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Auburn Economics Working Paper Series / Department of Economics, Auburn University


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.36000 (%)0.16
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39000 (%)0.19
20040.4000 (%)0.18
20050.42000 (%)0.2
20060.45000 (%)0.19
20070.38000 (%)0.16
20080.39000 (%)0.17
20090.360100 (%)0.17
20100.348810.1314002 (14.3%)10.130.15
20110.130.40.13142220.095081811 (2%)10.070.19
20120.450.440.45830160.531022102210 (%)20.250.2
20130.410.490.332252250.487022930104 (5.7%)90.410.2
20140.770.520.581567400.659302352308 (13.6%)60.40.23
20150.540.540.491986410.4838372067337 (18.4%)70.370.24
20160.760.60.516102450.4413342678395 (38.5%)30.190.27
20170.370.640.538110550.52351380421 (50%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12014Accuracy, Speed and Robustness of Policy Function Iteration. (2014). Walker, Todd ; Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-08.

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22013Salaries and Work Effort: An Analysis of the European Union Parliamentarians. (2013). Mocan, Naci ; Altindag, Duha. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-02.

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32011Hysteresis vs. Natural Rate of US Unemployment. (2011). Stern, Michael ; Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Durmaz, Nazif ; Cheng, Ka Ming. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-01.

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42013Global Dynamics at the Zero Lower Bound. (2013). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander ; Keen, Benjamin ; Gavin, William. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-17.

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52013How Does the Oil Price Shock Affect Consumers?. (2013). Saba, Richard ; Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Gao, Liping. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-04.

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62014Unemployment, Underemployment, and Employment Opportunities: Results from a Correspondence Audit of the Labor Market for College Graduates. (2014). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John ; Pugh, Adam ; Richard Alan Seals, Jr., ; Romero, Nicholas . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-04.

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72015Spillover Effects of the U.S. Financial Crisis on Financial Markets in Emerging Asian Countries. (2015). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Lee, Bong-Soo. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-01.

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82015Economic Development and Stage-Dependent IPR. (2015). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-16.

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92011Spillover Effects of the US Financial Crisis on Financial Markets in Emerging Asian Countries. (2011). Kim, Bong-Han. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-04.

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102014How Does the Oil Price Shock Affect Consumers?. (2014). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Gao, Liping ; Saba, Richard . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-10.

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112014The Zero Lower Bound: Frequency, Duration, and Numerical Convergence. (2014). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-09.

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122014College Major, Internship Experience, and Employment Opportunities: Estimates from a Résumé Audit. (2014). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John ; Pugh, Adam ; Richard Alan Seals, Jr., ; Romero, Nicholas . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-03.

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132013The Fiscal Limit and Non-Ricardian Consumers. (2013). Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-19.

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142016Human-Capital Spillover, Population, and Economic Growth. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-02.

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152011Child-Custody Reform and the Division of Labor in the Household. (2011). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-14.

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162015Unemployment, Underemployment, and Employment Opportunities: Results from a Correspondence Audit. (2015). Nunley, John ; Richard, JR ; Romero, Nicholas ; Pugh, Adam . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-13.

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172010What Drives Commodity Prices?. (2010). Resiandini, Pramesti ; Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jackson, John ; Chen, Shu-Ling. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2010-05.

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182015Measuring the Speed of Convergence of Stock Prices: A Nonparametric and Nonlinear Approach. (2015). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Ryu, Deockhyun . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-08.

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192012Education, Cognition, Health Knowledge, and Health Behavior. (2012). Mocan, Naci ; Altindag, Duha. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2012-01.

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202015Finite Lifetimes, Population, and Growth. (2015). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-14.

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212010Examining the Evidence of Purchasing Power Parity by Recursive Mean Adjustment. (2010). Moh, Young-Kyu ; Kim, Hyeongwoo. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2010-08.

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22The Zero Lower Bound: Frequency, Duration, and Determinacy. (2013). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-16.

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232016Forecasting Financial Stress Indices in Korea: A Factor Model Approach. (2016). Kim, Hyun Hak ; Shi, Wen. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-10.

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242013The Consequences of Uncertain Debt Targets. (2013). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-18.

