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Working Paper Series / Peterson Institute for International Economics


Impact Factor


5-Years IF


5-Years H index

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Raw data

19900.11000 (%)0.06
19910.1000 (%)0.04
19920.1000 (%)0.05
19930.13000 (%)0.06
19940.14000 (%)0.06
19950.1711223200 (%)220.1
199630.22391050.53913134 (10.3%)20.220.09
19970.10.220.171710.06561011013 (5.4%)0.09
19980.060.240.2472480.33391611742 (5.1%)40.570.12
199910.30.711236180.575141424172 (2.7%)10.080.15
20000.420.360.44945180.44619836163 (6.5%)20.220.14
20010.570.360.391055230.42162211244172 (1.2%)40.40.16
20021.210.370.62661320.525019234528 (%)10.170.18
20031.060.390.751071550.77120161744332 (1.7%)121.20.19
20041.060.41.04374640.8646161747492 (4.3%)0.18
20051.770.421.211589650.73252132338467 (2.8%)50.330.2
20063.330.451.897961031.0796186044832 (2.1%)111.570.19
20072.550.381.9591051171.1155225641801 (1.8%)50.560.16
20080.880.391.27121171020.8783161444564 (4.8%)60.50.17
20090.810.361.1716133890.67214211746541 (%)70.440.17
20101.320.341.03181511010.67391283759617 (1.8%)60.330.15
20111.850.41.29221731430.83294346362808 (2.7%)2210.19
20122.130.441.66191921840.96984085771285 (5.1%)80.420.2
20131.680.491.94122042371.161434169871692 (1.4%)60.50.2
20141.680.522.07122162371.1273152871802 (7.4%)20.170.23
20151.830.541.82192352441.042022444831514 (2%)221.160.24
20161.870.61.55142492841.14403158841301 (2.5%)120.860.27
20172.970.641.82152642791.0617339876138 (%)40.270.28
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y


50 most cited documents in this series:

12010Managing Credit Booms and Busts: A Pigouvian Taxation Approach. (2010). Korinek, Anton ; Jeanne, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-12.

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22010Excessive Volatility in Capital Flows: A Pigouvian Taxation Approach. (2010). Korinek, Anton ; Jeanne, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-5.

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32011Capital Controls: Myth and Reality--A Portfolio Balance Approach. (2011). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Reinhart, Carmen ; Magud, Nicolas ; Carmen M., ; Nicolas E. Magud E., . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-7.

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42011The Liquidation of Government Debt. (2011). Reinhart, Carmen ; Sbrancia, Belen M. ; Carmen M., . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-10.

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52013The Greek Debt Restructuring: An Autopsy. (2013). Zettelmeyer, Jeromin ; Trebesch, Christoph ; Gulati, Mitu. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp13-8.

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62009Reconciling Climate Change and Trade Policy. (2009). van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique ; Subramanian, Arvind ; Mattoo, Aaditya ; Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp09-15.

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72015Inflation and Activity: Two Explorations and Their Monetary Policy Implications. (2015). Summers, Lawrence ; Cerutti, Eugenio ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-19.

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82010Wholesalers and Retailers in US Trade. (2010). Schott, Peter ; Redding, Stephen ; Jensen, J. ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-10.

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92009A Tractable Model of Precautionary Reserves, Net Foreign Assets, or Sovereign Wealth Funds. (2009). Jeanne, Olivier ; Carroll, Christopher. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp09-10.

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102005Importers, Exporters, and Multinationals: A Portrait of Firms in the U.S. that Trade Goods. (2005). Schott, Peter ; Jensen, J. ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-10.

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111999Does Talk Matter After All? Inflation Targeting and Central Bank Behavior. (1999). Posen, Adam ; Kuttner, Kenneth. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp99-10.

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122005Tradable Services: Understanding the Scope and Impact of Services Outsourcing. (2005). Jensen, J. ; Kletzer, Lori G.. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-9.

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132015Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence. (2015). Ostry, Jonathan ; Ghosh, Atish ; Chamon, Marcos ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-17.

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142004Adjusting Chinas Exchange Rate Policies. (2004). Goldstein, Morris. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp04-1.

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152006Why Central Banks Should Not Burst Bubbles. (2006). Posen, Adam. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp06-1.

