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Staff Paper Series / University of Wisconsin, Agricultural and Applied Economics


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.220200 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.366656001 (1.8%)0.14
20010.368146662 (33.3%)0.16
20020.070.370.07122640.15201411411 (5%)20.170.18
20030.150.390.2793590.26232032671 (4.3%)20.220.19
20040.190.40.2134870.15272143572 (7.4%)0.18
20050.590.420.521260300.532221348252 (6.3%)30.250.2
20060.360.450.221474200.271025954123 (30%)40.290.19
20070.080.380.081488100.1127262605 (%)0.16
20080.070.390.111199140.14712826275 (7%)10.090.17
20090.520.360.2312111250.2345251364151 (2.2%)20.170.17
20100.480.340.2412123220.18523116315 (%)10.080.15
20110.170.40.228131340.26624463141 (16.7%)10.130.19
20120.10.440.283134320.242025716 (%)0.2
20130.270.490.392136270.231134618 (%)0.2
20140.520.168144220.1515376 (%)0.23
20150.543147220.1521033 (%)10.330.24
20160.090.60.084151260.171111242 (%)0.27
20170.640.152153100.077203 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12000Getting Institutions Right for Whom: Credit Constraints and the Impact of Property Rights on the Quantity and Compostiton of Investment. (2000). Olinto, Pedro ; Carter, Michael. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:433.

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22008Interprovincial Migration and Inequality During Vietnams Transition. (2008). Phan, Diep ; Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:507.

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32009Choices under Risk in Rural Peru. (2009). Galarza, Francisco. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:542.

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42003An Experimental Approach to Social Capital in South Africa. (2003). Carter, Michael ; Castillo, Marco. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:448.

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52007Womens Power, Conditional Cash Transfers and Schooling in Nicaragua. (2007). Gitter, Seth ; Barham, Bradford . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:517.

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62008The Effect of Ethanol Production on the U.S. National Corn Price. (2008). Fortenbery, T. Randall ; Park, Hwanil. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:523.

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72005Biodiesel Feasibility Study: An Evaluation of Biodiesel Feasibility in Wisconsin. (2005). Fortenbery, T. Randall. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:481.

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82005Price Discovery in the World Sugar Futures and Cash Markets: Implications for the Domincan Republic. (2005). Fortenbery, T. Randall ; Armstrong, Delroy ; Zapata, T. Randall Fortenbery, . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:469.

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92004Social Capital and the Reproduction of Inequality in Socially Polarized Economies. (2004). Mogues, Tewodaj ; Carter, Michael. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:476.

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102004Developed Speculation and Under Developed Markets - The Role of Futures Trading on Export Prices in Less Developed Countries. (2004). Fortenbery, T. Randall ; Zapata, Hector O.. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:470.

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112002On the Decline of Agriculture in Developing Countries: A Reinterpretation of the Evidence. (2002). Coxhead, Ian ; Punyasavatsut, Chaiyuth. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:457.

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122008An Analysis of Bundle Pricing: The Case of the Corn Seed Market. (2008). Stiegert, Kyle ; Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Shi, Guanming. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:529.

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132002Price Dynamics in a Vertical Sector: The Case of Butter. (2002). Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Mehta, Aashish. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:452.

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142009Trade, Technology and Inequality in a Developing Country: Theory and Evidence from China. (2009). Li, Muqun ; Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:539.

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15Development and the Environment in Asia: A Survey of Recent Literature. (2002). Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:455.

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162008Prospects for Skills-Based Export Growth in a Labour-Abundant, Resource-Rich Economy: Indonesia in Comparative Perspective. (2008). Li, Muqun ; Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:524.

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172007The Role of Microenterprises in Economic Growth: A Panel Study of Wisconsin Counties 1977 to 1997. (2007). Deller, Steven. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:514.

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182004Land Use and Transportation Costs in the Brazilian Amazon. (2004). Weinhold, Diana ; Reis, Eustaquio . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:467.

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192005An Economic Analysis of the Impacts of Trade Liberalization on Asian Dairy Market. (2005). Cox, Thomas L. ; Peng, Tingjun. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:490.

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202002The Dynamic Behavior of Efficient Timber Prices. (2002). McGough, Bruce ; Plantinga, Andrew J. ; Provencher, William. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:454.

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212005Shocks, Sensitivity and Resilience: Tracking the Economic Impacts of Environmental Disaster on Assets in Ethiopia and Honduras. (2005). Mogues, Tewodaj ; Carter, Michael ; Negatu, Workneh ; Little, Peter D.. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:489.

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222009The Efficiency of Voluntary Incentive Policies for Preventing Biodiversity Loss. (2009). Polasky, Stephen ; Nelson, Erik ; Lewis, David ; Plantinga, Andrew J.. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:533.

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232011Global Market Shocks and Poverty in Vietnam: The Case of Rice. (2011). Vu, Linh ; Coxhead, Ian ; Le, Dong Tam ; Linh, Vu Hoang . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:559.

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242000Wealth Accumulation and Activity Choice Evolution Among Amazonian Forest Peasant Households. (2000). Takasaki, Yoshito ; Barham, Bradford L. ; Coomes, Oliver T.. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:434.

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252004Sense in Sociability? Social Exclusion and Persistent Poverty in South Africa. (2004). Carter, Michael ; Adato, Michelle ; May, Julian . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:477.

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262010Market Concentration and the Analysis of Vertical Market Structures. (2010). Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Shi, Guanming. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:551.