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252011The Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions on Property Crime. (2011). Zietz, Joachim ; Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-06.

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262010Internet Use and Job Search. (2010). Seals, Richard ; Saba, Richard ; FORD, GEORGE ; Beard, Thomas. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2010-07.

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272016Dynastic Altruism, Population Growth, and Economic Prosperity. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-03.

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282011Investment in Cleaner Technology and Signaling Distortions in a Market with Green Consumers. (2011). Sengupta, Aditi. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-10.

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292011Purchasing Power Parity and the Taylor Rule. (2011). Ogaki, Masao ; Kim, Hyeongwoo. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-02.

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302012Generalized Impulse Response Analysis: General or Extreme?. (2012). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Anderson, Seth . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2012-04.

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312010Demographic Change, Macroeconomic Conditions, and the Murder Rate: The Case of the United States, 1934 to 2006. (2010). Zietz, Joachim ; Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2010-04.

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322011Does Bill Co-sponsorship Affect Campaign Contributions?: Evidence from the U.S. House of Representatives, 2000-2008. (2011). Tanger, Shaun ; Seals, Richard ; Laband, David. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-09.

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332015Forecasting Financial Market Vulnerability in the U.S.: A Factor Model Approach. (2015). Shi, Wen ; Kim, Hyeongwoo. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-04.

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342016Government Spending Shocks and Private Activity: The Role of Sentiments. (2016). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jia, Bijie. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-04.

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352012Competitive Investment in Clean Technology and Uninformed Green Consumers. (2012). Sengupta, Aditi. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2012-08.

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362017Government Spending Shocks and Private Activity: The Role of Sentiments. (2017). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jia, Bijie . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2017-08.

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372014Crime and International Tourism. (2014). Altindag, Duha. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-01.

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382014An Examination of Racial Discrimination in the Labor Market for Recent College Graduates: Estimates from the Field. (2014). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John ; Pugh, Adam ; Richard Alan Seals, Jr., ; Romero, Nicholas . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-06.

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392015Competition and Product Choice in Option Demand Markets. (2015). Sorek, Gilad. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-11.

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402014London Calling: Nonlinear Mean Reversion across National Stock Markets. (2014). Kim, Jintae. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-13.

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412013What Drives Commodity Prices?. (2013). Resiandini, Pramesti ; Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jackson, John D. ; Chen, Shu-Ling. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-03.

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422015Location and Product Choice in Option Demand Markets. (2015). Sorek, Gilad . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-07.

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432016Finite Lifetimes, Patents Length and Breadth, and Growth. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-08.

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442011The Impact of Institutions and Development on Happiness. (2011). Altindag, Duha ; Xu, Junyue . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-08.

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452011Crime and Unemployment: Evidence from Europe. (2011). Altindag, Duha. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-13.

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462013Revisiting the Empirical Inconsistency of the Permanent Income Hypothesis: Evidence from Rural China. (2013). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Gao, Liping ; Zhang, Yaoqi. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-05.

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472012Spillover Effects of the U.S. Financial Crisis on Financial Markets in Emerging Asian Countries. (2012). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Lee, Bong-Soo. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2012-06.

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482016Dynamics of Human Capital Accumulation, IPR Policy, and Growth. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-11.

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492014On the Importance of Inequality in Politics: Duplicate Bills and Bill Co-sponsorship in the U.S. House of Representatives. (2014). Seals, Richard ; Laband, David ; Richard Alan Seals, Jr., . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-05.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12013How Does the Oil Price Shock Affect Consumers?. (2013). Saba, Richard ; Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Gao, Liping. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-04.

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22013Salaries and Work Effort: An Analysis of the European Union Parliamentarians. (2013). Mocan, Naci ; Altindag, Duha. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-02.

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32015Spillover Effects of the U.S. Financial Crisis on Financial Markets in Emerging Asian Countries. (2015). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Lee, Bong-Soo. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-01.

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42014Unemployment, Underemployment, and Employment Opportunities: Results from a Correspondence Audit of the Labor Market for College Graduates. (2014). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John ; Pugh, Adam ; Richard Alan Seals, Jr., ; Romero, Nicholas . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-04.