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162001Rating Banks in Emerging Markets: What Credit Rating Agencies Should Learn from Financial Indicators. (2001). ROJAS-SUAREZ, LILIANA. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp01-6.

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172001Price Level Convergence and Inflation in Europe. (2001). Rogers, John ; Hufbauer, Gary ; Wada, Erika . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp01-1.

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182006The Case for an International Reserve Diversification Standard. (2006). Wong, Anna ; Truman, Edwin. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp06-2.

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192005Chinas Role in the Revived Bretton Woods System: A Case of Mistaken Identity. (2005). Goldstein, Morris ; Lardy, Nicholas R.. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-2.

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201995China and the International Economic System. (1995). Noland, Marcus. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp95-6.

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212015Recent Declines in Labors Share in US Income: A Preliminary Neoclassical Account. (2015). Lawrence, Robert. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-10.

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222008Estimating Consistent Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates. (2008). Cline, William. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp08-6.

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232001Beyond Bipolar: A Three-Dimensional Assessment of Monetary Frameworks. (2001). Posen, Adam ; Kuttner, Kenneth. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp01-7.

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242015Can Foreign Exchange Intervention Stem Exchange Rate Pressures from Global Capital Flow Shocks?. (2015). de Carvalho Filho, Irineu ; Blanchard, Olivier ; Adler, Gustavo. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-18.

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252013Does High Home-Ownership Impair the Labor Market?. (2013). Oswald, Andrew ; Blanchflower, David. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp13-3.

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262010Estimation of De Facto Flexibility Parameter and Basket Weights in Evolving Exchange Rate Regimes. (2010). Frankel, Jeffrey ; Daniel, . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-1.

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272010Intra-Firm Trade and Product Contractibility. (2010). Schott, Peter ; Redding, Stephen ; Jensen, J. ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-3.

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282000Inflation, Monetary Transparency, and G3 Exchange Rate Volatility. (2000). Posen, Adam ; Kuttner, Kenneth. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp00-6.

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291997US Economic Sanctions: Their Impact on Trade, Jobs, and Wages. (1997). Hufbauer, Gary ; Elliott, Kimberly ; Winston, Elizabeth ; Cyrus, Tess. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wpsp-2.

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302003Falling Trade Costs, Heterogeneous Firms, and Industry Dynamics. (2003). Schott, Peter ; Jensen, J. ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp03-4.

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312003Religion, Culture, and Economic Performance. (2003). Noland, Marcus. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp03-8.

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322002Passive Savers and Fiscal Policy Effectiveness in Japan. (2002). Posen, Adam ; Kuttner, Kenneth. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp02-2.

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332012Choice and Coercion in East Asian Exchange Rate Regimes. (2012). Henning, C. Randall. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp12-15.

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342011Coordinating Regional and Multilateral Financial Institutions. (2011). Henning, C. Randall. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-9.

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352002Moral Hazard and the US Stockmarket: Analyzing the Greenspan Put. (2002). zhang, lei ; Miller, Marcus ; Weller, Paul . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp02-1.

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362001Foreign Direct Investment in China: Effects on Growth and Economic Performance. (2001). Graham, Edward M. ; Wada, Erika . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp01-3.

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372012Fiscal Federalism: US History for Architects of Europes Fiscal Union. (2012). Henning, C. Randall ; Kessler, Martin. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp12-1.

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381998Asian Competitive Devaluations. (1998). Wang, Zhi ; Robinson, Sherman ; Noland, Marcus ; Liu, Li-Gang . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp98-2.

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392003Debt Sustainability, Brazil, and the IMF. (2003). Goldstein, Morris. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp03-1.

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402011Current Account Imbalances Coming Back. (2011). Gagnon, Joseph. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-1.

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412010US Trade and Wages: The Misleading Implications of Conventional Trade Theory. (2010). Lawrence, Robert ; Edward, Lawrence . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-9.

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422003It Takes More than a Bubble to Become Japan. (2003). Posen, Adam. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp03-9.

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431997Open Regionalism. (1997). Bergsten, C. Fred. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp97-3.

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442011Foreign Direct Investment in Times of Crisis. (2011). Poulsen, Lauge ; Hufbauer, Gary. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-3.

