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Citation Profile [Updated: 2019-12-04 10:36:47]
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5 Years IF
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[Raw data] [50 most cited papers] [50 most relevant papers] [cites used to compute IF] [Recent citations ][Frequent citing series ] [more data in EconPapers] [trace new citations] [Missing citations? Add them now] [Incorrect content? Let us know]

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1990 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04
1991 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04
1992 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.04
1993 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0.05
1994 0 0.11 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0.05
1995 0 0.19 0 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 0 0 0.08
1996 0 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 0 0.1
1997 0 0.22 0 0 0 0 0 55 0 0 0 0 0.09
1998 0 0.26 0 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 0 0 0.12
1999 0 0.28 0 0 0 0 0 132 0 0 0 0 0.14
2000 0 0.33 1.65 0 20 20 146 2 165 0 0 0 2 0.1 0.15
2001 0.05 0.36 0.61 0.05 24 44 76 2 192 20 1 20 1 0 1 0.04 0.15
2002 0.14 0.39 0.86 0.14 19 63 155 8 246 44 6 44 6 0 1 0.05 0.21
2003 0.12 0.4 0.95 0.1 21 84 322 6 326 43 5 63 6 0 0 0.2
2004 0.2 0.45 0.76 0.24 18 102 109 21 404 40 8 84 20 1 4.8 1 0.06 0.2
2005 0.23 0.46 0.77 0.28 20 122 45 29 498 39 9 102 29 0 0 0.22
2006 0.13 0.46 0.72 0.27 22 144 66 39 601 38 5 102 28 0 1 0.05 0.21
2007 0.12 0.42 0.44 0.22 19 163 35 30 673 42 5 100 22 1 3.3 1 0.05 0.18
2008 0.2 0.44 0.66 0.29 18 181 75 54 792 41 8 100 29 1 1.9 1 0.06 0.21
2009 0.22 0.44 0.44 0.16 18 199 132 45 880 37 8 97 16 0 1 0.06 0.21
2010 0.25 0.43 0.43 0.14 16 215 31 39 973 36 9 97 14 2 5.1 0 0.18
2011 0.47 0.46 0.74 0.32 20 235 53 120 1148 34 16 93 30 27 22.5 4 0.2 0.21
2012 0.36 0.47 0.88 0.31 16 251 171 117 1368 36 13 91 28 14 12 8 0.5 0.19
2013 0.5 0.53 0.75 0.6 34 285 1053 209 1582 36 18 88 53 13 6.2 96 2.82 0.22
2014 0.94 0.55 0.57 0.76 27 312 97 177 1760 50 47 104 79 8 4.5 5 0.19 0.22
2015 0.66 0.56 0.61 0.72 24 336 58 204 1964 61 40 113 81 14 6.9 1 0.04 0.21
2016 0.39 0.58 0.47 0.55 18 354 11 166 2130 51 20 121 67 2 1.2 1 0.06 0.2
2017 0.38 0.6 0.57 0.71 28 382 7 217 2347 42 16 119 84 8 3.7 0 0.22
2018 0.17 0.76 0.53 0.56 29 411 6 219 2566 46 8 131 73 12 5.5 0 0.31
IF: Impact Factor: C2Y / D2Y
AIF: Average Impact Factor for series in RePEc in year y
CIF: Cumulative impact factor
IF5: Impact Factor: C5Y / D5Y
DOC: Number of documents published in year y
CDO: Cumulative number of documents published until year y
CIT: Number of citations to papers published in year y
NCI: Number of citations in year y
CCU: Cumulative number of citations to papers published until year y
D2Y: Number of articles published in y-1 plus y-2
C2Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
D5Y: Number of articles published in y-1 until y-5
C5Y: Cites in y to articles published in y-1 until y-5
SC: selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
%SC: Percentage of selft citations in y to articles published in y-1 plus y-2
CiY: Cites in year y to documents published in year y
II: Immediacy Index: CiY / Documents.
AII: Average Immediacy Index for series in RePEc in year y
50 most cited documents in this series
1Inflation and Economic Growth. (2013). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2013:v:14:i:1:n:6:barro.

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22003Determinants of Economic Growth in a Panel of Countries. (2003). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:2:p:231-274.

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32012Why Does Foreign Direct Investment Go Where It Goes?: New Evidence From African Countries. (2012). Anyanwu, John. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:2:n:7:anyanwu.

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42002Series Estimation of Partially Linear Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects. (2002). Li, Dong ; Baltagi, Badi. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2002:v:3:i:1:p:103-116.