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52014Accuracy, Speed and Robustness of Policy Function Iteration. (2014). Walker, Todd ; Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-08.

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62015Economic Development and Stage-Dependent IPR. (2015). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-16.

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72016Human-Capital Spillover, Population, and Economic Growth. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-02.

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82011Hysteresis vs. Natural Rate of US Unemployment. (2011). Stern, Michael ; Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Durmaz, Nazif ; Cheng, Ka Ming. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-01.

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92015Measuring the Speed of Convergence of Stock Prices: A Nonparametric and Nonlinear Approach. (2015). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Ryu, Deockhyun . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-08.

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102014How Does the Oil Price Shock Affect Consumers?. (2014). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Gao, Liping ; Saba, Richard . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-10.

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112016Forecasting Financial Stress Indices in Korea: A Factor Model Approach. (2016). Kim, Hyun Hak ; Shi, Wen. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-10.

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122014The Zero Lower Bound: Frequency, Duration, and Numerical Convergence. (2014). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-09.

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132016Dynastic Altruism, Population Growth, and Economic Prosperity. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-03.

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142015Unemployment, Underemployment, and Employment Opportunities: Results from a Correspondence Audit. (2015). Nunley, John ; Richard, JR ; Romero, Nicholas ; Pugh, Adam . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-13.

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152015Finite Lifetimes, Population, and Growth. (2015). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-14.

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162011Spillover Effects of the US Financial Crisis on Financial Markets in Emerging Asian Countries. (2011). Kim, Bong-Han. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-04.

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172011Child-Custody Reform and the Division of Labor in the Household. (2011). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-14.

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182017Government Spending Shocks and Private Activity: The Role of Sentiments. (2017). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jia, Bijie . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2017-08.

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192014An Examination of Racial Discrimination in the Labor Market for Recent College Graduates: Estimates from the Field. (2014). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John ; Pugh, Adam ; Richard Alan Seals, Jr., ; Romero, Nicholas . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-06.

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202010What Drives Commodity Prices?. (2010). Resiandini, Pramesti ; Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jackson, John ; Chen, Shu-Ling. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2010-05.

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212013Global Dynamics at the Zero Lower Bound. (2013). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander ; Keen, Benjamin ; Gavin, William. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2013-17.

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222014College Major, Internship Experience, and Employment Opportunities: Estimates from a Résumé Audit. (2014). Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John ; Pugh, Adam ; Richard Alan Seals, Jr., ; Romero, Nicholas . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-03.

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232011Investment in Cleaner Technology and Signaling Distortions in a Market with Green Consumers. (2011). Sengupta, Aditi. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-10.

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242016Government Spending Shocks and Private Activity: The Role of Sentiments. (2016). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jia, Bijie. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-04.

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252012Generalized Impulse Response Analysis: General or Extreme?. (2012). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Anderson, Seth . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2012-04.

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262011The Impact of Macroeconomic Conditions on Property Crime. (2011). Zietz, Joachim ; Seals, Richard ; Nunley, John. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2011-06.

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272014Crime and International Tourism. (2014). Altindag, Duha. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-01.

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282012Competitive Investment in Clean Technology and Uninformed Green Consumers. (2012). Sengupta, Aditi. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2012-08.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 13:

2017Government Spending Shocks and Private Activity: The Role of Sentiments. (2017). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Jia, Bijie . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2017-08.

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2017Weak Scale Effects in Overlapping Generations Economy. (2017). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Economics Bulletin. RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-17-00036.

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2017Compositional Changes in Public Expenditure and Economic Growth: Time Series Evidence from Pakistan. (2017). Hussain, Ibrar ; Rafiq, Muhmmad ; Khan, Zahoor . In: Business & Economic Review. RePEc:bec:imsber:v:9:y:2017:i:1:p:1-20.

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2017Patents and Growth in OLG Economy with Physical Capital. (2017). Stern, Michael ; Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2017-06.

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2017Improving Forecast Accuracy of Financial Vulnerability: PLS Factor Model Approach. (2017). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Ko, Kyunghwan. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2017-03.