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452008Famine in North Korea Redux?. (2008). Noland, Marcus ; Haggard, Stephan. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp08-9.

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462009Capital Flows to Developing Countries: The Allocation Puzzle. (2009). Jeanne, Olivier ; Gourinchas, Pierre-Olivier ; Pierre-Olivier, . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp09-12.

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472005Outsourcing and Offshoring: Pushing the European Model Over the Hill, Rather Than Off the Cliff!. (2005). Kirkegaard, Jacob. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-1.

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482008Currency Undervaluation and Sovereign Wealth Funds: A New Role for the World Trade Organization. (2008). Subramanian, Arvind ; Mattoo, Aaditya. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp08-2.

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492001Macroeconomic Implications of the New Economy. (2001). Baily, Martin Neil. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp01-9.

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502005Predicting Trade Expansion under FTAs and Multilateral Agreements. (2005). Gilbert, John ; DeRosa, Dean A.. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-13.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)

12015Inflation and Activity: Two Explorations and Their Monetary Policy Implications. (2015). Summers, Lawrence ; Cerutti, Eugenio ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-19.

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22010Excessive Volatility in Capital Flows: A Pigouvian Taxation Approach. (2010). Korinek, Anton ; Jeanne, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-5.

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32013The Greek Debt Restructuring: An Autopsy. (2013). Zettelmeyer, Jeromin ; Trebesch, Christoph ; Gulati, Mitu. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp13-8.

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42011Capital Controls: Myth and Reality--A Portfolio Balance Approach. (2011). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Reinhart, Carmen ; Magud, Nicolas ; Carmen M., ; Nicolas E. Magud E., . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-7.

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52010Managing Credit Booms and Busts: A Pigouvian Taxation Approach. (2010). Korinek, Anton ; Jeanne, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-12.

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62015Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence. (2015). Ostry, Jonathan ; Ghosh, Atish ; Chamon, Marcos ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-17.

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72010Wholesalers and Retailers in US Trade. (2010). Schott, Peter ; Redding, Stephen ; Jensen, J. ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-10.

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82015Recent Declines in Labors Share in US Income: A Preliminary Neoclassical Account. (2015). Lawrence, Robert. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-10.

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92015Can Foreign Exchange Intervention Stem Exchange Rate Pressures from Global Capital Flow Shocks?. (2015). de Carvalho Filho, Irineu ; Blanchard, Olivier ; Adler, Gustavo. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-18.

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102009A Tractable Model of Precautionary Reserves, Net Foreign Assets, or Sovereign Wealth Funds. (2009). Jeanne, Olivier ; Carroll, Christopher. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp09-10.

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112013Does High Home-Ownership Impair the Labor Market?. (2013). Oswald, Andrew ; Blanchflower, David. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp13-3.

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122005Tradable Services: Understanding the Scope and Impact of Services Outsourcing. (2005). Jensen, J. ; Kletzer, Lori G.. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-9.

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132011The Liquidation of Government Debt. (2011). Reinhart, Carmen ; Sbrancia, Belen M. ; Carmen M., . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-10.

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142010Estimation of De Facto Flexibility Parameter and Basket Weights in Evolving Exchange Rate Regimes. (2010). Frankel, Jeffrey ; Daniel, . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-1.

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152012Choice and Coercion in East Asian Exchange Rate Regimes. (2012). Henning, C. Randall. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp12-15.

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162016The Economic Effects of the Trans-Pacific Partnership: New Estimates. (2016). Plummer, Michael ; Petri, Peter. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp16-2.

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172006Why Central Banks Should Not Burst Bubbles. (2006). Posen, Adam. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp06-1.

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182008Estimating Consistent Fundamental Equilibrium Exchange Rates. (2008). Cline, William. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp08-6.

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192001Beyond Bipolar: A Three-Dimensional Assessment of Monetary Frameworks. (2001). Posen, Adam ; Kuttner, Kenneth. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp01-7.

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202016Currency Wars, Coordination, and Capital Controls. (2016). Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp16-9.

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212009Reconciling Climate Change and Trade Policy. (2009). van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique ; Subramanian, Arvind ; Mattoo, Aaditya ; Dominique van der Mensbrugghe, . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp09-15.

