, Philip ; Brutti, Filippo ; Saure, Philip . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1201.

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62009Offshoring Along the Production Chain. (2009). Urban, Dieter ; Lorz, Oliver ; Harms, Philipp. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0901.

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71999Estimating Monthly GDP In A General Kalman Filter Framework: Evidence From Switzerland. (1999). Cuche-Curti, Nicolas ; Hess, Martin K.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9902.

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82014Horizontal, Vertical, and Conglomerate FDI: Evidence from Cross Border Acquisitions. (2014). Herger, Nils ; McCorriston, Steve . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1402.

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92001Why are Asset Returns More Volatile during Recessions? A Theoretical Explanation. (2001). Ebell, Monique. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0101.

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102011Low-Wage Import Competition, Inflationary Pressure, and Industry Dynamics in Europe. (2011). Fischer, Andreas ; Auer, Raphael ; Degen, Kathrin . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1102.

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111999Capital Markets and the Instability of Open Economies. (1999). Bacchetta, Philippe ; Aghion, Philippe ; Banerjee, Abhijit . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9901.

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122000Alternative Indicator of Moneary Policy for a Small Open Economy. (2000). Cuche-Curti, Nicolas. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0012.

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132014The Cyclical Component of Labor Market Polarization and Jobless Recoveries in the US. (2014). Kaufmann, Sylvia ; Gaggl, Paul. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1403.

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142013Risk-off Episodes and Swiss Franc Appreciation: the Role of Capital Flows. (2013). de Carvalho Filho, Irineu ; Irineu de Carvalho Filho, . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1307.

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152015Capital flow waves to and from Switzerland before and after the financial crisis. (2015). Yesin, Pinar. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1502.

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162011Prices and Choices in the Swiss Health Care Insurance Market. (2011). Ortiz, Yves . In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1109.

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172013Product Heterogeneity, Cross-Country Taste Differences, and the Consumption Home Bias. (2013). Auer, Raphael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1301.

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182013Bayesian estimation of sparse dynamic factor models with order-independent identification. (2013). Schumacher, Christian ; Kaufmann, Sylvia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1304.

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192016Exchange rate floor and central bank balance sheets: Simple spillover tests of the Swiss franc. (2016). Fischer, Andreas ; Alvero, Adrien. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1607.

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202005Incomplete Information Processing: A Solution to the Forward Discount Puzzle. (2005). van Wincoop, Eric ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0503.

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211999Trade Credit and the Bank Lending Channel. (1999). Nilsen, Jeffrey. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:9904.

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222009Can Parameter Instability Explain the Meese-Rogoff Puzzle?. (2009). van Wincoop, Eric ; Beutler, Toni ; Bacchetta, Philippe. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0904.

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232011Ageing, Government Budgets, Retirement, and Growth. (2011). Niepelt, Dirk ; Gonzalez-Eiras, Martin. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1106.

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242013Credibility For Sale. (2013). Niepelt, Dirk ; Dellas, Harris. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1305.

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252007Words, deeds, and outcomes: A survey on the growth effects of exchange rate regimes. (2007). Kretschmann, Marco ; Harms, Philipp. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:0703.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 9:

2016The effectiveness of policy interventions in CEE countries. (2016). Andrieș, Alin Marius ; Nistor, Simona ; Iean-Muntean, Florentina . In: Eastern Journal of European Studies. RePEc:jes:journl:y:2016:v:7:p:93-124.

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2016The banking sector and the Swiss financial account during the financial and European debt crises. (2016). Tille, Cédric ; Auer, Raphael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:snb:snbwpa:2016-05.

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2016The banking sector and the Swiss financial account during the financial and European debt crises:. (2016). Tille, Cédric ; Auer, Raphael. In: Aussenwirtschaft. RePEc:usg:auswrt:2016:67:02:69-97.

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2016Cross-country exposures to the Swiss franc. (2016). Bénétrix, Agustín ; Benetrix, Agustin S ; Lane, Philip R. In: ESRB Working Paper Series. RePEc:srk:srkwps:201606.

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2016Market structure and exchange rate pass-through. (2016). Auer, Raphael ; Schoenle, Raphael S. In: Journal of International Economics. RePEc:eee:inecon:v:98:y:2016:i:c:p:60-77.

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2016Pass-Through of Imported Input Prices to Domestic Producer Prices; Evidence from Sector-Level Data. (2016). Ahn, JaeBin ; Park, Chang-Gui . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:16/23.

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2016The diffusion and dynamics of producer prices, deflationary pressure across Asian countries, and the role of China. (2016). Funke, Michael ; Chen, Hongyi ; Tsang, Andrew . In: BOFIT Discussion Papers. RePEc:bof:bofitp:2016_011.

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2016Hidden Markov models in time series, with applications in economics. (2016). Kaufmann, Sylvia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1606.

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2016New stylized facts on occupational employment and their implications: Evidence from consistent employment data. (2016). Shim, Myungkyu ; Yang, Hee-Seung . In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:59:y:2016:i:c:p:402-415.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016The banking sector and the Swiss financial account during the financial and European debt crises. (2016). Tille, Cédric ; Auer, Raphael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:snb:snbwpa:2016-05.

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2016Hidden Markov models in time series, with applications in economics. (2016). Kaufmann, Sylvia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1606.

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2016The banking sector and the Swiss financial account during the financial and European debt crises:. (2016). Tille, Cédric ; Auer, Raphael. In: Aussenwirtschaft. RePEc:usg:auswrt:2016:67:02:69-97.

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Recent citations received in 2015

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Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014K-state switching models with time-varying transition distributions – Does credit growth signal stronger effects of variables on inflation?. (2014). Kaufmann, Sylvia. In: Working Papers. RePEc:szg:worpap:1404.

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Recent citations received in 2013

YearCiting document
2013CESifo Forum Special Issue April 2013: Target Balances and the Crisis in the Euro Area. (2013). Cour-Thimann, Philippine. In: CESifo Forum. RePEc:ces:ifofor:v::y:2013:i::p:05-50.

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2013Capital Flows in the Euro Area. (2013). Lane, Philip. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:9493.

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2013The implications of TARGET2 in the European balance of payments crisis and beyond. (2013). Cesaratto, Sergio. In: European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention. RePEc:elg:ejeepi:v:10:y:2013:i:3:p359-382.

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2013GROWTH AND ADJUSTMENT CHALLENGES FOR THE EURO AREA. (2013). Lane, Philip. In: The Economic and Social Review. RePEc:eso:journl:v:44:y:2013:i:2:p:273-295.

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2013Growth and Adjustment Challenge for the Euro Area. (2013). Lane, Philip. In: The Institute for International Integration Studies Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:iis:dispap:iiisdp426.

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2013The Curious Case of the Yen as a Safe Haven Currency; A Forensic Analysis. (2013). de Carvalho Filho, Irineu ; Dennis P. J. Botman, ; Lam, Raphael W. ; Irineu E. Carvalho Filho, . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:13/228.

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2013The Behavior of Currencies during Risk-off Episodes. (2013). de Carvalho Filho, Irineu ; De Bock, Reinout ; Irineu E. Carvalho Filho, . In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:13/8.

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2013TARGET2 imbalances and the need for a lender of last resort. (2013). Purificato, Francesco ; Astarita, Caterina . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:51124.

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2013The implications of TARGET2 in the European balance of payment crisis and beyond. (2013). Cesaratto, Sergio. In: Department of Economics University of Siena. RePEc:usi:wpaper:681.

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 1st 2017. Contact: CitEc Team