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Working Papers / University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization, University of Hawaii at Manoa


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

Main indicators

Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.17000 (%)0.1
19960.22000 (%)0.09
19970.22000 (%)0.09
19980.24000 (%)0.12
19990.3000 (%)0.15
20000.36000 (%)0.14
20010.360200 (%)0.16
20020.37000 (%)0.18
20030.39000 (%)0.19
20040.4000 (%)0.18
20050.42000 (%)0.2
20060.45000 (%)0.19
20070.3811600 (%)0.16
20080.39111 (%)0.17
20090.36111 (%)0.17
20100.343151630.19270134 (14.8%)0.15
20110.20.40.19173330.0910153163 (%)0.19
20120.060.440.06104340.094322332 (%)0.2
20130.070.490.12216450.084272425 (%)0.2
20140.030.520.131680120.15233116385 (21.7%)40.250.23
20150.080.540.09129280.0912373797 (%)0.24
20160.390.60.2117109230.21328117616 (%)10.060.27
20170.210.640.169118190.162967612 (%)0.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12014Global Value Chains and Trade Elasticities. (2014). Gangnes, Byron ; Ma, Alyson C. ; van Assche, Ari. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-2.

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22010Spatial Economic Analysis of Early Detection and Rapid Response Strategies for an Invasive Species. (2010). Kaiser, Brooks ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-05.

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32010Optimal and Sustainable Groundwater Extraction. (2010). Wada, Christopher ; Roumasset, James. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-09.

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42010Optimal Management of a Hawaiian Coastal Aquifer with Near-Shore Marine Ecological Interactions. (2010). Roumasset, James ; Burnett, Kimberly ; Amato, Daniel ; Duarte, Thomas Kaeo ; Pongkijvorasin, Sittidaj. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-08.

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5Collusive Duopoly: The Economic Effects of Aloha and Hawaiian AirlinesÕ Agreement to Reduce Capacity. (2007). Bonham, Carl ; Blair, Rodger D. ; Mak, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2007-1.

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62015Methods of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. (2015). Wada, Christopher ; Tsurita, Izumi ; Orencio, Pedcris M ; Kumazawa, Terukazu ; Endo, Aiko ; Burnett, Kimberly ; Taniguchi, Makoto . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-12.

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72018Variable Pricing and the Cost of Renewable Energy. (2018). Roberts, Michael ; Imelda, Imelda ; Fripp, Matthias. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2018-2.

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82014The Impact of Stronger Property Rights in Pharmaceuticals on Innovation in Developed and Developing Countries. (2014). La Croix, Sumner ; Liu, Ming ; LaCroix, Sumner . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-12.

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92014Behind-the-counter, but Over-the-border? The Assessment of the Geographical Spillover Effect of Increased Access to Emergency Contraception. (2014). Cintina, Inna. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2013-6r.

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102011Health Inequality over the Life-Cycle. (2011). Halliday, Timothy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-11r.

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112013Estimating Demand Elasticities in Non-Stationary Panels: The Case of Hawaii Tourism. (2013). zhao, qianxue ; Fuleky, Peter ; Bonham, Carl. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2013-2r.

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122014Cost Optimal Joint Management of Interdependent Resources: Groundwater vs. Kiawe (Prosopis pallida). (2014). Wada, Christopher ; Roumasset, James ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-6.

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132014In School and Out of Trouble? Investigating the Effects of Furloughing Public School Teachers on Juvenile Crime in Hawaii. (2014). Akee, Randall Q ; Kwak, Sally ; Halliday, Timothy J. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2013-7r2.

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14Payment schemes in random-termination experimental games. (2011). Tarui, Nori ; Sherstyuk, Katerina ; Saijo, Tatsuyoshi ; Ravago, Majah-Leah. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-9.

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152010Global Production Networks in Electronics and Intra-Asian Trade. (2010). Gangnes, Byron ; van Assche, Ari ; Ganges, Byron . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-04.

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162015Assessing the potential for food and energy self-sufficiency on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. (2015). Burnett, Kimberly ; Ghimire, Jiwnath ; Kim, Karl . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-11.

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172011The Direct and Indirect Contributions of Tourism to Regional GDP: Hawaii. (2011). Tian, Eugene ; Leung, Pingsun ; Mak, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-5.

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182015Water, energy, and food Security in the Asia Pacific Region. (2015). Taniguchi, Makoto ; Masuhara, Naoki ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-10.

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192012Chinese Saving Dynamics: The Impact of GDP Growth and Dependent Share. (2012). Bonham, Carl ; Wiemer, Calla . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-11r.