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221997US Economic Sanctions: Their Impact on Trade, Jobs, and Wages. (1997). Hufbauer, Gary ; Elliott, Kimberly ; Winston, Elizabeth ; Cyrus, Tess. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wpsp-2.

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232016Is Gender Diversity Profitable? Evidence from a Global Survey. (2016). Noland, Marcus ; Kotschwar, Barbara ; Moran, Marcus Tyler . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp16-3.

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242012Capital Account Policies and the Real Exchange Rate. (2012). Jeanne, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp12-14.

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252003Empirical Investigations of Inflation Targeting. (2003). Hu, Yifan . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp03-6.

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262014Foreign Investment and Supply Chains in Emerging Markets: Recurring Problems and Demonstrated Solutions. (2014). Moran, Theodore. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp14-12.

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272002Passive Savers and Fiscal Policy Effectiveness in Japan. (2002). Posen, Adam ; Kuttner, Kenneth. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp02-2.

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282015Maintaining Financial Stability in the Peoples Republic of China during Financial Liberalization. (2015). Borst, Nicholas ; Lardy, Nicholas. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-4.

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292016A Portfolio Model of Quantitative Easing. (2016). Krogstrup, Signe ; Christensen, Jens. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp16-7.

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302012Fiscal Federalism: US History for Architects of Europes Fiscal Union. (2012). Henning, C. Randall ; Kessler, Martin. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp12-1.

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312015The Tradability of Services: Geographic Concentration and Trade Costs. (2015). Jensen, J. ; Gervais, Antoine. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-12.

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322015Testing the Modigliani-Miller Theorem of Capital Structure Irrelevance for Banks. (2015). Cline, William. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-8.

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332016Large Depreciations: Recent Experience in Historical Perspective. (2016). De Gregorio, Jose ; DeGregorio, Jose . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp16-8.

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342011Renminbi Rules: The Conditional Imminence of the Reserve Currency Transition. (2011). Subramanian, Arvind. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-14.

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352010Intra-Firm Trade and Product Contractibility. (2010). Schott, Peter ; Redding, Stephen ; Jensen, J. ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-3.

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362015The Future of Worldwide Income Distribution. (2015). Mauro, Paolo ; Hellebrandt, Tomas . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-7.

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371999Does Talk Matter After All? Inflation Targeting and Central Bank Behavior. (1999). Posen, Adam ; Kuttner, Kenneth. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp99-10.

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382013Why Growth in Emerging Economies Is Likely to Fall. (2013). Aslund, Anders. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp13-10.

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392005The East Asian Industrial Policy Experience: Implications for the Middle East. (2005). Noland, Marcus ; Pack, Howard. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-14.

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402003Religion, Culture, and Economic Performance. (2003). Noland, Marcus. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp03-8.

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412016Benefits and Costs of Higher Capital Requirements for Banks. (2016). Cline, William. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp16-6.

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422012The Dollar and Its Discontents. (2012). Jeanne, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp12-10.

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432017Boom, Slump, Sudden Stops, Recovery, and Policy Options: Portugal and the Euro. (2017). Portugal, Pedro ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp17-8.

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442013The Renminbi Bloc is Here: Asia Down, Rest of the World to Go?. (2013). Subramanian, Arvind ; Kessler, Martin. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp12-19.

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452005Importers, Exporters, and Multinationals: A Portrait of Firms in the U.S. that Trade Goods. (2005). Schott, Peter ; Jensen, J. ; Bernard, Andrew. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp05-10.

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462011Foreign Direct Investment in Times of Crisis. (2011). Poulsen, Lauge ; Hufbauer, Gary. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-3.

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472010Toward a Sunny Future? Global Integration in the Solar PV Industry. (2010). Kirkegaard, Jacob ; Hanemann, Thilo ; Miller, Matt ; Weischer, Lutz . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-6.

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482010US Trade and Wages: The Misleading Implications of Conventional Trade Theory. (2010). Lawrence, Robert ; Edward, Lawrence . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp10-9.

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492011Coordinating Regional and Multilateral Financial Institutions. (2011). Henning, C. Randall. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp11-9.

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502013The Elephant Hiding in the Room: Currency Intervention and Trade Imbalances. (2013). Gagnon, Joseph. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp13-2.