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5Speculative Trading and Stock Prices: Evidence from Chinese A-B Share Premia. (2009). Xiong, Wei ; Scheinkman, Jose ; Mei, Jianping. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2009:v:10:i:2:p:225-255.

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62015What Does Bitcoin Look Like?. (2015). Selmi, Refk ; bouoiyour, jamal. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2015:v:16:i:2:bouoiyour.

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72013Education and Economic Growth. (2013). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2013:v:14:i:2:barro:education.

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82000Vector Autoregressive Models with Structural Changes in Regression Coefficients and in Variance-Covariance Matrices. (2000). Bai, Jushan. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2000:v:1:i:2:p:303-339.

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92002What Determines Expected International Asset Returns?. (2002). Zhou, Guofu ; Harvey, Campbell ; Solnik, Bruno. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2002:v:3:i:2:p:249-298.

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102000Fiscal Decentralization in Developing Countries: The Effects of Local Corruption and Tax Evasion. (2000). Brueckner, Jan. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2000:v:1:i:1:p:1-18.

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112012Tests of Mean-Variance Spanning. (2012). Zhou, Guofu ; Kan, Raymond. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:1:kanzhou.

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122006Does Financial Development Lead Economic Growth? The Case of China. (2006). Qi, Jianhong ; Shan, Jordan . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2006:v:7:i:1:p:197-216.

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132012Fiscal Decentralization in China: History, Impact, Challenges and Next Steps. (2012). zou, heng-fu ; Shen, Ashley Chunli ; Jin, Jing . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:1:n:1.

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142011Estimating High Dimensional Covariance Matrices and its Applications. (2011). Bai, Jushan ; Shi, Shuzhong . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2011:v:12:i:2:p:199-215.

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15This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises. (2014). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Reinhart, Carmen. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2015:v:16:i:1:reinhart:rogoff.

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16Optimal Management of Indexed and Nominal Debt. (2003). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:1:p:1-15.

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172000The Macroeconomic Impact of Decentralized Spending and Deficits: International Evidence. (2000). zou, heng-fu ; Fornasari, Francesca ; Webb, Steven B.. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2000:v:1:i:2:p:403-433.

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182009Ambiguity, Risk and Portfolio Choice under Incomplete Information. (2009). Miao, Jianjun. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2009:v:10:i:2:p:257-279.

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192013Health and Economic Growth. (2013). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2013:v:14:i:2:barro:health.

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202000Power Risk Aversion Utility Functions. (2000). Xie, Danyang. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2000:v:1:i:2:p:265-282.

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212003Price and Volatility Transmission in International Wheat Futures. (2003). Zhang, Jin ; Yang, Jian ; Leatham, David. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:1:p:37-50.

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222004Economic Reform and Growth in China. (2004). GregoryC. Chow, . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2004:v:5:i:1:p:127-152.

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232002Inflation, Growth, and Income Distribution: A Cross-Country Study. (2002). zou, heng-fu ; Li, Hongyi. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2002:v:3:i:1:p:85-101.

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242004Growth and Development: A Schumpeterian Approach. (2004). Aghion, Philippe. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2004:v:5:i:1:p:1-25.

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252001Liquidity, Bargaining, and Multiple Equilibria in a Search Monetary Model. (2001). Shi, Shouyong. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2001:v:2:i:2:p:325-351.

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262012Regional Inequality in Contemporary China. (2012). zou, heng-fu ; Zhang, Qinghua. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:1:zhangzou.

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272001Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System with Binding Non-Negativity Constraints. (2001). Pitt, Mark ; Lee, Lung-Fei ; Kao, Chihwa. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2001:v:2:i:1:p:215-235.

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282000Economic Reforms and Constitutional Transition. (2000). Yang, Xiaokai ; Woo, Wing ; Sachs, Jeffrey. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2000:v:1:i:2:p:423-479.

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292005Calendar Effects in Chinese Stock Market. (2005). Kling, Gerhard ; Gao, Lei. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2005:v:6:i:1:p:75-88.

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302008Long- and Short-Run Determinants of the Demand for Money in the Asian-Pacific Countries: An Empirical Panel Investigation. (2008). Valadkhani, Abbas. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2008:v:9:i:1:p:77-90.

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31Addicted to Dollars. (2014). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Reinhart, Carmen ; Savastano, Miguel A.. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2015:v:16:i:1:reinhart:rogoff:savastano.

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322004A Heavy-Tailed Distribution for ARCH Residuals with Application to Volatility Prediction. (2004). Politis, Dimitris N.. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2004:v:5:i:2:p:283-298.

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332008Extremum Estimation when the Predictors are Estimated from Large Panels. (2008). Ng, Serena ; Bai, Jushan. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2008:v:9:i:2:p:201-222.