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202012How Big? The Impact of Approved Destination Status on Mainland Chinese Travel Abroad. (2012). La Croix, Sumner ; Bonham, Carl ; Bernstein, Paul ; Burnett, Kimberly ; Cintina, Inna . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2012-3.

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212015Nowcasting Tourism Industry Performance Using High Frequency Covariates. (2015). Fuleky, Peter ; Bonham, Carl ; Hirashima, Ashley ; Jones, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-3.

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222011Islands of Sustainability in Time and Space. (2011). Wada, Christopher ; Roumasset, James ; Ravago, Majah-Leah ; Endress, Lee ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-13.

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232012How Chinas Approved Destination Status Policy Spurs and Hinders Chinese Travel Abroad. (2012). La Croix, Sumner ; Mak, James ; LaCroix, Sumner ; Arita, Shawn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2012-6r.

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242014Optimal groundwater management when recharge is declining: a method for valuing the recharge benefits of watershed conservation. (2014). Wada, Christopher ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-3.

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252010Why Hasn’t the US Economic Stimulus Been More Effective? The Debate on Tax and Expenditure Multipliers. (2010). Gangnes, Byron ; Ganges, Byron ; Adams, Gerard F.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-10.

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262016A Review of the Current State of Research on the Water, Energy, and Food Nexus. (2016). Orencio, Pedcris M ; Tsurita, Izumi ; Endo, Aiko ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2016-7.

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272012How ChinaÕs Approved Destination Status Policy Spurs and Hinders Chinese Travel Abroad. (2012). Mak, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2012-6.

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282016Filipino 2040 Environmental Resources, Shocks, and National Well-Being. (2016). Roumasset, James ; Ravago, Majah-Leah ; Arellano, C ; Jandoc, K. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2016-3.

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292011Preferential Trade and Welfare with Differentiated Products. (2011). Maskus, Keith ; Konan, Denise ; Tian, Eugene ; Leung, Pingsun ; Mak, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-8.

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302013Forecasting with Mixed Frequency Samples: The Case of Common Trends. (2013). Fuleky, Peter ; Bonham, Carl. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2013-5.

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312010Wither The Economics of Agricultural Development?. (2010). Roumasset, James. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-03.

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322011Is Our World Going to Get a Whole Lot Smaller?. (2011). Ma, Alyson C. ; Ganges, Byron S. ; van Assche, Ari. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-1.

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332012The Economics of Groundwater. (2012). Wada, Christopher . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2012-5.

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342014A Cross-Country Index of Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical Innovations. (2014). La Croix, Sumner ; LaCroix, Sumner ; Liu, Ming. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-13.

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352016Health and Health Inequality during the Great Recession: Evidence from the PSID. (2016). Halliday, Timothy ; Wang, Chenggang. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2016-14.

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362013Sustainable Development and the Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative. (2013). Endress, Lee. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2013-4.

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372010The Dog ATE my Economics Homework! Estimates of the Average Effect of Treating Hawaii’s Public High School Students with Economics. (2010). La Croix, Sumner ; Burnett, Kimberly ; LaCroix, Sumner . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-01.

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382010Optimal Provision and Finance of Ecosystem Services: the Case of Watershed Conservation and Groundwater Management. (2010). Wada, Christopher ; Roumasset, James. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-12.

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392012The Economics of Groundwater. (2012). Wada, Christopher ; Roumasset, James ; Mak, James ; la Croix, Sumner ; LaCroix, Sumner ; Arita, Shawn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2012-4.

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402010An Economic Assessment of Biological Control for Miconia calvescens in Hawaii. (2010). Burnett, Kimberly ; Lee, Donna ; Chock, Megan . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-07.

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412015Where Do Social Preferences Come From?. (2015). Lynham, John ; Jang, Chaning . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-8.

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422011On the Choice of the Unit Period in Time Series Models. (2011). Fuleky, Peter. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-4.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12014Global Value Chains and Trade Elasticities. (2014). Gangnes, Byron ; Ma, Alyson C. ; van Assche, Ari. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-2.

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22010Spatial Economic Analysis of Early Detection and Rapid Response Strategies for an Invasive Species. (2010). Kaiser, Brooks ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-05.

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32015Methods of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. (2015). Wada, Christopher ; Tsurita, Izumi ; Orencio, Pedcris M ; Kumazawa, Terukazu ; Endo, Aiko ; Burnett, Kimberly ; Taniguchi, Makoto . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-12.

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42018Variable Pricing and the Cost of Renewable Energy. (2018). Roberts, Michael ; Imelda, Imelda ; Fripp, Matthias. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2018-2.

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52010Optimal and Sustainable Groundwater Extraction. (2010). Wada, Christopher ; Roumasset, James. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-09.

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62011Health Inequality over the Life-Cycle. (2011). Halliday, Timothy. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2011-11r.