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Citing documents used to compute impact factor 98:

2017Optimal equity capital requirements for Swiss G-SIBs. (2017). Junge, Georg ; Kugler, Peter. In: Working papers. RePEc:bsl:wpaper:2017/11.

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2017The response of long-term yields to negative interest rates: evidence from Switzerland. (2017). Schumacher, Silvio ; Grisse, Christian. In: Working Papers. RePEc:snb:snbwpa:2017-10.

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2017Private and Public Liquidity Provision in Over-the-Counter Markets. (2017). Arseneau, David ; Vardoulakis, Alexandros ; Rappoport, David . In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series. RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2017-33.

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2017New Zealand’s Trade Prospects in an Uncertain Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Environment: Results from Gravity Model. (2017). Tsang, Cheuk Yan ; Shakur, Shamim. In: 2017 Conference, October 19-20, Rotorua, New Zealand. RePEc:ags:nzar17:269528.

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2017Global Economic Prospects, January 2017. (2017). Group, World Bank. In: World Bank Publications. RePEc:wbk:wbpubs:25823.

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2017Weakness in Investment Growth: Causes, Implications and Policy Responses. (2017). Ohnsorge, Franziska ; Kose, Ayhan ; Islamaj, Ergys ; Ye, Lei Sandy . In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11886.

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2017The Impact on Australia of Trumps 45 per cent Tariff on Chinese Imports. (2017). Dixon, Janine. In: Economic Papers. RePEc:bla:econpa:v:36:y:2017:i:3:p:266-274.

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2017International Monetary Relations: Taking Finance Seriously. (2017). Taylor, Alan ; Obstfeld, Maurice. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23440.

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2017International Spillovers and Local Credit Cycles. (2017). Ulu, Mehmet ; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem ; di Giovanni, Julian ; Baskaya, Yusuf. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23149.

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2017Follow the Money: Does the Financial Sector Intermediate Natural Resource Windfalls?. (2017). Poelhekke, Steven ; Beck, Thorsten. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6374.

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2017Capital flows and the international credit channel. (2017). Ulu, Mehmet ; Peydro, Jose-Luis ; di Giovanni, Julian ; Baskaya, Yusuf ; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:upf:upfgen:1557.

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2017International spillovers and local credit cycles. (2017). Ulu, Mehmet ; di Giovanni, Julian ; Baskaya, Yusuf ; Kalemli-Ozcan, Sebnem. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:upf:upfgen:1559.

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2017Growing Productivity without Growing Wages: The Micro-Level Anatomy of the Aggregate Labor Share Decline. (2017). Kehrig, Matthias ; Vincent, Nicolas. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6454.

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2017Concentrating on the Fall of the Labor Share. (2017). van Reenen, John ; Katz, Lawrence ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David ; VanReenen, John ; Patterson, Christina. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10539.

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2017Concentrating on the Fall of the Labor Share. (2017). van Reenen, John ; Katz, Lawrence ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David ; VanReenen, John ; Patterson, Christina. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23108.

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2017Concentrating on the Fall of the Labor Share. (2017). van Reenen, John ; Katz, Lawrence ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David ; VanReenen, John ; Patterson, Christina. In: CESifo Working Paper Series. RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6336.

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2017The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms. (2017). van Reenen, John ; Katz, Lawrence ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David ; VanReenen, John ; Patterson, Christina. In: CEP Discussion Papers. RePEc:cep:cepdps:dp1482.

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2017The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms. (2017). van Reenen, John ; Katz, Lawrence ; Dorn, David ; Autor, David ; VanReenen, John ; Patterson, Christina. In: IZA Discussion Papers. RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10756.

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2017Automation, New Technology, and Non-Homothetic Preferences. (2017). Velic, Adnan ; Struck, Clemens . In: Trinity Economics Papers. RePEc:tcd:tcduee:tep1217.

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2017Balanced growth despite Uzawa. (2017). Oberfield, Ezra ; Helpman, Elhanan ; Grossman, Gene ; Sampson, Thomas. In: LSE Research Online Documents on Economics. RePEc:ehl:lserod:68310.

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2017Capital productivity in industrialized economies: evidence from error-correction model and Lagrange Multiplier tests. (2017). Trofimov, Ivan D. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:81655.