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272013Measuring Farm Sustainability Using Data Envelope Analysis with Principal Components: The Case of the Wisconsin Cranberry. (2013). Mitchell, Paul ; dong, fengxia ; Colquhoun, Jed . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:568.

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282008The Rise of China and India and the Commodity Boom: Economic and Environmental Implications for Low-Income Countries. (2008). jayasuriya, sisira ; Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:528.

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292009The Construction of a Tax and Expenditure Limitation Index for the US. (2009). Deller, Steven ; Stallmann, Judith ; Amiel, Lindsay . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:536.

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302009An Analysis of Bundle Pricing in Horizontal and Vertical Markets: The Case of the U.S. Cottonseed Market. (2009). Stiegert, Kyle ; Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Shi, Guanming. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:543.

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312001Risk Rationing and Activity Choice in Moral Hazard Constrained Credit Markets. (2001). Carter, Michael. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:445.

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322007The Cooperative Firm as Monitored Credit. (2007). Marcoul, Philippe ; Hueth, Brent. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:508.

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332009On Pricing and Vertical Organization of Differentiated Products. (2009). Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Shi, Guanming. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:535.

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342015Factors Affecting the Interstate Migration of Manufacturing Firms: Much to Do about Nothing?. (2015). Tsvetkova, Alexandra ; Deller, Steven ; Conroy, Tessa. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:578.

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352001Local Public Services in Wisconsin: Alternatives for Municipalities with a Focus on Privatization. (2001). Deller, Steven ; Hinds, David G. ; Hinman, Donald L.. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:441.

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362006The Duopolistic Firm with Endogenous Risk Control: Case of Persuasive Advertising and Product Differentiation. (2006). Stiegert, Kyle ; Wang, Shinn-Shyr. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:496.

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372009The Contribution of Agriculture to the Wisconsin Economy. (2009). Deller, Steven ; Williams, David. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:541.

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382005Research and Development at U.S. Research Universities: An Analysis of Scope Economies. (2005). Foltz, Jeremy ; Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Barham, Bradford L. ; Kim, Kwansoo. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:487.

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392006Understanding Community Impacts: A Tool for Evaluating Externalities from Local Bio-Fuels Production. (2006). Fortenbery, T. Randall ; Deller, Steven. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:505.

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402006An Analysis of Retail and Service Sector Count Data: Identification of Market Potential for Wisconsin Counties. (2006). Deller, Steven ; Kures, Matt ; Ryan, William. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:492.

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412005Efficiency and Technological Change at U.S. Research Universities. (2005). Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Barham, Bradford L. ; Kim, Kwansoo ; Folts, Jeremy. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:486.

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422010Forest Conservation and Slippage: Evidence from Mexicos National Payments for Ecosystem Services Program. (2010). Shapiro, Elizabeth N. ; Sims, Katharine R. E., ; Alix-Garcia, Jennifer M.. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:548.

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432005Do Conservation Easements Reduce Land Prices? The Case of South Central Wisconsin. (2005). Weinhold, Diana ; Anderson, Kathryn . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:484.

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442011Economic Assessment of the Benefits of Chloro-s-triazine Herbicides to U.S. Corn, Sorghum, and Sugarcane Producers. (2011). Mitchell, Paul. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:564.

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452006Is Tourism-Based Development Good for the Poor? A General Equilibrium Analysis for Thailand. (2006). Coxhead, Ian ; Wattanakuljarus, Anan . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:502.

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462004Responding to the Coffee Crisis: What Can We Learn from Price Dynamics. (2004). Chavas, Jean-Paul ; Mehta, Aashish. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:472.

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472011Analyzing Farmer Participation Intentions and Enrollment Rates for the Average Crop Revenue Election (ACRE) Program. (2011). Rejesus, Roderick ; Mitchell, Paul ; Coble, Keith ; Knight, Thomas O.. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:560.

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482001Economic Growth, Development Policy and the Environment in the Philippines. (2001). jayasuriya, sisira ; Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:430.

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492006Should the Government Finance Public Goods in Rural Areas? A Review of Arguments. (2006). Petrick, Martin. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:497.

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502004Wisconsin and the Agricultural Economy. (2004). Deller, Steven. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:471.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12009Choices under Risk in Rural Peru. (2009). Galarza, Francisco. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:542.

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22008Interprovincial Migration and Inequality During Vietnams Transition. (2008). Phan, Diep ; Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:507.

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32007Womens Power, Conditional Cash Transfers and Schooling in Nicaragua. (2007). Gitter, Seth ; Barham, Bradford . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:517.

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42009The Construction of a Tax and Expenditure Limitation Index for the US. (2009). Deller, Steven ; Stallmann, Judith ; Amiel, Lindsay . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:536.

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52009Trade, Technology and Inequality in a Developing Country: Theory and Evidence from China. (2009). Li, Muqun ; Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:539.

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62013Measuring Farm Sustainability Using Data Envelope Analysis with Principal Components: The Case of the Wisconsin Cranberry. (2013). Mitchell, Paul ; dong, fengxia ; Colquhoun, Jed . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:568.

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72005Price Discovery in the World Sugar Futures and Cash Markets: Implications for the Domincan Republic. (2005). Fortenbery, T. Randall ; Armstrong, Delroy ; Zapata, T. Randall Fortenbery, . In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:469.

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82002Development and the Environment in Asia: A Survey of Recent Literature. (2002). Coxhead, Ian. In: Staff Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:wisagr:455.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 0:


Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document
2015Regional Business Climate and Interstate Manufacturing Relocation Decisions. (2015). Tsvetkova, Alexandra ; Deller, Steven ; Conroy, Tessa. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:66748.

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CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team