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72010Optimal Management of a Hawaiian Coastal Aquifer with Near-Shore Marine Ecological Interactions. (2010). Roumasset, James ; Burnett, Kimberly ; Amato, Daniel ; Duarte, Thomas Kaeo ; Pongkijvorasin, Sittidaj. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2010-08.

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82015Assessing the potential for food and energy self-sufficiency on the island of Kauai, Hawaii. (2015). Burnett, Kimberly ; Ghimire, Jiwnath ; Kim, Karl . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-11.

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92015Water, energy, and food Security in the Asia Pacific Region. (2015). Taniguchi, Makoto ; Masuhara, Naoki ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2015-10.

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102014Cost Optimal Joint Management of Interdependent Resources: Groundwater vs. Kiawe (Prosopis pallida). (2014). Wada, Christopher ; Roumasset, James ; Burnett, Kimberly. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-6.

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112014The Impact of Stronger Property Rights in Pharmaceuticals on Innovation in Developed and Developing Countries. (2014). La Croix, Sumner ; Liu, Ming ; LaCroix, Sumner . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-12.

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122014In School and Out of Trouble? Investigating the Effects of Furloughing Public School Teachers on Juvenile Crime in Hawaii. (2014). Akee, Randall Q ; Kwak, Sally ; Halliday, Timothy J. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2013-7r2.

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132007Collusive Duopoly: The Economic Effects of Aloha and Hawaiian AirlinesÕ Agreement to Reduce Capacity. (2007). Bonham, Carl ; Blair, Rodger D. ; Mak, James . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2007-1.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 6:

2017The contribution of differences in adiposity to educational disparities in mortality in the United States. (2017). Vierboom, Yana. In: Demographic Research. RePEc:dem:demres:v:37:y:2017:i:54.

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2017Addressing Transboundary Cooperation in the Eastern Nile through the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. Insights from an E-survey and Key Informant Interviews. (2017). Ringler, Claudia ; Elnasikh, Sara ; el Didi, Hagar ; Eldidi, Hagar ; Bryan, Elizabeth ; Berga, Helen . In: Working Papers. RePEc:ags:ubonwp:264876.

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2017Understanding water-energy-food and ecosystem interactions using the nexus simulation tool NexSym. (2017). Leach, Matthew ; Martinez-Hernandez, Elias ; Yang, Aidong. In: Applied Energy. RePEc:eee:appene:v:206:y:2017:i:c:p:1009-1021.

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2017Making the Water–Soil–Waste Nexus Work: Framing the Boundaries of Resource Flows. (2017). Avellan, Tamara ; Raber, Wolf ; Schneider, Petra ; von Koerber, Janis ; Emmer, Adam ; Roidt, Mario. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:9:y:2017:i:10:p:1881-:d:115626.

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2017Stakeholder Analysis for the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Phoenix, Arizona: Implications for Nexus Governance. (2017). White, Dave D ; Mascaro, Giuseppe ; Aggarwal, Rimjhim ; Maciejewski, Ross ; Jones, Leah J. In: Sustainability. RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:9:y:2017:i:12:p:2204-:d:120854.

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2017Review of GHG emissions in Pakistan compared to SAARC countries. (2017). Kalair, A R ; Khan, N ; Abas, N. In: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. RePEc:eee:rensus:v:80:y:2017:i:c:p:990-1016.

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Recent citations (cites in year: CiY)

Recent citations received in 2016

YearCiting document
2016The Public Economics of Electricity Policy with Philippine Applications. (2016). Roumasset, James ; Ravago, Majah-Leah. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hai:wpaper:201613.

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Recent citations received in 2015

YearCiting document

Recent citations received in 2014

YearCiting document
2014The Effect of Plan B on Teen Abortions: Evidence From the 2006 FDA Ruling. (2014). Cintina, Inna ; Johansen, Morgen S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-1.

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2014The Impact of Stronger Property Rights in Pharmaceuticals on Innovation in Developed and Developing Countries. (2014). La Croix, Sumner ; Liu, Ming ; LaCroix, Sumner . In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-12.

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2014A Cross-Country Index of Intellectual Property Rights in Pharmaceutical Innovations. (2014). La Croix, Sumner ; LaCroix, Sumner ; Liu, Ming. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hae:wpaper:2014-13.

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2014The Effect OF Plan B on Teen Abortions: Evidence from the 2006 FDA Ruling. (2014). Cintina, Inna ; Johansen, Morgen S.. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hai:wpaper:201402.

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Source data used to compute the impact factor of RePEc series.

CitEc is a RePEc service, providing citation data for Economics since 2001. Sponsored by INOMICS. Last updated December, 2th 2018. Contact: CitEc Team