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2017The Age-Distribution of Earnings and the Decline in Labors Share. (2017). Short, Jacob ; Glover, Andy. In: 2017 Meeting Papers. RePEc:red:sed017:1369.

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2017Innovations, growth and participation in advanced economies - a review of major concepts and findings. (2017). Gries, Thomas ; Redlin, M ; Palnau, I ; Grundmann, R. In: International Economics and Economic Policy. RePEc:kap:iecepo:v:14:y:2017:i:2:d:10.1007_s10368-016-0371-1.

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2017Taxation, Debt and Relative Prices in the Long Run: The Irish Experience. (2017). Velic, Adnan ; Galstyan, Vahagn. In: The Economic and Social Review. RePEc:eso:journl:v:48:y:2017:i:3:p:231-251.

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2017Capital-Task Complementarity and the Decline of the U.S. Labor Share of Income. (2017). Orak, Musa. In: International Finance Discussion Papers. RePEc:fip:fedgif:1200.

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2017Linking Services to Manufacturing Exports. (2017). Gullstrand, Joakim ; Arnarson, Björn. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hhs:lunewp:2016_027.

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2017The evolution of tradable and non-tradable employment: evidence from France. (2017). Frocrain, Philippe ; Giraud, Pierre-Noel. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01695159.

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2017Segmentation of consumer markets in the US: What do intercity price differences tell us?. (2017). Choi, Chi-Young ; Wu, Jyh-Lin ; Murphy, Anthony . In: Canadian Journal of Economics. RePEc:cje:issued:v:50:y:2017:i:3:p:738-777.

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2017The implications of global and domestic credit cycles for emerging market economies: measures of finance-adjusted output gaps. (2017). Manu, Ana-Simona ; Lodge, David ; Grintzalis, Ioannis . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20172034.

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2017The real exchange rate and economic growth: Revisiting the case using external instruments. (2017). Stracca, Livio ; Mileva, Elitza ; Habib, Maurizio Michael . In: Journal of International Money and Finance. RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:73:y:2017:i:pb:p:386-398.

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2017Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence. (2017). Ostry, Jonathan ; Ghosh, Atish ; Chamon, Marcos ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: IMF Economic Review. RePEc:pal:imfecr:v:65:y:2017:i:3:d:10.1057_s41308-017-0039-z.

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2017Are current accounts driven by competitiveness or asset prices? A synthetic model and an empirical test. (2017). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Greenwich Papers in Political Economy. RePEc:gpe:wpaper:17935.

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2017Are current accounts driven by competitiveness or asset prices? A synthetic model and an empirical test. (2017). Stockhammer, Engelbert ; Guschanski, Alexander. In: Working Papers. RePEc:pke:wpaper:pkwp1716.

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2017Did the Exchange Rate Floor Prevent Deflation in the Czech Republic?. (2017). Caselli, Francesca. In: Review of Economics and Institutions. RePEc:pia:review:v:8:y:2017:i:2:n:1.

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2017Stagnation traps. (2017). Fornaro, Luca ; Benigno, Gianluca. In: Economics Working Papers. RePEc:upf:upfgen:1487.

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2017Missing disinflation and missing inflation: the puzzles that arent. (2017). Jarociński, Marek ; BOBEICA, Elena ; Jarociski, Marek. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecb:ecbwps:20172000.

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2017External imbalances and growth. (2017). Tamarit, Cecilio ; Peiró-Palomino, Jesús ; Camarero, Mariam ; Peiro-Palomino, Jesus . In: Working Papers. RePEc:jau:wpaper:2017/02.

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2017Causes and Consequences of Hysteresis: Aggregate Demand, Productivity and Employment. (2017). Virgillito, Maria Enrica ; Roventini, Andrea ; Pereira, Marcelo ; Dosi, Giovanni. In: LEM Papers Series. RePEc:ssa:lemwps:2017/07.

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2017Flattening of the New Keynesian Phillips curve: Evidence for an emerging, small open economy. (2017). Szafranek, Karol. In: Economic Modelling. RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:63:y:2017:i:c:p:334-348.

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2017Maximizing price stability in a monetary economy. (2017). Mosler, Warren ; Silipo, Damiano B. In: Journal of Policy Modeling. RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:39:y:2017:i:2:p:272-289.