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2017Improving Forecast Accuracy of Financial Vulnerability: Partial Least Squares Factor Model Approach. (2017). Ko, Kyunghwan. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bok:wpaper:1714.

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2017Duration Dependence as an Unemployment Stigma: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany. (2017). Nüß, Patrick ; Nuss, Patrick. In: GLO Discussion Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:glodps:88.

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2017Duration Dependence as an Unemployment Stigma: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Germany. (2017). Nüß, Patrick ; Nuss, Partick. In: IMK Working Paper. RePEc:imk:wpaper:184-2017.

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2017Electricity generation and GHG emission reduction potentials through different municipal solid waste management technologies: A comparative review. (2017). Rajaeifar, Mohammad Ali ; Tabatabaei, Meisam ; Aghbashlo, Mortaza ; Heijungs, Reinout ; Dashti, Behrouz B ; Ghanavati, Hossein . In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. RePEc:eee:rensus:v:79:y:2017:i:c:p:414-439.

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2017London Calling: Nonlinear Mean Reversion across National Stock Markets. (2017). Kim, Hyeongwoo. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2017-05.

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2017Estimating the speed of adjustment to target levels: The case of energy prices. (2017). Narayan, Seema. In: Energy Economics. RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:62:y:2017:i:c:p:419-427.

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2017Dynamic and Asymmetric Contagion Reactions of Financial Markets During the Last Subprime Crisis. (2017). Zhou, Wei. In: Computational Economics. RePEc:kap:compec:v:50:y:2017:i:2:d:10.1007_s10614-016-9606-z.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2017

YearCiting document

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016Life-Cycle Saving, Bequests, and the Role of Population in R&D-based Growth. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-05.

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2016Weak Scale Effects in Overlapping Generations Economy. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2016-12.

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2016Dynastic Altruism, Population, and R&D based Growth. (2016). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Economics Bulletin. RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-16-00554.

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Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Competition and Product Choice in Option Demand Markets. (2015). Sorek, Gilad. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-11.

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2015Competition and Consume Choice in Option Demand Markets. (2015). Sorek, Gilad. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-12.

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2015Economic Development and Stage-Dependent IPR. (2015). Sorek, Gilad ; D, Bharat ; Diwakar, Bharat . In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2015-16.

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2015Forecasting Financial Stress Indices in Korea: A Factor Model Approach. (2015). Kim, Hyeongwoo ; Shi, Wen. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bok:wpaper:1530.

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2015Catastrophic Economic Consequences of Healthcare Payments: Effects on Poverty Estimates in Egypt, Jordan, and Palestine. (2015). Sharaf, Mesbah ; Rashad, Ahmed. In: Economies. RePEc:gam:jecomi:v:3:y:2015:i:4:p:216-234:d:59475.

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2015Factors Determining Callbacks to Job Applications by the Unemployed: An Audit Study. (2015). Silverman, Dan ; Farber, Henrys ; von Wachter, Till. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9465.

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2015Factors Determining Callbacks to Job Applications by the Unemployed: An Audit Study. (2015). von Wachter, Till ; Silverman, Dan ; Farber, Henrys . In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21689.

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Recent citations received in 2014

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2014The Zero Lower Bound: Frequency, Duration, and Numerical Convergence. (2014). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander. In: Auburn Economics Working Paper Series. RePEc:abn:wpaper:auwp2014-09.

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2014Efficient Perturbation Methods for Solving Regime-Switching DSGE Models. (2014). Maih, Junior. In: Working Papers. RePEc:bny:wpaper:0028.

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2014The zero lower bound and endogenous uncertainty. (2014). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander ; Plante, Michael. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:feddwp:1405.

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2014Conservatism and Liquidity Traps. (2014). Schmidt, Sebastian ; Nakata, Taisuke. In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series. RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2014-105.

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2014The stimulative effect of forward guidance. (2014). Throckmorton, Nathaniel ; Richter, Alexander ; Keen, Benjamin ; Gavin, William. In: Working Papers. RePEc:fip:fedlwp:2013-038.

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2014Door Opener or Waste of Time? The Effects of Student Internships on Labor Market Outcomes. (2014). Siedler, Thomas ; Saniter, Nils. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8141.

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