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342006Using Bootstrap to Test Portfolio Efficiency. (2006). Zhou, Guofu ; Chou, Pin-Huang. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2006:v:7:i:2:p:217-249.

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352004A Note on Consumption and Savings under Knightian Uncertainty. (2004). Miao, Jianjun. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2004:v:5:i:2:p:299-311.

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362003Fiscal Federalism, Public Capital Formation, and Endogenous Growth. (2003). zou, heng-fu ; Gong, Liutang. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:2:p:471-490.

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372003A Time Series Analysis of the Shanghai and New York Stock Price Indices. (2003). Lawler, Caroline C. ; Chow, Gregory C. ; GregoryC. Chow, . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:1:p:17-35.

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382003Existence of Equilibrium and Zero-Beta Pricing Formula in the Capital Asset Pricing Model with Heterogeneous Beliefs. (2003). Sun, Ning ; Yang, Zaifu. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:1:p:51-71.

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392004Savings and Income Distribution. (2004). zou, heng-fu ; Li, Hongyi. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2004:v:5:i:2:p:245-270.

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402014A Polycentric Approach For Coping With Climate Change. (2014). Ostrom, Elinor. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2014:v:15:i:1:ostrom.

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412008Transport Infrastructure, Growth, and Poverty Alleviation: Empirical Analysis of China. (2008). Zhang, Fen ; Zhuang, Ziyin ; Zou, Wei ; Song, Hairong. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2008:v:9:i:2:p:345-371.

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422003Urbanization and Economic Development. (2003). Henderson, J. Vernon. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:2:p:275-341.

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432005Tax Policy Under Keeping Up with the Joneses and Imperfect Competition. (2005). Guo, Jang-Ting. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2005:v:6:i:1:p:25-36.

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442013Social Security And Early Retirement In An Overlapping-Generations Growth Model. (2013). Pestieau, Pierre ; Michel, Philippe. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2013:v:14:i:3:michel:pestieau.

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452012Stochastic Versions of Turnpike Theorems in the Sense of Uniform Topology. (2012). Dai, Darong. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:2:n:6:dai.

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462000Foreign Aid Reduces Domestic Capital Accumulation and Increases Foreign Borrowing: A Theoretical Analysis. (2000). zou, heng-fu ; Gong, Liutang. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2000:v:1:i:1:p:147-163.

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472002Effects of Growth and Volatility in Public Expenditures on Economic Growth: Theory and Evidence. (2002). zou, heng-fu ; Gong, Liutang. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2002:v:3:i:2:p:379-406.

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482004Debt Contract, Strategic Default, and Optimal Penalties with Judgement Errors. (2004). Gollier, Christian ; Alary, David. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2004:v:5:i:2:p:357-372.

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492014Administrative Dimensions of Tax Reform. (2014). Bird, Richard. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2014:v:15:i:2:bird.

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502003The Tradeoff Between Inequality and Growth. (2003). Benhabib, Jess. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:2:p:491-507.

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50 most relevant documents in this series (papers most cited in the last two years)
12003Determinants of Economic Growth in a Panel of Countries. (2003). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:2:p:231-274.

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22015What Does Bitcoin Look Like?. (2015). Selmi, Refk ; bouoiyour, jamal. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2015:v:16:i:2:bouoiyour.

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32002Series Estimation of Partially Linear Panel Data Models with Fixed Effects. (2002). Li, Dong ; Baltagi, Badi. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2002:v:3:i:1:p:103-116.

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42012Why Does Foreign Direct Investment Go Where It Goes?: New Evidence From African Countries. (2012). Anyanwu, John. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:2:n:7:anyanwu.

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52013Education and Economic Growth. (2013). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2013:v:14:i:2:barro:education.

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62013Inflation and Economic Growth. (2013). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2013:v:14:i:1:n:6:barro.

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72009Speculative Trading and Stock Prices: Evidence from Chinese A-B Share Premia. (2009). Xiong, Wei ; Scheinkman, Jose ; Mei, Jianping. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2009:v:10:i:2:p:225-255.

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82012Fiscal Decentralization in China: History, Impact, Challenges and Next Steps. (2012). zou, heng-fu ; Shen, Ashley Chunli ; Jin, Jing . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:1:n:1.

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92000Vector Autoregressive Models with Structural Changes in Regression Coefficients and in Variance-Covariance Matrices. (2000). Bai, Jushan. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2000:v:1:i:2:p:303-339.

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102012Tests of Mean-Variance Spanning. (2012). Zhou, Guofu ; Kan, Raymond. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:1:kanzhou.