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2017Large Firm Dynamics and Secular Stagnation: Evidence from Japan and the U.S.. (2017). Hogen, Yoshihiko ; Takahashi, Koji ; Miura, KO. In: Bank of Japan Working Paper Series. RePEc:boj:bojwps:wp17e08.

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2017Globalisation and industry concentration: What are the consequences for inflation dynamics?. (2017). Guilloux-Nefussi, Sophie. In: Rue de la Banque. RePEc:bfr:rueban:2017:45.

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2017The Tradeoffs in Leaning Against the Wind. (2017). Sim, Jae ; Kashyap, Anil ; Gourio, Francois. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23658.

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2017Secular stagnation or financial cycle drag?. (2017). BORIO, Claudio. In: Business Economics. RePEc:pal:buseco:v:52:y:2017:i:2:d:10.1057_s11369-017-0035-3.

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2017The Econometrics of the EU Fiscal Governance: is the European Commission methodology still adequate?. (2017). Waldmann, Robert ; Fioramanti, Marco. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:81858.

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2017The Effect of Recessions on Potential Output Estimates: Size, Timing, and Determinants. (2017). Dovern, Jonas ; Zuber, Christopher . In: Annual Conference 2017 (Vienna): Alternative Structures for Money and Banking. RePEc:zbw:vfsc17:168180.

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2017When more flexibility yields more fragility: The microfoundations of Keynesian aggregate unemployment. (2017). Virgillito, Maria Enrica ; Roventini, Andrea ; Pereira, Marcelo ; Dosi, Giovanni. In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:81:y:2017:i:c:p:162-186.

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2017Causes and consequences of hysteresis : aggregate demand, productivity and employment. (2017). Virgillito, Maria Enrica ; Roventini, Andrea ; Pereira, Marcelo ; Dosi, Giovanni. In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE. RePEc:fce:doctra:1707.

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2017What Explains the Post-2004 U.S.Productivity Slowdown?. (2017). Murray, Alexander. In: CSLS Research Reports. RePEc:sls:resrep:1705.

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2017The potential and impact of ICT-enabled Social Innovation to promote social investment in the EU. (2017). Urzì Brancati, Maria Cesira ; Urzi, Maria Cesira ; Pasi, Giulio ; Misuraca, Gianluca . In: JRC Working Papers. RePEc:ipt:iptwpa:jrc108517.

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2017Inflation dynamics during the financial crisis in Europe: Cross-sectional identification of long-run inflation expectations. (2017). Holtemöller, Oliver ; Dany-Knedlik, Geraldine ; Holtemoller, Oliver. In: IWH Discussion Papers. RePEc:zbw:iwhdps:102017.

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2017GDP Trend-cycle Decompositions Using State-level Data. (2017). Gonzalez-Astudillo, Manuel. In: Finance and Economics Discussion Series. RePEc:fip:fedgfe:2017-51.

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2017Beyond the Accelerating Inflation Controversy: The Jerk and Jounce Price Variation. (2017). Bella, Giovanni. In: International Journal of Economics and Financial Research. RePEc:arp:ijefrr:2017:p:315-322.

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2017Phillips Curve Relationship in India: Evidence from State-Level Analysis. (2017). Behera, Harendra ; Kapur, Muneesh ; Wahi, Garima. In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:80737.

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2017Introduction – Ten long years of crisis. (2017). Cohen, Daniel. In: Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics. RePEc:nse:ecosta:ecostat_2017_494-495-496_1.

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2017It is time to separate money banks from credit banks in Italy. (2017). Fratianni, Michele. In: Mo.Fi.R. Working Papers. RePEc:anc:wmofir:138.

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2017Bank Regulation: One Size Does Not Fit All. (2017). Grossmann, David ; Scholz, Peter . In: Journal of Applied Finance & Banking. RePEc:spt:apfiba:v:7:y:2017:i:5:f:7_5_1.

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2017Transition and capital misallocation: the Chinese case. (2017). Cubizol, Damien. In: Working Papers. RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-01176919.

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2017Rebalancing in China: a taxation approach. (2017). Cubizol, Damien. In: Working Papers. RePEc:gat:wpaper:1732.

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2017Financial Markets Integration: Appraising the Developed and Emerging Markets Nexus. (2017). Onakoya, Adegbemi Babatunde ; Seyingbo, Adedotun Victor . In: International Journal of Economics and Financial Issues. RePEc:eco:journ1:2017-03-82.

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2017On food security and the economic valuation of food. (2017). Chavas, Jean-Paul. In: Food Policy. RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:69:y:2017:i:c:p:58-67.

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2015Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence. (2015). Ostry, Jonathan ; Ghosh, Atish ; Chamon, Marcos ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: CEPR Discussion Papers. RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:10909.

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2015When Is Foreign Exchange Intervention Effective? Evidence from 33 Countries. (2015). Stöhr, Tobias ; Sarno, Lucio ; Menkhoff, Lukas ; Fratzscher, Marcel ; Stohr, Tobias ; Goede, Oliver . In: Discussion Papers of DIW Berlin. RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1518.

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2015Varieties of Capital Flows: What Do We Know. (2015). Zuniga, Jimena ; Levy Yeyati, Eduardo. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:ecl:harjfk:rwp15-025.

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2015Effects of US quantitative easing on emerging market economies. (2015). Park, Woong Yong ; Chatterjee, Arpita ; Bhattarai, Saroj. In: CAMA Working Papers. RePEc:een:camaaa:2015-47.

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2015Effects of US quantitative easing on emerging market economies. (2015). Park, Woong Yong ; Chatterjee, Arpita ; Bhattarai, Saroj. In: Globalization Institute Working Papers. RePEc:fip:feddgw:255.

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2015Potential Output and Recessions: Are We Fooling Ourselves?. (2015). Martin, Robert ; Wilson, Beth Anne ; Munyan, Tenyanna . In: International Finance Discussion Papers. RePEc:fip:fedgif:1145.

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2015Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence. (2015). Ostry, Jonathan ; Ghosh, Atish ; Chamon, Marcos ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-17.

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2015An Old Boys Club No More: Pluralism in Participation and Performance at the Olympic Games. (2015). Noland, Marcus ; Stahler, Kevin . In: Working Paper Series. RePEc:iie:wpaper:wp15-9.

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2015Unveiling the Effects of Foreign Exchange Intervention; A Panel Approach. (2015). Mano, Rui ; Lisack, Noëmie ; Adler, Gustavo. In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:15/130.

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2015Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence. (2015). Ostry, Jonathan ; Ghosh, Atish ; Chamon, Marcos ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: IMF Working Papers. RePEc:imf:imfwpa:15/226.

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2015Are Capital Inflows Expansionary or Contractionary? Theory, Policy Implications, and Some Evidence. (2015). Ostry, Jonathan ; Ghosh, Atish ; Chamon, Marcos ; Blanchard, Olivier. In: NBER Working Papers. RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21619.

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2015Economic Impossibilities For Our Grandchildren?. (2015). O'Rourke, Kevin Hjortshj . In: Oxford University Economic and Social History Series. RePEc:oxf:esohwp:_139.

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2015Asian Participation and Performance at the Olympic Games. (2015). Noland, Marcus ; Stahler, Kevin . In: MPRA Paper. RePEc:pra:mprapa:64380.

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2015The European Central Bank: Building a Shelter in a Storm. (2015). Woong, Kang Dae ; Mody, Ashoka ; Ligthart, Nick . In: Working Papers. RePEc:pri:cepsud:248.

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2015How can it work ? On the impact of quantitative easing in the Eurozone. (2015). Saraceno, Francesco ; Tamborini, Roberto. In: Sciences Po publications. RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/4ei7u710bj9par121c71ul9fdr.

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2015Effects of US Quantitative Easing on Emerging Market Economies. (2015). Park, Woong Yong ; Chatterjee, Arpita ; Bhattarai, Saroj. In: Discussion Papers. RePEc:swe:wpaper:2015-26.

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2015How can it work? On the impact of quantitative easing in the Eurozone. (2015). Tamborini, Roberto ; Saraceno, Francesco. In: DEM Working Papers. RePEc:trn:utwprg:2015/03.

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2015The European Central Bank: Building a shelter in a storm. (2015). Mody, Ashoka ; Kang, Dae Woong ; Ligthart, Nick . In: CFS Working Paper Series. RePEc:zbw:cfswop:527.

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