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112006Does Financial Development Lead Economic Growth? The Case of China. (2006). Qi, Jianhong ; Shan, Jordan . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2006:v:7:i:1:p:197-216.

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122012Regional Inequality in Contemporary China. (2012). zou, heng-fu ; Zhang, Qinghua. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2012:v:13:i:1:zhangzou.

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132014A Polycentric Approach For Coping With Climate Change. (2014). Ostrom, Elinor. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2014:v:15:i:1:ostrom.

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142014This Time is Different: A Panoramic View of Eight Centuries of Financial Crises. (2014). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Reinhart, Carmen. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2015:v:16:i:1:reinhart:rogoff.

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152013Health and Economic Growth. (2013). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2013:v:14:i:2:barro:health.

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162011Estimating High Dimensional Covariance Matrices and its Applications. (2011). Bai, Jushan ; Shi, Shuzhong . In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2011:v:12:i:2:p:199-215.

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172003Optimal Management of Indexed and Nominal Debt. (2003). Barro, Robert. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:1:p:1-15.

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182004A Heavy-Tailed Distribution for ARCH Residuals with Application to Volatility Prediction. (2004). Politis, Dimitris N.. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2004:v:5:i:2:p:283-298.

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192005Tax Policy Under Keeping Up with the Joneses and Imperfect Competition. (2005). Guo, Jang-Ting. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2005:v:6:i:1:p:25-36.

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202009Pricing Foreign Equity Options with Stochastic Correlation and Volatility. (2009). Ma, Jun. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2009:v:10:i:2:p:303-327.

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212008Extremum Estimation when the Predictors are Estimated from Large Panels. (2008). Ng, Serena ; Bai, Jushan. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2008:v:9:i:2:p:201-222.

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222005Calendar Effects in Chinese Stock Market. (2005). Kling, Gerhard ; Gao, Lei. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2005:v:6:i:1:p:75-88.

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232003Existence of Equilibrium and Zero-Beta Pricing Formula in the Capital Asset Pricing Model with Heterogeneous Beliefs. (2003). Sun, Ning ; Yang, Zaifu. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:1:p:51-71.

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242001Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Linear Expenditure System with Binding Non-Negativity Constraints. (2001). Pitt, Mark ; Lee, Lung-Fei ; Kao, Chihwa. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2001:v:2:i:1:p:215-235.

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252003Price and Volatility Transmission in International Wheat Futures. (2003). Zhang, Jin ; Yang, Jian ; Leatham, David. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:1:p:37-50.

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262008Long- and Short-Run Determinants of the Demand for Money in the Asian-Pacific Countries: An Empirical Panel Investigation. (2008). Valadkhani, Abbas. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2008:v:9:i:1:p:77-90.

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272008Transport Infrastructure, Growth, and Poverty Alleviation: Empirical Analysis of China. (2008). Zhang, Fen ; Zhuang, Ziyin ; Zou, Wei ; Song, Hairong. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2008:v:9:i:2:p:345-371.

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282014Liquidity, Interest Rates and Output. (2014). Shi, Shouyong. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2014:v:15:i:1:shishouyong.

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292009Capacity Investment and Mixed Duopoly with State-Owned and Labor-Managed Firms. (2009). Ohnishi, Kazuhiro. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2009:v:10:i:1:p:49-64.

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302002Inflation, Growth, and Income Distribution: A Cross-Country Study. (2002). zou, heng-fu ; Li, Hongyi. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2002:v:3:i:1:p:85-101.

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312003Urbanization and Economic Development. (2003). Henderson, J. Vernon. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:2:p:275-341.

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322014Addicted to Dollars. (2014). Rogoff, Kenneth ; Reinhart, Carmen ; Savastano, Miguel A.. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2015:v:16:i:1:reinhart:rogoff:savastano.

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332003The Tradeoff Between Inequality and Growth. (2003). Benhabib, Jess. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2003:v:4:i:2:p:491-507.

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342014A Users Guide to Banking Crises. (2014). Gomis-Porqueras, Pedro ; Smith, Bruce D. ; Kwak, Sungkyu ; Boyd, John H.. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2014:v:15:i:2:boyd:gomis:kwak:smith.

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352008Fiscal Sustainability and Fiscal Soundness. (2008). Xie, Danyang ; Huang, Haizhou. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2008:v:9:i:2:p:239-251.

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362014Societal Institutions and Tax Effort in Developing Countries. (2014). Torgler, Benno ; Martinez-Vazquez, Jorge ; Bird, Richard. In: Annals of Economics and Finance. RePEc:cuf:journl:y:2014:v:15:i:1:bird.

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